
286 lines
13 KiB

/* NOTE: Do not edit directly! This file is generated using `npm run update-types` in */
interface NodeMessage {
topic?: string;
payload?: any;
_msgid?: string;
[other: string]: any; //permit other properties
/** @type {NodeMessage} the `msg` object */
declare var msg: NodeMessage;
/** @type {string} the id of the incoming `msg` (alias of msg._msgid) */
declare const __msgid__:string;
declare const util:typeof import('util')
declare const promisify:typeof import('util').promisify
* @typedef NodeStatus
* @type {object}
* @property {string} [fill] The fill property can be: red, green, yellow, blue or grey.
* @property {string} [shape] The shape property can be: ring or dot.
* @property {string} [text] The text to display
interface NodeStatus {
/** The fill property can be: red, green, yellow, blue or grey */
fill?: string,
/** The shape property can be: ring or dot */
shape?: string,
/** The text to display */
text?: string|boolean|number
declare class node {
* Send 1 or more messages asynchronously
* @param {object | object[]} msg The msg object
* @param {Boolean} [clone=true] Flag to indicate the `msg` should be cloned. Default = `true`
* @see node-red documentation [writing-functions: sending messages asynchronously](
static send(msg:object|object[], clone?:Boolean): void;
/** Inform runtime this instance has completed its operation */
static done();
/** Send an error to the console and debug side bar. Include `msg` in the 2nd parameter to trigger the catch node. */
static error(err:string|Error, msg?:object);
/** Log a warn message to the console and debug sidebar */
static warn(warning:string|object);
/** Log an info message to the console (not sent to sidebar)' */
static log(info:string|object);
/** Sets the status icon and text underneath the node.
* @param {NodeStatus} status - The status object `{fill, shape, text}`
* @see node-red documentation [writing-functions: adding-status](
static status(status:NodeStatus);
/** Sets the status text underneath the node.
* @param {string} status - The status to display
* @see node-red documentation [writing-functions: adding-status](
static status(status:string|boolean|number);
/** the id of this node */
public static readonly id:string;
/** the name of this node */
public static readonly name:string;
/** the path identifier for this node */
public static readonly path:string;
/** the number of outputs of this node */
public static readonly outputCount:number;
declare class context {
* Get one or multiple values from context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name of context variable
static get(name: string | string[]);
* Get one or multiple values from context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param {function} callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err,value) => {}`)
static get(name: string | string[], callback: Function);
* Get one or multiple values from context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param store - Name of context store
static get(name: string | string[], store: string);
* Get one or multiple values from context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param store - Name of context store
* @param {function} callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err,value) => {}`)
static get(name: string | string[], store: string, callback: Function);
* Set one or multiple values in context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[]);
* Set one or multiple values in context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err) => {}`)
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], callback?: Function);
* Set one or multiple values in context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param store - (optional) Name of context store
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], store?: string);
* Set one or multiple values in context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param store - (optional) Name of context store
* @param callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err) => {}`)
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], store?: string, callback?: Function);
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(): Array<string>;
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(store: string): Array<string>;
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(callback: Function);
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(store: string, callback: Function);
declare class flow {
* Get one or multiple values from context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name of context variable
static get(name: string | string[]);
* Get one or multiple values from context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param {function} callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err,value) => {}`)
static get(name: string | string[], callback: Function);
* Get one or multiple values from context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param store - Name of context store
static get(name: string | string[], store: string);
* Get one or multiple values from context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param store - Name of context store
* @param {function} callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err,value) => {}`)
static get(name: string | string[], store: string, callback: Function);
* Set one or multiple values in context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[]);
* Set one or multiple values in context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err) => {}`)
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], callback?: Function);
* Set one or multiple values in context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param store - (optional) Name of context store
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], store?: string);
* Set one or multiple values in context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param store - (optional) Name of context store
* @param callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err) => {}`)
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], store?: string, callback?: Function);
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(): Array<string>;
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(store: string): Array<string>;
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(callback: Function);
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(store: string, callback: Function);
// @ts-ignore
declare class global {
* Get one or multiple values from context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name of context variable
static get(name: string | string[]);
* Get one or multiple values from context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param {function} callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err,value) => {}`)
static get(name: string | string[], callback: Function);
* Get one or multiple values from context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param store - Name of context store
static get(name: string | string[], store: string);
* Get one or multiple values from context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to get from context
* @param store - Name of context store
* @param {function} callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err,value) => {}`)
static get(name: string | string[], store: string, callback: Function);
* Set one or multiple values in context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[]);
* Set one or multiple values in context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err) => {}`)
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], callback?: Function);
* Set one or multiple values in context (synchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param store - (optional) Name of context store
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], store?: string);
* Set one or multiple values in context (asynchronous).
* @param name - Name (or array of names) to set in context
* @param value - The value (or array of values) to store in context. If the value(s) are null/undefined, the context item(s) will be removed.
* @param store - (optional) Name of context store
* @param callback - (optional) Callback function (`(err) => {}`)
static set(name: string | string[], value?: any | any[], store?: string, callback?: Function);
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(): Array<string>;
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(store: string): Array<string>;
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(callback: Function);
/** Get an array of the keys in the context store */
static keys(store: string, callback: Function);
declare class env {
* Get an environment variable value
* Predefined node-red variables...
* * `NR_NODE_ID` - the ID of the node
* * `NR_NODE_NAME` - the Name of the node
* * `NR_NODE_PATH` - the Path of the node
* * `NR_GROUP_ID` - the ID of the containing group
* * `NR_GROUP_NAME` - the Name of the containing group
* * `NR_FLOW_ID` - the ID of the flow the node is on
* * `NR_FLOW_NAME` - the Name of the flow the node is on
* @param name Name of the environment variable to get
* @example
* ```const flowName = env.get("NR_FLOW_NAME");```
static get(name:string) :string;