/* (C) 2012-15 Digital Devices GmbH. This file is part of the octoserve SAT>IP server. Octoserve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octoserve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with octoserve. If not, see . */ #include "octoserve.h" #include uint32_t debug; uint32_t flags; uint32_t conform = 0; #define FLAGS_TRANSPORT 1 uint64_t mtime_nano(void) { struct timespec ts; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts)) return 0; return ts.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts.tv_nsec; } void dump(const uint8_t *b, int l) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < l; j += 16, b += 16) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (i + j < l) printf("%02x ", b[i]); else printf(" "); printf(" | "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (i + j < l) putchar((b[i] > 31 && b[i] < 127) ? b[i] : '.'); printf("\n"); } } static void update_switch_vec(struct ossess *sess) { struct osmcc *mcc; uint32_t vec = 0; for (mcc = sess->mccs.lh_first; mcc; mcc = mcc->mcc.le_next) vec |= mcc->port_vec; if (vec != sess->mcc_port_vec_set || sess->port_vec != sess->port_vec_set) { sess->mcc_port_vec_set = vec; sess->port_vec_set = sess->port_vec; switch_set_multicast(sess->trans.mcmac, sess->mcc_port_vec_set | sess->port_vec_set); } } struct rtsp_error rtsp_errors[] = { {100, "Continue"}, {200, "OK"}, {400, "Bad Request"}, {403, "Forbidden"}, {404, "Not Found"}, {405, "Method Not Allowed"}, {406, "Not Acceptable"}, {408, "Request Timeout"}, {414, "Request-URI Too Long"}, {453, "Not Enough Bandwidth"}, {454, "Session Not Found"}, {455, "Method Not Valid in This State"}, {461, "Unsupported Transport"}, {500, "Internal Server Error"}, {501, "Not Implemented"}, {503, "Service Unavailable"}, {505, "Version Not Supported"}, {551, "Option Not Supported"}, {0, ""}, }; static int adrtoip(struct sockaddr *sa, uint8_t *ip) { unsigned short af = sa->sa_family; void *adr; if (af == AF_INET) adr = &((struct sockaddr_in *) sa)->sin_addr; else if (af == AF_INET6) adr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa)->sin6_addr; else return -1; memcpy(ip, adr, af == AF_INET ? 4 : 16); return 0; } static int check_self(struct sockaddr *sadr, uint8_t *mac) { uint8_t ip[16]; if (adrtoip(sadr, ip) < 0) return -1; } static int get_mac(char *ifname, struct sockaddr *sadr, uint8_t *mac) { struct arpreq arpreq; int s; s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) return -1; memset(&arpreq, 0, sizeof(struct arpreq)); memcpy(&arpreq.arp_pa, sadr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); arpreq.arp_ha.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; strcpy(arpreq.arp_dev, ifname); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGARP, &arpreq) < 0) { perror("get_mac socket error on"); dump((uint8_t *)sadr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); close(s); return -1; } close(s); memcpy(mac, arpreq.arp_ha.sa_data, 6); dbgprintf(DEBUG_NET, "%s=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", ifname, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); return 0; } static int ip2mac(uint8_t *ip, uint8_t *mac) { struct arpreq arpreq; struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) &arpreq.arp_pa; int s; s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) return -1; memset(&arpreq, 0, sizeof(struct arpreq)); sin->sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&sin->sin_addr.s_addr, ip, 4); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGARP, &arpreq) < 0) { perror("ip2mac socket error"); close(s); return -1; } close(s); memcpy(mac, arpreq.arp_ha.sa_data, 6); dbgprintf(DEBUG_NET, "%u.%u.%u.%u=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); return 0; } static void add_fd(int fd, int *mfd, fd_set *fds) { FD_SET(fd, fds); if (fd > *mfd) *mfd = fd; } int readmii(int id, int reg) { int fd; struct ifreq ifr; struct mii_ioctl_data *mii = (struct mii_ioctl_data *) &ifr.ifr_data; strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0"); mii->phy_id = id; mii->reg_num = reg; mii->val_in = 0; mii->val_out = 0; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); ioctl(fd, SIOCGMIIREG, &ifr); dbgprintf(DEBUG_NET, "mii %02x.