mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:36:34 +00:00
Closes #1026,#983,#982,#978 PR #1026 contains the full history of the changes made herein. Due to the volume of commits with no meaningful comment, they have been squashed down to this one. Adding bidi Files Tuning code style Adding rest of bidi files and its dependencies Tuning code style editing numeric shaping value Tuning Code style adding bidi support Adding Bidi Support for the rest of files Adding Bidi support Editing Bidi menu adding mirroring enablement handeling code style Addinng Bidi Support Adding Bidi Support Adding locale settings to national calendar support Adding Numeric Shaping Support scss files after adding rtl direction part 1 adding rtl direction at scss files part2 adding right directionality at comman typeInput correcting some comments editing spaces applying code style editing code style editing code style editing code style editing code style adding right directionality adding right directionality adding style in case of right directionality adding style in case of right directionality adding style in case of right directionality create a global variable for ui direction to call it once need Update main.js Update typedInput.js Update 10-switch.html manage palette mirroring adding RTL directionality to Tabs and Manage palette Style Editing Adding mirroring to subflow workspace handle mirroring defects at manage palette Handle Mirroring defects at sidebar seperator Numeric Shaping Updates Editing code style Handling mirroring defects Handling mirroring defects Fixing mirroring defects editing code style fixing mirroring defects at deploy dialog editing code style Updating Bidi Support handling some reviewing comments handling chicks Update base-text-dir.js Update bidi-util.js Update bidi-util.js Handling reviewing comment Fixing Popover mirroring defect Handling namespace structure for bidi features reflecting new namespace structure for bidi features at editorfiles Handling comments that related to css moving bidi.js under js/bidi folder
663 lines
30 KiB
663 lines
30 KiB
* Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
RED.deploy = (function() {
var deploymentTypes = {
var ignoreDeployWarnings = {
unknown: false,
unusedConfig: false,
invalid: false
var deploymentType = "full";
function changeDeploymentType(type) {
deploymentType = type;
$("#btn-deploy img").attr("src",deploymentTypes[type].img);
var currentDiff = null;
* options:
* type: "default" - Button with drop-down options - no further customisation available
* type: "simple" - Button without dropdown. Customisations:
* label: the text to display - default: "Deploy"
* icon : the icon to use. Null removes the icon. default: "red/images/deploy-full-o.png"
function init(options) {
options = options || {};
var type = options.type || "default";
if (type == "default") {
$('<li><span class="deploy-button-group button-group">'+
'<a id="btn-deploy" class="deploy-button disabled" href="#"><img id="btn-deploy-icon" src="red/images/deploy-full-o.png"> <span>'+RED._("deploy.deploy")+'</span></a>'+
'<a id="btn-deploy-options" data-toggle="dropdown" class="deploy-button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a>'+
options: [
{id:"deploymenu-item-full",toggle:"deploy-type",icon:"red/images/deploy-full.png",label:RED._("deploy.full"),sublabel:RED._("deploy.fullDesc"),selected: true, onselect:function(s) { if(s){changeDeploymentType("full")}}},
{id:"deploymenu-item-flow",toggle:"deploy-type",icon:"red/images/deploy-flows.png",label:RED._("deploy.modifiedFlows"),sublabel:RED._("deploy.modifiedFlowsDesc"), onselect:function(s) {if(s){changeDeploymentType("flows")}}},
{id:"deploymenu-item-node",toggle:"deploy-type",icon:"red/images/deploy-nodes.png",label:RED._("deploy.modifiedNodes"),sublabel:RED._("deploy.modifiedNodesDesc"),onselect:function(s) { if(s){changeDeploymentType("nodes")}}}
} else if (type == "simple") {
var label = options.label || RED._("deploy.deploy");
var icon = 'red/images/deploy-full-o.png';
if (options.hasOwnProperty('icon')) {
icon = options.icon;
$('<li><span class="deploy-button-group button-group">'+
'<a id="btn-deploy" class="deploy-button disabled" href="#">'+
(icon?'<img id="btn-deploy-icon" src="'+icon+'"> ':'')+
$('#btn-deploy').click(function() { save(); });
