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synced 2025-03-01 10:36:34 +00:00
For nodes that get/set context, when multiple stores are configured they will not know to parse the store name from the key. So they will pass the store name in the key, such as #:(store)::key. Currently that will cause that full string to be used as the key and the default context store used - which is wrong. The code now parses out the store name from the key if it is set - athough if the call to get/set does include the store argument, it will take precedence. This only applies when the key is a string - it doesn't apply when an array of keys is provided.
417 lines
15 KiB
417 lines
15 KiB
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var clone = require("clone");
var log = require("../../log");
var memory = require("./memory");
var util = require("../../util");
var settings;
// A map of scope id to context instance
var contexts = {};
// A map of store name to instance
var stores = {};
var storeList = [];
var defaultStore;
// Whether there context storage has been configured or left as default
var hasConfiguredStore = false;
// Unknown Stores
var unknownStores = {};
function logUnknownStore(name) {
if (name) {
var count = unknownStores[name] || 0;
if (count == 0) {
log.warn(log._("context.unknown-store", {name: name}));
unknownStores[name] = count;
function init(_settings) {
settings = _settings;
contexts = {};
stores = {};
storeList = [];
hasConfiguredStore = false;
var seed = settings.functionGlobalContext || {};
contexts['global'] = createContext("global",seed);
// create a default memory store - used by the unit tests that skip the full
// `load()` initialisation sequence.
// If the user has any stores configured, this will be disgarded
stores["_"] = new memory();
defaultStore = "memory";
function load() {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
// load & init plugins in settings.contextStorage
var plugins = settings.contextStorage || {};
var defaultIsAlias = false;
var promises = [];
if (plugins && Object.keys(plugins).length > 0) {
var hasDefault = plugins.hasOwnProperty('default');
var defaultName;
for (var pluginName in plugins) {
if (plugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName)) {
// "_" is a reserved name - do not allow it to be overridden
if (pluginName === "_") {
if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/.test(pluginName)) {
return reject(new Error(log._("context.error-invalid-module-name", {name:pluginName})));
// Check if this is setting the 'default' context to be a named plugin
if (pluginName === "default" && typeof plugins[pluginName] === "string") {
// Check the 'default' alias exists before initialising anything
if (!plugins.hasOwnProperty(plugins[pluginName])) {
return reject(new Error(log._("context.error-invalid-default-module", {storage:plugins["default"]})));
defaultIsAlias = true;
if (!hasDefault && !defaultName) {
defaultName = pluginName;
var plugin;
if (plugins[pluginName].hasOwnProperty("module")) {
// Get the provided config and copy in the 'approved' top-level settings (eg userDir)
var config = plugins[pluginName].config || {};
copySettings(config, settings);
if (typeof plugins[pluginName].module === "string") {
// This config identifies the module by name - assume it is a built-in one
// TODO: check it exists locally, if not, try to require it as-is
try {
plugin = require("./"+plugins[pluginName].module);
} catch(err) {
return reject(new Error(log._("context.error-loading-module", {module:plugins[pluginName].module,message:err.toString()})));
} else {
// Assume `module` is an already-required module we can use
plugin = plugins[pluginName].module;
try {
// Create a new instance of the plugin by calling its module function
stores[pluginName] = plugin(config);
var moduleInfo = plugins[pluginName].module;
if (typeof moduleInfo !== 'string') {
if (moduleInfo.hasOwnProperty("toString")) {
moduleInfo = moduleInfo.toString();
} else {
moduleInfo = "custom";
log.info(log._("context.log-store-init", {name:pluginName, info:"module="+moduleInfo}));
} catch(err) {
return reject(new Error(log._("context.error-loading-module",{module:pluginName,message:err.toString()})));
} else {
// Plugin does not specify a 'module'
return reject(new Error(log._("context.error-module-not-defined", {storage:pluginName})));
// Open all of the configured contexts
for (var plugin in stores) {
if (stores.hasOwnProperty(plugin)) {
// There is a 'default' listed in the configuration
if (hasDefault) {
// If 'default' is an alias, point it at the right module - we have already
// checked that it exists. If it isn't an alias, then it will
// already be set to a configured store
if (defaultIsAlias) {
stores["_"] = stores[plugins["default"]];
defaultStore = plugins["default"];
} else {
stores["_"] = stores["default"];
defaultStore = "default";
} else if (defaultName) {
// No 'default' listed, so pick first in list as the default
stores["_"] = stores[defaultName];
defaultStore = defaultName;