%02x = %02x\n", id, reg, mii->val_out); } /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ void send_error(struct oscon *con, int err) { uint8_t buf[256]; int len; char *err_str; struct rtsp_error *rerr; for (rerr = rtsp_errors; rerr->number; rerr++) if (rerr->number == err) break; if (!rerr->number) { printf("Internal Error: invalid error number %d\n", err); return; } len=sprintf(buf, "RTSP/1.0 %d %s\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\n" "\r\n", err, rerr->name, con->seq); sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send Error:\n%s\n", buf); } static void *release_session(struct ossess *oss); static void *release_ca(struct dvbca *ca) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "release ca %d\n", ca->nr); pthread_mutex_lock(&ca->os->lock); ca->stream->ca = NULL; ca->state = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca->os->lock); } static struct dvbca *alloc_ca_num(struct osstrm *str, int num) { struct octoserve *os = str->os; struct dvbca *ca; if (num >= os->dvbca_num) return NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); ca = &os->dvbca[num]; if (ca->state == 0) { printf("alloced ca %d\n", num); pthread_mutex_lock(&ca->mutex); memset(ca->pmt, 0, sizeof(ca->pmt)); ca->state = 1; ca->stream = str; ca->input = str->fe->nr - 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return ca; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } static struct dvbca *alloc_ca(struct osstrm *str) { struct octoserve *os = str->os; struct dvbca *ca; uint32_t i; printf("alloc ca\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < os->dvbca_num; i++) { ca = &os->dvbca[i]; if (ca->state == 0) { printf("alloced ca %d\n", i); pthread_mutex_lock(&ca->mutex); memset(ca->pmt, 0, sizeof(ca->pmt)); ca->state = 1; ca->stream = str; ca->input = str->fe->nr - 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return ca; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } static void *release_fe(struct octoserve *os, struct dvbfe *fe) { if (!fe) return; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "release fe %d\n", fe->nr); fe->state = 2; pthread_join(fe->pt, NULL); } static struct dvbfe *alloc_fe_num(struct octoserve *os, int i, int type) { struct dvbfe *fe; if (i > os->dvbfe_num) return NULL; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "alloc_fe_num %d\n", i); pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); fe = &os->dvbfe[i]; if (fe->state || !(fe->type & (1UL << type))) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } fe->n_tune = 0; fe->state = 1; pthread_create(&fe->pt, NULL, (void *) handle_fe, fe); pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "Allocated fe %d = %d/%d, fd=%d\n", fe->nr, fe->anum, fe->fnum, fe->fd); return fe; } static struct dvbfe *alloc_fe(struct octoserve *os, int type) { int i; struct dvbfe *fe; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < os->dvbfe_num; i++) { fe = &os->dvbfe[i]; if (fe->state == 0 && (fe->type & (1UL << type))) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return alloc_fe_num(os, i, type); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } static void release_con(struct oscon *con) { close(con->sock); con->state = 0; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "releasing con %d\n", con->nr); } static void shutdown_con(struct oscon *con) { con->session = 0; con->state = 3; con->timeout = mtime(NULL) + 10; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "shutdown con %u at %u\n", con->nr, con->timeout); } static void *_release_session(struct ossess *oss) { struct octoserve *os = oss->os; int i; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "releasing session %d\n", oss->nr); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++) { if (os->con[i].state && (os->con[i].session == oss)) shutdown_con(&os->con[i]); } if (oss->nsfd >= 0) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "closing netstream of session %d\n", oss->nr); close(oss->nsfd); } oss->playing = 0; oss->state = 0; } static void *release_stream(struct osstrm *str) { struct octoserve *os = str->os; int i; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "release stream %d\n", str->nr); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { if (os->session[i].state && (os->session[i].stream == str)) _release_session(&os->session[i]); } str->state = 0; release_fe(os, str->fe); if (str->ca) release_ca(str->ca); } static struct osstrm *alloc_stream(struct octoserve *os) { int i; struct osstrm *str; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_STREAM; i++) { str = &os->stream[i]; if (str->state == 0) { memset(str, 0, sizeof(struct osstrm)); str->os = os; str->nr = i + 1; str->state = 1; str->sport = 8000 + 2 * i; str->sport2 = 8000 + 2 * i + 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "Allocated stream %d\n", str->nr); return str;} } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } static struct osstrm *get_stream(struct octoserve *os, int id) { int i; struct osstrm *str, *r = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_STREAM; i++) { str = &os->stream[i]; if (str->state && (str->nr == id)) { r = str; break; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return r; } static void *release_session(struct ossess *oss) { struct octoserve *os = oss->os; int i; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "release session nr %d id %010d\n", oss->nr, oss->id); pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); mc_del(oss); if (oss->stream && (oss->stream->session == oss)) // stream owner? release_stream(oss->stream); else _release_session(oss); pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); } static struct ossess *get_session(struct octoserve *os, uint32_t id) { int i; struct ossess *oss; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { oss = &os->session[i]; if (oss->state && (oss->id == id)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return oss; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } static void check_mccs(struct ossess *sess) { time_t tdiff, t; int update = 0; if (!sess->trans.mcast) return; tdiff = mtime(&t) - sess->mcc_time; switch (sess->mcc_state) { case 1: if (tdiff >= 1) { sess->mcc_state = 2; /* all replying clients get new tag */ sess->mcc_tag++; send_igmp_query(sess->os, sess->trans.mcip, 10); sess->mcc_time = t; printf("%u: mcc_state 1 done, tag = %d\n", t, sess->mcc_tag); } break; case 2: if (tdiff >= 1) { sess->mcc_state = 3; send_igmp_query(sess->os, sess->trans.mcip, 10); printf("%u: mcc_state 2 done, tag = %d\n", t, sess->mcc_tag); } break; case 3: if (tdiff >= 2) { sess->mcc_state = 0; sess->mcc_time = t; printf("%u: mcc_state 2 done, tag = %d\n", t, sess->mcc_tag); update = 1; } break; case 0: update = 1; break; } mc_check(sess, update); } void session_timeout(struct ossess *sess) { mtime(&sess->timeout); sess->timeout += sess->timeout_len; dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "new timeout %d\n", sess->timeout); } void check_session_timeouts(struct octoserve *os) { time_t t; int i; struct ossess *sess; mtime(&t); pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { sess = &os->session[i]; check_mccs(sess); if (sess->state && (sess->timeout < t)) { struct oscon *con; int j; /* also count open connections referencing this session, for VLC, mplayer, ... which do not send keep alives */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONNECT; j++) { con = &os->con[j]; if (con->state && con->session && (con->session == sess)) { session_timeout(sess); break; } } if (j == MAX_CONNECT) release_session(&os->session[i]); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); } static uint32_t get_id(struct octoserve *os) { uint32_t id, i; struct ossess *oss; while (1) { id = random(); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { oss = &os->session[i]; if (oss->state && (oss->id == id)) break; } if (i == MAX_SESSION) return id; } } static struct ossess *alloc_session(struct octoserve *os) { int i; struct ossess *oss; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { oss = &os->session[i]; if (oss->state == 0) { memset(oss, 0, sizeof(struct ossess)); oss->os = os; oss->nr = i; oss->id = get_id(os); os->sessionid++; oss->state = 1; oss->nsfd = -1; oss->timeout_len = 60; session_timeout(oss); LIST_INIT(&oss->mccs); mtime(&oss->mcc_time); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "Allocated session nr=%d id=%d\n", oss->nr, oss->id); pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return oss; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return NULL; } static struct oscon *alloc_con(struct octoserve *os) { int i; struct oscon *con; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++) { con = &os->con[i]; if (con->state == 0) { memset(con, 0, sizeof(struct oscon)); con->os = os; con->nr = i; con->state = 1; return con; } } return NULL; } int die(char *msg) { printf("%s\n", msg); exit(-1); } void sigchld_handler(int