mirror of https://github.com/node-red/node-red.git synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
2017-04-16 20:25:15 +01:00

395 lines
15 KiB

"common": {
"label": {
"name": "Name",
"ok": "Ok",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"close": "Close",
"load": "Load",
"save": "Save",
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export"
"workspace": {
"defaultName": "Flow __number__",
"editFlow": "Edit flow: __name__",
"confirmDelete": "Confirm delete",
"delete": "Are you sure you want to delete '__label__'?",
"dropFlowHere": "Drop the flow here",
"status": "Status",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"info": "Information, in markdown format"
"menu": {
"label": {
"view": {
"view": "View",
"showGrid": "Show grid",
"snapGrid": "Snap to grid",
"textDir": "Text Direction",
"defaultDir": "Default",
"ltr": "Left-to-right",
"rtl": "Right-to-left",
"auto": "Contextual"
"sidebar": {
"show": "Show sidebar"
"displayStatus": "Show node status",
"displayConfig": "Configuration nodes",
"import": "Import",
"export": "Export",
"search": "Search flows",
"clipboard": "Clipboard",
"library": "Library",
"examples": "Examples",
"subflows": "Subflows",
"createSubflow": "Create Subflow",
"selectionToSubflow": "Selection to Subflow",
"flows": "Flows",
"add": "Add",
"rename": "Rename",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"editPalette":"Manage palette",
"showTips": "Show tips"
"user": {
"loggedInAs": "Logged in as __name__",
"login": "Login",
"loginFailed": "Login failed",
"notAuthorized": "Not authorized"
"notification": {
"warning": "<strong>Warning</strong>: __message__",
"warnings": {
"undeployedChanges": "node has undeployed changes",
"nodeActionDisabled": "node actions disabled within subflow",
"missing-types": "Flows stopped due to missing node types. Check logs for details.",
"restartRequired": "Node-RED must be restarted to enable upgraded modules"
"error": "<strong>Error</strong>: __message__",
"errors": {
"lostConnection": "Lost connection to server, reconnecting...",
"lostConnectionReconnect": "Lost connection to server, reconnecting in __time__s.",
"lostConnectionTry": "Try now",
"cannotAddSubflowToItself": "Cannot add subflow to itself",
"cannotAddCircularReference": "Cannot add subflow - circular reference detected",
"unsupportedVersion": "Using an unsupported version of Node.js<br/>You should upgrade to the latest Node.js LTS release"
"clipboard": {
"nodes": "Nodes",
"selectNodes": "Select the text above and copy to the clipboard.",
"pasteNodes": "Paste nodes here",
"importNodes": "Import nodes",
"exportNodes": "Export nodes to clipboard",
"importUnrecognised": "Imported unrecognised type:",
"importUnrecognised_plural": "Imported unrecognised types:",
"nodesExported": "Nodes exported to clipboard",
"nodeCopied": "__count__ node copied",
"nodeCopied_plural": "__count__ nodes copied",
"invalidFlow": "Invalid flow: __message__",
"export": {
"selected":"selected nodes",
"current":"current flow",
"all":"all flows",
"copy": "Export to clipboard"
"import": {
"import": "Import to",
"newFlow": "new flow"
"deploy": {
"deploy": "Deploy",
"full": "Full",
"fullDesc": "Deploys everything in the workspace",
"modifiedFlows": "Modified Flows",
"modifiedFlowsDesc": "Only deploys flows that contain changed nodes",
"modifiedNodes": "Modified Nodes",
"modifiedNodesDesc": "Only deploys nodes that have changed",
"successfulDeploy": "Successfully deployed",
"deployFailed": "Deploy failed: __message__",
"unusedConfigNodes":"You have some unused configuration nodes.",
"unusedConfigNodesLink":"Click here to see them",
"errors": {
"noResponse": "no response from server"
"confirm": {
"button": {
"ignore": "Ignore",
"confirm": "Confirm deploy",
"review": "Review differences",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"merge": "Merge changes"
"undeployedChanges": "You have undeployed changes.\n\nLeaving this page will lose these changes.",
"improperlyConfigured": "The workspace contains some nodes that are not properly configured:",
"unknown": "The workspace contains some unknown node types:",
"confirm": "Are you sure you want to deploy?",
"conflict": "The server is running a more recent set of flows.",
"backgroundUpdate": "The flows on the server have been updated.",
"conflictChecking": "Checking to see if the changes can be merged automatically",
"conflictAutoMerge": "The changes include no conflicts and can be merged automatically.",
"conflictManualMerge": "The changes include conflicts that must be resolved before they can be deployed."
