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Created adminAuth Credential Authentication (markdown)

Nick O'Leary 2015-03-16 22:08:55 +00:00
parent 0e831a0180
commit d7132f02d5

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
When `adminAuth` is used to secure the editor and admin api, and is set to type `credentials`, here's how to login and access the API securely. It is an implementation of Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant of OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749, Section 4.3).
The basic process is:
1. obtain an access token
2. provide that access token with any request to the api
3. revoke the token when it is no longer required
More concretely, with example curl invocations:
1. Get a token by POST ing your username/password to /auth/token:
curl http://localhost:1880/auth/token --data 'client_id=node-red-editor&grant_type=password&scope=*&username=admin&password=password'
that gives you back something like:
{"access_token":"agm6RUh6jmEPApI8eO25uW1X3A7tYBJxzKe9Z0sIEYdhTTy5Rzh3uBUTCawxgAmHFaqNL0gxH9wijA12BslxOwo9eouqwOnQ1tYjpqTnH8EWRZfw7dtQDX21owA9KiPR", "token_type":"Bearer"}
2. use the "access_token" in the authorization header for subsequent requests:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer agm6RUh6jmEPApI8eO25uW1X3A7tYBJxzKe9Z0sIEYdhTTy5Rzh3uBUTCawxgAmHFaqNL0gxH9wijA12BslxOwo9eouqwOnQ1tYjpqTnH8EWRZfw7dtQDX21owA9KiPR" http://localhost:1880/settings
3. To revoke a token, post to /auth/revoke:
curl --data 'token=agm6RUh6jmEPApI8eO25uW1X3A7tYBJxzKe9Z0sIEYdhTTy5Rzh3uBUTCawxgAmHFaqNL0gxH9wijA12BslxOwo9eouqwOnQ1tYjpqTnH8EWRZfw7dtQDX21owA9KiPR' -H "Authorization: Bearer agm6RUh6jmEPApI8eO25uW1X3A7tYBJxzKe9Z0sIEYdhTTy5Rzh3uBUTCawxgAmHFaqNL0gxH9wijA12BslxOwo9eouqwOnQ1tYjpqTnH8EWRZfw7dtQDX21owA9KiPR" http://localhost:1880/auth/revoke