mirror of https://github.com/node-red/node-red.git synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
Sam Machin 2b01a3fcd3
Handle 204 in httprequest JSON
If the http statusCode is 204 (Success, No Content) and the node return type is set to JSON this sets msg.payload as an empty json object so as to supress the JSON parse error
2023-08-02 14:15:29 +01:00

767 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module.exports = function(RED) {
"use strict";
const got = require("got");
const {CookieJar} = require("tough-cookie");
const { HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent } = require('hpagent');
const FormData = require('form-data');
const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const URL = require("url").URL
var mustache = require("mustache");
var querystring = require("querystring");
var cookie = require("cookie");
var hashSum = require("hash-sum");
// Cache a reference to the existing https.request function
// so we can compare later to see if an old agent-base instance
// has been required.
// This is generally okay as the core nodes are required before
// any contrib nodes. Where it will fail is if the agent-base module
// is required via the settings file or outside of Node-RED before it
// is started.
// If there are other modules that patch the function, they will get undone
// as well. Not much we can do about that right now. Patching core
// functions is bad.
const HTTPS_MODULE = require("https");
function checkNodeAgentPatch() {
if (HTTPS_MODULE.request !== HTTPS_REQUEST && HTTPS_MODULE.request.length === 2) {
Patched https.request function detected. This will break the
HTTP Request node. The original code has now been restored.
This is likely caused by a contrib node including an old version of
the 'agent-base@<5.0.0' module.
You can identify what node is at fault by running:
npm list agent-base
in your Node-RED user directory (${RED.settings.userDir}).
function HTTPRequest(n) {
var node = this;
var nodeUrl = n.url;
var isTemplatedUrl = (nodeUrl||"").indexOf("{{") != -1;
var nodeMethod = n.method || "GET";
var paytoqs = false;
var paytobody = false;
var redirectList = [];
var sendErrorsToCatch = n.senderr;
node.headers = n.headers || [];
var nodeHTTPPersistent = n["persist"];
if (n.tls) {
var tlsNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.tls);
this.ret = n.ret || "txt";
this.authType = n.authType || "basic";
if (RED.settings.httpRequestTimeout) { this.reqTimeout = parseInt(RED.settings.httpRequestTimeout) || 120000; }
else { this.reqTimeout = 120000; }
if (n.paytoqs === true || n.paytoqs === "query") { paytoqs = true; }
else if (n.paytoqs === "body") { paytobody = true; }
node.insecureHTTPParser = n.insecureHTTPParser
var prox, noprox;
if (process.env.http_proxy) { prox = process.env.http_proxy; }
if (process.env.HTTP_PROXY) { prox = process.env.HTTP_PROXY; }
if (process.env.no_proxy) { noprox = process.env.no_proxy.split(","); }
if (process.env.NO_PROXY) { noprox = process.env.NO_PROXY.split(","); }
var proxyConfig = null;
if (n.proxy) {
proxyConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(n.proxy);
prox = proxyConfig.url;
noprox = proxyConfig.noproxy;
let timingLog = false;
if (RED.settings.hasOwnProperty("httpRequestTimingLog")) {
timingLog = RED.settings.httpRequestTimingLog;
* Case insensitive header value update util function
* @param {object} headersObject The opt.headers object to update
* @param {string} name The header name
* @param {string} value The header value to set (if blank, header is removed)
const updateHeader = function(headersObject, name, value ) {
const hn = name.toLowerCase();
const keys = Object.keys(headersObject);
const matchingKeys = keys.filter(e => e.toLowerCase() == hn)
const updateKey = (k,v) => {
delete headersObject[k]; //delete incase of case change
if(v) { headersObject[name] = v } //re-add with requested name & value
if(matchingKeys.length == 0) {
updateKey(name, value)
} else {
matchingKeys.forEach(k => {
updateKey(k, value);
* @param {Object} headersObject
* @param {string} name
* @return {any} value
const getHeaderValue = (headersObject, name) => {
const asLowercase = name.toLowercase();
return headersObject[Object.keys(headersObject).find(k => k.toLowerCase() === asLowercase)];
this.on("input",function(msg,nodeSend,nodeDone) {
//reset redirectList on each request
redirectList = [];
var preRequestTimestamp = process.hrtime();
var url = nodeUrl || msg.url;
if (msg.url && nodeUrl && (nodeUrl !== msg.url)) { // revert change below when warning is finally removed
if (isTemplatedUrl) {
url = mustache.render(nodeUrl,msg);
if (!url) {
// url must start http:// or https:// so assume http:// if not set
if (url.indexOf("://") !== -1 && url.indexOf("http") !== 0) {
if (!((url.indexOf("http://") === 0) || (url.indexOf("https://") === 0))) {
if (tlsNode) {
url = "https://"+url;
} else {
url = "http://"+url;
// The Request module used in Node-RED 1.x was tolerant of query strings that
// were partially encoded. For example - "?a=hello%20there&b=20%"
// The GOT module doesn't like that.
