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// This module handles the management of modules required by the runtime and flows.
// Essentially this means keeping track of what extra modules a flow requires,
// ensuring those modules are installed and providing a standard way for nodes
// to require those modules safely.
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const registryUtil = require("./util");
const path = require("path");
const clone = require("clone");
const exec = require("@node-red/util").exec;
const log = require("@node-red/util").log;
const BUILTIN_MODULES = require('module').builtinModules;
const EXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR = "externalModules";
// TODO: outsource running npm to a plugin
const NPM_COMMAND = (process.platform === "win32") ? "npm.cmd" : "npm";
let registeredTypes = {};
let subflowTypes = {};
let settings;
let knownExternalModules = {};
let installEnabled = true;
let installAllowList = ['*'];
let installDenyList = [];
function getInstallDir() {
return path.resolve(path.join(settings.userDir || process.env.NODE_RED_HOME || ".", "externalModules"));
async function refreshExternalModules() {
const externalModuleDir = path.resolve(path.join(settings.userDir || process.env.NODE_RED_HOME || ".", EXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR));
try {
const pkgFile = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.join(externalModuleDir,"package.json"),"utf-8"));
knownExternalModules = pkgFile.dependencies;
} catch(err) {
function init(_settings) {
settings = _settings;
knownExternalModules = {};
installEnabled = true;
if (settings.externalModules && settings.externalModules.modules) {
if (settings.externalModules.modules.allowList || settings.externalModules.modules.denyList) {
installAllowList = settings.externalModules.modules.allowList;
installDenyList = settings.externalModules.modules.denyList;
if (settings.externalModules.modules.hasOwnProperty("allowInstall")) {
installEnabled = settings.externalModules.modules.allowInstall
installAllowList = registryUtil.parseModuleList(installAllowList);
installDenyList = registryUtil.parseModuleList(installDenyList);
function register(type, dynamicModuleListProperty) {
registeredTypes[type] = dynamicModuleListProperty;
function registerSubflow(type, subflowConfig) {
subflowTypes[type] = subflowConfig;
function requireModule(module) {
if (!registryUtil.checkModuleAllowed( module, null,installAllowList,installDenyList)) {
const e = new Error("Module not allowed");
e.code = "module_not_allowed";
throw e;
if (BUILTIN_MODULES.indexOf(module) !== -1) {
return require(module);
if (!knownExternalModules[module]) {
const e = new Error("Module not allowed");
e.code = "module_not_allowed";
throw e;
const externalModuleDir = path.resolve(path.join(settings.userDir || process.env.NODE_RED_HOME || ".", EXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR));
const moduleDir = path.join(externalModuleDir,"node_modules",module);
return require(moduleDir);
function parseModuleName(module) {
var match = /((?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/@]+)(?:@([\s\S]+))?/.exec(module);
if (match) {
return {
spec: module,
module: match[1],
version: match[2],
builtin: BUILTIN_MODULES.indexOf(match[1]) !== -1,
known: !!knownExternalModules[match[1]]
return null;
function isInstalled(moduleDetails) {
return moduleDetails.builtin || moduleDetails.known;
async function checkFlowDependencies(flowConfig) {
let nodes = clone(flowConfig);
await refreshExternalModules();
const checkedModules = {};
const promises = [];
const errors = [];
const checkedSubflows = {};
while (nodes.length > 0) {
let n = nodes.shift();
if (subflowTypes[n.type] && !checkedSubflows[n.type]) {
checkedSubflows[n.type] = true;
nodes = nodes.concat(subflowTypes[n.type].flow)
} else if (registeredTypes[n.type]) {
let nodeModules = n[registeredTypes[n.type]] || [];
if (!Array.isArray(nodeModules)) {
nodeModules = [nodeModules]
nodeModules.forEach(module => {
if (typeof module !== 'string') {
module = module.module || "";
if (module) {
let moduleDetails = parseModuleName(module)
if (moduleDetails && checkedModules[moduleDetails.module] === undefined) {
checkedModules[moduleDetails.module] = isInstalled(moduleDetails)
if (!checkedModules[moduleDetails.module]) {
if (installEnabled) {
promises.push(installModule(moduleDetails).catch(err => {
errors.push({module: moduleDetails,error:err});
} else if (!installEnabled) {
const e = new Error("Module install disabled - externalModules.modules.allowInstall=false");
e.code = "install_not_allowed";
errors.push({module: moduleDetails,error:e});
} else if (!registryUtil.checkModuleAllowed( moduleDetails.module, moduleDetails.version,installAllowList,installDenyList)) {
const e = new Error("Module not allowed");
e.code = "module_not_allowed";
errors.push({module: moduleDetails,error:e});
return Promise.all(promises).then(refreshExternalModules).then(() => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw errors;
async function ensureModuleDir() {
const installDir = getInstallDir();
if (!fs.existsSync(installDir)) {
await fs.ensureDir(installDir);
const pkgFile = path.join(installDir,"package.json");
if (!fs.existsSync(pkgFile)) {
await fs.writeFile(path.join(installDir,"package.json"),`{
"name": "Node-RED-External-Modules",
"description": "These modules are automatically installed by Node-RED to use in Function nodes.",
"version": "1.0.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {}
async function installModule(moduleDetails) {
let installSpec = moduleDetails.module;
if (!registryUtil.checkModuleAllowed( moduleDetails.module, moduleDetails.version,installAllowList,installDenyList)) {
const e = new Error("Install not allowed");
e.code = "install_not_allowed";
throw e;
if (moduleDetails.version) {
installSpec = installSpec+"@"+moduleDetails.version;
log.info(log._("server.install.installing",{name: moduleDetails.module,version: moduleDetails.version||"latest"}));
const installDir = getInstallDir();
await ensureModuleDir();
var args = ["install", installSpec, "--production"];
return exec.run(NPM_COMMAND, args, {
cwd: installDir
},true).then(result => {
log.info(log._("server.install.installed", { name: installSpec }));
}).catch(result => {
var output = result.stderr;
var e;
if (/E404/.test(output) || /ETARGET/.test(output)) {
e = new Error("Module not found");
e.code = 404;
throw e;
} else {
e = new Error(log._("server.install.install-failed"));
e.code = "unexpected_error";
throw e;
module.exports = {
init: init,
register: register,
registerSubflow: registerSubflow,
checkFlowDependencies: checkFlowDependencies,
require: requireModule