mirror of https://github.com/node-red/node-red.git synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
Nick O'Leary 6fb96fa3c1
Move exec and events components to util module
The exec and events components are common components that
are used by both runtime and registry. It makes sense to
move them into the util package.

This also adds some docs to the registry module
2020-12-07 11:49:01 +00:00

1060 lines
38 KiB

* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var fspath = require("path");
var os = require('os');
var gitTools = require("./git");
var util = require("../util");
var defaultFileSet = require("./defaultFileSet");
var sshKeys = require("./ssh");
var settings;
var runtime;
var log = require("@node-red/util").log;
const events = require("@node-red/util").events;
var projectsDir;
var authCache = require("./git/authCache");
// TODO: DRY - red/api/editor/sshkeys !
function getSSHKeyUsername(userObj) {
var username = '__default';
if ( userObj && userObj.username ) {
username = userObj.username;
return username;
function getUserGitSettings(user) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var userSettings = settings.getUserSettings(username)||{};
return userSettings.git;
function getGitUser(user) {
var gitSettings = getUserGitSettings(user);
if (gitSettings) {
return gitSettings.user;
return null;
function Project(path) {
this.path = path;
this.name = fspath.basename(path);
this.paths = {};
this.files = {};
this.auth = {origin:{}};
this.missingFiles = [];
this.credentialSecret = null;
Project.prototype.load = function () {
var project = this;
var globalProjectSettings = settings.get("projects");
// console.log(globalProjectSettings)
var projectSettings = {};
if (globalProjectSettings) {
if (globalProjectSettings.projects.hasOwnProperty(this.name)) {
projectSettings = globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name] || {};
this.paths.root = projectSettings.rootPath || "";
this.credentialSecret = projectSettings.credentialSecret;
this.git = projectSettings.git || { user:{} };
// this.paths.flowFile = fspath.join(this.path,"flow.json");
// this.paths.credentialsFile = fspath.join(this.path,"flow_cred.json");
var promises = [];
return checkProjectFiles(project).then(function(missingFiles) {
project.missingFiles = missingFiles;
if (missingFiles.indexOf('package.json') === -1) {
// We have a package.json in project.path+project.paths.root+"package.json"
project.paths['package.json'] = fspath.join(project.paths.root,"package.json");
promises.push(fs.readFile(fspath.join(project.path,project.paths['package.json']),"utf8").then(function(content) {
try {
project.package = util.parseJSON(content);
if (project.package.hasOwnProperty('node-red')) {
if (project.package['node-red'].hasOwnProperty('settings')) {
project.paths.flowFile = fspath.join(project.paths.root,project.package['node-red'].settings.flowFile);
project.paths.credentialsFile = fspath.join(project.paths.root,project.package['node-red'].settings.credentialsFile);
} else {
// TODO: package.json doesn't have a node-red section
// is that a bad thing?
} catch(err) {
// package.json isn't valid JSON... is a merge underway?
project.package = {};
}).catch(err => {})); //
if (missingFiles.indexOf('README.md') === -1) {
project.paths['README.md'] = fspath.join(project.paths.root,"README.md");
promises.push(fs.readFile(fspath.join(project.path,project.paths['README.md']),"utf8").then(function(content) {
project.description = content;
}).catch(err => {}));
} else {
project.description = "";
} else {
project.package = {};
project.description = "";
// if (missingFiles.indexOf('flow.json') !== -1) {
// console.log("MISSING FLOW FILE");
// } else {
// project.paths.flowFile = fspath.join(project.path,"flow.json");
// }
// if (missingFiles.indexOf('flow_cred.json') !== -1) {
// console.log("MISSING CREDS FILE");
// } else {
// project.paths.credentialsFile = fspath.join(project.path,"flow_cred.json");
// }
promises.push(project.loadRemotes().catch(err => {}));
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
return project;
Project.prototype.initialise = function(user,data) {
var project = this;
// if (!this.empty) {
// throw new Error("Cannot initialise non-empty project");
// }
var files = Object.keys(defaultFileSet);
var promises = [];
if (data.hasOwnProperty('credentialSecret')) {
var projects = settings.get('projects');
projects.projects[project.name] = projects.projects[project.name] || {};
projects.projects[project.name].credentialSecret = data.credentialSecret;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('files')) {
