#!/usr/bin/lua local socket = require("socket") local url = require("socket.url") local host = os.getenv("HTTP_HOST") local proto = os.getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL") local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") function http_print(s) if s then io.stdout:write(tostring(s).."\r\n") else io.stdout:write("\r\n") end end function SendError(err,desc) http_print(proto.." "..err) http_print("Content-Type: text/html") http_print() local file = io.open("e404.html") if file then local tmp = file:read("*a") tmp = string.gsub(tmp,"404 Not Found",err .. " " .. desc) http_print(tmp) file:close() end end local hex_to_char = function(x) return string.char(tonumber(x,16)) end local userver = "download.digital-devices.de/download/linux" local data = nil local delimages = false if query == "set=beta" then local file = io.open("/config/updateserver","w") if file then file:write(userver.."/beta".."\n") file:close() delimages = true end elseif query == "set=std" then local file = io.open("/config/updateserver","r") if file then file:close() os.remove("/config/updateserver") delimages = true end elseif query:sub(1,4) == "set=" then userver = query:sub(5) if userver ~= "" then userver = userver:gsub("%%(%x%x)",hex_to_char) -- userver = userver:gsub("+"," ") local valid = false local path = url.parse("http://"..userver) if path.host then local ip = socket.dns.toip(path.host) if ip == nil then ip = path.host end local p1,p2 = ip:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.%d+%.%d+") p1 = tonumber(p1) p2 = tonumber(p2) valid = (p1 == 10) or ((p1 == 172) and (p2 >= 16) and (p2 <= 31)) or ((p1 == 192) and (p2 == 168)) end if valid then local file = io.open("/config/updateserver","w") if file then file:write(userver.."\n") file:close() delimages = true end else SendError(400, "Invalid or not local: ".. userver) end else os.remove("/config/updateserver") delimages = true end else data = "{ \"UpdateServer\":\"" local file = io.open("/config/updateserver","r") if file then local tmp = file:read("*l") file:close() if tmp ~= userver.."/beta" then data = data .. tmp end end data = data.."\" }" end if delimages then os.execute("rm -f /config/octonet.*.img") os.execute("rm -f /config/octonet.*.sha") end if data then http_print(proto.." 200" ) http_print("Pragma: no-cache") http_print("Cache-Control: no-cache") http_print("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8") http_print(string.format("Content-Length: %d",#data)) http_print() http_print(data) else http_print(proto.." 303") http_print("Location: http://"..host.."/update.html") http_print("") end