// The following is an attempt to normalise the url to ensure it is properly
// encoded. We cannot just encode it directly as we don't want any valid
// encoded entity to end up doubly encoded.
if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) {
// Only do this if there is a query string to deal with
const [hostPath, ...queryString] = url.split("?")
const query = queryString.join("?");
if (query) {
// Look for any instance of % not followed by two hex chars.
// Replace any we find with %25.
const escapedQueryString = query.replace(/(%.?.?)/g, function(v) {
if (/^%[a-f0-9]{2}/i.test(v)) {
return v;
return v.replace(/%/,"%25")
url = hostPath+"?"+escapedQueryString;
var method = nodeMethod.toUpperCase() || "GET";
if (msg.method && n.method && (n.method !== "use")) { // warn if override option not set
if (msg.method && n.method && (n.method === "use")) {
method = msg.method.toUpperCase(); // use the msg parameter
// var isHttps = (/^https/i.test(url));
var opts = {};
// set defaultport, else when using HttpsProxyAgent, it's defaultPort of 443 will be used :(.
// Had to remove this to get http->https redirect to work
// opts.defaultPort = isHttps?443:80;
opts.timeout = node.reqTimeout;
opts.throwHttpErrors = false;
// TODO: add UI option to auto decompress. Setting to false for 1.x compatibility
opts.decompress = false;
opts.method = method;
opts.retry = 0;
opts.responseType = 'buffer';
opts.maxRedirects = 21;
opts.cookieJar = new CookieJar();
opts.ignoreInvalidCookies = true;
opts.forever = nodeHTTPPersistent;
if (msg.requestTimeout !== undefined) {
if (isNaN(msg.requestTimeout)) {
} else if (msg.requestTimeout < 1) {
} else {
opts.timeout = msg.requestTimeout;
const originalHeaderMap = {};
opts.hooks = {
beforeRequest: [
options => {
// Whilst HTTP headers are meant to be case-insensitive,
// in the real world, there are servers that aren't so compliant.
// GOT will lower case all headers given a chance, so we need
// to restore the case of any headers the user has set.
Object.keys(options.headers).forEach(h => {
if (originalHeaderMap[h] && originalHeaderMap[h] !== h) {
options.headers[originalHeaderMap[h]] = options.headers[h];
delete options.headers[h];
if (node.insecureHTTPParser) {
options.insecureHTTPParser = true
beforeRedirect: [
(options, response) => {
let redirectInfo = {
location: response.headers.location
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty('set-cookie')) {
redirectInfo.cookies = extractCookies(response.headers['set-cookie']);
let ctSet = "Content-Type"; // set default camel case
let clSet = "Content-Length";
const normaliseKnownHeader = function (name) {
const _name = name.toLowerCase();
// only normalise the known headers used later in this
// function. Otherwise leave them alone.
switch (_name) {
case "content-type":
ctSet = name;
name = _name;
case "content-length":
clSet = name;
name = _name;
return name;
opts.headers = {};
//add msg.headers
//NOTE: ui headers will take precidence over msg.headers
if (msg.headers) {
if (msg.headers.hasOwnProperty('x-node-red-request-node')) {
const headerHash = msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node'];
delete msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node'];
const hash = hashSum(msg.headers);
if (hash === headerHash) {
delete msg.headers;
if (msg.headers) {
for (let hn in msg.headers) {
const name = normaliseKnownHeader(hn);
updateHeader(opts.headers, name, msg.headers[hn]);
//add/remove/update headers from UI.