s) { while (wait(NULL) > 0); } static void send_option(struct oscon *con) { uint8_t buf[256], opt[256] ={ 0 }; int len; if (con->session) snprintf(opt, sizeof(opt), "Session: %010d\r\n", con->session->id); len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\n" "Public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, PLAY, TEARDOWN\r\n" "%s" "\r\n", con->seq, opt); if ((len > 0) && (len < sizeof(buf))) { sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send: %s\n", buf); } } char *pol2str[] = {"", "v", "h", "r", "l", NULL}; char *msys2str [] = {"", "undef", "dvbc", "dvbcb", "dvbt", "dss", "dvbs", "dvbs2", "dvbh", "isdbt", "isdbs", "isdbc", "atsc", "atscmh", "dtmb", "cmmb", "dab", "dvbt2", "turbo", "dvbcc", "dvbc2", NULL}; char *mtype2str [] = {"", "qpsk", "16qam", "32qam", "64qam", "128qam", "256qam", "autoqam", "8vsb", "16vsb", "8psk", "16apsk", "32apsk", "dqpsk", "4qamnr", NULL}; char *pilot2str [] = {"", "on", "off", "auto", NULL}; char *roll2str [] = {"", "0.35", "0.20", "0.25", NULL}; char *fec2str [] = {"", "none", "12", "23", "34", "56", "78", "89", "35", "45", "910", "25", NULL}; char *bw2str [] = {"", "8", "7", "6", "auto", "5", "10", "1.712", NULL }; char *tmode2str [] = { "", "2k", "8k", "auto", "4k", "1k", "16k", "32k", "c1", "c3780", NULL}; char *gi2str [] = { "", "132", "116", "18", "14", "auto", "1128", "19128", "19256", "pn420", "pn595", "pn945", NULL}; char *num2str [] = {"", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", NULL}; #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) static int session_string(struct ossess *sess, char *msg, int mlen) { struct dvbfe *fe; char pids[512]; struct dvb_params *p; int pid, len, len2, plen; int level = 0, lock = 0, quality = 0, tuner = 0; int all; struct osstrm *str = sess->stream; if (!sess->state || !str) return -1; if (str->fe){ level = str->fe->level; lock = str->fe->lock; quality = str->fe->quality; tuner = str->fe->nr; } p = &sess->p; for (pid = 0, all = 1; pid < 1024; pid++) { if (p->pid[pid] != 0xff) { all = 0; break; } } if (all) snprintf(pids, sizeof(pids), "=all"); else { for (pid = 0, plen = 0; pid < 8192; pid++) { if (p->pid[pid >> 3] & (1 << (pid & 7))) { len2 = snprintf(pids + plen, sizeof(pids) - plen, ",%u", pid); if (len2 < 0) return -1; if (plen + len2 >= 200) break; plen += len2; } } pids[0] = '='; if (!plen) snprintf(pids, sizeof(pids), "=none"); } switch(p->param[PARAM_MSYS] - 1) { case SYS_DVBS: case SYS_DVBS2: len = snprintf(msg, mlen, "ver=1.0;src=%u;tuner=%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%u,%s;pids%s", p->param[PARAM_SRC], tuner, level, lock, quality, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] / 1000, pol2str[p->param[PARAM_POL]], msys2str[p->param[PARAM_MSYS]], mtype2str[p->param[PARAM_MTYPE]], pilot2str[p->param[PARAM_PLTS]], roll2str[p->param[PARAM_RO]], p->param[PARAM_SR], fec2str[p->param[PARAM_FEC]], pids); break; case SYS_DVBT: case SYS_DVBT2: len = snprintf(msg, mlen, "ver=1.1;tuner=%u,%u,%u,%u,%u.%03u,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%u,%u,%u;pids%s", tuner, level, lock, quality, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] / 1000, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] % 1000, bw2str[p->param[PARAM_BW]], msys2str[p->param[PARAM_MSYS]], tmode2str[p->param[PARAM_TMODE]], mtype2str[p->param[PARAM_MTYPE]], gi2str[p->param[PARAM_GI]], fec2str[p->param[PARAM_FEC]], p->param[PARAM_PLP], p->param[PARAM_T2ID], p->param[PARAM_SM], pids); break; case SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_A: case (SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_C + 1): #if 0 len = snprintf(msg, mlen, "ver=0.9;tuner=%u,%u,%u,%u,%u.%03u,%u,%s,%s;pids%s", tuner, level, lock, quality, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] / 1000, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] % 1000, p->param[PARAM_SR], msys2str[p->param[PARAM_MSYS]], mtype2str[p->param[PARAM_MTYPE]], pids); #else len = snprintf(msg, mlen, "ver=1.2;tuner=%u,%u,%u,%u,%u.