/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var passport = require("passport"); var oauth2orize = require("oauth2orize"); var strategies = require("./strategies"); var Tokens = require("./tokens"); var Users = require("./users"); var permissions = require("./permissions"); var theme = require("../theme"); var settings = null; var log = null passport.use(strategies.bearerStrategy.BearerStrategy); passport.use(strategies.clientPasswordStrategy.ClientPasswordStrategy); passport.use(strategies.anonymousStrategy); var server = oauth2orize.createServer(); server.exchange(oauth2orize.exchange.password(strategies.passwordTokenExchange)); function init(runtime) { settings = runtime.settings; log = runtime.log; if (settings.adminAuth) { Users.init(settings.adminAuth); Tokens.init(settings.adminAuth,runtime.storage); strategies.init(runtime); } } function needsPermission(permission) { return function(req,res,next) { if (settings && settings.adminAuth) { return passport.authenticate(['bearer','anon'],{ session: false })(req,res,function() { if (!req.user) { return next(); } if (permissions.hasPermission(req.authInfo.scope,permission)) { return next(); } log.audit({event: "permission.fail", permissions: permission},req); return res.status(401).end(); }); } else { next(); } } } function ensureClientSecret(req,res,next) { if (!req.body.client_secret) { req.body.client_secret = 'not_available'; } next(); } function authenticateClient(req,res,next) { return passport.authenticate(['oauth2-client-password'], {session: false})(req,res,next); } function getToken(req,res,next) { return server.token()(req,res,next); } function login(req,res) { var response = {}; if (settings.adminAuth) { response = { "type":"credentials", "prompts":[{id:"username",type:"text",label:"Username"},{id:"password",type:"password",label:"Password"}] } if (theme.context().login && theme.context().login.image) { response.image = theme.context().login.image; } } res.json(response); } function revoke(req,res) { var token = req.body.token; // TODO: audit log Tokens.revoke(token).then(function() { log.audit({event: "auth.login.revoke"},req); res.status(200).end(); }); } module.exports = { init: init, needsPermission: needsPermission, ensureClientSecret: ensureClientSecret, authenticateClient: authenticateClient, getToken: getToken, errorHandler: function(err,req,res,next) { //TODO: audit log statment //console.log(err.stack); //log.log({level:"audit",type:"auth",msg:err.toString()}); return server.errorHandler()(err,req,res,next); }, login: login, revoke: revoke }