#!/usr/bin/lua function SaveOctoserveConf(Section,Values) local ConfStart = "" local f = io.open("/config/octoserve.conf","r") local line if f then while true do while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%["..Section.."%]") then break end ConfStart = ConfStart .. line .. "\n" end while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if not string.match(line,"^%["..Section.."%]") then if string.match(line,"^%[%w+%]") then ConfStart = ConfStart .. line .. "\n" break end end end if not line then break end end f:close() os.remove("/config/octoserve.bak") os.rename("/config/octoserve.conf","/config/octoserve.bak") end f = io.open("/config/octoserve.conf","w") if ConfStart then f:write(ConfStart) end f:write(Values) f:close() end function LoadOctoserveConf(Section) local f = io.open("/config/octoserve.conf","r") local line local Sections = {} local curSection = {} if f then while true do while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%["..Section.."%]") then break end end while true do line = f:read() if not line then break end if string.match(line,"^%["..Section.."%]") then if #curSection > 0 then table.insert(Sections,curSection) curSection = {} end else if string.match(line,"^%[%w+%]") then break else if #line > 0 and not string.match(line,"^%#") then table.insert(curSection,line) end end end end if #curSection > 0 then table.insert(Sections,curSection) curSection = {} end if not line then break end end f:close() end return Sections end local host = os.getenv("HTTP_HOST") local proto = os.getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL") local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") function http_print(s) if s then io.stdout:write(tostring(s).."\r\n") else io.stdout:write("\r\n") end end function SendError(err,desc) http_print(proto.." "..err) http_print("Content-Type: text/html") http_print() local file = io.open("e404.html") if file then local tmp = file:read("*a") tmp = string.gsub(tmp,"404 Not Found",err .. " " .. desc) http_print(tmp) file:close() end end if arg[1] then query = arg[1] if query == "get" then query = "" end proto = "HTTP/1.0" host = "local" end if query ~= "" then local nextloc = "wait.html?5" local params = io.stdin:read("*a") local p,v local auto = false local conf = "" http_print(proto.." 303") http_print("Location: http://"..host.."/"..nextloc) http_print("") for p,v in string.gmatch(params,"(%a+)=([0123456789%.]+)") do http_print(p,v) if p == "auto" and p == "1" then auto = true break end if p == "LNB" then local lnb,tuner,source,lof1,lof2,lofs = string.match(v,"(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)") conf = conf .. "[LNB]\n" conf = conf .. "#\n# LNB " .. lnb .. " Setting\n#\n" if tuner > "0" then conf = conf .. string.format("Tuner=%d\n",tuner) end if source > "0" then conf = conf .. string.format("Source=%d\n",source) end conf = conf .. string.format("LOF1=%d\n",lof1) if lof2 > "0" then conf = conf .. string.format("LOF2=%d\n",lof2) end if lofs > "0" then conf = conf .. string.format("LOFS=%d\n",lofs) end conf = conf .. "\n" end end SaveOctoserveConf("LNB",conf) os.execute("/etc/init.d/S99octo restartoctoserve&") else http_print(proto.." 200") http_print("Pragma: no-cache") http_print("Cache-Control: no-cache") http_print("Content-Type: application/x-javascript") http_print("") http_print("LNBList = new Array();") local i,lnb local Conf = LoadOctoserveConf("LNB") i = 0 for _,lnb in pairs(Conf) do local Tuner = 0 local Source = 0 local LOF1 = 0 local LOF2 = 0 local LOFS = 0 for _,line in pairs(lnb) do local n,v = string.match(line,"%s-(%w+)%s-=%s-(%d+)") if n == "Tuner" then Tuner = v end if n == "Source" then Source = v end if n == "LOF1" then LOF1 = v end if n == "LOF2" then LOF2 = v end if n == "LOFS" then LOFS = v end http_print("// " .. n .. " = " .. v); end http_print(string.format("LNBList[%d] = new Object();" ,i)) http_print(string.format("LNBList[%d].Tuner = %d;" ,i,Tuner )) http_print(string.format("LNBList[%d].Source = %d;" ,i,Source)) http_print(string.format("LNBList[%d].LOF1 = %d;" ,i,LOF1 )) http_print(string.format("LNBList[%d].LOF2 = %d;" ,i,LOF2 )) http_print(string.format("LNBList[%d].LOFS = %d;" ,i,LOFS )) i = i + 1 end -- http_print("LNBList[0] = new Object();") -- http_print("LNBList[0].Tuner = 0;") -- http_print("LNBList[0].Source = 0;") -- http_print("LNBList[0].LOF1 = 9750;") -- http_print("LNBList[0].LOF2 = 10600;") -- http_print("LNBList[0].LOFS = 11700;") end