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('flow') && data.files.hasOwnProperty('credentials')) {
project.files.flow = data.files.flow;
project.files.credentials = data.files.credentials;
var flowFilePath = fspath.join(project.path,project.files.flow);
var credsFilePath = getCredentialsFilename(flowFilePath);
for (var file in defaultFileSet) {
if (defaultFileSet.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
var path = fspath.join(project.path,file);
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return gitTools.stageFile(project.path,files);
}).then(function() {
return gitTools.commit(project.path,"Create project files",getGitUser(user));
}).then(function() {
return project.load()
Project.prototype.loadRemotes = function() {
var project = this;
return gitTools.getRemotes(project.path).then(function(remotes) {
project.remotes = remotes;
}).then(function() {
project.branches = {};
return project.status();
}).then(function() {
if (project.remotes) {
var allRemotes = Object.keys(project.remotes);
var match = "";
if (project.branches.remote) {
allRemotes.forEach(function(remote) {
if (project.branches.remote.indexOf(remote) === 0 && match.length < remote.length) {
match = remote;
project.currentRemote = project.parseRemoteBranch(project.branches.remote).remote;
} else {
delete project.currentRemote;
Project.prototype.parseRemoteBranch = function (remoteBranch) {
if (!remoteBranch) {
return {}
var project = this;
var allRemotes = Object.keys(project.remotes);
var match = "";
allRemotes.forEach(function(remote) {
if (remoteBranch.indexOf(remote) === 0 && match.length < remote.length) {
match = remote;
return {
remote: match,
branch: remoteBranch.substring(match.length+1)
Project.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return this.empty;
Project.prototype.isMerging = function() {
return this.merging;
Project.prototype.update = async function (user, data) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var promises = [];
var project = this;
var saveSettings = false;
var saveREADME = false;
var savePackage = false;
var flowFilesChanged = false;
var credentialSecretChanged = false;
var reloadProject = false;
var globalProjectSettings = settings.get("projects");
if (!globalProjectSettings.projects.hasOwnProperty(this.name)) {
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name] = {};
saveSettings = true;
if (data.credentialSecret && data.credentialSecret !== this.credentialSecret) {
var existingSecret = data.currentCredentialSecret;
var isReset = data.resetCredentialSecret;
var secret = data.credentialSecret;
// console.log("updating credentialSecret");
// console.log("request:");
// console.log(JSON.stringify(data,"",4));
// console.log(" this.credentialSecret",this.credentialSecret);
// console.log(" this.info", this.info);
if (!isReset && // not a reset
this.credentialSecret && // key already set
!this.credentialSecretInvalid && // key not invalid
this.credentialSecret !== existingSecret) { // key doesn't match provided existing key
var e = new Error("Cannot change credentialSecret without current key");
e.code = "missing_current_credential_key";
throw e;
this.credentialSecret = secret;
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].credentialSecret = project.credentialSecret;
delete this.credentialSecretInvalid;
saveSettings = true;
credentialSecretChanged = true;
if (this.missingFiles.indexOf('package.json') !== -1) {
if (!data.files || !data.files.package) {
// Cannot update a project that doesn't have a known package.json
throw new Error("Cannot update project with missing package.json");
if (data.hasOwnProperty('files')) {
this.package['node-red'] = this.package['node-red'] || { settings: {}};
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('package') && (data.files.package !== fspath.join(this.paths.root,"package.json") || !this.paths['package.json'])) {
// We have a package file. It could be one that doesn't exist yet,
// or it does exist and we need to load it.
if (!/package\.json$/.test(data.files.package)) {
return new Error("Invalid package file: "+data.files.package)
var root = data.files.package.substring(0,data.files.package.length-12);
this.paths.root = root;
this.paths['package.json'] = data.files.package;
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].rootPath = root;
saveSettings = true;
// 1. check if it exists
if (fs.existsSync(fspath.join(this.path,this.paths['package.json']))) {
// Load the existing one....
