/** * Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.view = function() { var space_width = 5000, space_height = 5000, lineCurveScale = 0.75, scaleFactor = 1, node_width = 100, node_height = 30; var activeWorkspace = 0; var selected_link = null, mousedown_link = null, mousedown_node = null, mousedown_port_type = null, mousedown_port_index = 0, mouseup_node = null, mouse_offset = [0,0], mouse_position = null, mouse_mode = 0, moving_set = [], dirty = false, lasso = null, active_group = null; pressTimer = null; var clipboard = ""; var outer = d3.select("#chart") .append("svg:svg") .attr("width", space_width) .attr("height", space_height) .attr("pointer-events", "all") .style("cursor","crosshair"); var vis = outer .append('svg:g') .on("dblclick.zoom", null) .append('svg:g') .on("mousemove", canvasMouseMove) .on("mousedown", canvasMouseDown) .on("mouseup", canvasMouseUp) .on("touchstart",canvasMouseDown) .on("touchend",canvasMouseUp) .on("touchmove",canvasMouseMove); var outer_background = vis.append('svg:rect') .attr('width', space_width) .attr('height', space_height) .attr('fill','#fff'); var drag_line = vis.append("svg:path").attr("class", "drag_line"); var workspace_tabs = RED.tabs.create({ id: "workspace-tabs", onchange: function(id) { console.log(id); RED.view.setWorkspace(id.split("-")[1]); }, ondblclick: function(id) { console.log("DC:",id); }, onadd: function(tab) { var menuli = $("
  • "); var menuA = $("",{tabindex:"-1",href:"#"+tab.id}).appendTo(menuli); menuA.html(tab.label); menuA.on("click",function() { workspace_tabs.activateTab(tab.id); }); $('#workspace-menu-list').append(menuli); } }); workspace_tabs.addTab({id:"tab-1",label:"Workspace 1"}); workspace_tabs.addTab({id:"tab-2",label:"Workspace 2"}); workspace_tabs.addTab({id:"tab-3",label:"Workspace 3"}); workspace_tabs.addTab({id:"tab-4",label:"Workspace 4"}); $('#btn-workspace-add').on("click",function() { var id = Math.floor(Math.random()*2000); workspace_tabs.addTab({id:"tab-"+id,label:"Workspace "+id}); workspace_tabs.activateTab("tab-"+id); }); //d3.select(window).on("keydown", keydown); function canvasMouseDown() { // if (d3.event.shiftKey) { // var point = d3.mouse(this), // node = {x: point[0], y: point[1], w:node_width, h:node_height, type:Math.floor(Math.random()*3)}, // n = nodes.push(node); // redraw(); // } else // if (typeof d3.touches(this)[0] == "object") { pressTimer = setTimeout(function() { RED.history.pop(); }, 1500); } if (!mousedown_node && !mousedown_link) { selected_link = null; updateSelection(); //vis.call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom"), rescale); } if (mouse_mode == 0) { if (lasso) { lasso.remove(); lasso = null; } var point = d3.touches(this)[0]||d3.mouse(this); if (d3.touches(this).length === 0) { lasso = vis.append('rect') .attr("ox",point[0]) .attr("oy",point[1]) .attr("rx",2) .attr("ry",2) .attr("x",point[0]) .attr("y",point[1]) .attr("width",0) .attr("height",0) .attr("class","lasso"); d3.event.preventDefault(); } } } function canvasMouseMove() { clearTimeout(pressTimer); mouse_position = d3.touches(this)[0]||d3.mouse(this); // TODO: auto scroll the container //var point = d3.mouse(this); //if (point[0]-container.scrollLeft < 30 && container.scrollLeft > 0) { container.scrollLeft -= 15; } //console.log(d3.mouse(this),container.offsetWidth,container.offsetHeight,container.scrollLeft,container.scrollTop); if (lasso) { var ox = parseInt(lasso.attr("ox")); var oy = parseInt(lasso.attr("oy")); var x = parseInt(lasso.attr("x")); var y = parseInt(lasso.attr("y")); if (mouse_position[0] < ox) { x = mouse_position[0]; w = ox-x; } else { w = mouse_position[0]-x; } if (mouse_position[1] < oy) { y = mouse_position[1]; h = oy-y; } else { h = mouse_position[1]-y; } lasso .attr("x",x) .attr("y",y) .attr("width",w) .attr("height",h) ; return; } if (mouse_mode != RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING && !mousedown_node && selected_link == null) return; if (mouse_mode == RED.state.JOINING) { // update drag line drag_line.attr("class", "drag_line"); var mousePos = mouse_position; var numOutputs = (mousedown_port_type == 0)?(mousedown_node.outputs || 1):1; var sourcePort = mousedown_port_index; var y = -((numOutputs-1)/2)*13 +13*sourcePort; var sc = (mousedown_port_type == 0)?1:-1; var dy = mousePos[1]-(mousedown_node.y+y); var dx = mousePos[0]-(mousedown_node.x+sc*mousedown_node.w/2); var delta = Math.sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx); var scale = lineCurveScale; var scaleY = 0; if (delta < node_width) { scale = 0.75-0.75*((node_width-delta)/node_width); } if (dx*sc < 0) { scale += 2*(Math.min(5*node_width,Math.abs(dx))/(5*node_width)); if (Math.abs(dy) < 3*node_height) { scaleY = ((dy>0)?0.5:-0.5)*(((3*node_height)-Math.abs(dy))/(3*node_height))*(Math.min(node_width,Math.abs(dx))/(node_width)) ; } } drag_line.attr("d", "M "+(mousedown_node.x+sc*mousedown_node.w/2)+" "+(mousedown_node.y+y)+ " C "+(mousedown_node.x+sc*(mousedown_node.w/2+node_width*scale))+" "+(mousedown_node.y+y+scaleY*node_height)+" "+ (mousePos[0]-sc*(scale)*node_width)+" "+(mousePos[1]-scaleY*node_height)+" "+ mousePos[0]+" "+mousePos[1] ); } else if (mouse_mode == RED.state.MOVING) { var m = mouse_position; var d = (mouse_offset[0]-m[0])*(mouse_offset[0]-m[0]) + (mouse_offset[1]-m[1])*(mouse_offset[1]-m[1]); if (d > 2) { mouse_mode = RED.state.MOVING_ACTIVE; clearTimeout(pressTimer); } } else if (mouse_mode == RED.state.MOVING_ACTIVE || mouse_mode == RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING) { var mousePos = mouse_position; if (d3.event.shiftKey && moving_set.length > 1) { mousePos[0] = 20*Math.floor(mousePos[0]/20); mousePos[1] = 20*Math.floor(mousePos[1]/20); } for (var n in moving_set) { var node = moving_set[n]; node.n.x = mousePos[0]+node.dx; node.n.y = mousePos[1]+node.dy; if (d3.event.shiftKey && moving_set.length == 1) { node.n.x = 20*Math.floor(node.n.x/20); node.n.y = 20*Math.floor(node.n.y/20); } node.n.dirty = true; } } redraw(); } function canvasMouseUp() { clearTimeout(pressTimer); if (mousedown_node && mouse_mode == RED.state.JOINING) { drag_line.attr("class", "drag_line_hidden"); } if (lasso) { var x = parseInt(lasso.attr("x")); var y = parseInt(lasso.attr("y")); var x2 = x+parseInt(lasso.attr("width")); var y2 = y+parseInt(lasso.attr("height")); if (!d3.event.ctrlKey) { clearSelection(); } RED.nodes.eachNode(function(n) { if (n.z == activeWorkspace && !n.selected) { n.selected = (n.x > x && n.x < x2 && n.y > y && n.y < y2); if (n.selected) { n.dirty = true; moving_set.push({n:n}); } } }); updateSelection(); lasso.remove(); lasso = null; } if (mouse_mode == RED.state.MOVING_ACTIVE) { if (moving_set.length > 0) { var ns = []; for (var i in moving_set) { ns.push({n:moving_set[i].n,ox:moving_set[i].ox,oy:moving_set[i].oy}); } RED.history.push({t:'move',nodes:ns,dirty:dirty}); } } if (mouse_mode == RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING) { RED.keyboard.remove(/* ESCAPE */ 27); var mousePos = d3.touches(this)[0]||d3.mouse(this); if (d3.event.shiftKey && moving_set.length > 1) { mousePos[0] = 