mirror of https://github.com/node-red/node-red.git synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
2021-02-02 13:45:43 +00:00

1081 lines
40 KiB

* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var fspath = require("path");
var os = require('os');
var gitTools = require("./git");
var util = require("../util");
var defaultFileSet = require("./defaultFileSet");
var sshKeys = require("./ssh");
var settings;
var runtime;
var log = require("@node-red/util").log;
const events = require("@node-red/util").events;
var projectsDir;
var authCache = require("./git/authCache");
// TODO: DRY - red/api/editor/sshkeys !
function getSSHKeyUsername(userObj) {
var username = '__default';
if ( userObj && userObj.username ) {
username = userObj.username;
return username;
function getUserGitSettings(user) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var userSettings = settings.getUserSettings(username)||{};
return userSettings.git;
function getGitUser(user) {
var gitSettings = getUserGitSettings(user);
if (gitSettings) {
return gitSettings.user;
return null;
function Project(path) {
this.path = path;
this.name = fspath.basename(path);
this.paths = {};
this.files = {};
this.auth = {origin:{}};
this.missingFiles = [];
this.credentialSecret = null;
Project.prototype.load = function () {
var project = this;
var globalProjectSettings = settings.get("projects");
// console.log(globalProjectSettings)
var projectSettings = {};
if (globalProjectSettings) {
if (globalProjectSettings.projects.hasOwnProperty(this.name)) {
projectSettings = globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name] || {};
this.paths.root = projectSettings.rootPath || "";
this.credentialSecret = projectSettings.credentialSecret;
this.git = projectSettings.git || { user:{} };
// this.paths.flowFile = fspath.join(this.path,"flow.json");
// this.paths.credentialsFile = fspath.join(this.path,"flow_cred.json");
var promises = [];
return checkProjectFiles(project).then(function(missingFiles) {
project.missingFiles = missingFiles;
if (missingFiles.indexOf('package.json') === -1) {
// We have a package.json in project.path+project.paths.root+"package.json"
project.paths['package.json'] = fspath.join(project.paths.root,"package.json");
promises.push(fs.readFile(fspath.join(project.path,project.paths['package.json']),"utf8").then(function(content) {
try {
project.package = util.parseJSON(content);
if (project.package.hasOwnProperty('node-red')) {
if (project.package['node-red'].hasOwnProperty('settings')) {
project.paths.flowFile = fspath.join(project.paths.root,project.package['node-red'].settings.flowFile);
project.paths.credentialsFile = fspath.join(project.paths.root,project.package['node-red'].settings.credentialsFile);
} else {
// TODO: package.json doesn't have a node-red section
// is that a bad thing?
} catch(err) {
// package.json isn't valid JSON... is a merge underway?
project.package = {};
}).catch(err => {})); //
if (missingFiles.indexOf('README.md') === -1) {
project.paths['README.md'] = fspath.join(project.paths.root,"README.md");
promises.push(fs.readFile(fspath.join(project.path,project.paths['README.md']),"utf8").then(function(content) {
project.description = content;
}).catch(err => {}));
} else {
project.description = "";
} else {
project.package = {};
project.description = "";
// if (missingFiles.indexOf('flow.json') !== -1) {
// console.log("MISSING FLOW FILE");
// } else {
// project.paths.flowFile = fspath.join(project.path,"flow.json");
// }
// if (missingFiles.indexOf('flow_cred.json') !== -1) {
// console.log("MISSING CREDS FILE");
// } else {
// project.paths.credentialsFile = fspath.join(project.path,"flow_cred.json");
// }
promises.push(project.loadRemotes().catch(err => {}));
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
return project;
Project.prototype.initialise = function(user,data) {
var project = this;
// if (!this.empty) {
// throw new Error("Cannot initialise non-empty project");
// }
var files = Object.keys(defaultFileSet);
var promises = [];
if (data.hasOwnProperty('credentialSecret')) {
var projects = settings.get('projects');
projects.projects[project.name] = projects.projects[project.name] || {};
projects.projects[project.name].credentialSecret = data.credentialSecret;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('files')) {
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('flow') && data.files.hasOwnProperty('credentials')) {
project.files.flow = data.files.flow;