if (node.headers.length) {
for (let index = 0; index < node.headers.length; index++) {
const header = node.headers[index];
let headerName, headerValue;
if (header.keyType === "other") {
headerName = header.keyValue
} else if (header.keyType === "msg") {
RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(header.keyValue, header.keyType, node, msg, (err, value) => {
if (err) {
//ignore header
} else {
headerName = value;
} else {
headerName = header.keyType
if (!headerName) {
continue; //skip if header name is empyy
if (header.valueType === "other") {
headerValue = header.valueValue
} else if (header.valueType === "msg") {
RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(header.valueValue, header.valueType, node, msg, (err, value) => {
if (err) {
//ignore header
} else {
headerValue = value;
} else {
headerValue = header.valueType
const hn = normaliseKnownHeader(headerName);
updateHeader(opts.headers, hn, headerValue);
if (msg.hasOwnProperty('followRedirects')) {
opts.followRedirect = !!msg.followRedirects;
if (opts.headers.hasOwnProperty('cookie')) {
var cookies = cookie.parse(opts.headers.cookie, {decode:String});
for (var name in cookies) {
opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, cookies[name], {encode:String}), url, {ignoreError: true});
delete opts.headers.cookie;
if (msg.cookies) {
for (var name in msg.cookies) {
if (msg.cookies.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if (msg.cookies[name] === null || msg.cookies[name].value === null) {
// This case clears a cookie for HTTP In/Response nodes.
// Ignore for this node.
} else if (typeof msg.cookies[name] === 'object') {
if(msg.cookies[name].encode === false){
// If the encode option is false, the value is not encoded.
opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, msg.cookies[name].value, {encode: String}), url, {ignoreError: true});
} else {
// The value is encoded by encodeURIComponent().
opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, msg.cookies[name].value), url, {ignoreError: true});
} else {
opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, msg.cookies[name]), url, {ignoreError: true});
var parsedURL = new URL(url)
this.credentials = this.credentials || {}
if (parsedURL.username && !this.credentials.user) {
this.credentials.user = parsedURL.username
if (parsedURL.password && !this.credentials.password) {
this.credentials.password = parsedURL.password
if (Object.keys(this.credentials).length != 0) {
if (this.authType === "basic") {
// Workaround for https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/issues/1169 (fixed in got v12)
// var cred = ""
if (this.credentials.user || this.credentials.password) {
// cred = `${this.credentials.user}:${this.credentials.password}`;
if (this.credentials.user === undefined) { this.credentials.user = ""}
if (this.credentials.password === undefined) { this.credentials.password = ""}
opts.headers.Authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(`${this.credentials.user}:${this.credentials.password}`).toString("base64");
// build own basic auth header
// opts.headers.Authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(cred).toString("base64");
} else if (this.authType === "digest") {
let digestCreds = this.credentials;
let sentCreds = false;
opts.hooks.afterResponse = [(response, retry) => {
if (response.statusCode === 401) {
if (sentCreds) {
return response
const requestUrl = new URL(response.request.requestUrl);
const options = response.request.options;
const normalisedHeaders = {};
Object.keys(response.headers).forEach(k => {
normalisedHeaders[k.toLowerCase()] = response.headers[k]
if (normalisedHeaders['www-authenticate']) {
let authHeader = buildDigestHeader(digestCreds.user,digestCreds.password, options.method, requestUrl.pathname, normalisedHeaders['www-authenticate'])
options.headers.Authorization = authHeader;
sentCreds = true;
return retry(options);
return response
} else if (this.authType === "bearer") {
opts.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.credentials.password||""}`
var payload = null;
if (method !== 'GET' && method !== 'HEAD' && typeof msg.payload !== "undefined") {
if (opts.headers['content-type'] == 'multipart/form-data' && typeof msg.payload === "object") {
let formData = new FormData();
for (var opt in msg.payload) {
if (msg.payload.hasOwnProperty(opt)) {
var val = msg.payload[opt];
if (val !== undefined && val !== null) {
if (typeof val === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
formData.append(opt, val);
} else if (typeof val === 'object' && val.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
formData.append(opt,val.value,val.options || {});
} else if (Array.isArray(val)) {
for (var i=0; i<val.length; i++) {
formData.append(opt, val[i])
} else {
// GOT will only set the content-type header with the correct boundary
// if the header isn't set. So we delete it here, for GOT to reset it.
