/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ const fs = require('fs-extra'); const fspath = require("path"); const log = require("@node-red/util").log; const util = require("./util"); const configSections = ['nodes','users','projects']; let initialisePromise; const settingsCache = {}; var globalSettingsFile; var globalSettingsBackup; var settings; async function migrateToMultipleConfigFiles() { const data = await util.readFile(globalSettingsFile,globalSettingsBackup,{}); return writeSettings(data).then( () => fs.remove(globalSettingsFile) ); } /** * Takes the single settings object and splits it into separate files. This makes * it easier to backup selected parts of the settings and also helps reduce the blast * radius if a file is lost. * * The settings are written to four files: * - .config.nodes.json - the node registry * - .config.users.json - user specific settings (eg editor settings) * - .config.projects.json - project settings, including the active project * - .config.runtime.json - everything else - most notable _credentialSecret */ function writeSettings(data) { const configKeys = Object.keys(data); const writePromises = []; configSections.forEach(key => { const sectionData = data[key] || {}; delete data[key]; const sectionFilename = getSettingsFilename(key); const sectionContent = JSON.stringify(sectionData,null,4); if (sectionContent !== settingsCache[key]) { settingsCache[key] = sectionContent; writePromises.push(util.writeFile(sectionFilename,sectionContent,sectionFilename+".backup")) } }) // Having extracted nodes/users/projects, write whatever is left to the runtime config const sectionFilename = getSettingsFilename("runtime"); const sectionContent = JSON.stringify(data,null,4); if (sectionContent !== settingsCache["runtime"]) { settingsCache["runtime"] = sectionContent; writePromises.push(util.writeFile(sectionFilename,sectionContent,sectionFilename+".backup")); } return Promise.all(writePromises); } async function readSettings() { // Read the 'runtime' settings file first const runtimeFilename = getSettingsFilename("runtime"); const result = await util.readFile(runtimeFilename,runtimeFilename+".backup",{}); const readPromises = []; // Read the other settings files and add them into the runtime settings configSections.forEach(key => { const sectionFilename = getSettingsFilename(key); readPromises.push(util.readFile(sectionFilename,sectionFilename+".backup",{}).then(sectionData => { result[key] = sectionData; })) }); return Promise.all(readPromises).then(() => result); } function getSettingsFilename(section) { return fspath.join(settings.userDir,`.config.${section}.json`); } module.exports = { init: function(_settings) { settings = _settings; globalSettingsFile = fspath.join(settings.userDir,".config.json"); globalSettingsBackup = fspath.join(settings.userDir,".config.json.backup"); if (fs.existsSync(globalSettingsFile) && !settings.readOnly) { initialisePromise = migrateToMultipleConfigFiles(); } else { initialisePromise = Promise.resolve(); } }, getSettings: function() { return initialisePromise.then(readSettings) }, saveSettings: function(newSettings) { if (settings.readOnly) { return Promise.resolve(); } return initialisePromise.then(() => writeSettings(newSettings)); } }