#### 0.14.1: Maintenance Release Fixes - Handle undefined property that led to missing wires in the editor - Remove duplicate 'Delete' entry in keyboard shortcut window. Closes #911 - Add 'exec' to node-red-pi launch script. Closes #910 #### 0.14.0: Milestone Release Editor - Replace edit dialog with edit tray - Enable shift-drag detach of just the selected link - Allow workspace tabs to be re-ordered - Scope keyboard shortcuts to dom elements - Ensure parent nodes marked as changed due to child config node changes - Validate all edit dialog inputs when one changes - Add editableList widget and update Switch/Change nodes to use it - Add option to filter Debug sidebar by flow and highlight subflow-emitting nodes - Back off comms reconnect attempts after prolonged failures - Prompt for login if comms reconnect fails authentication - Change style of nodes in subflow template view - Add CHANGELOG.md and make it accessible from menu Runtime - Always log node warnings on start without requiring -v - Add support for loading scoped node modules. Closes #885 - Add process.env.PORT to settings.js - Clear node context on deploy. Closes #870 - Enable finer grained permissions in adminAuth Nodes - Enable config nodes to reference other config nodes - Add Split/Join nodes - Add Link nodes - Add support to HTTP In node for PATCH requests. Closes #904 - Add cookie handling to HTTP In and HTTP Response nodes - Add repeat indicator to inject node label. Closes #887 - Add javascript highlighter to template node - Add optional timeout to exec node - Add TLS node and update MQTT/HTTP nodes to use it - Let trigger node also send last payload to arrive - Add timestamp as a default typedInput and update Inject and change nodes to match, - Add QoS option to MQTT In node - Add status to exec spawn mode - Add Move capability to Change node - Update Serial node to support custom baud rates - Add support for array-syntax in typedInput msg properties - Add RED.util to Function node sandbox - Capture error stack on node.error. Closes #879 Fixes - Add error handling to all node definition api calls - Handle null return from Function node in array of messages - Defer loading of token sessions until they are accessed. Fixes #895 - set pi gpio pin status correctly if set on start - Prevent parent window scrolling when view is focused. Fixes #635 - Handle missing tab nodes in a loaded flow config - Ensure typedInput dropdown doesn't fall off the page - Protect against node types with reserved names such as toString. Fixes #880 - Do not rely on the HTML file to identify where nodes are registered from - Preserve node properties on import - Fix regression in delay node. topic based queue was emptying all the time instead of spreading out messages. - Throw an error if a Function node adds an input event listener - Fix hang on partial deploy with disconnected mqtt node - TypedInput: preload type icons to ensure width calc correct - Ensure tcp node creates a buffer of size 1 at least - Return editorTheme default if value is undefined - Fix RED.util.compareObjects for Function created objects and Buffers - Ensure default settings copied to command-line specified userDir #### 0.13.4: Maintenance Release - Add timed release mode to delay node - Enable link splicing for when import_dragging nodes. Closes #811 - Fix uncaught exception on deploy whilst node sending messages - Deprecate old mqtt client and connection pool modules - Change node: add bool/num types to change mode Closes #835 - Validate fields that are `$(env-vars)` Closes #825 - Handle missing config nodes when validating node properties - Pi node - don't try to send data if closing - Load node message catalog when added dynamically - Split palette labels on spaces and hyphens when laying out - Warn if editor routes are accessed but runtime not started Closes #816 - Better handling of zero-length flow files Closes #819 - Allow runtime calls to RED._ to specify other namespace - Better right alignment of numerics in delay and trigger nodes - Allow node modules to include example flows - Create node_modules in userDir - Ensure errors in node def functions don't break view rendering Fixes #815 - Updated Inject node info with instructions for flow and global options #### 0.13.3: Maintenance Release - Fix crash on repeated inject of invalid json payload - Add binary mode to tail node - Revert Cheerio to somewhat smaller version - Add os/platform info to default debug #### 0.13.2: Maintenance Release - Don't force reconnect mqtt client if message arrives (fixes the MQTT connect/disconnect endless cycle) - Add -p/--port option to override listening port - Invert config node filter toggle button colours so state is more obvious - Add timeout to httprequest node - Tidy up of all node info content - make style consistent - Make jquery spinner element css consistent with other inputs - tcp node add reply (to all) capability - Allow the template node to be treated as plain text - Validate MQTT In topics Fixes #792 - httpNodeAuth should not block http options requests Fixes #793 - Disable perMessageDeflate on WS servers - fixes 'zlib binding closed' error - Clear trigger status icon on re-deploy - Don't default inject payload to blank string - Trigger node, add configurable reset - Allow function properties in settings Fixes #790 - fixes use of httpNodeMiddleware - Fix order of config dialog calls to save/creds/validate - Add debounce to Pi GPIO node #### 0.13.1: Maintenance Release - Revert wrapping of http request object #### 0.13.0: Milestone Release - Add 'previous value' option to Switch node - Allow existing nodes to splice into links on drag - CORS not properly configured on multiple http routes Fixes #783 - Restore shift-drag to snap/unsnap to grid - Moving nodes with keyboard should flag workspace dirty - Notifications flagged as fixed should not be click-closable - Rework config sidebar and deploy warning - Wrap http request object to match http response object - Add 'view' menu and reorganise a few things - Allow shift-click to detach existing wires - Splice nodes dragged