%03u,%u,%s,%s,%u,%u,%u,%u;pids%s", tuner, level, lock, quality, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] / 1000, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] % 1000, p->param[PARAM_BW_HZ] / 1000000, msys2str[p->param[PARAM_MSYS]], mtype2str[p->param[PARAM_MTYPE]], p->param[PARAM_SR], p->param[PARAM_C2TFT], p->param[PARAM_DS], p->param[PARAM_PLP], pids); #endif break; } if (len >= mlen) return -1; return len; } static int send_describe(struct oscon *con, int only) { struct osstrm *str; struct ostrans *t; uint8_t buf[4096], buf2[4096 + 1024], buf3[1024]; int len, len2, i; int start = 0, end = MAX_STREAM; char *p; p = con->url; while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; *p = 0; #if 1 for (i = 0; i < MAX_STREAM; i++) { str = &con->os->stream[i]; if (str->state) break; } if (i == MAX_STREAM) return -404; #endif if (only >= 0) { if (only >= MAX_STREAM) return -404; start = only - 1; end = only; str = &con->os->stream[start]; if (!str->state) return -404; } if (con->os->dvbtnum + con->os->dvbt2num + con->os->dvbcnum + con->os->dvbc2num) len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "v=0\r\n" "o=- 5678901234 7890123456 IN %s %s\r\n" "s=SatIPServer:1 %d,%d,%d\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n", con->trans.family == AF_INET ? "IP4" : "IP6", con->sadr_ip, con->os->dvbs2num, con->os->dvbtnum + con->os->dvbt2num, con->os->dvbcnum + con->os->dvbc2num ); else len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "v=0\r\n" "o=- 5678901234 7890123456 IN %s %s\r\n" "s=SatIPServer:1 %d\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n", con->trans.family == AF_INET ? "IP4" : "IP6", con->sadr_ip, con->os->dvbs2num ); if (len <= 0 || len >= sizeof(buf)) return -500; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { char *adr = "", abuf[32]; int j, sendonly = 0; int alen; str = &con->os->stream[i]; if (!str->state) continue; t = &str->session->trans; for (j = sendonly = 0; j < MAX_SESSION; j++) { if (con->os->session[j].state && con->os->session[j].stream == str && con->os->session[j].playing) sendonly = 1; } session_string(str->session, buf3, sizeof(buf3)); if (t->mcast) { alen = snprintf(abuf, sizeof(abuf), "%d.%d.%d.%d/%u", t->mcip[0], t->mcip[1], t->mcip[2], t->mcip[3], t->ttl); if (alen < 0) return -500; adr = abuf; } len2 = snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "m=video %d %s 33\r\n" "c=IN %s %s\r\n" "a=control:stream=%d\r\n" "a=fmtp:33 %s\r\n" "a=%s\r\n", t->mcast ? t->cport : 0, t->rtp ? "RTP/AVP" : "UDP", t->family == AF_INET ? "IP4" : "IP6", adr, str->nr, buf3, sendonly ? "sendonly" : "inactive" ); if (len2 <= 0 || len2 >= sizeof(buf) - len) return -500; len += len2; } len2 = sprintf(buf2, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n" "Content-Base: rtsp://%s/\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "\r\n", con->seq, con->sadr_ip, len); /* URGH, some receivers (cough Kathr** cough) cannot handle split RTSP messages */ #if 0 sendlen(con->sock, buf2, len2); sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); #else memcpy(buf2 + len2, buf, len); sendlen(con->sock, buf2, len + len2); //dump(buf2, len + len2); #endif dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send:\n%s", buf2); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "%s\n", buf); return 0; } static void send_describe2(struct oscon *con, char *url) { uint8_t buf[1024], buf2[1024], *p; int len, len2; //while (*url && *url != '?') //url++; p = url; while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; *p = 0; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "v=0\r\n" "o=- 9876543210 1 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=MPEG TS\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 33\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n" "a=control:%s\r\n", con->sadr_ip, url ); if (len <= 0 || len >= sizeof(buf)) return; len2=sprintf(buf2, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/sdp\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", con->seq, len); sendlen(con->sock, buf2, len2); sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send:\n%s", buf2); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "%s\n", buf); } #define MAX_PID 32 static int getsparam(char *b, char *name, char *q[], struct dvb_params *p, int type) { int s, l = strlen(name), m; if (strncasecmp(b, name, l)) return 0; b += l; if (b[0] == '&' || b[0] == ' ' || !b[m]) return l; for (s = 1; q[s]; s++) { m = strlen(q[s]); if (!strncasecmp(b, q[s], m) && (b[m] == '&' || b[m] == ' ' || !b[m])) { p->param[type] = s; p->set |= (1UL << type); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "%s%d(%s), ", name, p->param[type], q[s]); return l + m; } } return -1; } static int parse_url(struct