#!/usr/bin/lua local host = os.getenv("HTTP_HOST") local proto = os.getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL") local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") local method = os.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") local clength = os.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") local ctype = os.getenv("CONTENT_TYPE") function http_print(s) if s then io.stdout:write(tostring(s).."\r\n") else io.stdout:write("\r\n") end end if #arg> 0 then method="GET" query="select=m3u" proto = "HTTP/1.0" end function SendError(err,desc) http_print(proto.." "..err) http_print() local file = io.open("e404.html") if file then local tmp = file:read("*a") tmp = string.gsub(tmp,"404 Not Found",err .. " " .. desc) http_print(tmp) file:close() end end function GetDevID() local devid = nil local tmp = io.open("/config/device.id") if tmp then devid = tonumber(tmp:read()) tmp:close() end return devid end if method == "GET" then local path = nil local disposition = nil local subtype="csv" if string.match(query,"select=copy") then local name = string.match(query,"name=(%w+)") if name then path = "/var/mcsetup/"..name..".csv" disposition = "copy" else SendError("404","Request Error") return end elseif string.match(query,"select=disable") then disposition = "disable" end if disposition == "disable" then os.remove("/config/mcsetup.csv") os.execute('echo "1" >/tmp/mc.tmp;mv -f /tmp/mc.tmp /tmp/mc.signal'); http_print(proto.." 303") http_print("Location: http://"..host.."/multicast.html") http_print("") return end if disposition == "copy" then os.execute("cp "..path.." /config/mcsetup.csv") os.execute('echo "1" >/tmp/mc.tmp;mv -f /tmp/mc.tmp /tmp/mc.signal'); http_print(proto.." 303") http_print("Location: http://"..host.."/multicast.html") http_print() return end local data = nil local tmp = io.open(path,"r") if tmp then data = tmp:read("*a") tmp:close() end if data then http_print(proto.." 200" ) http_print("Pragma: no-cache") http_print("Content-Type: text/"..subtype) http_print('Content-Disposition: filename="'..disposition..'"') http_print(string.format("Content-Length: %d",#data)) http_print() http_print(data) else SendError("404",disposition.." not found") end elseif method == "POST" and clength and ctype then if not string.match(ctype,"multipart/form%-data") then SendError("404","??") return end local boundary = string.match(ctype,"boundary=(.*)") if not boundary then SendError("404","???") return end while true do local line = io.stdin:read() line = string.gsub(line,"\r","") if line == "" then break end end data = io.stdin:read(16384) data = string.sub(data,1,#data - #boundary - 4) if data:match("^\239\187\191") then data = data:sub(4) end data = string.gsub(data,"\r\n","\n") -- Windows -> Unix data = string.gsub(data,"\r","\n") -- MAC -> Unix -- if data:match("^TITLE,REQUEST,PIDS,PROTO,IP,PORT,TTL,LANPORTS") then if data:match("^TITLE,REQUEST,PIDS,LANPORTS") or data:match("^TITLE,REQUEST,PIDS,PROTO,IP,PORT,TTL,LANPORTS") then file = io.open("/config/mcsetup.csv","w") if file then file:write(data) file:close() os.execute('echo "1" >/tmp/mc.tmp;mv -f /tmp/mc.tmp /tmp/mc.signal'); end end http_print(proto.." 303") http_print("Location: http://"..host.."/multicast.html") http_print() else SendError("500","What") end