20*Math.floor(mousePos[0]/20); mousePos[1] = 20*Math.floor(mousePos[1]/20); } for (var n in moving_set) { var node = moving_set[n]; node.n.x = mousePos[0]+node.dx; node.n.y = mousePos[1]+node.dy; if (d3.event.shiftKey && moving_set.length == 1) { node.n.x = 20*Math.floor(node.n.x/20); node.n.y = 20*Math.floor(node.n.y/20); } node.n.dirty = true; } } redraw(); // clear mouse event vars resetMouseVars(); } $('#btn-zoom-out').click(function() {zoomOut();}); $('#btn-zoom-zero').click(function() {zoomZero();}); $('#btn-zoom-in').click(function() {zoomIn();}); $("#chart").on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (evt) { if ( evt.altKey ) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); var move = evt.originalEvent.detail || evt.originalEvent.wheelDelta; if (move <= 0) { zoomIn(); } else { zoomOut(); } } }); $("#chart").droppable({ accept:".palette_node", drop: function( event, ui ) { d3.event = event; var selected_tool = ui.draggable[0].type; var mousePos = d3.touches(this)[0]||d3.mouse(this); mousePos[1] += this.scrollTop; mousePos[0] += this.scrollLeft; mousePos[1] /= scaleFactor; mousePos[0] /= scaleFactor; var nn = { id:(1+Math.random()*4294967295).toString(16),x: mousePos[0],y:mousePos[1],w:node_width,z:activeWorkspace}; nn.type = selected_tool; nn._def = RED.nodes.getType(nn.type); nn.outputs = nn._def.outputs; nn.h = Math.max(node_height,(nn.outputs||0) * 15); for (var d in nn._def.defaults) { nn[d] = nn._def.defaults[d].value; } RED.history.push({t:'add',nodes:[nn.id],dirty:dirty}); RED.nodes.add(nn); RED.editor.validateNode(nn); setDirty(true); redraw(); if (nn._def.autoedit) { RED.editor.edit(nn); } } }); function zoomIn() { if (scaleFactor < 2) { scaleFactor += 0.1; redraw(); } } function zoomOut() { if (scaleFactor > 0.3) { scaleFactor -= 0.1; redraw(); } } function zoomZero() { scaleFactor = 1; redraw(); } function selectAll() { RED.nodes.eachNode(function(n) { if (n.z == activeWorkspace) { if (!n.selected) { n.selected = true; n.dirty = true; moving_set.push({n:n}); } } }); selected_link = null; updateSelection(); redraw(); } function clearSelection() { for (var i in moving_set) { var n = moving_set[i]; n.n.dirty = true; n.n.selected = false; } moving_set = []; selected_link = null; } function updateSelection() { if (moving_set.length == 0) { $("#li-menu-export").addClass("disabled"); $("#li-menu-export-clipboard").addClass("disabled"); $("#li-menu-export-library").addClass("disabled"); } else { $("#li-menu-export").removeClass("disabled"); $("#li-menu-export-clipboard").removeClass("disabled"); $("#li-menu-export-library").removeClass("disabled"); } if (moving_set.length == 0 && selected_link == null) { RED.keyboard.remove(/* backspace */ 8); RED.keyboard.remove(/* delete */ 46); RED.keyboard.remove(/* c */ 67); } else { RED.keyboard.add(/* backspace */ 8,function(){deleteSelection();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* delete */ 46,function(){deleteSelection();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* c */ 67,{ctrl:true},function(){copySelection();d3.event.preventDefault();}); } if (moving_set.length == 1) { buildInfo(moving_set[0].n); } else { $("#tab-info").html(""); } } function deleteSelection() { var removedNodes = []; var removedLinks = []; var startDirty = dirty; if (moving_set.length > 0) { for (var i in moving_set) { var node = moving_set[i].n; node.selected = false; if (node.x < 0) {node.x = 25}; var rmlinks = RED.nodes.remove(node.id); removedNodes.push(node); removedLinks = removedLinks.concat(rmlinks); } moving_set = []; setDirty(true); } if (selected_link) { RED.nodes.removeLink(selected_link); removedLinks.push(selected_link); setDirty(true); } RED.history.push({t:'delete',nodes:removedNodes,links:removedLinks,dirty:startDirty}); selected_link = null; updateSelection(); redraw(); } function copySelection() { if (moving_set.length > 0) { var nns = []; for (var n in moving_set) { var node = moving_set[n].n; nns.push(RED.nodes.convertNode(node)); } clipboard = JSON.stringify(nns); RED.notify(moving_set.length+" node"+(moving_set.length>1?"s":"")+" copied"); } } function buildInfo(node) { var table = ''; table += ""; table += ""; table += ''; for (var n in node._def.defaults) { if ((n != "func")&&(n != "template")) { var safe = (node[n]||"").toString().replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">"); table += ""; } if ((n == "func")||(n == "template")) { table += ""; } } table += "
    Type "+node.type+"
    ID "+node.id+"

    "; table += '
    "; $("#tab-info").html(table); } function calculateTextWidth(str) { var sp = document.createElement("span"); sp.className = "node_label"; sp.style.position = "absolute"; sp.style.top = "-1000px"; sp.innerHTML = (str||"").replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">"); document.body.appendChild(sp); var w = sp.offsetWidth; document.body.removeChild(sp); return 35+w; } function resetMouseVars() { mousedown_node = null; mouseup_node = null; mousedown_link = null; mouse_mode = 0; mousedown_port_type = 0; } function portMouseDown(d,portType,portIndex) { // disable zoom vis.call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom"), null); mousedown_node = d; selected_link = null; mouse_mode = RED.state.JOINING; mousedown_port_type = portType; mousedown_port_index = portIndex || 0; document.body.style.cursor = "crosshair"; }; function portMouseUp(d,portType,portIndex) { document.body.style.cursor = ""; if (mouse_mode == RED.state.JOINING && mousedown_node) { mouseup_node = d; if (portType == mousedown_port_type || mouseup_node === mousedown_node) { drag_line.attr("class", "drag_line_hidden"); resetMouseVars(); return; } var src,dst,src_port; if (mousedown_port_type == 0) { src = mousedown_node; src_port = mousedown_port_index; dst = mouseup_node; } else if (mousedown_port_type == 1) { src = mouseup_node; dst = mousedown_node; src_port = portIndex; } var existingLink = false; RED.nodes.eachLink(function(d) { existingLink = existingLink || (d.source === src && d.target === dst && d.sourcePort == src_port); }); if (!existingLink) { var link = {source: src, sourcePort:src_port, target: dst}; RED.nodes.addLink(link); RED.history.push({t:'add',links:[link],dirty:dirty}); setDirty(true); } selected_link = null; redraw(); } } function nodeMouseUp(d) { portMouseUp(d, d._def.inputs > 0 ? 1 : 0, 0); } function nodeMouseDown(d) { if (typeof d3.touches(this)[0] == "object") { pressTimer = setTimeout(function() { RED.editor.edit(d); }, 1500); } if (mouse_mode == RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING) { RED.keyboard.remove(/* ESCAPE */ 27); updateSelection(); setDirty(true); redraw(); resetMouseVars(); d3.event.stopPropagation(); return; } mousedown_node = d; if (d.selected && d3.event.ctrlKey) { d.selected = false; for (var i=0;i0?7:0) ); d.h = Math.max(node_height,(d.outputs||0) * 15); if (d._def.badge) { var badge = node.append("svg:g").attr("class","node_badge_group"); var badgeRect = badge.append("rect").attr("class","node_badge").attr("rx",5).attr("ry",5).attr("width",40).attr("height",15); badge.append("svg:text").attr("class","node_badge_label").attr("x",35).attr("y",11).attr('text-anchor','end').text(d._def.badge()); if (d._def.onbadgeclick) { badgeRect.attr("cursor","pointer") .on("click",function(d) { d._def.onbadgeclick.call(d);d3.event.preventDefault();}); } } if (d._def.button) { node.append('rect') .attr("class",function(d) { return (d._def.align == "right") ? "node_right_button_group" : "node_left_button_group"; }) .attr("x",function(d) { return (d._def.align == "right") ? 