project.files.credentials = data.files.credentials;
var flowFilePath = fspath.join(project.path,project.files.flow);
var credsFilePath = getCredentialsFilename(flowFilePath);
for (var file in defaultFileSet) {
if (defaultFileSet.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
var path = fspath.join(project.path,file);
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return gitTools.stageFile(project.path,files);
}).then(function() {
return gitTools.commit(project.path,"Create project files",getGitUser(user));
}).then(function() {
return project.load()
Project.prototype.loadRemotes = function() {
var project = this;
return gitTools.getRemotes(project.path).then(function(remotes) {
project.remotes = remotes;
}).then(function() {
project.branches = {};
return project.status();
}).then(function() {
if (project.remotes) {
var allRemotes = Object.keys(project.remotes);
var match = "";
if (project.branches.remote) {
allRemotes.forEach(function(remote) {
if (project.branches.remote.indexOf(remote) === 0 && match.length < remote.length) {
match = remote;
project.currentRemote = project.parseRemoteBranch(project.branches.remote).remote;
} else {
delete project.currentRemote;
Project.prototype.parseRemoteBranch = function (remoteBranch) {
if (!remoteBranch) {
return {}
var project = this;
var allRemotes = Object.keys(project.remotes);
var match = "";
allRemotes.forEach(function(remote) {
if (remoteBranch.indexOf(remote) === 0 && match.length < remote.length) {
match = remote;
return {
remote: match,
branch: remoteBranch.substring(match.length+1)
Project.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return this.empty;
Project.prototype.isMerging = function() {
return this.merging;
Project.prototype.update = async function (user, data) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var promises = [];
var project = this;
var saveSettings = false;
var saveREADME = false;
var savePackage = false;
var flowFilesChanged = false;
var credentialSecretChanged = false;
var reloadProject = false;
var globalProjectSettings = settings.get("projects");
if (!globalProjectSettings.projects.hasOwnProperty(this.name)) {
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name] = {};
saveSettings = true;
if (data.credentialSecret && data.credentialSecret !== this.credentialSecret) {
var existingSecret = data.currentCredentialSecret;
var isReset = data.resetCredentialSecret;
var secret = data.credentialSecret;
// console.log("updating credentialSecret");
// console.log("request:");
// console.log(JSON.stringify(data,"",4));
// console.log(" this.credentialSecret",this.credentialSecret);
// console.log(" this.info", this.info);
if (!isReset && // not a reset
this.credentialSecret && // key already set
!this.credentialSecretInvalid && // key not invalid
this.credentialSecret !== existingSecret) { // key doesn't match provided existing key
var e = new Error("Cannot change credentialSecret without current key");
e.code = "missing_current_credential_key";
throw e;
this.credentialSecret = secret;
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].credentialSecret = project.credentialSecret;
delete this.credentialSecretInvalid;
saveSettings = true;
credentialSecretChanged = true;
if (this.missingFiles.indexOf('package.json') !== -1) {
if (!data.files || !data.files.package) {
// Cannot update a project that doesn't have a known package.json
throw new Error("Cannot update project with missing package.json");
if (data.hasOwnProperty('files')) {
this.package['node-red'] = this.package['node-red'] || { settings: {}};
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('package') && (data.files.package !== fspath.join(this.paths.root,"package.json") || !this.paths['package.json'])) {
// We have a package file. It could be one that doesn't exist yet,
// or it does exist and we need to load it.
if (!/package\.json$/.test(data.files.package)) {
return new Error("Invalid package file: "+data.files.package)
var root = data.files.package.substring(0,data.files.package.length-12);
if (/^\.\./.test(fspath.relative(this.path,fspath.join(this.path,data.files.package)))) {
return Promise.reject("Invalid package file: "+data.files.package)
this.paths.root = root;
this.paths['package.json'] = data.files.package;
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].rootPath = root;
saveSettings = true;
// 1. check if it exists
if (fs.existsSync(fspath.join(this.path,this.paths['package.json']))) {
// Load the existing one....
