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Updated dynamic palette (markdown)

Nick O'Leary 2014-08-20 16:53:28 -07:00
parent 9dcd06c9a6
commit 311e9ef7db

@ -17,8 +17,26 @@ Some points that need to be considered:
- removing a node, without also removing the files, will mean it returns to the palette on the next restart. That would be unexpected.
## On the packaging of nodes
### Adding a node type
### node ###
A **node** is defined in an html file and a js file. The js file will include a call to the runtime's version of `RED.nodes.registerType`. The html file will contain the template and help script blocks, along with a call to the editor's version of `RED.nodes.registerType`.
### node set ###
A js/html file pair may contain multiple **nodes**. This is called a **node set**. Any error loading the js/html files will cause all **nodes** in a **node set** to be unavailable.
### node module ###
An npm **node module** may contain multiple js/html file pairs - each identified in the `package.json` file. Hence, an npm module may contain multiple **node sets**, each containing 1 or more **nodes**.
### node pack ###
A `node pack` is a collection of similarly-themed nodes that a user might want to install together. It is structurally the same as a node module, but acts as a meta-package that pulls in multiple specific **node modules** using the standard package dependency mechanism.
### Add/Remove vs Enable/Disable
The Add/Remove api is for getting new nodes installed into the runtime as well as removing them. It operates at either the js/html level, or the node module level.
The Enable/Disable api is used with **node sets**. This is how a user can install a **node module** using the Add/Remove API, then elect to disable one or more of the **node sets** it contains so they don't appear in the palette.
### Adding a node set/module
To add a new node to the palette:
1. a request is POSTed to `{admin root}/nodes` to trigger the add.
@ -29,9 +47,11 @@ To add a new node to the palette:
module: "npm module name"
2. An event is fired over the comms link telling any connected editors that nodes have been added. This triggers a HTTP Get back to `{admin root}/nodes/{node-set-id}` to load the node definition/help/edit template.
2. The response to this request is a json object containing the node set id, a list of the specific types in the set and a boolean flag to show if it is enabled or not. If not enabled, it may also list an error message describing why it is not enabled - unless if has been disabled by the user.
### Remove node type
3. An event is fired over the comms link telling any connected editors that nodes have been added. This triggers a HTTP Get back to `{admin root}/nodes/{node-set-id}` to load the node definition/help/edit template.
### Remove node set/module
To remove a node from the palette:
1. a DELETE http request is sent to `{admin root}/nodes/{node-set-id}` to trigger the removal.
@ -39,8 +59,12 @@ To remove a node from the palette:
3. The runtime registry removes the corresponding nodes.
4. An event is fired over the comms link telling any connected editors that the nodes have been removed.
### Question
@knolleary : Ref the point about multiple nodes:
- a node file or module can contain multiple nodes. Making a request to remove a single node type may trigger the removal of multiple node types.
Is it possible to have two options? One to remove a specific node and a second to remove the collection? I am thinking of a use case where a Node module contains (for instance) 5 nodes for a specific use case (e.g, home automation), and I want to/will regularly use 3 of those nodes in the bundle but not interested in 2 of them. Can I just remove the 2 nodes to have a cleaner palette and runtime?
<ly> PS: This section can be removed when dealt with </ly>
### Enable a node set
- need a persistence mechanism to remember the enabled/disabled state of nodes over restarts.
### Disable a node set
- as with remove, cannot disable a node set that contains an in-use type