defaultIsAlias = true;
} else {
// else there were no stores list the config object - fall through
// to below where we default to a memory store
storeList = ["memory"];
defaultStore = "memory";
hasConfiguredStore = true;
storeList = Object.keys(stores).filter(n=>!(defaultIsAlias && n==="default") && n!== "_");
} else {
// No configured plugins
log.info(log._("context.log-store-init", {name:"default", info:"module=memory"}));
storeList = ["memory"];
defaultStore = "memory";
return resolve(Promise.all(promises));
}).catch(function(err) {
throw new Error(log._("context.error-loading-module",{message:err.toString()}));
function copySettings(config, settings){
var copy = ["userDir"]
config.settings = {};
config.settings[setting] = clone(settings[setting]);
function getContextStorage(storage) {
if (stores.hasOwnProperty(storage)) {
// A known context
return stores[storage];
} else if (stores.hasOwnProperty("_")) {
// Not known, but we have a default to fall back to
if (storage !== defaultStore) {
// It isn't the default store either, so log it
return stores["_"];
function createContext(id,seed) {
// Seed is only set for global context - sourced from functionGlobalContext
var scope = id;
var obj = seed || {};
var seedKeys;
var insertSeedValues;
if (seed) {
seedKeys = Object.keys(seed);
insertSeedValues = function(keys,values) {
if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {
if (values[0] === undefined) {
values[0] = util.getObjectProperty(seed,keys);
} else {
for (var i=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
if (values[i] === undefined) {
values[i] = util.getObjectProperty(seed,keys[i]);
Object.defineProperties(obj, {
get: {
value: function(key, storage, callback) {
var context;
if (!callback && typeof storage === 'function') {
callback = storage;
storage = undefined;
if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function'){
throw new Error("Callback must be a function");
if (!Array.isArray(key)) {
var keyParts = util.parseContextStore(key);
key = keyParts.key;
if (!storage) {
storage = keyParts.store || "_";
} else {
if (!storage) {
storage = "_";
context = getContextStorage(storage);
if (callback) {
if (!seed) {
} else {
context.get(scope,key,function() {
if (arguments[0]) {
var results = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,[1]);
// Put the err arg back
} else {
// No callback, attempt to do this synchronously
var results = context.get(scope,key);
if (seed) {
if (Array.isArray(key)) {
} else if (results === undefined){
results = util.getObjectProperty(seed,key);
return results;
set: {
value: function(key, value, storage, callback) {
var context;
if (!callback && typeof storage === 'function') {
callback = storage;
storage = undefined;
if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function'){
throw new Error("Callback must be a function");
if (!Array.isArray(key)) {
var keyParts = util.parseContextStore(key);
key = keyParts.key;
if (!storage) {
storage = keyParts.store || "_";
} else {
if (!storage) {
storage = "_";
context = getContextStorage(storage);
context.set(scope, key, value, callback);
keys: {
value: function(storage, callback) {
var context;
if (!storage && !callback) {
context = stores["_"];
} else {
if (typeof storage === 'function') {
callback = storage;
storage = "_";
if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new Error("Callback must be a function");
context = getContextStorage(storage);
if (seed) {
if (callback) {
context.keys(scope, function(err,keys) {
callback(err,Array.from(new Set(seedKeys.concat(keys)).keys()));
} else {
var keys = context.keys(scope);
return Array.from(new Set(seedKeys.concat(keys)).keys())
} else {
return context.keys(scope, callback);
return obj;
function getContext(localId,flowId) {
var contextId = localId;
if (flowId) {
contextId = localId+":"+flowId;
if (contexts.hasOwnProperty(contextId)) {
return contexts[contextId];
var newContext = createContext(contextId);
if (flowId) {
Object.defineProperty(newContext, 'flow', {
value: getContext(flowId)
Object.defineProperty(newContext, 'global', {
value: contexts['global']
contexts[contextId] = newContext;
return newContext;
function deleteContext(id,flowId) {
// only delete context if there's no configured storage.
var contextId = id;
if (flowId) {
contextId = id+":"+flowId;
delete contexts[contextId];
return stores["_"].delete(contextId);
return Promise.resolve();
function clean(flowConfig) {
var promises = [];
for(var plugin in stores){
for (var id in contexts) {
if (contexts.hasOwnProperty(id) && id !== "global") {
var idParts = id.split(":");
if (!flowConfig.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(idParts[0])) {
delete contexts[id];
return Promise.all(promises);
function close() {
var promises = [];
for(var plugin in stores){
return Promise.all(promises);
function listStores() {
return {default:defaultStore,stores:storeList};
module.exports = {
init: init,
load: load,
listStores: listStores,
get: getContext,
delete: deleteContext,
clean: clean,
close: close