94 : -25; }) .attr("y",2) .attr("rx",8) .attr("ry",8) .attr("width",32) .attr("height",node_height-4) .attr("fill","#eee");//function(d) { return d._def.color;}) node.append('rect') .attr("class",function(d) { return (d._def.align == "right") ? "node_right_button" : "node_left_button"; }) .attr("x",function(d) { return (d._def.align == "right") ? 104 : -20; }) .attr("y",6) .attr("rx",5) .attr("ry",5) .attr("width",16) .attr("height",node_height-12) .attr("fill",function(d) { return d._def.color;}) .attr("cursor","pointer") .on("mousedown",function(d) {if (!lasso) { d3.select(this).attr("fill-opacity",0.2);d3.event.preventDefault(); d3.event.stopPropagation();}}) .on("mouseup",function(d) {if (!lasso) { d3.select(this).attr("fill-opacity",0.4);d3.event.preventDefault();d3.event.stopPropagation();}}) .on("mouseover",function(d) {if (!lasso) { d3.select(this).attr("fill-opacity",0.4);}}) .on("mouseout",function(d) {if (!lasso) { d3.select(this).attr("fill-opacity",1);}}) .on("click",function(d) { d._def.button.onclick.call(d); d3.event.preventDefault(); }) .on("touchstart",function(d) { d._def.button.onclick.call(d); d3.event.preventDefault(); }) } var mainRect = node.append("rect") .attr("class", "node") .attr("rx", 6) .attr("ry", 6) .attr("fill",function(d) { return d._def.color;}) .on("mousedown",nodeMouseDown) .on("touchstart",nodeMouseDown) .on("dblclick",function(d) {RED.editor.edit(d);}) .on("mouseover",function(d) { if (mouse_mode == 0) { var node = d3.select(this); node.classed("node_hovered",true); } }) .on("mouseout",function(d) { var node = d3.select(this); node.classed("node_hovered",false); }); //node.append("rect").attr("class", "node-gradient-top").attr("rx", 6).attr("ry", 6).attr("height",30).attr("stroke","none").attr("fill","url(#gradient-top)").style("pointer-events","none"); //node.append("rect").attr("class", "node-gradient-bottom").attr("rx", 6).attr("ry", 6).attr("height",30).attr("stroke","none").attr("fill","url(#gradient-bottom)").style("pointer-events","none"); mainRect.on("mouseup",nodeMouseUp); mainRect.on("touchend",function(){ clearTimeout(pressTimer); nodeMouseUp; }); //mainRect.on("touchend",nodeMouseUp); if (d._def.icon) { var icon = node.append("image") .attr("xlink:href","icons/"+d._def.icon) .attr("class","node_icon") .attr("x",0).attr("y",function(d){return (d.h-Math.min(50,d.h))/2;}) .attr("width","15") .attr("height", function(d){return Math.min(50,d.h);}); if (d._def.align) { icon.attr('class','node_icon node_icon_'+d._def.align); } if (d._def.inputs > 0) { icon.attr("x",8); } icon.style("pointer-events","none"); } var text = node.append('svg:text').attr('class','node_label').attr('x', 23).attr('dy', '.35em').attr('text-anchor','start'); if (d._def.align) { text.attr('class','node_label node_label_'+d._def.align); text.attr('text-anchor','end'); } if (d._def.inputs > 0) { text.attr("x",30); node.append("rect").attr("class","port port_input").attr("rx",3).attr("ry",3).attr("x",-5).attr("width",10).attr("height",10) .on("mousedown",function(d){portMouseDown(d,1,0);}) .on("touchstart",function(d){portMouseDown(d,1,0);}) .on("mouseup",function(d){portMouseUp(d,1,0);} ) .on("touchend",function(d){portMouseUp(d,1,0);} ) .on("mouseover",function(d) { var port = d3.select(this); port.classed("port_hovered",(mouse_mode!