"diff": {
"unresolvedCount": "__count__ unresolved conflict",
"unresolvedCount_plural": "__count__ unresolved conflicts",
"type": {
"added": "added",
"changed": "changed",
"unchanged": "unchanged",
"deleted": "deleted",
"flowDeleted": "flow deleted",
"flowAdded": "flow added",
"movedTo": "moved to __id__",
"movedFrom": "moved from __id__"
"nodeCount": "__count__ node",
"nodeCount_plural": "__count__ nodes",
"subflow": {
"editSubflow": "Edit flow template: __name__",
"edit": "Edit flow template",
"subflowInstances": "There is __count__ instance of this subflow template",
"subflowInstances_plural": "There are __count__ instances of this subflow template",
"editSubflowProperties": "edit properties",
"input": "inputs:",
"output": "outputs:",
"deleteSubflow": "delete subflow",
"info": "Description",
"format":"markdown format",
"errors": {
"noNodesSelected": "<strong>Cannot create subflow</strong>: no nodes selected",
"multipleInputsToSelection": "<strong>Cannot create subflow</strong>: multiple inputs to selection"
"editor": {
"configEdit": "Edit",
"configAdd": "Add",
"configUpdate": "Update",
"configDelete": "Delete",
"nodesUse": "__count__ node uses this config",
"nodesUse_plural": "__count__ nodes use this config",
"addNewConfig": "Add new __type__ config node",
"editNode": "Edit __type__ node",
"editConfig": "Edit __type__ config node",
"addNewType": "Add new __type__...",
"nodeProperties": "node properties",
"portLabels": "port labels",
"labelInputs": "Inputs",
"labelOutputs": "Outputs",
"noDefaultLabel": "none",
"defaultLabel": "use default label",
"errors": {
"scopeChange": "Changing the scope will make it unavailable to nodes in other flows that use it"
"keyboard": {
"title": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"selectAll": "Select all nodes",
"selectAllConnected": "Select all connected nodes",
"addRemoveNode": "Add/remove node from selection",
"editSelected": "Edit selected node",
"deleteSelected": "Delete selected nodes or link",
"importNode": "Import nodes",
"exportNode": "Export nodes",
"nudgeNode": "Move selected nodes (1px)",
"moveNode": "Move selected nodes (20px)",
"toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"copyNode": "Copy selected nodes",
"cutNode": "Cut selected nodes",
"pasteNode": "Paste nodes",
"undoChange": "Undo the last change performed",
"searchBox": "Open search box",
"managePalette": "Manage palette"
"library": {
"openLibrary": "Open Library...",
"saveToLibrary": "Save to Library...",
"typeLibrary": "__type__ library",
"unnamedType": "Unnamed __type__",
"exportToLibrary": "Export nodes to library",
"dialogSaveOverwrite": "A __libraryType__ called __libraryName__ already exists. Overwrite?",
"invalidFilename": "Invalid filename",
"savedNodes": "Saved nodes",
"savedType": "Saved __type__",
"saveFailed": "Save failed: __message__",
"filename": "Filename",
"folder": "Folder",
"filenamePlaceholder": "file",
"fullFilenamePlaceholder": "a/b/file",
"folderPlaceholder": "a/b",
"breadcrumb": "Library"
"palette": {
"noInfo": "no information available",
"filter": "filter nodes",
"search": "search modules",
"label": {
"subflows": "subflows",
"input": "input",
"output": "output",
"function": "function",
"social": "social",
"storage": "storage",
"analysis": "analysis",
"advanced": "advanced"
"event": {
"nodeAdded": "Node added to palette:",
"nodeAdded_plural": "Nodes added to palette",
"nodeRemoved": "Node removed from palette:",
"nodeRemoved_plural": "Nodes removed from palette:",
"nodeEnabled": "Node enabled:",
