#!/usr/bin/lua local socket = require("socket") local devicepath = "/sys/class/ddbridge/ddbridge0" local interval = 30 local nValues = 2880 local LogFile = "/tmp/Temperatur.log" local HighTemp = 50 local LowTemp = 45 function ReadTemp(sensor) local temp = 0 local file = io.open(devicepath.."/temp"..sensor) if file then temp = file:read() if temp == "no sensor" then temp = 0 else temp = math.floor(tonumber(temp)/1000) end file:close() end return temp end function sleep(sec) socket.select(nil,nil,sec) end function SetFan(value) local gpio = io.open("/sys/class/gpio/gpio106/value","w"); if gpio then gpio:write(value) gpio:close() end end local gpio = io.open("/sys/class/gpio/export","w"); if gpio then gpio:write("106") gpio:close() end local NumSensors = 0 local i local temps local temp local Sensor = {} local TempList = {} local StartIndex = 1 local count = interval local fanstate = -1 local ddbridge = io.open("/sys/class/ddbridge/ddbridge0/devid0","r"); if ddbridge then local devid = ddbridge:read("*l") ddbridge:close() if devid == "0307dd01" then fanstate = 1 end end --~ sleep(30) for i = 0,4,1 do temp = ReadTemp(i) if temp > 0 then Sensor[NumSensors] = i NumSensors = NumSensors + 1 end end local fh = io.open(LogFile,"w") if fh then fh:write(NumSensors..","..interval..","..fanstate.."\n") fh:close() end if NumSensors == 0 then return end while true do sleep(1) temps = "" for i = 0, NumSensors - 1, 1 do temp = ReadTemp(Sensor[i]) if temp == 0 then print(" fanControl Error ") return end if i == 0 then temps = temp else temps = temps .. "," .. temp end if fanstate == 0 and temp >= HighTemp then SetFan(1) fanstate = 1 elseif fanstate == 1 and temp < LowTemp then SetFan(0) fanstate = 0 end end count = count - 1 if count == 0 then count = interval if #TempList < nValues then TempList[#TempList+1] = temps else TempList[StartIndex] = temps StartIndex = StartIndex + 1 if StartIndex > nValues then StartIndex = 1 end end TmpLogFile = os.tmpname() fh = io.open(TmpLogFile,"w") if fh then fh:write(NumSensors..","..interval..","..fanstate.."\n") for i = StartIndex-1, 1, -1 do fh:write(TempList[i].."\n") end for i = #TempList, StartIndex, -1 do fh:write(TempList[i].."\n") end fh:close() os.remove(LogFile) os.rename(TmpLogFile,LogFile) end end collectgarbage() end