} else {
var newPackage = defaultFileSet["package.json"](this);
this.package = JSON.parse(newPackage);
reloadProject = true;
flowFilesChanged = true;
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('flow') && this.package['node-red'].settings.flowFile !== data.files.flow.substring(this.paths.root.length)) {
if (/^\.\./.test(fspath.relative(this.path,fspath.join(this.path,data.files.flow)))) {
return Promise.reject("Invalid flow file: "+data.files.flow)
this.paths.flowFile = data.files.flow;
this.package['node-red'].settings.flowFile = data.files.flow.substring(this.paths.root.length);
savePackage = true;
flowFilesChanged = true;
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('credentials') && this.package['node-red'].settings.credentialsFile !== data.files.credentials.substring(this.paths.root.length)) {
if (/^\.\./.test(fspath.relative(this.path,fspath.join(this.path,data.files.credentials)))) {
return Promise.reject("Invalid credentials file: "+data.files.credentials)
this.paths.credentialsFile = data.files.credentials;
this.package['node-red'].settings.credentialsFile = data.files.credentials.substring(this.paths.root.length);
// Don't know if the credSecret is invalid or not so clear the flag
delete this.credentialSecretInvalid;
savePackage = true;
flowFilesChanged = true;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('description')) {
saveREADME = true;
this.description = data.description;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('dependencies')) {
savePackage = true;
this.package.dependencies = data.dependencies;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('summary')) {
savePackage = true;
this.package.description = data.summary;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('version')) {
savePackage = true;
this.package.version = data.version;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('git')) {
if (data.git.hasOwnProperty('user')) {
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git = globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git || {};
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git.user = globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git.user || {};
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git.user[username] = {
name: data.git.user.name,
email: data.git.user.email
this.git.user[username] = {
name: data.git.user.name,
email: data.git.user.email
saveSettings = true;
if (data.git.hasOwnProperty('remotes')) {
var remoteNames = Object.keys(data.git.remotes);
var remotesChanged = false;
var modifyRemotesPromise = Promise.resolve();
remoteNames.forEach(function(name) {
if (data.git.remotes[name].removed) {
remotesChanged = true;
modifyRemotesPromise = modifyRemotesPromise.then(function() { gitTools.removeRemote(project.path,name) });
} else {
if (data.git.remotes[name].url) {
remotesChanged = true;
modifyRemotesPromise = modifyRemotesPromise.then(function() { gitTools.addRemote(project.path,name,data.git.remotes[name])});
if (data.git.remotes[name].username && data.git.remotes[name].password) {
var url = data.git.remotes[name].url || project.remotes[name].fetch;
if (remotesChanged) {
modifyRemotesPromise = modifyRemotesPromise.then(function() {
return project.loadRemotes();
promises.push(modifyRemotesPromise.catch(err => {}));
if (saveSettings) {
promises.push(settings.set("projects",globalProjectSettings).catch(err => {}));
var modifiedFiles = [];
if (saveREADME) {
promises.push(util.writeFile(fspath.join(this.path,this.paths['README.md']), this.description).catch(err => {}));
if (savePackage) {
promises.push(fs.readFile(fspath.join(this.path,this.paths['package.json']),"utf8").then(content => {
var currentPackage = {};
try {
currentPackage = util.parseJSON(content);
} catch(err) {
this.package = Object.assign(currentPackage,this.package);
return util.writeFile(fspath.join(project.path,this.paths['package.json']), JSON.stringify(this.package,"",4));
}).catch(err => {}));
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(res) {
var gitSettings = getUserGitSettings(user) || {};
var workflowMode = (gitSettings.workflow||{}).mode || settings.editorTheme.projects.workflow.mode;
if (workflowMode === 'auto') {
return project.stageFile(modifiedFiles.map(f => project.paths[f])).then(() => {
return project.commit(user,{message:"Update "+modifiedFiles.join(", ")})
}).then(res => {
if (reloadProject) {
return this.load()
}).then(function() {
return {
flowFilesChanged: flowFilesChanged,
credentialSecretChanged: credentialSecretChanged
Project.prototype.getFiles = function () {
return gitTools.getFiles(this.path).catch(function(err) {
if (/ambiguous argument/.test(err.message)) {
return {};
throw err;
Project.prototype.stageFile = function(file) {
return gitTools.stageFile(this.path,file);
Project.prototype.unstageFile = function(file) {
