local ContentDirectory = {} -- local dlnaprofile = 'DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS;DLNA.ORG_OP=00;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=0D100000000000000000000000000000' local dlnaprofile = 'DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS;DLNA.ORG_OP=00;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=8D100000000000000000000000000000' local dlnaschema = ' xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0"' if DisableDLNA then dlnaprofile = '*' dlnaschema = '' end local Schema = 'xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"' local DIDLStart = '' -- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' ..'<DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"' ..' xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/"' ..' xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"' -- .. dlnaschema ..'>' local DIDLEnd = '</DIDL-Lite>' -- State variables local SystemUpdateID = 36 -- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local AllFolders = {} local RootFolders = {} local Folders = {} local AllItems = {} local i,f,vi,ai ----- Hierarchical Folders RootFolders[#RootFolders+1] = { title = "All", id = "64" } RootFolders[#RootFolders+1] = { title = "Audio", id = "1" } RootFolders[#RootFolders+1] = { title = "Images", id = "3" } RootFolders[#RootFolders+1] = { title = "Video", id = "2" } for _,f in ipairs(RootFolders) do f.VideoItems = {} f.AudioItems = {} f.ChildFolders = {} AllFolders[f.id] = f end AllFolders["2"].ChildFolders = Folders AllFolders["64"].ChildFolders = Folders ---- local file = io.open("/config/ChannelList.json") if file then local json = file:read("*a") file:close() local newdecoder = require("lunajson.decoder") local decode = newdecoder() local channellist = decode(json) for _,group in ipairs(channellist.GroupList) do local f = {} f.id = "$"..tostring(#Folders) f.VideoItems = {} f.AudioItems = {} f.ChildFolders = {} f.title = string.gsub(group.Title,'&','&amp;') f.title = string.gsub(f.title,'<','&lt;') f.title = string.gsub(f.title,'>','&gt;') table.insert(Folders,f) -- table.insert(RootFolders,f) AllFolders[f.id] = f for _,channel in ipairs(group.ChannelList) do local vi = {} vi.id = f.id.."$"..tostring(#f.VideoItems) vi.src = f.src vi.parentID = f.id vi.request = string.gsub(channel.Request,'&','&amp;') vi.title = string.gsub(channel.Title,'&','&amp;') vi.title = string.gsub(vi.title,'<','&lt;') vi.title = string.gsub(vi.title,'>','&gt;') table.insert(f.VideoItems,vi) AllItems[vi.id] = vi end end else local db = require("DataBase") for _,f in ipairs(db.SourceList) do f.id = f.refid f.VideoItems = {} f.AudioItems = {} f.ChildFolders = {} table.insert(Folders,f) -- table.insert(RootFolders,f) AllFolders[f.id] = f end for _,vi in ipairs(db.ChannelList) do f = AllFolders[vi.refid] vi.id = f.id.."$"..tostring(#f.VideoItems) vi.src = f.src vi.parentID = f.id vi.request = string.gsub(vi.request,'&','&amp;') vi.title = string.gsub(vi.title,'&','&amp;') vi.title = string.gsub(vi.title,'<','&lt;') vi.title = string.gsub(vi.title,'>','&gt;') table.insert(f.VideoItems,vi) AllItems[vi.id] = vi end end ----- Add Stream Folder f = {} f.id = "STRM" f.title = "Current Streams" f.VideoItems = {} f.AudioItems = {} f.ChildFolders = {} table.insert(Folders,f) AllFolders[f.id] = f for i = 1,4,1 do vi = { id = f.id.."$"..tostring(i-1), parentID = f.id, title = "Stream "..tostring(i), stream = tostring(i) } table.insert(f.VideoItems,vi) AllItems[vi.id] = vi end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function Folder(title,id,parentid,childCount) local F = '<container id="'..id..'" parentID="'..parentid..'"' -- ..' childCount="'..childCount..'"' ..' restricted="1"' -- ..' searchable="1"' ..'>' ..'<dc:title>'..title..'</dc:title>' ..'<upnp:class>object.container.storageFolder</upnp:class>' ..'</container>' return F end local function VideoItem(Host,Item,nCompat) local rtspreq = '' if Item.stream then rtspreq = 'stream='..Item.stream else -- Some clients don't like a long request url, or an url with '&' in it -- Fail them for now -- if nCompat then -- rtspreq = "stream_99" -- elseif Item.src then if Item.src then rtspreq = '?src='..Item.src..'&amp;'..Item.request else rtspreq = '?'..Item.request end end local didl = '<item id="'..Item.id..'" parentID="'..Item.parentID didl = didl .. '" restricted="1">' ..'<dc:title>'..Item.title..'</dc:title>' ..'