#!/usr/bin/lua local host = os.getenv("HTTP_HOST") local proto = os.getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL") local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") local method = os.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") local clength = os.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") local ctype = os.getenv("CONTENT_TYPE") function http_print(s) if s then io.stdout:write(tostring(s).."\r\n") else io.stdout:write("\r\n") end end if #arg> 0 then method="GET" query=arg[1] proto = "HTTP/1.0" end function SendError(err,desc) http_print(proto.." "..err) http_print("Content-Type: text/html") http_print() local file = io.open("e404.html") if file then local tmp = file:read("*a") tmp = string.gsub(tmp,"404 Not Found",err .. " " .. desc) http_print(tmp) file:close() end end function perr(s) io.stderr:write(tostring(s).."\n") end -- local newdecoder = require("lunajson.decoder") local newencoder = require("lunajson.encoder") local function LoadTransponderList() local tl = nil local f = nil f = io.open("/config/TransponderList.json","r") if not f then f = io.open("/var/channels/TransponderList.json","r") end if f then local t = f:read("*a") f:close() local decode = newdecoder() tl = decode(t) end return tl end local function CheckTransponderList(tl) local i,Source for i,Source in ipairs(tl.SourceList) do if not Source.Title then error("SourceList["..i.."].Title missing",0) end if not Source.Key then error("SourceList["..i.."].Key missing",0) end if not Source.DVBType then error("SourceList["..i.."].DVBType missing",0) end if not Source.TransponderList then error("SourceList["..i.."].TransponderList missing",0) end local j,Transponder for j,Transponder in ipairs(Source.TransponderList) do if not Transponder.Request then error("SourceList["..i.."].TransponderList["..j.."].Request missing",0) end end end if tl.CIMapList then local CIMap for i,CIMap in ipairs(tl.CIMapList) do if not CIMap.Slot then error("CIMapList["..i.."].Slot missing",0) end end end if tl.ChannelOverwriteList then local ChannelOverwrite for i,ChannelOverwrite in ipairs(tl.ChannelOverwriteList) do if not ChannelOverwrite.ID then error("ChannelOverwriteList["..i.."].ID missing",0) end end end if tl.GroupList then local Group for i,Group in ipairs(tl.GroupList) do if not Group.Title then error("GroupList["..i.."].Title missing",0) end end end return "TransponderList.json" end local function CheckChannelList(cl) local i,Group for i,Group in ipairs(cl.GroupList) do if not Group.Title then error("GroupList["..i.."].Title missing",0) end local j,Channel for j,Channel in ipairs(Group.ChannelList) do if not Channel.Title then error("GroupList["..i.."].ChannelList["..j.."].Title missing",0) end if not Channel.Request then error("GroupList["..i.."].ChannelList["..j.."].Request missing",0) end end end return "ChannelList.json" end local function GetCMD(s) local q,v local params = "" local cmd = "" for q,v in s:gmatch("(%a+)=([%w%.]+)") do if q == "select" then cmd = v elseif q ~= "t" then params = params.." "..q.."="..v end end return cmd,params end local function Keys() local data = nil local tl = LoadTransponderList() if tl then local kl = { KeyList = { } } local s for _,s in ipairs(tl.SourceList) do table.insert(kl.KeyList, { Key=s.Key,Title=s.Title,DVBType=s.DVBType }) end kl.KeyList[0] = #kl.KeyList local encode = newencoder() data = encode(kl) end return data end local function Scan(params) local data = nil local rc = os.execute("mkdir /tmp/doscan.lock") if rc ~= 0 then data = '{"status":"busy"}' else data = '{"status":"retry"}' local f = io.open("/tmp/doscan.msg","w+") if f then f:write("Scanning") f:close() end os.execute("/var/channels/doscan.lua "..params.." >/tmp/doscan.log 2>&1 &") end return data end local function Status() local data = nil local js = { } local f = io.open("/tmp/doscan.lock/doscan.msg") if f then js.status = "active" local m = f:read("*l") local count,msg = m:match("(%d+):(.