delete opts.headers['content-type'];
opts.body = formData;
} else {
if (typeof msg.payload === "string" || Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) {
payload = msg.payload;
} else if (typeof msg.payload == "number") {
payload = msg.payload+"";
} else {
if (opts.headers['content-type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
payload = querystring.stringify(msg.payload);
} else {
payload = JSON.stringify(msg.payload);
if (opts.headers['content-type'] == null) {
opts.headers[ctSet] = "application/json";
if (opts.headers['content-length'] == null) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(payload)) {
opts.headers[clSet] = payload.length;
} else {
opts.headers[clSet] = Buffer.byteLength(payload);
opts.body = payload;
if (method == 'GET' && typeof msg.payload !== "undefined" && paytoqs) {
if (typeof msg.payload === "object") {
try {
if (url.indexOf("?") !== -1) {
url += (url.endsWith("?")?"":"&") + querystring.stringify(msg.payload);
} else {
url += "?" + querystring.stringify(msg.payload);
} catch(err) {
} else {
} else if ( method == "GET" && typeof msg.payload !== "undefined" && paytobody) {
opts.allowGetBody = true;
if (typeof msg.payload === "object") {
opts.body = JSON.stringify(msg.payload);
} else if (typeof msg.payload == "number") {
opts.body = msg.payload+"";
} else if (typeof msg.payload === "string" || Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) {
opts.body = msg.payload;
// revert to user supplied Capitalisation if needed.
if (opts.headers.hasOwnProperty('content-type') && (ctSet !== 'content-type')) {
opts.headers[ctSet] = opts.headers['content-type'];
delete opts.headers['content-type'];
if (opts.headers.hasOwnProperty('content-length') && (clSet !== 'content-length')) {
opts.headers[clSet] = opts.headers['content-length'];
delete opts.headers['content-length'];
var noproxy;
if (noprox) {
for (var i = 0; i < noprox.length; i += 1) {
if (url.indexOf(noprox[i]) !== -1) { noproxy=true; }
if (prox && !noproxy) {
var match = prox.match(/^(https?:\/\/)?(.+)?:([0-9]+)?/i);
if (match) {
let proxyAgent;
let proxyURL = new URL(prox);
//set username/password to null to stop empty creds header
let proxyOptions = {
proxy: {
protocol: proxyURL.protocol,
hostname: proxyURL.hostname,
port: proxyURL.port,
username: null,
password: null
maxFreeSockets: 256,
maxSockets: 256,
keepAlive: true
if (proxyConfig && proxyConfig.credentials) {
let proxyUsername = proxyConfig.credentials.username || '';
let proxyPassword = proxyConfig.credentials.password || '';
if (proxyUsername || proxyPassword) {
proxyOptions.proxy.username = proxyUsername;
proxyOptions.proxy.password = proxyPassword;
} else if (proxyURL.username || proxyURL.password){
proxyOptions.proxy.username = proxyURL.username;
proxyOptions.proxy.password = proxyURL.password;
//need both incase of http -> https redirect
opts.agent = {
http: new HttpProxyAgent(proxyOptions),
https: new HttpsProxyAgent(proxyOptions)
} else {
node.warn("Bad proxy url: "+ prox);
if (tlsNode) {
opts.https = {};
if (opts.https.ca) {
opts.https.certificateAuthority = opts.https.ca;
delete opts.https.ca;
if (opts.https.cert) {
opts.https.certificate = opts.https.cert;
delete opts.https.cert;
} else {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty('rejectUnauthorized')) {
opts.https = { rejectUnauthorized: msg.rejectUnauthorized };
// Now we have established all of our own headers, take a snapshot
// of their case so we can restore it prior to the request being sent.
if (opts.headers) {
Object.keys(opts.headers).forEach(h => {
originalHeaderMap[h.toLowerCase()] = h
got(url,opts).then(res => {
msg.statusCode = res.statusCode;
msg.headers = res.headers;
msg.responseUrl = res.url;
msg.payload = res.body;
msg.redirectList = redirectList;
msg.retry = 0;
if (msg.headers.hasOwnProperty('set-cookie')) {
msg.responseCookies = extractCookies(msg.headers['set-cookie']);
msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node'] = hashSum(msg.headers);
// msg.url = url; // revert when warning above finally removed
if (node.metric()) {
// Calculate request time
var diff = process.hrtime(preRequestTimestamp);
var ms = diff[0] * 1e3 + diff[1] * 1e-6;
var metricRequestDurationMillis = ms.toFixed(3);
node.metric("duration.millis", msg, metricRequestDurationMillis);
if (res.client && res.client.bytesRead) {
node.metric("size.bytes", msg, res.client.bytesRead);
if (timingLog) {
emitTimingMetricLog(res.timings, msg);
// Convert the payload to the required return type
if (node.ret !== "bin") {
msg.payload = msg.payload.toString('utf8'); // txt
if (node.ret === "obj") {
if (msg.statusCode == 204){msg.payload= "{}"};
try { msg.payload = JSON.parse(msg.payload); } // obj
catch(e) { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.json-error")); }
}).catch(err => {
// Pre 2.1, any errors would be sent to both Catch node and sent on as normal.