=RED.state.JOINING || mousedown_port_type != 1 ));}) .on("mouseout",function(d) { var port = d3.select(this); port.classed("port_hovered",false);}) } //node.append("path").attr("class","node_error").attr("d","M 3,-3 l 10,0 l -5,-8 z"); node.append("image").attr("class","node_error hidden").attr("xlink:href","icons/node-error.png").attr("x",0).attr("y",-6).attr("width",10).attr("height",9); }); node.each(function(d,i) { if (d.dirty) { if (d.x < -50) deleteSelection(); // Delete nodes if dragged back to palette if (d.resize) { var l = d._def.label; l = (typeof l === "function" ? l.call(d) : l)||""; d.w = Math.max(node_width,calculateTextWidth(l)+(d._def.inputs>0?7:0) ); d.h = Math.max(node_height,(d.outputs||0) * 15); } var thisNode = d3.select(this); thisNode.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (d.x-d.w/2) + "," + (d.y-d.h/2) + ")"; }); thisNode.selectAll(".node") .attr("width",function(d){return d.w}) .attr("height",function(d){return d.h}) .classed("node_selected",function(d) { return d.selected; }) .classed("node_highlighted",function(d) { return d.highlighted; }) ; //thisNode.selectAll(".node-gradient-top").attr("width",function(d){return d.w}); //thisNode.selectAll(".node-gradient-bottom").attr("width",function(d){return d.w}).attr("y",function(d){return d.h-30}); thisNode.selectAll(".node_label_right").attr('x', function(d){return d.w-23-(d.outputs>0?5:0);}); thisNode.selectAll(".node_icon_right").attr("x",function(d){return d.w-16-(d.outputs>0?5:0);}); var numOutputs = d.outputs; var y = (d.h/2)-((numOutputs-1)/2)*13; d.ports = d.ports || d3.range(numOutputs); d._ports = thisNode.selectAll(".port_output").data(d.ports); d._ports.enter().append("rect").attr("class","port port_output").attr("rx",3).attr("ry",3).attr("width",10).attr("height",10) .on("mousedown",function(){var node = d; return function(d,i){portMouseDown(node,0,i);}}() ) .on("touchstart",function(){var node = d; return function(d,i){portMouseDown(node,0,i);}}() ) .on("mouseup",function(){var node = d; return function(d,i){portMouseUp(node,0,i);}}() ) .on("touchend",function(){var node = d; return function(d,i){portMouseUp(node,0,i);}}() ) .on("mouseover",function(d,i) { var port = d3.select(this); port.classed("port_hovered",(mouse_mode!=RED.state.JOINING || mousedown_port_type != 0 ));}) .on("mouseout",function(d,i) { var port = d3.select(this); port.classed("port_hovered",false);}); d._ports.exit().remove(); if (d._ports) { var numOutputs = d.outputs || 1; var y = (d.h/2)-((numOutputs-1)/2)*13; var x = d.w - 5; d._ports.each(function(d,i) { var port = d3.select(this); port.attr("y",(y+13*i)-5).attr("x",x); }); } thisNode.selectAll('text.node_label').text(function(d,i){ if (d._def.label) { if (typeof d._def.label == "function") { return d._def.label.call(d); } else { return d._def.label; } } return ""; }) .attr('y', function(d){return (d.h/2)-1;}) .attr('class',function(d){ return 'node_label'+ (d._def.align?' node_label_'+d._def.align:'')+ (d._def.label?' '+(typeof d._def.labelStyle == "function" ? d._def.labelStyle.call(d):d._def.labelStyle):'') ; }); thisNode.selectAll(".node_tools").attr("x",function(d){return d.w-35;}).attr("y",function(d){return d.h-20;}); thisNode.selectAll(".node_error") .attr("x",function(d){return d.w-5}) .classed("hidden",function(d) { return d.valid; }); thisNode.selectAll(".port_input").each(function(d,i) { var