#!/usr/bin/lua function SaveOctoserveConf(Section,Values) local ConfStart = "" local ConfEnd = "" local f = io.open("/config/octoserve.conf","r") if f then while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%["..Section.."%]") then break end ConfStart = ConfStart .. line .. "\n" end while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%[%w+%]") then ConfEnd = ConfEnd .. line .. "\n" break end end while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end ConfEnd = ConfEnd .. line .. "\n" end f:close() os.remove("/config/octoserve.bak") os.rename("/config/octoserve.conf","/config/octoserve.bak") end f = io.open("/config/octoserve.conf","w") if ConfStart then f:write(ConfStart) end f:write("["..Section.."]\n") f:write(Values) if ConfEnd then f:write(ConfEnd) end f:close() end function LoadOctoserveConf(Section) local f = io.open("/config/octoserve.conf","r") local Values = {} local line if f then while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%["..Section.."%]") then break end end while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%[%w+%]") then break end if not string.match(line,"^%#") then table.insert(Values,line) end end f:close() end return(Values) end function http_print(s) if s then io.stdout:write(tostring(s).."\r\n") else io.stdout:write("\r\n") end end local host = os.getenv("HTTP_HOST") local proto = os.getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL") local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") if query ~= "" then http_print(proto.." 303") http_print("Location: http://"..host.."/wait.html?5") http_print() -- print(string.format("Set Unicable %s", query )) local Values = "" Values = Values.."# SCIF Settings\n" Values = Values.."# Manufacturer = nn : Index to selected manaufacturer (only used in config webpage)\n" Values = Values.."# Unit = nn : Index to selected unit (only used in config webpage)\n" Values = Values.."# Type = nn : Type of unit: 1: EN 50494, 2: TS 50607\n" Values = Values.."# TunerN = Slot,Frequency[,Pin] Slot = 1..nn, Frequency = 950..2150, Pin = 0-255\n" Values = Values.."# Slot = 0 (no SCIF)\n" Values = Values.."# Slot = 1..8 for EN 50494, 1..32 for TS 50607\n" if query ~= "reset" then local params = {} for w in string.gmatch(query,"(%u%w+%=%d+%,?%d*%,?%d*)") do table.insert(params,w) end -- TODO: More validation for _,v in ipairs(params) do Values = Values..v.."\n" end else Values = Values.."Type=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner1=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner2=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner3=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner4=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner5=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner6=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner7=0\n" Values = Values.."Tuner8=0\n" end SaveOctoserveConf("scif",Values) os.execute("/etc/init.d/S99octo restartoctoserve&") else http_print(proto.." 200") http_print("Pragma: no-cache") http_print("Cache-Control: no-cache") http_print("Content-Type: application/x-javascript") http_print() Values = LoadOctoserveConf("scif") print("Tuner = new Array();") for _,v in pairs(Values) do name,i,v1,v2,v3 = string.match(v,"(%a+)(%d-)%=(%d+)%,?(%d*)%,?(%d*)") if name == "Tuner" then http_print(string.format("Tuner[%d] = new Object();",i-1)) http_print(string.format("Tuner[%d].Slot = %d;",i-1,v1)) if v2 == "" then v2 = 0 end http_print(string.format("Tuner[%d].Freq = %d;",i-1,v2)) if v3 == "" then v3 = -1 end http_print(string.format("Tuner[%d].Pin = %d;",i-1,v3)) else http_print( name .. " = " .. v1 .. ";" ) end end end