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Created Testing (markdown)

Kazuki Nakanishi 2017-09-04 19:06:15 +09:00
parent 4ac776b265
commit 62021c91f4

Testing.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# Test components
### npm packages
Node-RED uses the following packages for testing.
- mocha
- should
- sinon
- supertest
- istanbul
### Test directory structure
There are test scripts under test directory (https://github.com/node-red/node-red/tree/master/test).
Test scripts in `test/nodes` and `test/red` are located in the same hierarchy as the source code in `nodes` and `red`.
`test/resources` is used for storing files that are needed to run a test script. For example, `70-HTML-test-file.html` is used in `70-HTML_spec.js`.
This directory is also used for creating a temporary directory and/or file (e.g. `50-file_spec.js`).
### Checking the existence of test cases for core components
`test/_spec.js` traverses under a `red` directory to check if all .js files have a corresponding `_spec.js` test file.
When adding a code in `red` directory, the corresponding test file also needs to be created.
### Testing environment
When you develop a feature that depends on OS or browser, please test on the following environments according to the modification.
- Linux (Ubuntu, Raspbian, etc.)
- Mac OS X
- Windows
- Chrome
- Safari
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
# Helper node
There is a helper script for testing a node `test/nodes/helper.js`. When testing a node, it is recommended to use this script.
Helper script can start Node-RED server, load a flow, and receive a payload from the previous node, etc.
### Starting a server
`helper.startServer` starts a Node-RED server. To start a Node-RED server on each test case:
beforeEach(function(done) {
### Loading a flow
`helper.load` loads a flow then starts the flow. This function has the following arguments in order.
- `testNode`: (object|array of objects) Module object of a node to be tested returned by require function. This node will be registered, and can be used in `testFlows`.
- `testFlows`: (array of objects) [Flow data](https://github.com/node-red/node-red/wiki/Flow-Format) to test a node. If you want to use the flow data exported from Node-RED editor, need to covert it to JavaScript object using JSON.parse().
- `testCredentials`: (object) [Node credentials](https://nodered.org/docs/creating-nodes/credentials). This argument is optional.
- `cb`: (function) Function to call back when testFlows has been started.
The minimum script to test a flow is as follows. This case omits `testCredentials`.
var testNode = require("../../../../nodes/core/core/20-inject.js");
it('should be loaded', function(done) {
var testFlows = [{id:"n1", type:"inject"}];
helper.load(testNode, testFlows, function() {
var n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
### Receiving a message
`helper.getNode` returns a node instance. Any node that is defined in `testFlows` can be retrieved, including `helper` node that is automatically registered when a flow is loaded.
Helper node is a mock node with no functionality. By adding "input" event, the helper node can receive a message from the previous node and check if its contents are the expected value.
The following is a sample test case to check a message that is sent from `inject` node.
Once the flow is loaded, "n1" inject node sends a message to "n2" helper node. "n2" node receives a message and checks if the payload is correct.
it('should send a message', function(done) {
var testFlows = [
{id:"n1", type:"inject", payload:"hello world!", once: true, wires:[["n2"]] },
{id:"n2", type:"helper"}
helper.load(testNode, testFlows, function() {
var n2 = helper.getNode("n2");
n2.on("input", function(msg) {
msg.should.have.property('payload', 'hello world!');
### Unloading a flow
`helper.unload` clears node registration and context, then stops a flow.
### Stopping a server
`helper.stopServer` stops a Node-RED server.
To unload a flow then stop a server:
afterEach(function(done) {
helper.unload().then(function() {
# Testing Node-RED
### Running a test
You can run test scripts with `grunt` command in the `node-red` directory that is cloned from GitHub.
The following table shows the options for this command.
Option | Description
`default` | Builds editor content then runs code style checks and unit tests on all components. `default` means to run `grunt` command without option.
`test-core` | Runs code style check and unit tests on core runtime code.
`test-editor`| Runs code style check on editor code.
`test-nodes` | Runs unit tests on core nodes.
`clean` | Deletes build outputs
`build` | Builds editor contents
`dev` | Developer mode: runs node-red, watches for source changes and rebuilds/restart
`coverage` | Runs unit tests on all components, and outputs coverage reports.
`release` | Creates distribution zip file - this is the content that will get published to npm when do a release and make available as a zip download via GitHub.
### Testing runtime
Runtime consists of `nodes` and `red` directories.
When modified these components, the associated test file should be modified or created if not exists.
#### Running a specific test file
To run only a specific test script, run the following command in the `node-red` directory:
npm install -g mocha
mocha test/nodes/core/core/20-inject_spec.js
If you cannot install mocha command globally, run the following command as an alternative:
node node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/nodes/core/core/20-inject_spec.js
#### Checking a coverage report
If a pull request causes the code coverage to decrease it will be rejected unless there is a good reason provided. To run all test cases and output coverage report:
grunt coverage
Once all tests finished, open `index.html` in `coverage/lcov-report` directory to see the coverage report.
If the source code that you developed is all covered by test cases, it is ok to send a pull request.
### Testing editor
Currently, there is no test scripts for Node-RED editor. When you modify Node-RED editor, you need to test by hand.
You can run Node-RED with the following command to not minify and uglify scripts so that you can view a code on a browser debugger.
grunt dev
### Sending a pull request
After finishing the above procedure, it is ready to send a pull request. Please read [Contributing to Node-RED](https://nodered.org/about/contribute/) again before sending a pull request.