return gitTools.unstageFile(this.path,file);
Project.prototype.commit = function(user, options) {
var self = this;
return gitTools.commit(this.path,options.message,getGitUser(user)).then(function() {
if (self.merging) {
self.merging = false;
Project.prototype.getFileDiff = function(file,type) {
return gitTools.getFileDiff(this.path,file,type);
Project.prototype.getCommits = function(options) {
return gitTools.getCommits(this.path,options).catch(function(err) {
if (/bad default revision/i.test(err.message) || /ambiguous argument/i.test(err.message) || /does not have any commits yet/i.test(err.message)) {
return {
total: 0
throw err;
Project.prototype.getCommit = function(sha) {
return gitTools.getCommit(this.path,sha);
Project.prototype.getFile = function (filePath,treeish) {
if (treeish !== "_") {
return gitTools.getFile(this.path, filePath, treeish);
} else {
let fullPath = fspath.join(this.path,filePath);
if (/^\.\./.test(fspath.relative(this.path,fullPath))) {
throw new Error("Invalid file name")
return fs.readFile(fspath.join(this.path,filePath),"utf8");
Project.prototype.revertFile = function (filePath) {
var self = this;
return gitTools.revertFile(this.path, filePath).then(function() {
return self.load();
Project.prototype.status = function(user, includeRemote) {
var self = this;
var fetchPromise;
if (this.remotes && includeRemote) {
fetchPromise = gitTools.getRemoteBranch(self.path).then(function(remoteBranch) {
if (remoteBranch) {
var allRemotes = Object.keys(self.remotes);
var match = "";
allRemotes.forEach(function(remote) {
if (remoteBranch.indexOf(remote) === 0 && match.length < remote.length) {
match = remote;
return self.fetch(user, match);
} else {
fetchPromise = Promise.resolve();
var completeStatus = function(fetchError) {
var promises = [
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
var result = results[0];
if (results[1]) {
result.merging = true;
if (!self.merging) {
self.merging = true;
} else {
self.merging = false;
self.branches.local = result.branches.local;
self.branches.remote = result.branches.remote;
if (fetchError && !/ambiguous argument/.test(fetchError.message)) {
result.branches.remoteError = {
remote: fetchError.remote,
code: fetchError.code
if (result.commits.total === 0 && Object.keys(result.files).length === 0) {
if (!self.empty) {
self.empty = true;
} else {
if (self.empty) {
if (self.paths.flowFile) {
} else {
delete self.empty;
return result;
}).catch(function(err) {
if (/ambiguous argument/.test(err.message)) {
return {
throw err;
return fetchPromise.then(completeStatus).catch(function(e) {
// if (e.code !== 'git_auth_failed') {
// console.log("Fetch failed");
// console.log(e);
// }
return completeStatus(e);
Project.prototype.push = function (user,remoteBranchName,setRemote) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var remote = this.parseRemoteBranch(remoteBranchName||this.branches.remote);
return gitTools.push(this.path, remote.remote || this.currentRemote,remote.branch, setRemote, authCache.get(this.name,this.remotes[remote.remote || this.currentRemote].fetch,username));
Project.prototype.pull = function (user,remoteBranchName,setRemote,allowUnrelatedHistories) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var self = this;
if (setRemote) {
return gitTools.setUpstream(this.path, remoteBranchName).then(function() {
self.currentRemote = self.parseRemoteBranch(remoteBranchName).remote;
return gitTools.pull(self.path, null, null, allowUnrelatedHistories, authCache.get(self.name,self.remotes[self.currentRemote].fetch,username),getGitUser(user));
} else {
var remote = this.parseRemoteBranch(remoteBranchName);
return gitTools.pull(this.path, remote.remote, remote.branch, allowUnrelatedHistories, authCache.get(this.name,this.remotes[remote.remote||self.currentRemote].fetch,username),getGitUser(user));
Project.prototype.resolveMerge = function (file,resolutions) {
var filePath = fspath.join(this.path,file);
if (/^\.\./.test(fspath.relative(this.path,filePath))) {
throw new Error("Invalid file name")
var self = this;
if (typeof resolutions === 'string') {
return util.writeFile(filePath, resolutions).then(function() {
return self.stageFile(file);
return fs.readFile(filePath,"utf8").then(function(content) {
var lines = content.split("\n");
var result = [];
var ignoreBlock = false;
var currentBlock;
for (var i=1;i<=lines.length;i++) {
if (resolutions.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
currentBlock = resolutions[i];
if (currentBlock.selection === "A") {
ignoreBlock = false;
} else {
ignoreBlock = true;
if (currentBlock) {
if (currentBlock.separator === i) {
if (currentBlock.selection === "A") {
ignoreBlock = true;
} else {
ignoreBlock = false;
} else if (currentBlock.changeEnd === i) {
currentBlock = null;
} else if (ignoreBlock) {
var finalResult = result.join("\n");