port = d3.select(this); port.attr("y",function(d){return (d.h/2)-5;}) }); thisNode.selectAll(".node_icon").attr("height",function(d){return Math.min(50,d.h);}).attr("y",function(d){return (d.h-Math.min(50,d.h))/2;}); thisNode.selectAll('.node_right_button_group').attr("transform",function(d){return "translate("+(d.w-100)+","+0+")";}); thisNode.selectAll('.node_right_button').attr("transform",function(d){return "translate("+(d.w-100)+","+0+")";}).attr("fill",function(d) { return typeof d._def.button.color === "function" ? d._def.button.color.call(d):(d._def.button.color != null ? d._def.button.color : d._def.color) }); thisNode.selectAll('.node_badge_group').attr("transform",function(d){return "translate("+(d.w-40)+","+(d.h+3)+")";}); thisNode.selectAll('text.node_badge_label').text(function(d,i) { if (d._def.badge) { if (typeof d._def.badge == "function") { return d._def.badge.call(d); } else { return d._def.badge; } } return ""; }); d.dirty = false; } }); } var link = vis.selectAll(".link").data(RED.nodes.links.filter(function(d) { return d.source.z == activeWorkspace && d.target.z == activeWorkspace })); link.enter().insert("svg:path",".node").attr("class","link") .on("mousedown",function(d) { mousedown_link = d; clearSelection(); selected_link = mousedown_link; updateSelection(); redraw(); d3.event.stopPropagation(); }) .on("touchstart",function(d) { mousedown_link = d; clearSelection(); selected_link = mousedown_link; updateSelection(); redraw(); d3.event.stopPropagation(); pressTimer = setTimeout(function() { deleteSelection(); }, 1500); }) .on("touchend",function() { clearTimeout(pressTimer); }); link.exit().remove(); link.attr("d",function(d){ var numOutputs = d.source.outputs || 1; var sourcePort = d.sourcePort || 0; var y = -((numOutputs-1)/2)*13 +13*sourcePort; var dy = d.target.y-(d.source.y+y); var dx = (d.target.x-d.target.w/2)-(d.source.x+d.source.w/2); var delta = Math.sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx); var scale = lineCurveScale; var scaleY = 0; if (delta < node_width) { scale = 0.75-0.75*((node_width-delta)/node_width); } if (dx < 0) { scale += 2*(Math.min(5*node_width,Math.abs(dx))/(5*node_width)); if (Math.abs(dy) < 3*node_height) { scaleY = ((dy>0)?0.5:-0.5)*(((3*node_height)-Math.abs(dy))/(3*node_height))*(Math.min(node_width,Math.abs(dx))/(node_width)) ; } } d.x1 = d.source.x+d.source.w/2; d.y1 = d.source.y+y; d.x2 = d.target.x-d.target.w/2; d.y2 = d.target.y; return "M "+(d.source.x+d.source.w/2)+" "+(d.source.y+y)+ " C "+(d.source.x+d.source.w/2+scale*node_width)+" "+(d.source.y+y+scaleY*node_height)+" "+ (d.target.x-d.target.w/2-scale*node_width)+" "+(d.target.y-scaleY*node_height)+" "+ (d.target.x-d.target.w/2)+" "+d.target.y; }) link.classed("link_selected", function(d) { return d === selected_link || d.selected; }); if (d3.event) { d3.event.preventDefault(); } } RED.keyboard.add(/* z */ 90,{ctrl:true},function(){RED.history.pop();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* a */ 65,{ctrl:true},function(){selectAll();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* = */ 187,{ctrl:true},function(){zoomIn();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* - */ 189,{ctrl:true},function(){zoomOut();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* 0 */ 48,{ctrl:true},function(){zoomZero();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* v */ 86,{ctrl:true},function(){importNodes(clipboard);d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* e */ 