/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var when = require('when'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var Users = require("../../../../red/api/auth/users"); describe("Users", function() { describe('Initalised with a credentials object, no anon',function() { before(function() { Users.init({ type:"credentials", users:[{ username:"fred", password:'$2a$08$LpYMefvGZ3MjAfZGzcoyR.1BcfHh4wy4NpbN.cEny5aHnWOqjKOXK', // 'password' -> require('bcryptjs').hashSync('password', 8); permissions:"*" }] }); }); describe('#get',function() { it('returns known user',function(done) { Users.get("fred").then(function(user) { try { user.should.have.a.property("username","fred"); user.should.have.a.property("permissions","*"); user.should.not.have.a.property("password"); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); it('returns null for unknown user', function(done) { Users.get("barney").then(function(user) { try { should.not.exist(user); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); }); describe('#default',function() { it('returns null for default user', function(done) { Users.default().then(function(user) { try { should.not.exist(user); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); }); describe('#authenticate',function() { it('authenticates a known user', function(done) { Users.authenticate('fred','password').then(function(user) { try { user.should.have.a.property("username","fred"); user.should.have.a.property("permissions","*"); user.should.not.have.a.property("password"); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); it('rejects invalid password for a known user', function(done) { Users.authenticate('fred','wrong').then(function(user) { try { should.not.exist(user); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); it('rejects invalid user', function(done) { Users.authenticate('barney','wrong').then(function(user) { try { should.not.exist(user); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); }); }); describe('Initalised with a credentials object including anon',function() { before(function() { Users.init({ type:"credentials", users:[], default: { permissions: "*" } }); }); describe('#default',function() { it('returns default user', function(done) { Users.default().then(function(user) { try { user.should.have.a.property('anonymous',true); user.should.have.a.property('permissions','*'); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); }); }); describe('Initialised with a credentials object with user functions',function() { var authUsername = ''; var authPassword = ''; before(function() { Users.init({ type:"credentials", users:function(username) { return when.resolve({'username':'dave','permissions':'read'}); }, authenticate: function(username,password) { authUsername = username; authPassword = password; return when.resolve({'username':'pete','permissions':'write'}); } }); }); describe('#get',function() { it('delegates get user',function(done) { Users.get('dave').then(function(user) { try { user.should.have.a.property("username","dave"); user.should.have.a.property("permissions","read"); user.should.not.have.a.property("password"); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); it('delegates authenticate user',function(done) { Users.authenticate('pete','secret').then(function(user) { try { user.should.have.a.property("username","pete"); user.should.have.a.property("permissions","write"); user.should.not.have.a.property("password"); authUsername.should.equal('pete'); authPassword.should.equal('secret'); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); }); }); }); });