<upnp:class>object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast</upnp:class>' if Item.channelNr then didl = didl ..'<upnp:channelNr>'..Item.channelNr..'</upnp:channelNr>' end didl = didl ..'<res' ..' protocolInfo="rtsp-rtp-udp:*:video/mpeg:'..dlnaprofile..'">' ..'rtsp://'..Host..':554/'..rtspreq ..'</res>' didl = didl ..'</item>' return didl end local function BrowseChildren(client,Host,Request,nCompat) local ObjectID = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"ObjectID") local BrowseFlag = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"BrowseFlag") local Filter = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"Filter") local StartingIndex = tonumber(UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"StartingIndex")) local RequestedCount = tonumber(UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"RequestedCount")) print("BrowseChildren",ObjectID,Filter,StartingIndex,RequestedCount) local didl = DIDLStart; local Error = 0 local NumberReturned = 0 local TotalMatches = 0 local UpdateID = SystemUpdateID local f,vi,ai if ObjectID == "0" then if nCompat then for _,f in ipairs(RootFolders) do didl = didl..Folder(f.title,f.id,ObjectID,tostring(#f.VideoItems + #f.AudioItems + #f.ChildFolders)) NumberReturned = NumberReturned + 1 TotalMatches = TotalMatches +1 end else for _,f in ipairs(Folders) do didl = didl..Folder(f.title,f.id,ObjectID,tostring(#f.VideoItems + #f.AudioItems + #f.ChildFolders)) NumberReturned = NumberReturned + 1 TotalMatches = TotalMatches +1 end end else local f = AllFolders[ObjectID] if f then local Index = 0 for i,cf in ipairs(f.ChildFolders) do if Index >= StartingIndex and (RequestedCount == 0 or NumberReturned < RequestedCount) then didl = didl..Folder(cf.title,cf.id,ObjectID,tostring(#cf.VideoItems + #cf.AudioItems + #cf.ChildFolders)) NumberReturned = NumberReturned + 1 end Index = Index + 1 TotalMatches = TotalMatches +1 end for i,vi in ipairs(f.VideoItems) do if Index >= StartingIndex and (RequestedCount == 0 or NumberReturned < RequestedCount) then didl = didl..VideoItem(Host,vi,nCompat) NumberReturned = NumberReturned + 1 end Index = Index + 1 TotalMatches = TotalMatches +1 end else Error = 710 end end didl = didl..DIDLEnd print("Returned",StartingIndex,NumberReturned,TotalMatches,Error) if Error == 0 then local Args = { { n = "Result", v = didl }, { n = "NumberReturned", v = tostring(NumberReturned)}, { n = "TotalMatches", v = tostring(TotalMatches)}, { n = "UpdateID", v = tostring(UpdateID) } } UPnP:SendResponse(client,UPnP:CreateResponse(Schema,"Browse",Args)) else UPnP:SendSoapError(client,Error) end return end local function BrowseMetaData(client,Host,Request,nCompat) local ObjectID = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"ObjectID") local didl = DIDLStart; local UpdateID = SystemUpdateID local Error = 0 if ObjectID == "0" then local ChildCount = #Folders if nCompat then ChildCount = #RootFolders end didl = didl .. '<container id="1" parentID = "-1" childCount="'..tostring(ChildCount)..'" restricted="true">>' .. '<:dc:title>OctopusNet</dc:title>' ..'<upnp:class>object.container.storageFolder</upnp:class>' ..'</container>' else local f = AllFolders[ObjectID] if f then didl = didl..Folder(f.title,f.id,ObjectID,tostring(#f.VideoItems + #f.AudioItems + #f.ChildFolders)) else local item = AllItems[ObjectID] if item then didl = didl..VideoItem(Host,item,nCompat) else Error = 710 end end end didl = didl..DIDLEnd if Error == 0 then local Args = { { n = "Result", v = didl }, { n = "NumberReturned", v = "1"}, { n = "TotalMatches", v = "1"}, { n = "UpdateID", v = tostring(UpdateID) } } UPnP:SendResponse(client,UPnP:CreateResponse(Schema,"Browse",Args)) else UPnP:SendSoapError(client,Error) end didl = DIDLEnd; end local function Search(client,Host,Request,nCompat) local ContainerID = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"ContainerID") local SearchCriteria = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"SearchCriteria") local Filter = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"Filter") local StartingIndex = tonumber(UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"StartingIndex")) local RequestedCount = tonumber(UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"RequestedCount")) local SortCriteria = UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"SortCriteria") print(SearchCriteria,ContainerID,Filter,StartingIndex,RequestedCount,SortCriteria) local didl = DIDLStart; local Error = 0 local NumberReturned = 0 local TotalMatches = 0 local UpdateID = SystemUpdateID if string.match(SearchCriteria,"videoItem") then if ContainerID == "0" then if not nCompat or nCompat ~= "WMP" then local Index = 0 for _,vi in pairs(AllItems) do if Index >= StartingIndex and (RequestedCount == 0 or NumberReturned < RequestedCount) then didl = didl..VideoItem(Host,vi,nCompat) NumberReturned = NumberReturned + 1 end Index = Index + 1 TotalMatches = TotalMatches + 1 -- if nCompat and TotalMatches > 19 then break end end end else local f = AllFolders[ContainerID] if f then local src = f.src if src then src = "src="..src.."