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synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
The exec and events components are common components that are used by both runtime and registry. It makes sense to move them into the util package. This also adds some docs to the registry module
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* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Path = require('path');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var log = require("@node-red/util").log;
var runtime;
var storageModule;
var settingsAvailable;
var sessionsAvailable;
var Mutex = require('async-mutex').Mutex;
const settingsSaveMutex = new Mutex();
var libraryFlowsCachedResult = null;
function moduleSelector(aSettings) {
var toReturn;
if (aSettings.storageModule) {
if (typeof aSettings.storageModule === "string") {
// TODO: allow storage modules to be specified by absolute path
toReturn = require("./"+aSettings.storageModule);
} else {
toReturn = aSettings.storageModule;
} else {
toReturn = require("./localfilesystem");
return toReturn;
function is_malicious(path) {
return path.indexOf('../') != -1 || path.indexOf('..\\') != -1;
var storageModuleInterface = {
init: async function(_runtime) {
runtime = _runtime;
// Any errors thrown by the module will get passed up to the called
// as a rejected promise
storageModule = moduleSelector(runtime.settings);
settingsAvailable = storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getSettings") && storageModule.hasOwnProperty("saveSettings");
sessionsAvailable = storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getSessions") && storageModule.hasOwnProperty("saveSessions");
if (!!storageModule.projects) {
var projectsEnabled = false;
if (runtime.settings.hasOwnProperty("editorTheme") && runtime.settings.editorTheme.hasOwnProperty("projects")) {
projectsEnabled = runtime.settings.editorTheme.projects.enabled === true;
if (projectsEnabled) {
storageModuleInterface.projects = storageModule.projects;
if (storageModule.sshkeys) {
storageModuleInterface.sshkeys = storageModule.sshkeys;
return storageModule.init(runtime.settings,runtime);
getFlows: async function() {
return storageModule.getFlows().then(function(flows) {
return storageModule.getCredentials().then(function(creds) {
var result = {
flows: flows,
credentials: creds
result.rev = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(result.flows)).digest("hex");
return result;
saveFlows: async function(config, user) {
var flows = config.flows;
var credentials = config.credentials;
var credentialSavePromise;
if (config.credentialsDirty) {
credentialSavePromise = storageModule.saveCredentials(credentials);
} else {
credentialSavePromise = Promise.resolve();
delete config.credentialsDirty;
return credentialSavePromise.then(function() {
return storageModule.saveFlows(flows, user).then(function() {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(config.flows)).digest("hex");
// getCredentials: function() {
// return storageModule.getCredentials();
// },
saveCredentials: async function(credentials) {
return storageModule.saveCredentials(credentials);
getSettings: async function() {
if (settingsAvailable) {
return storageModule.getSettings();
} else {
return null
saveSettings: async function(settings) {
if (settingsAvailable) {
return settingsSaveMutex.runExclusive(() => storageModule.saveSettings(settings))
getSessions: async function() {
if (sessionsAvailable) {
return storageModule.getSessions();
} else {
return null
saveSessions: async function(sessions) {
if (sessionsAvailable) {
return storageModule.saveSessions(sessions);
/* Library Functions */
getLibraryEntry: async function(type, path) {
if (is_malicious(path)) {
var err = new Error();
err.code = "forbidden";
throw err;
return storageModule.getLibraryEntry(type, path);
saveLibraryEntry: async function(type, path, meta, body) {
if (is_malicious(path)) {
var err = new Error();
err.code = "forbidden";
throw err;
return storageModule.saveLibraryEntry(type, path, meta, body);
/* Deprecated functions */
getAllFlows: async function() {
if (storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getAllFlows")) {
return storageModule.getAllFlows();
} else {
if (libraryFlowsCachedResult) {
return libraryFlowsCachedResult;
} else {
return listFlows("/").then(function(result) {
libraryFlowsCachedResult = result;
return result;
getFlow: function(fn) {
if (is_malicious(fn)) {
var err = new Error();
err.code = "forbidden";
throw err;
if (storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getFlow")) {
return storageModule.getFlow(fn);
} else {
return storageModule.getLibraryEntry("flows",fn);
saveFlow: function(fn, data) {
if (is_malicious(fn)) {
var err = new Error();
err.code = "forbidden";
throw err;
libraryFlowsCachedResult = null;
if (storageModule.hasOwnProperty("saveFlow")) {
return storageModule.saveFlow(fn, data);
} else {
return storageModule.saveLibraryEntry("flows",fn,{},data);
/* End deprecated functions */
function listFlows(path) {
return storageModule.getLibraryEntry("flows",path).then(function(res) {
const promises = [];
res.forEach(function(r) {
if (typeof r === "string") {
} else {
return Promise.all(promises).then(res2 => {
let i = 0;
const result = {};
res2.forEach(function(r) {
// TODO: name||fn
if (r.fn) {
var name = r.name;
if (!name) {
name = r.fn.replace(/\.json$/, "");
result.f = result.f || [];
} else {
result.d = result.d || {};
result.d[res[i]] = r;
return result;
module.exports = storageModuleInterface;