"nodeEnabled_plural": "Nodes enabled:",
"nodeDisabled": "Node disabled:",
"nodeDisabled_plural": "Nodes disabled:",
"nodeUpgraded": "Node module __module__ upgraded to version __version__"
"editor": {
"title": "Manage palette",
"times": {
"seconds": "seconds ago",
"minutes": "minutes ago",
"minutesV": "__count__ minutes ago",
"hoursV": "__count__ hour ago",
"hoursV_plural": "__count__ hours ago",
"daysV": "__count__ day ago",
"daysV_plural": "__count__ days ago",
"weeksV": "__count__ week ago",
"weeksV_plural": "__count__ weeks ago",
"monthsV": "__count__ month ago",
"monthsV_plural": "__count__ months ago",
"yearsV": "__count__ year ago",
"yearsV_plural": "__count__ years ago",
"yearMonthsV": "__y__ year, __count__ month ago",
"yearMonthsV_plural": "__y__ year, __count__ months ago",
"yearsMonthsV": "__y__ years, __count__ month ago",
"yearsMonthsV_plural": "__y__ years, __count__ months ago"
"nodeCount": "__label__ node",
"nodeCount_plural": "__label__ nodes",
"inuse": "in use",
"enableall": "enable all",
"disableall": "disable all",
"enable": "enable",
"disable": "disable",
"remove": "remove",
"update": "update to __version__",
"updated": "updated",
"install": "install",
"installed": "installed",
"loading": "Loading catalogues...",
"tab-nodes": "Nodes",
"tab-install": "Install",
"sort": "sort:",
"sortAZ": "a-z",
"sortRecent": "recent",
"more": "+ __count__ more",
"errors": {
"catalogLoadFailed": "Failed to load node catalogue.<br>Check the browser console for more information",
"installFailed": "Failed to install: __module__<br>__message__<br>Check the log for more information",
"removeFailed": "Failed to remove: __module__<br>__message__<br>Check the log for more information",
"updateFailed": "Failed to update: __module__<br>__message__<br>Check the log for more information"
"confirm": {
"install": {
"body":"Before installing, please read the node's documentation. Some nodes have dependencies that cannot be automatically resolved and can require a restart of Node-RED. ",
"title": "Install nodes"
"remove": {
"body":"Removing the node will uninstall it from Node-RED. The node may continue to use resources until Node-RED is restarted.",
"title": "Remove nodes"
"update": {
"body":"Updating the node will require a restart of Node-RED to complete the update. This must be done manually.",
"title": "Update nodes"
"cannotUpdate": {
"body":"An update for this node is available, but it is not installed in a location that the palette manager can update.<br/><br/>Please refer to the documentation for how to update this node."
"button": {
"review": "Open node information",
"install": "Install",
"remove": "Remove",
"update": "Update"
"sidebar": {
"info": {
"name": "Node information",
"label": "info",
"node": "Node",
"type": "Type",
"id": "ID",
"subflow": "Subflow",
"instances": "Instances",
"properties": "Properties",
"info": "Information",
"blank": "blank",
"null": "null",
"arrayItems": "__count__ items"
"config": {
"name": "Configuration nodes",
"label": "config",
"global": "On all flows",
"none": "none",
"subflows": "subflows",
"flows": "flows",
"filtered": "__count__ hidden"
"palette": {
"name": "Palette management",
"label": "palette"
"typedInput": {
"type": {
"str": "string",
"num": "number",
"re": "regular expression",
"bool": "boolean",
"json": "JSON",
"date": "timestamp"
"editableList": {
"add": "add"
"search": {
"empty": "No matches found",
"addNode": "add a node..."
"expressionEditor": {
"functions": "Functions",
"insert": "Insert"