&" else src = "" end local Index = 0 for _,vi in ipairs(f.VideoItems) do if Index >= StartingIndex and (RequestedCount == 0 or NumberReturned < RequestedCount) then didl = didl..VideoItem(Host,vi,nCompat) NumberReturned = NumberReturned + 1 end Index = Index + 1 TotalMatches = TotalMatches +1 end else Error = 710 end end end didl = didl..DIDLEnd -- didl = TestDidl -- NumberReturned = 1 -- TotalMatches = 1 print("Returned",StartingIndex,NumberReturned,TotalMatches,Error) if Error == 0 then local Args = { { n = "Result", v = didl }, { n = "NumberReturned", v = tostring(NumberReturned)}, { n = "TotalMatches", v = tostring(TotalMatches)}, { n = "UpdateID", v = tostring(UpdateID) } } UPnP:SendResponse(client,UPnP:CreateResponse(Schema,"Search",Args)) else UPnP:SendSoapError(client,Error) end return end local function SendResult(client,Action,VarName,Result) local Args = { { n = VarName, v = Result } } UPnP:SendResponse(client,UPnP:CreateResponse(Schema,Action,Args)) end function ContentDirectory:Invoke(client,Attributes,Request) local Action = string.match(Attributes["SOAPACTION"],".+%#([%a%d%-_]+)") local Host = tostring(Attributes["host"]) local Compability = nil if Attributes["USER-AGENT"] then if string.match(Attributes["USER-AGENT"],"Windows%-Media%-Player") then Compability = "WMP" elseif string.match(Attributes["USER-AGENT"],"IPI%/1%.0") then Compability = "IPI" end end print("Compability=",Compability) print(Host,"ContentDirectory",Action) if Action == "Browse" then local BrowseFlag = tostring(UPnP:GetRequestParam(Request,"BrowseFlag")) if BrowseFlag == "BrowseDirectChildren" then BrowseChildren(client,Host,Request,Compability) elseif BrowseFlag == "BrowseMetadata" then BrowseMetaData(client,Host,Request,Compability) else UPnP:SendSoapError(client,710) end elseif Action == "Search" then Search(client,Host,Request,Compability) -- elseif Action == "X_GetRemoteSharingStatus" then -- SendResult(client,Action,"0") elseif Action == "GetSortCapabilities" then SendResult(client,Action,"SortCaps","dc:title,upnp:class,upnp:originalTrackNumber") elseif Action == "GetSearchCapabilities" then SendResult(client,Action,"SearchCaps","dc:title") elseif Action == "GetSystemUpdateID" then SendResult(client,Action,"Id","1") else UPnP:SendSoapError(client,401) end end function ContentDirectory:Subscribe(client,callback,timeout) local r = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" .. 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r\n' .. "Server: "..UPnP.Server.."\r\n" .. "SID: uuid:50c95800-e839-4b96-b7ae-779d989e1399\r\n" .. "Timeout: Second-1800\r\n" .. "Content-Length: 0\r\n" .. "Connection: close\r\n" .. "EXT:\r\n" .. "\r\n" client:send(r) local ipaddr,port = client:getpeername() local Args = { { n = "TransferIDs", v = "" }, { n = "SystemUpdateID", v = tostring(SystemUpdateID) } } UPnP:SendEvent(callback,"50c95800-e839-4b96-b7ae-779d989e1399",0,Args) end function ContentDirectory:Renew(client,sid,timeout) local r = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" .. 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r\n' .. "Server: "..UPnP.Server.."\r\n" .. "SID: uuid:50c95800-e839-4b96-b7ae-779d989e1399\r\n" .. "Timeout: Second-1800\r\n" .. "Content-Length: 0\r\n" .. "Connection: close\r\n" .. "EXT:\r\n" .. "\r\n" client:send(r) end function ContentDirectory:Unsubscribe(client,sid) local r = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" .. 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r\n' .. "Server: "..UPnP.Server.."\r\n" .. "Content-Length: 0\r\n" .. "Connection: close\r\n" .. "EXT:\r\n" .. "\r\n" client:send(r) end function ContentDirectory:Description() t = "" local f = io.open("ContentDirectory.xml","r") if not f then os.exit() end while true do local line = f:read() if not line then break end t = t .. line .. "\r\n" end f:close() return t end return ContentDirectory