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog({
title: RED._('deploy.confirm.button.confirm'),
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 550,
height: "auto",
buttons: [
text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.cancel"),
click: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
// {
// id: "node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review",
// text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.review"),
// class: "primary",
// click: function() {
// showDiff();
// $( this ).dialog( "close" );
// }
// },
text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.confirm"),
class: "primary",
click: function() {
var ignoreChecked = $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide" ).prop("checked");
if (ignoreChecked) {
ignoreDeployWarnings[$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val()] = true;
save(true,$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val() === "conflict");
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
create: function() {
.prepend('<div style="height:0; vertical-align: middle; display:inline-block; margin-top: 13px; float:'+RED.bidi.componentPos.left+';">'+
'<input style="vertical-align:top;" type="checkbox" id="node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide">'+
'<label style="display:inline;" for="node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide"> do not warn about this again</label>'+
'<input type="hidden" id="node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type">'+
open: function() {
if ($( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val() === "conflict") {
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review").show();
} else {
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review").hide();
RED.events.on('nodes:change',function(state) {
if (state.dirty) {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return RED._("deploy.confirm.undeployedChanges");
} else {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
// $("#node-dialog-view-diff").dialog({
// title: RED._('deploy.confirm.button.review'),
// modal: true,
// autoOpen: false,
// buttons: [
// {
// text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.cancel"),
// click: function() {
// $( this ).dialog( "close" );
// }
// },
// {
// text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.merge"),
// class: "primary",
// click: function() {
// $( this ).dialog( "close" );
// }
// }
// ],
// open: function() {
// $(this).dialog({width:Math.min($(window).width(),900),height:Math.min($(window).height(),600)});
// }
// });
// $("#node-dialog-view-diff-diff").editableList({
// addButton: false,
// scrollOnAdd: false,
// addItem: function(container,i,object) {
// var tab = object.tab.n;
// var tabDiv = $('<div>',{class:"node-diff-tab collapsed"}).appendTo(container);
// var titleRow = $('<div>',{class:"node-diff-tab-title"}).appendTo(tabDiv);
// titleRow.click(function(evt) {
// evt.preventDefault();
// titleRow.parent().toggleClass('collapsed');
// })
// var chevron = $('<i class="fa fa-angle-down node-diff-chevron ">').appendTo(titleRow);
// var title = $('<span>').html(tab.label||tab.id).appendTo(titleRow);
// var stats = $('<span>',{class:"node-diff-tab-stats"}).appendTo(titleRow);
// var addedCount = 0;
// var deletedCount = 0;
// var changedCount = 0;
// var conflictedCount = 0;
// object.tab.nodes.forEach(function(node) {
// var realNode = RED.nodes.node(node.id);
// var hasChanges = false;
// if (currentDiff.added[node.id]) {
// addedCount++;
// hasChanges = true;
// }
// if (currentDiff.deleted[node.id]) {
// deletedCount++;
// hasChanges = true;
// }
// if (currentDiff.changed[node.id]) {
// changedCount++;
// hasChanges = true;
// }
// if (currentDiff.conflicted[node.id]) {
// conflictedCount++;
// hasChanges = true;
// }
// if (hasChanges) {
// var def = RED.nodes.getType(node.type)||{};
// var div = $("<div>",{class:"node-diff-node-entry collapsed"}).appendTo(tabDiv);
// var nodeTitleDiv = $("<div>",{class:"node-diff-node-entry-title"}).appendTo(div);
// nodeTitleDiv.click(function(evt) {
// evt.preventDefault();
// $(this).parent().toggleClass('collapsed');
// })
// var newNode = currentDiff.newConfig.all[node.id];
// var nodePropertiesDiv = $("<div>",{class:"node-diff-node-entry-properties"}).appendTo(div);