} else {
var newPackage = defaultFileSet["package.json"](this);
this.package = JSON.parse(newPackage);
reloadProject = true;
flowFilesChanged = true;
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('flow') && this.package['node-red'].settings.flowFile !== data.files.flow.substring(this.paths.root.length)) {
this.paths.flowFile = data.files.flow;
this.package['node-red'].settings.flowFile = data.files.flow.substring(this.paths.root.length);
savePackage = true;
flowFilesChanged = true;
if (data.files.hasOwnProperty('credentials') && this.package['node-red'].settings.credentialsFile !== data.files.credentials.substring(this.paths.root.length)) {
this.paths.credentialsFile = data.files.credentials;
this.package['node-red'].settings.credentialsFile = data.files.credentials.substring(this.paths.root.length);
// Don't know if the credSecret is invalid or not so clear the flag
delete this.credentialSecretInvalid;
savePackage = true;
flowFilesChanged = true;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('description')) {
saveREADME = true;
this.description = data.description;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('dependencies')) {
savePackage = true;
this.package.dependencies = data.dependencies;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('summary')) {
savePackage = true;
this.package.description = data.summary;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('version')) {
savePackage = true;
this.package.version = data.version;
if (data.hasOwnProperty('git')) {
if (data.git.hasOwnProperty('user')) {
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git = globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git || {};
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git.user = globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git.user || {};
globalProjectSettings.projects[this.name].git.user[username] = {
name: data.git.user.name,
email: data.git.user.email
this.git.user[username] = {
name: data.git.user.name,
email: data.git.user.email
saveSettings = true;
if (data.git.hasOwnProperty('remotes')) {
var remoteNames = Object.keys(data.git.remotes);
var remotesChanged = false;
var modifyRemotesPromise = Promise.resolve();
remoteNames.forEach(function(name) {
if (data.git.remotes[name].removed) {
remotesChanged = true;
modifyRemotesPromise = modifyRemotesPromise.then(function() { gitTools.removeRemote(project.path,name) });
} else {
if (data.git.remotes[name].url) {
remotesChanged = true;
modifyRemotesPromise = modifyRemotesPromise.then(function() { gitTools.addRemote(project.path,name,data.git.remotes[name])});
if (data.git.remotes[name].username && data.git.remotes[name].password) {
var url = data.git.remotes[name].url || project.remotes[name].fetch;
if (remotesChanged) {
modifyRemotesPromise = modifyRemotesPromise.then(function() {
return project.loadRemotes();
promises.push(modifyRemotesPromise.catch(err => {}));
if (saveSettings) {
promises.push(settings.set("projects",globalProjectSettings).catch(err => {}));
var modifiedFiles = [];
if (saveREADME) {
promises.push(util.writeFile(fspath.join(this.path,this.paths['README.md']), this.description).catch(err => {}));
if (savePackage) {
promises.push(fs.readFile(fspath.join(this.path,this.paths['package.json']),"utf8").then(content => {
var currentPackage = {};
try {
currentPackage = util.parseJSON(content);
} catch(err) {
this.package = Object.assign(currentPackage,this.package);
return util.writeFile(fspath.join(project.path,this.paths['package.json']), JSON.stringify(this.package,"",4));
}).catch(err => {}));
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(res) {
var gitSettings = getUserGitSettings(user) || {};
var workflowMode = (gitSettings.workflow||{}).mode || "manual";
if (workflowMode === 'auto') {
return project.stageFile(modifiedFiles.map(f => project.paths[f])).then(() => {
return project.commit(user,{message:"Update "+modifiedFiles.join(", ")})
}).then(res => {
if (reloadProject) {
return this.load()
}).then(function() {
return {
flowFilesChanged: flowFilesChanged,
credentialSecretChanged: credentialSecretChanged
Project.prototype.getFiles = function () {
return gitTools.getFiles(this.path).catch(function(err) {
if (/ambiguous argument/.test(err.message)) {
return {};
throw err;
Project.prototype.stageFile = function(file) {
return gitTools.stageFile(this.path,file);
Project.prototype.unstageFile = function(file) {
return gitTools.unstageFile(this.path,file);
Project.prototype.commit = function(user, options) {
var self = this;
return gitTools.commit(this.path,options.message,getGitUser(user)).then(function() {
if (self.merging) {
self.merging = false;
