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synced 2023-10-10 11:36:53 +00:00
Design: Usage telemetry
API Reference
Architecture Overview
Architecture: Cluster Multi Process
Contribution Process
Dashboard layout tool
Deprecated: Message properties overriding set node properties
Design Notes
Design: dynamic palette
Design: API Token management
Design: CLI tool to produce a node skeleton
Design: Concurrent editing
Design: Custom Node admin route handling
Design: Dynamic MQTT node
Design: Dynamic node's icon
Design: Editable port labels
Design: Editor Events
Design: Editor Themes
Design: Editor UI Customisation
Design: Encryption of credentials
Design: Enhancements to Split Join nodes
Design: Flow Linter
Design: Flow Manipulation API
Design: Flow file format v2
Design: Function Library node
Design: Library Sidebar
Design: Logging Framework
Design: Node Generator
Design: Node Messaging API
Design: Node blacklist whitelist function
Design: Node module lifecycle
Design: Node settings
Design: Palette Management UI
Design: Persistable Context
Design: Platform Specific Nodes
Design: Projects
Design: Runnable Project
Design: Runtime Editor Split
Design: Runtime Events
Design: Runtime extension points
Design: Subflow Enhancements
Design: Subflow Instance properties
Design: Subflow Node modules
Design: Usage telemetry
Design: Using environment variables
Design: Version Control
Design: adminAuth User Management
Design: external file for function and templates nodes
Design: i18n de
Design: i18n
Design: msg.parts description of usage
Design: multiuser
Design: subflows vNext
Design: subflows
Design:Shared Global Context
Editor Mouse Actions
Editor Runtime API
Flow Format
Flow testing
Input node feature definitions
Live runtime information
Node Design Guidelines
Node documentation guide
Node msg Conventions
Output node feature definitions
Pluggable Message Routing
Query node feature definitions
ReadMe Raspberry Pi Advanced
Runtime Editor Comms protocol
Technical Interchange 2018 04 13
Technical Interchange Meetings
UI testing
Watch node feature definitions
Web Nodes outline
adminAuth Credential Authentication
dynamic palette
join in auto mode
npm installable nodes
Design: Usage telemetry
Nick O'Leary edited this page 2016-10-15 20:25:16 +01:00
Table of Contents
To help us understand how node-red is used, I want to explore the idea of having some sort of optional, fully anonymised usage reporting.
Items it could collect:
- platform info (arch/memory etc)
- start-up time (node scan time)
- node-modules installed; not 'local' nodes. Need to think about how to handle private nodes. Perhaps hash the module name, so we can identify the ones known to us, but no details about private nodes are revealed
It would never collect:
- a user's flow configuration
- any settings
- any identifying information (usernames etc)
Opt-in vs Opt-out
This has to be opt-in and it needs to be entirely transparent in what it collects and what it will do with the data. A user should be able to opt-out (and back in) at any time. That said, we don't want to rely on a user volunteering having read a blog post about it. We could non-intrusively prompt them in the editor to opt-in. For full transparency they user should be able to disable/remove the telemetry module entirely (optional-dependency).
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