// var nodePropertiesTable = $("<table>").appendTo(nodePropertiesDiv);
// if (node.hasOwnProperty('x')) {
// if (newNode.x !== node.x || newNode.y !== node.y) {
// var currentPosition = node.x+", "+node.y
// var newPosition = newNode.x+", "+newNode.y;
// $("<tr><td>position</td><td>"+currentPosition+"</td><td>"+newPosition+"</td></tr>").appendTo(nodePropertiesTable);
// }
// }
// var properties = Object.keys(node).filter(function(p) { return p!='z'&&p!='wires'&&p!=='x'&&p!=='y'&&p!=='id'&&p!=='type'&&(!def.defaults||!def.defaults.hasOwnProperty(p))});
// if (def.defaults) {
// properties = properties.concat(Object.keys(def.defaults));
// }
// properties.forEach(function(d) {
// var localValue = JSON.stringify(node[d]);
// var remoteValue = JSON.stringify(newNode[d]);
// var originalValue = realNode._config[d];
// if (remoteValue !== originalValue) {
// var formattedProperty = formatNodeProperty(node[d]);
// var newFormattedProperty = formatNodeProperty(newNode[d]);
// if (localValue === originalValue) {
// // no conflict change
// } else {
// // conflicting change
// }
// $("<tr><td>"+d+'</td><td class="">'+formattedProperty+'</td><td class="node-diff-property-changed">'+newFormattedProperty+"</td></tr>").appendTo(nodePropertiesTable);
// }
// })
// var nodeChevron = $('<i class="fa fa-angle-down node-diff-chevron">').appendTo(nodeTitleDiv);
// // var leftColumn = $('<div>',{class:"node-diff-column"}).appendTo(div);
// // var rightColumn = $('<div>',{class:"node-diff-column"}).appendTo(div);
// // rightColumn.html(" ");
// var nodeDiv = $("<div>",{class:"node-diff-node-entry-node"}).appendTo(nodeTitleDiv);
// var colour = def.color;
// var icon_url = "arrow-in.png";
// if (node.type === 'tab') {
// colour = "#C0DEED";
// icon_url = "subflow.png";
// } else if (def.category === 'config') {
// icon_url = "cog.png";
// } else if (node.type === 'unknown') {
// icon_url = "alert.png";
// } else {
// icon_url = def.icon;
// }
// nodeDiv.css('backgroundColor',colour);
// var iconContainer = $('<div/>',{class:"palette_icon_container"}).appendTo(nodeDiv);
// $('<div/>',{class:"palette_icon",style:"background-image: url(icons/"+icon_url+")"}).appendTo(iconContainer);
// var contentDiv = $('<div>',{class:"node-diff-node-description"}).appendTo(nodeTitleDiv);
// $('<span>',{class:"node-diff-node-label"}).html(node.label || node.name || node.id).appendTo(contentDiv);
// //$('<div>',{class:"red-ui-search-result-node-type"}).html(node.type).appendTo(contentDiv);
// //$('<div>',{class:"red-ui-search-result-node-id"}).html(node.id).appendTo(contentDiv);
// }
// });
// var statsInfo = '<span class="node-diff-count">'+object.tab.nodes.length+" nodes"+
// (addedCount+deletedCount+changedCount+conflictedCount > 0 ? " : ":"")+
// "</span> "+
// ((addedCount > 0)?'<span class="node-diff-added">'+addedCount+' added</span> ':'')+
// ((deletedCount > 0)?'<span class="node-diff-deleted">'+deletedCount+' deleted</span> ':'')+
// ((changedCount > 0)?'<span class="node-diff-changed">'+changedCount+' changed</span> ':'')+
// ((conflictedCount > 0)?'<span class="node-diff-conflicted">'+conflictedCount+' conflicts</span>':'');
// stats.html(statsInfo);
// //
// //
// //
// // var node = object.node;
// // var realNode = RED.nodes.node(node.id);
// // var def = RED.nodes.getType(object.node.type)||{};
// // var l = "";
// // if (def && def.label && realNode) {
// // l = def.label;
// // try {
// // l = (typeof l === "function" ? l.call(realNode) : l);
// // } catch(err) {
// // console.log("Definition error: "+node.type+".label",err);
// // }
// // }
// // l = l||node.label||node.name||node.id||"";
// // console.log(node);
// // var div = $('<div>').appendTo(container);
// // div.html(l);
// }
// });
function formatNodeProperty(prop) {
var formattedProperty = prop;
if (formattedProperty === null) {
formattedProperty = 'null';
} else if (formattedProperty === undefined) {
formattedProperty = 'undefined';
} else if (typeof formattedProperty === 'object') {
formattedProperty = JSON.stringify(formattedProperty);
if (/\n/.test(formattedProperty)) {
formattedProperty = "<pre>"+formattedProperty+"</pre>"
return formattedProperty;
function getNodeInfo(node) {
var tabLabel = "";
if (node.z) {
var tab = RED.nodes.workspace(node.z);
if (!tab) {
tab = RED.nodes.subflow(node.z);
tabLabel = tab.name;
} else {