Project.prototype.getFileDiff = function(file,type) {
return gitTools.getFileDiff(this.path,file,type);
Project.prototype.getCommits = function(options) {
return gitTools.getCommits(this.path,options).catch(function(err) {
if (/bad default revision/i.test(err.message) || /ambiguous argument/i.test(err.message) || /does not have any commits yet/i.test(err.message)) {
return {
total: 0
throw err;
Project.prototype.getCommit = function(sha) {
return gitTools.getCommit(this.path,sha);
Project.prototype.getFile = function (filePath,treeish) {
if (treeish !== "_") {
return gitTools.getFile(this.path, filePath, treeish);
} else {
return fs.readFile(fspath.join(this.path,filePath),"utf8");
Project.prototype.revertFile = function (filePath) {
var self = this;
return gitTools.revertFile(this.path, filePath).then(function() {
return self.load();
Project.prototype.status = function(user, includeRemote) {
var self = this;
var fetchPromise;
if (this.remotes && includeRemote) {
fetchPromise = gitTools.getRemoteBranch(self.path).then(function(remoteBranch) {
if (remoteBranch) {
var allRemotes = Object.keys(self.remotes);
var match = "";
allRemotes.forEach(function(remote) {
if (remoteBranch.indexOf(remote) === 0 && match.length < remote.length) {
match = remote;
return self.fetch(user, match);
} else {
fetchPromise = Promise.resolve();
var completeStatus = function(fetchError) {
var promises = [
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
var result = results[0];
if (results[1]) {
result.merging = true;
if (!self.merging) {
self.merging = true;
} else {
self.merging = false;
self.branches.local = result.branches.local;
self.branches.remote = result.branches.remote;
if (fetchError && !/ambiguous argument/.test(fetchError.message)) {
result.branches.remoteError = {
remote: fetchError.remote,
code: fetchError.code
if (result.commits.total === 0 && Object.keys(result.files).length === 0) {
if (!self.empty) {
self.empty = true;
} else {
if (self.empty) {
if (self.paths.flowFile) {
} else {
delete self.empty;
return result;
}).catch(function(err) {
if (/ambiguous argument/.test(err.message)) {
return {
throw err;
return fetchPromise.then(completeStatus).catch(function(e) {
// if (e.code !== 'git_auth_failed') {
// console.log("Fetch failed");
// console.log(e);
// }
return completeStatus(e);
Project.prototype.push = function (user,remoteBranchName,setRemote) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var remote = this.parseRemoteBranch(remoteBranchName||this.branches.remote);
return gitTools.push(this.path, remote.remote || this.currentRemote,remote.branch, setRemote, authCache.get(this.name,this.remotes[remote.remote || this.currentRemote].fetch,username));
Project.prototype.pull = function (user,remoteBranchName,setRemote,allowUnrelatedHistories) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var self = this;
if (setRemote) {
return gitTools.setUpstream(this.path, remoteBranchName).then(function() {
self.currentRemote = self.parseRemoteBranch(remoteBranchName).remote;
return gitTools.pull(self.path, null, null, allowUnrelatedHistories, authCache.get(self.name,self.remotes[self.currentRemote].fetch,username),getGitUser(user));
} else {
var remote = this.parseRemoteBranch(remoteBranchName);
return gitTools.pull(this.path, remote.remote, remote.branch, allowUnrelatedHistories, authCache.get(this.name,this.remotes[remote.remote||self.currentRemote].fetch,username),getGitUser(user));
Project.prototype.resolveMerge = function (file,resolutions) {
var filePath = fspath.join(this.path,file);
var self = this;
if (typeof resolutions === 'string') {
return util.writeFile(filePath, resolutions).then(function() {
return self.stageFile(file);
return fs.readFile(filePath,"utf8").then(function(content) {
var lines = content.split("\n");
var result = [];
var ignoreBlock = false;
var currentBlock;
for (var i=1;i<=lines.length;i++) {
if (resolutions.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
currentBlock = resolutions[i];
if (currentBlock.selection === "A") {
ignoreBlock = false;
} else {
ignoreBlock = true;
if (currentBlock) {
if (currentBlock.separator === i) {
if (currentBlock.selection === "A") {
ignoreBlock = true;
} else {
ignoreBlock = false;
} else if (currentBlock.changeEnd === i) {
currentBlock = null;
} else if (ignoreBlock) {
var finalResult = result.join("\n");
return util.writeFile(filePath,finalResult).then(function() {
return self.stageFile(file);
Project.prototype.abortMerge = function () {
var self = this;
return gitTools.abortMerge(this.path).then(function() {
self.merging = false;
Project.prototype.getBranches = function (user, isRemote) {
var self = this;
var fetchPromise;