*)") js.count = count js.msg = msg f:close() else f = io.open("/tmp/doscan.msg") if f then local m = f:read("*l") local count,msg = m:match("(%d+):(.*)") if count and msg then js.count = count js.msg = msg js.status = "done" else if m == "Scanning" then js.status = "retry" else js.status = nil end end f:close() else js.status = "" end end local encode = newencoder() data = encode(js) return data end local function Delete(params) local data = nil local rc = os.execute("mkdir /tmp/doscan.lock") if rc ~= 0 then data = '{"status":"busy"}' else data = '{"status":"deleted"}' os.execute("rm /config/ChannelList.json"); if params == " all=true" then os.execute("rm /config/TransponderList.json"); end os.execute("rm /tmp/doscan.msg"); os.execute("rm -rf /tmp/doscan.lock"); end return data end local function Restore() local data = nil local rc = os.execute("mkdir /tmp/doscan.lock") if rc ~= 0 then data = '{"status":"busy"}' else local rc = os.execute("mv /config/ChannelList.bak /config/ChannelList.json"); if rc == 0 then data = '{"status":"restored", "count":1}' else data = '{"status":"restored", "count":0}' end os.execute("rm /tmp/doscan.msg"); os.execute("rm -rf /tmp/doscan.lock"); end return data end local function Upload() local data = nil local rc = os.execute("mkdir /tmp/doscan.lock") if rc ~= 0 then data = '{"status":"busy"}' else local boundary = string.match(ctype,"boundary=(.*)") if boundary then while true do local line = io.stdin:read() line = string.gsub(line,"\r","") if line == "" then break end end local filedata = io.stdin:read("*a") local i = filedata:find("--"..boundary,1,true) if i then filedata = filedata:sub(1,i-1) else filedata = "{}" end local decode = newdecoder() local rc,json = pcall(decode,filedata) if rc then rc = false local msg = "invalid list" if json.SourceList then rc,msg = pcall(CheckTransponderList,json) data = '{"status":"updated", "msg":"Transponder list"}' elseif json.GroupList then rc,msg = pcall(CheckChannelList,json) end if rc then local f = io.open("/config/"..msg,"w+") if f then f:write(filedata) f:close() data = '{"status":"updated", "msg":"'..msg..'"}' else data = '{"status":"error", "msg":"'..msg..' not saved"}' end else data = '{"status":"error", "msg":"'..msg..'"}' end else local msg = "unknown error" if json then msg = json:match(".-: (.*)") end data = '{"status":"error", "msg":"'..msg..'"}' end else data = '{"status":"error","msg":"malformed request"}' end os.execute("rm /tmp/doscan.msg"); os.execute("rm -rf /tmp/doscan.lock"); end return data end local filename = nil local contenttype = "application/json; charset=utf-8" local data = nil local cmd = "" local params if method == "GET" then cmd,params = GetCMD(query) elseif method == "POST" and clength and ctype then if ctype:match("application/x%-www%-form%-urlencoded") then local query = io.read(tonumber(clength)) query = string.gsub(query,"\r","") cmd,params = GetCMD(query) elseif ctype:match("multipart/form%-data") then cmd = "upload" end else SendError("500","What") return end if cmd == "keys" then data = Keys() elseif cmd == "scan" then data = Scan(params) elseif cmd == "status" then data = Status() elseif cmd == "delete" then data = Delete(params) elseif cmd == "restore" then data = Restore() elseif cmd == "upload" then data = Upload() end if data then http_print(proto.." 200" ) http_print("Pragma: no-cache") http_print("Cache-Control: no-cache") http_print("Content-Type: "..contenttype) if filename then http_print('Content-Disposition: filename="'..filename..'"') end http_print(string.format("Content-Length: %d",#data)) http_print() http_print(data) else SendError("404","not found") end