tabLabel = tab.label;
var label = "";
if (typeof node._def.label == "function") {
try {
label = node._def.label.call(node);
} catch(err) {
console.log("Definition error: "+node_def.type+".label",err);
label = node_def.type;
} else {
label = node._def.label;
label = label || node.id;
return {tab:tabLabel,type:node.type,label:label};
function sortNodeInfo(A,B) {
if (A.tab < B.tab) { return -1;}
if (A.tab > B.tab) { return 1;}
if (A.type < B.type) { return -1;}
if (A.type > B.type) { return 1;}
if (A.name < B.name) { return -1;}
if (A.name > B.name) { return 1;}
return 0;
function resolveConflict(currentNodes) {
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).hide();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).hide();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused" ).hide();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-conflict" ).show();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("conflict");
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog( "open" );
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review").append($('<img src="red/images/spin.svg" style="background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8); margin-top: -16px; margin-left: -8px; height:16px; position: absolute; "/>'));
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review .ui-button-text").css("opacity",0.4);
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review").attr("disabled",true).addClass("disabled");
// $.ajax({
// headers: {
// "Accept":"application/json",
// },
// cache: false,
// url: 'flows',
// success: function(nodes) {
// var newNodes = nodes.flows;
// var newRevision = nodes.rev;
// generateDiff(currentNodes,newNodes);
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review").attr("disabled",false).removeClass("disabled");
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review img").remove();
// $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-review .ui-button-text").css("opacity",1);
// }
// });
// function parseNodes(nodeList) {
// var tabOrder = [];
// var tabs = {};
// var subflows = {};
// var globals = [];
// var all = {};
// nodeList.forEach(function(node) {
// all[node.id] = node;
// if (node.type === 'tab') {
// tabOrder.push(node.id);
// tabs[node.id] = {n:node,nodes:[]};
// } else if (node.type === 'subflow') {
// subflows[node.id] = {n:node,nodes:[]};
// }
// });
// nodeList.forEach(function(node) {
// if (node.type !== 'tab' && node.type !== 'subflow') {
// if (tabs[node.z]) {
// tabs[node.z].nodes.push(node);
// } else if (subflows[node.z]) {
// subflows[node.z].nodes.push(node);
// } else {
// globals.push(node);
// }
// }
// });
// return {
// all: all,
// tabOrder: tabOrder,
// tabs: tabs,
// subflows: subflows,
// globals: globals
// }
// }
// function generateDiff(currentNodes,newNodes) {
// var currentConfig = parseNodes(currentNodes);
// var newConfig = parseNodes(newNodes);
// var pending = RED.nodes.pending();
// var added = {};
// var deleted = {};
// var changed = {};
// var conflicted = {};
// Object.keys(currentConfig.all).forEach(function(id) {
// var node = RED.nodes.workspace(id)||RED.nodes.subflow(id)||RED.nodes.node(id);
// if (!newConfig.all.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
// if (!pending.added.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
// deleted[id] = true;
// conflicted[id] = node.changed;
// }
// } else if (JSON.stringify(currentConfig.all[id]) !== JSON.stringify(newConfig.all[id])) {
// changed[id] = true;
// conflicted[id] = node.changed;
// }
// });
// Object.keys(newConfig.all).forEach(function(id) {
// if (!currentConfig.all.hasOwnProperty(id) && !pending.deleted.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
// added[id] = true;
// }
// });
// // console.log("Added",added);
// // console.log("Deleted",deleted);
// // console.log("Changed",changed);
// // console.log("Conflicted",conflicted);
// var formatString = function(id) {
// return conflicted[id]?"!":(added[id]?"+":(deleted[id]?"-":(changed[id]?"~":" ")));
// }
// newConfig.tabOrder.forEach(function(tabId) {
// var tab = newConfig.tabs[tabId];
// console.log(formatString(tabId),"Flow:",tab.n.label, "("+tab.n.id+")");
// tab.nodes.forEach(function(node) {
// console.log(" ",formatString(node.id),node.type,node.name || node.id);
// })