if (isRemote) {
fetchPromise = self.fetch(user);
} else {
fetchPromise = Promise.resolve();
return fetchPromise.then(function() {
return gitTools.getBranches(self.path,isRemote);
Project.prototype.deleteBranch = function (user, branch, isRemote, force) {
// TODO: isRemote==true support
// TODO: make sure we don't try to delete active branch
return gitTools.deleteBranch(this.path,branch,isRemote, force);
Project.prototype.fetch = function(user,remoteName) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
var project = this;
if (remoteName) {
return gitTools.fetch(project.path,remoteName,authCache.get(project.name,project.remotes[remoteName].fetch,username)).catch(function(err) {
err.remote = remoteName;
throw err;
} else {
var remotes = Object.keys(this.remotes);
var promise = Promise.resolve();
remotes.forEach(function(remote) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
return gitTools.fetch(project.path,remote,authCache.get(project.name,project.remotes[remote].fetch,username))
}).catch(function(err) {
if (!err.remote) {
err.remote = remote;
throw err;
return promise;
Project.prototype.setBranch = function (branchName, isCreate) {
var self = this;
return gitTools.checkoutBranch(this.path, branchName, isCreate).then(function() {
return self.load();
Project.prototype.getBranchStatus = function (branchName) {
return gitTools.getBranchStatus(this.path,branchName);
Project.prototype.getRemotes = function (user) {
return gitTools.getRemotes(this.path).then(function(remotes) {
var result = [];
for (var name in remotes) {
if (remotes.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
remotes[name].name = name;
return {remotes:result};
Project.prototype.addRemote = function(user,remote,options) {
var project = this;
return gitTools.addRemote(this.path,remote,options).then(function() {
return project.loadRemotes()
Project.prototype.updateRemote = function(user,remote,options) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
if (options.auth) {
var url = this.remotes[remote].fetch;
if (options.auth.keyFile) {
options.auth.key_path = sshKeys.getPrivateKeyPath(getSSHKeyUsername(user), options.auth.keyFile);
return Promise.resolve();
Project.prototype.removeRemote = function(user, remote) {
// TODO: if this was the last remote using this url, then remove the authCache
// details.
var project = this;
return gitTools.removeRemote(this.path,remote).then(function() {
return project.loadRemotes()
Project.prototype.getFlowFile = function() {
// console.log("Project.getFlowFile = ",this.paths.flowFile);
if (this.paths.flowFile) {
return fspath.join(this.path,this.paths.flowFile);
} else {
return null;
Project.prototype.getFlowFileBackup = function() {
var flowFile = this.getFlowFile();
if (flowFile) {
return getBackupFilename(flowFile);
return null;
Project.prototype.getCredentialsFile = function() {
// console.log("Project.getCredentialsFile = ",this.paths.credentialsFile);
if (this.paths.credentialsFile) {
return fspath.join(this.path,this.paths.credentialsFile);
} else {
return this.paths.credentialsFile;
Project.prototype.getCredentialsFileBackup = function() {
return getBackupFilename(this.getCredentialsFile());
Project.prototype.export = function () {
return {
name: this.name,
summary: this.package.description,
version: this.package.version,
description: this.description,
dependencies: this.package.dependencies||{},
empty: this.empty,
settings: {
credentialsEncrypted: (typeof this.credentialSecret === "string") && this.credentialSecret.length > 0,
credentialSecretInvalid: this.credentialSecretInvalid
files: {
package: this.paths['package.json'],
flow: this.paths.flowFile,
credentials: this.paths.credentialsFile
git: {
remotes: this.remotes,
branches: this.branches
function getCredentialsFilename(filename) {
filename = filename || "undefined";
// TODO: DRY - ./index.js
var ffDir = fspath.dirname(filename);
var ffExt = fspath.extname(filename);
var ffBase = fspath.basename(filename,ffExt);
return fspath.join(ffDir,ffBase+"_cred"+ffExt);
function getBackupFilename(filename) {
// TODO: DRY - ./index.js
filename = filename || "undefined";
var ffName = fspath.basename(filename);
var ffDir = fspath.dirname(filename);
return fspath.join(ffDir,"."+ffName+".backup");
function checkProjectExists(projectPath) {
return fs.pathExists(projectPath).then(function(exists) {
if (!exists) {
var e = new Error("Project not found");
e.code = "project_not_found";
var name = fspath.basename(projectPath);
e.project = name;
throw e;
function createDefaultProject(user, project) {
var projectPath = fspath.join(projectsDir,project.name);
// Create a basic skeleton of a project
