--[=====================================================================[ v0.5.1 Copyright © 2013 Gavin Kistner ; MIT Licensed See http://github.com/Phrogz/SLAXML for details. --]=====================================================================] local SLAXML = { VERSION = "0.5.1", _call = { pi = function(target,content) print(string.format("",target,content)) end, comment = function(content) print(string.format("",content)) end, startElement = function(name,nsURI) print(string.format("<%s%s>",name,nsURI and (" ("..nsURI..")") or "")) end, attribute = function(name,value,nsURI) print(string.format(" %s=%q%s",name,value,nsURI and (" ("..nsURI..")") or "")) end, text = function(text) print(string.format(" text: %q",text)) end, closeElement = function(name,nsURI) print(string.format("",name)) end, } } function SLAXML:parser(callbacks) return { _call=callbacks or self._call, parse=SLAXML.parse } end function SLAXML:parse(xml,options) if not options then options = { stripWhitespace=false } end -- Cache references for maximum speed local find, sub, gsub, char, push, pop = string.find, string.sub, string.gsub, string.char, table.insert, table.remove local first, last, match1, match2, match3, pos2, nsURI local pos = 1 local state = "text" local textStart = 1 local currentElement={} local currentAttributes={} local currentAttributeCt local nsStack = {} local entityMap = { ["lt"]="<", ["gt"]=">", ["amp"]="&", ["quot"]='"', ["apos"]="'" } local entitySwap = function(orig,n,s) return entityMap[s] or n=="#" and char(s) or orig end local function unescape(str) return gsub( str, '(&(#?)([%d%a]+);)', entitySwap ) end local function finishText() if first>textStart and self._call.text then local text = sub(xml,textStart,first-1) if options.stripWhitespace then text = gsub(text,'^%s+','') text = gsub(text,'%s+$','') if #text==0 then text=nil end end if text then self._call.text(unescape(text)) end end end local function findPI() first, last, match1, match2 = find( xml, '^<%?([:%a_][:%w_.-]*) ?(.-)%?>', pos ) if first then finishText() if self._call.pi then self._call.pi(match1,match2) end pos = last+1 textStart = pos return true end end local function findComment() first, last, match1 = find( xml, '^', pos ) if first then finishText() if self._call.comment then self._call.comment(match1) end pos = last+1 textStart = pos return true end end local function nsForPrefix(prefix) for i=#nsStack,1,-1 do if nsStack[i][prefix] then return nsStack[i][prefix] end end error(("Cannot find namespace for prefix %s"):format(prefix)) end local function startElement() first, last, match1 = find( xml, '^<([%a_][%w_.-]*)', pos ) if first then currentElement[2] = nil finishText() pos = last+1 first,last,match2 = find(xml, '^:([%a_][%w_.-]*)', pos ) if first then currentElement[1] = match2 currentElement[2] = nsForPrefix(match1) match1 = match2 pos = last+1 else currentElement[1] = match1 for i=#nsStack,1,-1 do if nsStack[i]['!'] then currentElement[2] = nsStack[i]['!']; break end end end currentAttributeCt = 0 push(nsStack,{}) return true end end local function findAttribute() first, last, match1 = find( xml, '^%s+([:%a_][:%w_.-]*)%s*=%s*', pos ) if first then pos2 = last+1 first, last, match2 = find( xml, '^"([^<"]*)"', pos2 ) -- FIXME: disallow non-entity ampersands if first then pos = last+1 match2 = unescape(match2) else first, last, match2 = find( xml, "^'([^<']*)'", pos2 ) -- FIXME: disallow non-entity ampersands if first then pos = last+1 match2 = unescape(match2) end end end if match1 and match2 then local currentAttribute = {match1,match2} local prefix,name = string.match(match1,'^([^:]+):([^:]+)$') if prefix then if prefix=='xmlns' then nsStack[#nsStack][name] = match2 else currentAttribute[1] = name currentAttribute[3] = nsForPrefix(prefix) end else if match1=='xmlns' then nsStack[#nsStack]['!'] = match2 currentElement[2] = match2 end end currentAttributeCt = currentAttributeCt + 1 currentAttributes[currentAttributeCt] = currentAttribute return true end end local function findCDATA() first, last, match1 = find( xml, '^', pos ) if first then finishText() if self._call.text then self._call.text(match1) end pos = last+1 textStart = pos return true end end local function closeElement() first, last, match1 = find( xml, '^%s*(/?)>', pos ) if first then state = "text" pos = last+1 textStart = pos if self._call.startElement then self._call.startElement(unpack(currentElement)) end if self._call.attribute then for i=1,currentAttributeCt do self._call.attribute(unpack(currentAttributes[i])) end end if match1=="/" then pop(nsStack) if self._call.closeElement then self._call.closeElement(unpack(currentElement)) end end return true end end local function findElementClose() first, last, match1, match2 = find( xml, '^', pos ) if first then nsURI = nil for i=#nsStack,1,-1 do if nsStack[i]['!'] then nsURI = nsStack[i]['!']; break end end else first, last, match2, match1 = find( xml, '^', pos ) if first then nsURI = nsForPrefix(match2) end end if first then finishText() if self._call.closeElement then self._call.closeElement(match1,nsURI) end pos = last+1 textStart = pos pop(nsStack) return true end end while pos<#xml do if state=="text" then if not (findPI() or findComment() or findCDATA() or findElementClose()) then if startElement() then state = "attributes" else first, last = find( xml, '^[^<]+', pos ) pos = (first and last or pos) + 1 end end elseif state=="attributes" then if not findAttribute() then if not closeElement() then error("Was in an element and couldn't find attributes or the close.") end end end end end return SLAXML