// This is not ideal but is the legacy behaviour of the node.
// 2.1 adds the 'senderr' option, if set to true, will *only* send errors
// to Catch nodes. If false, it still does both behaviours.
// TODO: 3.0 - make it one or the other.
if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT' || err.code === 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT') {
node.error(RED._("common.notification.errors.no-response"), msg);
node.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:"common.notification.errors.no-response"});
} else {
node.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:err.code});
msg.payload = err.toString() + " : " + url;
msg.statusCode = err.code || (err.response?err.response.statusCode:undefined);
if (node.metric() && timingLog) {
emitTimingMetricLog(err.timings, msg);
if (!sendErrorsToCatch) {
this.on("close",function() {
function emitTimingMetricLog(timings, msg) {
const props = [
if (timings) {
props.forEach(p => {
if (timings[p]) {
node.metric(`timings.${p}`, msg, timings[p]);
function extractCookies(setCookie) {
var cookies = {};
setCookie.forEach(function(c) {
var parsedCookie = cookie.parse(c);
var eq_idx = c.indexOf('=');
var key = c.substr(0, eq_idx).trim()
parsedCookie.value = parsedCookie[key];
delete parsedCookie[key];
cookies[key] = parsedCookie;
return cookies;
RED.nodes.registerType("http request",HTTPRequest,{
credentials: {
user: {type:"text"},
password: {type: "password"}
const md5 = (value) => { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(value).digest('hex') }
function ha1Compute(algorithm, user, realm, pass, nonce, cnonce) {
* RFC 2617: handle both MD5 and MD5-sess algorithms.
* If the algorithm directive's value is "MD5" or unspecified, then HA1 is
* HA1=MD5(username:realm:password)
* If the algorithm directive's value is "MD5-sess", then HA1 is
* HA1=MD5(MD5(username:realm:password):nonce:cnonce)
var ha1 = md5(user + ':' + realm + ':' + pass)
if (algorithm && algorithm.toLowerCase() === 'md5-sess') {
return md5(ha1 + ':' + nonce + ':' + cnonce)
} else {
return ha1
function buildDigestHeader(user, pass, method, path, authHeader) {
var challenge = {}
var re = /([a-z0-9_-]+)=(?:"([^"]+)"|([a-z0-9_-]+))/gi
for (;;) {
var match = re.exec(authHeader)
if (!match) {
challenge[match[1]] = match[2] || match[3]
var qop = /(^|,)\s*auth\s*($|,)/.test(challenge.qop) && 'auth'
var nc = qop && '00000001'
var cnonce = qop && uuid().replace(/-/g, '')
var ha1 = ha1Compute(challenge.algorithm, user, challenge.realm, pass, challenge.nonce, cnonce)
var ha2 = md5(method + ':' + path)
var digestResponse = qop
? md5(ha1 + ':' + challenge.nonce + ':' + nc + ':' + cnonce + ':' + qop + ':' + ha2)
: md5(ha1 + ':' + challenge.nonce + ':' + ha2)
var authValues = {
username: user,
realm: challenge.realm,
nonce: challenge.nonce,
uri: path,
qop: qop,
response: digestResponse,
nc: nc,
cnonce: cnonce,
algorithm: challenge.algorithm,
opaque: challenge.opaque
authHeader = []
for (var k in authValues) {
if (authValues[k]) {
if (k === 'qop' || k === 'nc' || k === 'algorithm') {
authHeader.push(k + '=' + authValues[k])
} else {
authHeader.push(k + '="' + authValues[k] + '"')
authHeader = 'Digest ' + authHeader.join(', ')
return authHeader