return gitTools.initRepo(projectPath).then(function() {
var promises = [];
var files = Object.keys(defaultFileSet);
if (project.files) {
if (project.files.flow && !/\.\./.test(project.files.flow)) {
var flowFilePath;
var credsFilePath;
if (project.migrateFiles) {
var baseFlowFileName = project.files.flow || fspath.basename(project.files.oldFlow);
var baseCredentialFileName = project.files.credentials || fspath.basename(project.files.oldCredentials);
flowFilePath = fspath.join(projectPath,baseFlowFileName);
credsFilePath = fspath.join(projectPath,baseCredentialFileName);
if (fs.existsSync(project.files.oldFlow)) {
log.trace("Migrating "+project.files.oldFlow+" to "+flowFilePath);
} else {
log.trace(project.files.oldFlow+" does not exist - creating blank file");
log.trace("Migrating "+project.files.oldCredentials+" to "+credsFilePath);
promises.push(runtime.nodes.exportCredentials().then(function(creds) {
var credentialData;
if (settings.flowFilePretty) {
credentialData = JSON.stringify(creds,null,4);
} else {
credentialData = JSON.stringify(creds);
return util.writeFile(credsFilePath,credentialData);
delete project.migrateFiles;
project.files.flow = baseFlowFileName;
project.files.credentials = baseCredentialFileName;
} else {
project.files.credentials = project.files.credentials || getCredentialsFilename(project.files.flow);
flowFilePath = fspath.join(projectPath,project.files.flow);
credsFilePath = getCredentialsFilename(flowFilePath);
for (var file in defaultFileSet) {
if (defaultFileSet.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return gitTools.stageFile(projectPath,files);
}).then(function() {
return gitTools.commit(projectPath,"Create project",getGitUser(user));
function checkProjectFiles(project) {
var promises = [];
var missing = [];
for (var file in defaultFileSet) {
if (defaultFileSet.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
(function(f) {
promises.push(fs.stat(fspath.join(project.path,project.paths.root,f)).catch(err => {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => missing);
function createProject(user, metadata) {
var username;
if (!user) {
username = "_";
} else {
username = user.username;
if (!metadata.path) {
throw new Error("Project missing path property");
if (!metadata.name) {
throw new Error("Project missing name property");
var project = metadata.name;
var projectPath = metadata.path;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
fs.stat(projectPath, function(err,stat) {
if (!err) {
var e = new Error("NLS: Project already exists");
e.code = "project_exists";
return reject(e);
fs.ensureDir(projectPath).then(function() {
var projects = settings.get('projects');
if (!projects) {
projects = {
projects.projects[project] = {};
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty('credentialSecret')) {
if (metadata.credentialSecret === "") {
metadata.credentialSecret = false;
projects.projects[project].credentialSecret = metadata.credentialSecret;
return settings.set('projects',projects);
}).then(function() {
if (metadata.git && metadata.git.remotes && metadata.git.remotes.origin) {
var originRemote = metadata.git.remotes.origin;
var auth;
if (originRemote.hasOwnProperty("username") && originRemote.hasOwnProperty("password")) {
authCache.set(project,originRemote.url,username,{ // TODO: hardcoded remote name
username: originRemote.username,
password: originRemote.password
auth = authCache.get(project,originRemote.url,username);
else if (originRemote.hasOwnProperty("keyFile") && originRemote.hasOwnProperty("passphrase")) {
authCache.set(project,originRemote.url,username,{ // TODO: hardcoded remote name
key_path: sshKeys.getPrivateKeyPath(getSSHKeyUsername(user), originRemote.keyFile),
passphrase: originRemote.passphrase
auth = authCache.get(project,originRemote.url,username);
return gitTools.clone(originRemote,auth,projectPath);
} else {
return createDefaultProject(user, metadata);
}).then(function() {
}).catch(function(err) {
fs.remove(projectPath,function() {
function deleteProject(user, projectPath) {
return checkProjectExists(projectPath).then(function() {
return fs.remove(projectPath).then(function() {
var name = fspath.basename(projectPath);
var projects = settings.get('projects');
delete projects.projects[name];
return settings.set('projects', projects);
function loadProject(projectPath) {
return checkProjectExists(projectPath).then(function() {
var project = new Project(projectPath);
return project.load();
function init(_settings, _runtime) {
settings = _settings;
runtime = _runtime;
projectsDir = fspath.join(settings.userDir,"projects");
module.exports = {
init: init,
load: loadProject,
create: createProject,
delete: deleteProject