// if (currentConfig.tabs[tabId]) {
// currentConfig.tabs[tabId].nodes.forEach(function(node) {
// if (deleted[node.id]) {
// console.log(" ",formatString(node.id),node.type,node.name || node.id);
// }
// })
// }
// });
// currentConfig.tabOrder.forEach(function(tabId) {
// if (deleted[tabId]) {
// console.log(formatString(tabId),"Flow:",tab.n.label, "("+tab.n.id+")");
// }
// });
// currentDiff = {
// currentConfig: currentConfig,
// newConfig: newConfig,
// added: added,
// deleted: deleted,
// changed: changed,
// conflicted: conflicted
// }
// }
// function showDiff() {
// if (currentDiff) {
// var list = $("#node-dialog-view-diff-diff");
// list.editableList('empty');
// var currentConfig = currentDiff.currentConfig;
// currentConfig.tabOrder.forEach(function(tabId) {
// var tab = currentConfig.tabs[tabId];
// list.editableList('addItem',{tab:tab})
// });
// }
// $("#node-dialog-view-diff").dialog("open");
// }
function save(skipValidation,force) {
if (RED.nodes.dirty()) {
//$("#debug-tab-clear").click(); // uncomment this to auto clear debug on deploy
if (!skipValidation) {
var hasUnknown = false;
var hasInvalid = false;
var hasUnusedConfig = false;
var unknownNodes = [];
var invalidNodes = [];
RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) {
hasInvalid = hasInvalid || !node.valid;
if (!node.valid) {
if (node.type === "unknown") {
if (unknownNodes.indexOf(node.name) == -1) {
hasUnknown = unknownNodes.length > 0;
var unusedConfigNodes = [];
RED.nodes.eachConfig(function(node) {
if (node.users.length === 0 && (node._def.hasUsers !== false)) {
hasUnusedConfig = true;
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).hide();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).hide();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused" ).hide();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-conflict" ).hide();
var showWarning = false;
if (hasUnknown && !ignoreDeployWarnings.unknown) {
showWarning = true;
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("unknown");
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).show();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown-list" )
} else if (hasInvalid && !ignoreDeployWarnings.invalid) {
showWarning = true;
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("invalid");
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).show();
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-invalid-list" )
.html("<li>"+invalidNodes.map(function(A) { return (A.tab?"["+RED.bidi.applyBidiSupport(A.tab, RED.bidi.flags.NS)+"] ":"")+RED.bidi.applyBidiSupport(A.label, RED.bidi.flags.NS)+" ("+A.type+")"}).join("</li><li>")+"</li>");
} else if (hasUnusedConfig && !ignoreDeployWarnings.unusedConfig) {
// showWarning = true;
// $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("unusedConfig");
// $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused" ).show();
// unusedConfigNodes.sort(sortNodeInfo);
// $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused-list" )
// .html("<li>"+unusedConfigNodes.map(function(A) { return (A.tab?"["+A.tab+"] ":"")+A.label+" ("+A.type+")"}).join("</li><li>")+"</li>");
if (showWarning) {
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide" ).prop("checked",false);
$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog( "open" );
var nns = RED.nodes.createCompleteNodeSet();
var data = {flows:nns};
if (!force) {
data.rev = RED.nodes.version();
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
headers: {
}).done(function(data,textStatus,xhr) {
if (hasUnusedConfig) {
'<p>'+RED._("deploy.unusedConfigNodes")+' <a href="#" onclick="RED.sidebar.config.show(true); return false;">'+RED._("deploy.unusedConfigNodesLink")+'</a></p>',"success",false,6000);
} else {
RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) {
if (node.changed) {
node.dirty = true;
node.changed = false;
if(node.credentials) {
delete node.credentials;
RED.nodes.eachConfig(function (confNode) {
confNode.changed = false;
if (confNode.credentials) {
delete confNode.credentials;
RED.nodes.eachWorkspace(function(ws) {
ws.changed = false;
// Once deployed, cannot undo back to a clean state
}).fail(function(xhr,textStatus,err) {
if (xhr.status === 401) {
} else if (xhr.status === 409) {
} else if (xhr.responseText) {
} else {
}).always(function() {
return {
init: init