69,{ctrl:true},function(){showExportNodesDialog();d3.event.preventDefault();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* i */ 73,{ctrl:true},function(){showImportNodesDialog();d3.event.preventDefault();}); // TODO: 'dirty' should be a property of RED.nodes - with an event callback for ui hooks function setDirty(d) { dirty = d; if (dirty) { $("#btn-deploy").removeClass("disabled").addClass("btn-danger"); } else { $("#btn-deploy").addClass("disabled").removeClass("btn-danger");; } } /** * Imports a new collection of nodes from a JSON String. * - all get new IDs assigned * - all 'selected' * - attached to mouse for placing - 'IMPORT_DRAGGING' */ function importNodes(newNodesStr) { try { var result = RED.nodes.import(newNodesStr,true); if (result) { var new_nodes = result[0]; var new_links = result[1]; var new_ms = new_nodes.map(function(n) { n.z = activeWorkspace; return {n:n};}); var new_node_ids = new_nodes.map(function(n){ return n.id; }); // TODO: pick a more sensible root node var root_node = new_ms[0].n; var dx = root_node.x; var dy = root_node.y; if (mouse_position == null) { mouse_position = [0,0]; } for (var i in new_ms) { new_ms[i].n.selected = true; new_ms[i].n.x -= dx - mouse_position[0]; new_ms[i].n.y -= dy - mouse_position[1]; new_ms[i].dx = new_ms[i].n.x - mouse_position[0]; new_ms[i].dy = new_ms[i].n.y - mouse_position[1]; } mouse_mode = RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING; RED.keyboard.add(/* ESCAPE */ 27,function(){ RED.keyboard.remove(/* ESCAPE */ 27); clearSelection(); RED.history.pop(); mouse_mode = 0; }); RED.history.push({t:'add',nodes:new_node_ids,links:new_links,dirty:RED.view.dirty()}); clearSelection(); moving_set = new_ms; redraw(); } } catch(error) { console.log(error); RED.notify("Error: "+error,"error"); } } $('#btn-import').click(function() {showImportNodesDialog();}); $('#btn-export-clipboard').click(function() {showExportNodesDialog();}); $('#btn-export-library').click(function() {showExportNodesLibraryDialog();}); function showExportNodesDialog() { mouse_mode = RED.state.EXPORT; var nns = RED.nodes.createExportableNodeSet(moving_set); $("#dialog-form").html($("script[data-template-name='export-clipboard-dialog']").html()); $("#node-input-export").val(JSON.stringify(nns)); $("#node-input-export").focus(function() { var textarea = $(this); textarea.select(); textarea.mouseup(function() { textarea.unbind("mouseup"); return false; }); }); $( "#dialog" ).dialog("option","title","Export nodes to clipboard").dialog( "open" ); $("#node-input-export").focus(); } function showExportNodesLibraryDialog() { mouse_mode = RED.state.EXPORT; var nns = RED.nodes.createExportableNodeSet(moving_set); $("#dialog-form").html($("script[data-template-name='export-library-dialog']").html()); $("#node-input-filename").attr('nodes',JSON.stringify(nns)); $( "#dialog" ).dialog("option","title","Export nodes to library").dialog( "open" ); } function showImportNodesDialog() { mouse_mode = RED.state.IMPORT; $("#dialog-form").html($("script[data-template-name='import-dialog']").html()); $("#node-input-import").val(""); $( "#dialog" ).dialog("option","title","Import nodes").dialog( "open" ); } return { state:function(state) { if (state == null) { return mouse_mode } else { mouse_mode = state; } }, setWorkspace: function(z) { activeWorkspace = z; clearSelection(); RED.nodes.eachNode(function(n) { n.dirty = true; }); redraw(); }, redraw:redraw, dirty: function(d) { if (d == null) { return dirty; } else { setDirty(d); } }, importNodes: importNodes, resize: function() { workspace_tabs.resize(); } }; }();