return util.writeFile(filePath,finalResult).then(function() {
return self.stageFile(file);
Project.prototype.abortMerge = function () {
var self = this;
return gitTools.abortMerge(this.path).then(function() {
self.merging = false;
Project.prototype.getBranches = function (user, isRemote) {
var self = this;
var fetchPromise;
if (isRemote) {
fetchPromise = self.fetch(user);
} else {
fetchPromise = Promise.resolve();
return fetchPromise.then(function() {
return gitTools.getBranches(self.path,isRemote);
Project.prototype.deleteBranch = function (user, branch, isRemote, force) {
// TODO: isRemote==true support
// TODO: make sure we don't try to delete active branch
return gitTools.deleteBranch(this.path,branch,isRemote, force);
Project.prototype.fetch = function(user,remoteName) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var project = this;
if (remoteName) {
return gitTools.fetch(project.path,remoteName,authCache.get(project.name,project.remotes[remoteName].fetch,username)).catch(function(err) {
err.remote = remoteName;
throw err;
} else {
var remotes = Object.keys(this.remotes);
var promise = Promise.resolve();
remotes.forEach(function(remote) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
return gitTools.fetch(project.path,remote,authCache.get(project.name,project.remotes[remote].fetch,username))
}).catch(function(err) {
if (!err.remote) {
err.remote = remote;
throw err;
return promise;
Project.prototype.setBranch = function (branchName, isCreate) {
var self = this;
return gitTools.checkoutBranch(this.path, branchName, isCreate).then(function() {
return self.load();
Project.prototype.getBranchStatus = function (branchName) {
return gitTools.getBranchStatus(this.path,branchName);
Project.prototype.getRemotes = function (user) {
return gitTools.getRemotes(this.path).then(function(remotes) {
var result = [];
for (var name in remotes) {
if (remotes.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
remotes[name].name = name;
return {remotes:result};
Project.prototype.addRemote = function(user,remote,options) {
var project = this;
return gitTools.addRemote(this.path,remote,options).then(function() {
return project.loadRemotes()
Project.prototype.updateRemote = function(user,remote,options) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
if (options.auth) {
var url = this.remotes[remote].fetch;
if (options.auth.keyFile) {
options.auth.key_path = sshKeys.getPrivateKeyPath(getSSHKeyUsername(user), options.auth.keyFile);
return Promise.resolve();
Project.prototype.removeRemote = function(user, remote) {
// TODO: if this was the last remote using this url, then remove the authCache
// details.
var project = this;
return gitTools.removeRemote(this.path,remote).then(function() {
return project.loadRemotes()
Project.prototype.getFlowFile = function() {
// console.log("Project.getFlowFile = ",this.paths.flowFile);
if (this.paths.flowFile) {
return fspath.join(this.path,this.paths.flowFile);
} else {
return null;
Project.prototype.getFlowFileBackup = function() {
var flowFile = this.getFlowFile();
if (flowFile) {
return getBackupFilename(flowFile);
return null;
Project.prototype.getCredentialsFile = function() {
// console.log("Project.getCredentialsFile = ",this.paths.credentialsFile);
if (this.paths.credentialsFile) {
return fspath.join(this.path,this.paths.credentialsFile);
} else {
return this.paths.credentialsFile;
Project.prototype.getCredentialsFileBackup = function() {
return getBackupFilename(this.getCredentialsFile());
Project.prototype.export = function () {
return {
name: this.name,
summary: this.package.description,
version: this.package.version,
description: this.description,
dependencies: this.package.dependencies||{},
empty: this.empty,
settings: {
credentialsEncrypted: (typeof this.credentialSecret === "string") && this.credentialSecret.length > 0,
credentialSecretInvalid: this.credentialSecretInvalid
files: {
package: this.paths['package.json'],
flow: this.paths.flowFile,
credentials: this.paths.credentialsFile
git: {
remotes: this.remotes,
branches: this.branches
function getCredentialsFilename(filename) {
filename = filename || "undefined";
// TODO: DRY - ./index.js
var ffDir = fspath.dirname(filename);
var ffExt = fspath.extname(filename);
var ffBase = fspath.basename(filename,ffExt);
return fspath.join(ffDir,ffBase+"_cred"+ffExt);
function getBackupFilename(filename) {
// TODO: DRY - ./index.js
filename = filename || "undefined";
var ffName = fspath.basename(filename);
var ffDir = fspath.dirname(filename);
return fspath.join(ffDir,"."+ffName+".backup");
function checkProjectExists(projectPath) {
return fs.pathExists(projectPath).then(function(exists) {
if (!exists) {
var e = new Error("Project not found");
e.code = "project_not_found";
var name = fspath.basename(projectPath);
e.project = name;
throw e;
function createDefaultProject(user, project) {