from palette into links - try to trim imported/dragged flows to [ ] - Move version number as title of NR logo - Moving nodes mark workspace as dirty - Ok/Cancel edit dialogs with Ctrl-Enter/Escape - Handle OSX Meta key when selecting nodes - Add grid-alignment options - Add oneditresize function definition - Rename propertySelect to typedInput and add boolean opt - Add propertySelect to switch node - Add propertySelect support to Change node - Add context/flow/global support to Function node - Add node context/flow/global - Add propertySelect jquery widget - Add add/update/delete flow apis - Allow core nodes dir to be provided to runtime via settings - Tidy up API passed to node modules - Move locale files under api/runtime components - Add flow reload admin api #### 0.12.5: Maintenance Release - Add attribute capability to HTML parser node - Add Pi Keyboard code node - Fix for MQTT client connection cycling on partial deploy - Fix for tcp node properly closing connections - Update sentiment node dependencies - Fix for file node handling of UTF8 extended characters #### 0.12.4: Maintenance Release - Add readOnly setting to prevent file writes in localfilesystem storage - Support bcrypt for httpNodeAuth - Pi no longer needs root workaround to access gpio - Fix: Input File node will not retain the file name #### 0.12.3: Maintenance Release - Fixes for TCP Get node reconnect handling - Clear delay node status on re-deploy - Update Font-Awesome to v4.5 - Fix trigger to block properly until reset - Update example auth properties in settings.js - Ensure httpNodeAuth doesn't get applied to admin routes - TCP Get node not passing on existing msg properties #### 0.12.2: Maintenance Release - Enable touch-menu for links so they can be deleted - Allow nodes to be installed by path name - Fix basic authentication on httpNode/Admin/Static - Handle errors thrown in Function node setTimeout/Interval - Fix mqtt node lifecycle with partial deployments - Update tcp node status on reconnect after timeout - Debug node not handling null messages - Kill processes run with exec node when flows redeployed - Inject time spinner incrementing value incorrectly #### 0.12.1: Maintenance Release - Enable touch-menu for links so they can be deleted - Allow nodes to be installed by path name - Fix basic authentication on httpNode/Admin/Static #### 0.12.0: Milestone Release - Change/Switch rules now resize with dialog width - Support for node 4.x - Move to Express 4.x - Copy default settings file to user dir on start up - Config nodes can be scoped to a particular subflow/tab - Comms link tolerates <5 second breaks in connection before notifying user - MQTT node overhaul - add will/tls/birth message support - Status node - to report status events from other nodes - Error node can be targeted to specific other nodes - JSON node can encode Array types - Switch node regular expression rule can now be set to be case-insensitive - HTTP In node can accept non-UTF8 payloads - will return a Buffer when appropriate - Exec node configuration consistent regardless of the spawn option - Function node can now display status icon/text - CSV node can now handle arrays - setInterval/clearInterval add to Function node - Function node automatically clears all timers (setInterval/setTimeout) when the node is stopped #### 0.11.2: Maintenance Release - Allow XML parser options be set on the message - Add 'mobile' category to the palette (no core nodes included) - Allow a message catalog provide a partial translation - Fix HTTP Node nls message id - Remove delay spinner upper limit - Update debug node output to include length of payload #### 0.11.1: Maintenance Release - Fix exclusive config node check when type not registered (prevented HTTP In node from being editable unless the swagger node was also installed) #### 0.11.0: Milestone Release - Add Node 0.12 support - Internationalization support - Editor UI refresh - Add RBE node - File node optionally creates path to file - Function node can access `clearTimeout` - Fix: Unable to login with 'read' permission #### 0.10.10: Maintenance Release - Fix permissions issue with packaged nrgpio script - Add better help message if deprecated node missing #### 0.10.9: Maintenance Release Fix packaging of bin scripts #### 0.10.8: Maintenance Release - Nodes moved out of core - still included as a dependency: twitter, serial, email, feedparser - no longer included: mongo, arduino, irc, redis - node icon defn can be a function - http_proxy support - httpNodeMiddleware setting - Trigger node ui refresh - editorTheme setting - Warn on deploy of unused config nodes - catch node prevents error loops #### 0.10.6: Maintenance Release Changes: - Performance improvements in editor - Palette appearance update - Warn on navigation with undeployed changes - Disable undeployed node action buttons - Disable subflow node action buttons - Add Catch node - Add logging functions to Function node - Add send function to Function node - Update Change node to support multiple rules #### 0.10.4: Maintenance Release Changes: - http request node passes on request url as msg.url - handle config nodes appearing out of order in flow file - don't assume they are always at the start - move subflow palette category to the top, to make it more obvious - fix labelling of Raspberry Pi pins - allow email node to mark mail as read - fix saving library content - add node-red and node-red-pi start scripts - use $HOME/.node-red for user data unless specified otherwise (or existing data is found in install dir) #### 0.10.3: Maintenance Release Fixes: - httpAdminAuth was too aggressively deprecated (ie removed); restoring with a console warning when used - adds reporting of node.js version on start-up - mongo node skip/limit options can be strings or numbers - CSV parser passes through provided message object #### 0.10.2: Maintenance Release Fixes: - subflow info sidebar more useful - adds missing font-awesome file - inject node day selection defaulted to invalid selection - loading a flow with no tabs failed to add nodes to default tab