var projectPath = fspath.join(projectsDir,project.name);
// Create a basic skeleton of a project
return gitTools.initRepo(projectPath).then(function() {
var promises = [];
var files = Object.keys(defaultFileSet);
if (project.files) {
if (project.files.flow && !/\.\./.test(project.files.flow)) {
var flowFilePath;
var credsFilePath;
if (project.migrateFiles) {
var baseFlowFileName = project.files.flow || fspath.basename(project.files.oldFlow);
var baseCredentialFileName = project.files.credentials || fspath.basename(project.files.oldCredentials);
flowFilePath = fspath.join(projectPath,baseFlowFileName);
credsFilePath = fspath.join(projectPath,baseCredentialFileName);
if (fs.existsSync(project.files.oldFlow)) {
log.trace("Migrating "+project.files.oldFlow+" to "+flowFilePath);
} else {
log.trace(project.files.oldFlow+" does not exist - creating blank file");
log.trace("Migrating "+project.files.oldCredentials+" to "+credsFilePath);
promises.push(runtime.nodes.exportCredentials().then(function(creds) {
var credentialData;
if (settings.flowFilePretty) {
credentialData = JSON.stringify(creds,null,4);
} else {
credentialData = JSON.stringify(creds);
return util.writeFile(credsFilePath,credentialData);
delete project.migrateFiles;
project.files.flow = baseFlowFileName;
project.files.credentials = baseCredentialFileName;
} else {
project.files.credentials = project.files.credentials || getCredentialsFilename(project.files.flow);
flowFilePath = fspath.join(projectPath,project.files.flow);
credsFilePath = getCredentialsFilename(flowFilePath);
for (var file in defaultFileSet) {
if (defaultFileSet.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return gitTools.stageFile(projectPath,files);
}).then(function() {
return gitTools.commit(projectPath,"Create project",getGitUser(user));
function checkProjectFiles(project) {
var promises = [];
var missing = [];
for (var file in defaultFileSet) {
if (defaultFileSet.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
(function(f) {
promises.push(fs.stat(fspath.join(project.path,project.paths.root,f)).catch(err => {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => missing);
function createProject(user, metadata) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
if (!metadata.path) {
throw new Error("Project missing path property");
if (!metadata.name) {
throw new Error("Project missing name property");
var project = metadata.name;
var projectPath = metadata.path;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
fs.stat(projectPath, function(err,stat) {
if (!err) {
var e = new Error("NLS: Project already exists");
e.code = "project_exists";
return reject(e);
fs.ensureDir(projectPath).then(function() {
var projects = settings.get('projects');
if (!projects) {
projects = {
projects.projects[project] = {};
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty('credentialSecret')) {
if (metadata.credentialSecret === "") {
metadata.credentialSecret = false;
projects.projects[project].credentialSecret = metadata.credentialSecret;
return settings.set('projects',projects);
}).then(function() {
if (metadata.git && metadata.git.remotes && metadata.git.remotes.origin) {
var originRemote = metadata.git.remotes.origin;
var auth;
if (originRemote.hasOwnProperty("username") && originRemote.hasOwnProperty("password")) {
authCache.set(project,originRemote.url,username,{ // TODO: hardcoded remote name
username: originRemote.username,
password: originRemote.password
auth = authCache.get(project,originRemote.url,username);
else if (originRemote.hasOwnProperty("keyFile") && originRemote.hasOwnProperty("passphrase")) {
authCache.set(project,originRemote.url,username,{ // TODO: hardcoded remote name
key_path: sshKeys.getPrivateKeyPath(getSSHKeyUsername(user), originRemote.keyFile),
passphrase: originRemote.passphrase
auth = authCache.get(project,originRemote.url,username);
return gitTools.clone(originRemote,auth,projectPath);
} else {
return createDefaultProject(user, metadata);
}).then(function() {
}).catch(function(err) {
fs.remove(projectPath,function() {
function deleteProject(user, projectPath) {
return checkProjectExists(projectPath).then(function() {
return fs.remove(projectPath).then(function() {
var name = fspath.basename(projectPath);
var projects = settings.get('projects');
delete projects.projects[name];
return settings.set('projects', projects);
function loadProject(projectPath) {
return checkProjectExists(projectPath).then(function() {
var project = new Project(projectPath);
return project.load();
function init(_settings, _runtime) {
settings = _settings;
runtime = _runtime;
projectsDir = fspath.resolve(fspath.join(settings.userDir,"projects"));
if(settings.editorTheme.projects.path) {
projectsDir = settings.editorTheme.projects.path;
module.exports = {
init: init,
load: loadProject,
create: createProject,
delete: deleteProject