oscon *con, int streamonly) { struct dvb_params *p = &con->p; char *url, *end; struct ossess *oss; uint32_t pid; int s, l; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "parsing URL : %s\n", con->url); memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct dvb_params)); for (url = con->url; *url == ' '; url++); if (strncasecmp(url, "rtsp://", 7)) return -1; for (url += 7; *url != '/'; url++) if (*url == '\0') return 0; url++; if (*url == '\0' || *url == ' ') return 0; if (*url != '?') { if (strncasecmp(url, "stream=", 7)) return -1; url += 7; errno = 0; p->param[PARAM_STREAMID] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (errno) return -1; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_STREAMID); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "streamid = %d, ", p->param[PARAM_STREAMID]); url = end; } if (*url != '\0' && *url != ' ' && *url != '?') return -1; if (!streamonly && *url == '?') { do { url++; if (!strncasecmp(url, "src=", 4)) { url += 4; errno = 0; p->param[PARAM_SRC] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end) return -1; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_SRC); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "src=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_SRC]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "fe=", 3)) { url += 3; p->param[PARAM_FE] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_FE); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "fe=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_FE]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "c2tft=", 6)) { url += 6; p->param[PARAM_C2TFT] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_C2TFT); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "c2tft=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_C2TFT]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "ds=", 3)) { url += 3; p->param[PARAM_DS] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_DS); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "ds=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_C2TFT]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "plp=", 4)) { url += 4; p->param[PARAM_PLP] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_PLP); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "plp=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_PLP]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "specinv=", 8)) { url += 8; p->param[PARAM_SPECINV] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_SPECINV); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "plp=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_PLP]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "sm=", 3)) { url += 3; p->param[PARAM_SM] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_SM); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "sm=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_SM]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "t2id=", 5)) { url += 5; p->param[PARAM_T2ID] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_T2ID); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "t2id=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_T2ID]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "isi=", 4)) { url += 4; p->param[PARAM_ISI] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (end == url) break; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_ISI); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "isi=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_ISI]); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "freq=", 5)) { float f; url += 5; f = strtof(url, &end); p->param[PARAM_FREQ] = f * 1000.0; if (url == end) return -1; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_FREQ); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "freq=%u.%03u, ", p->param[PARAM_FREQ] / 1000, p->param[PARAM_FREQ] % 1000); } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "pol=", pol2str, p, PARAM_POL))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "msys=", msys2str, p, PARAM_MSYS))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "ro=", roll2str, p, PARAM_RO))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "mtype=", mtype2str, p, PARAM_MTYPE))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "gi=", gi2str, p, PARAM_GI))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "tmode=", tmode2str, p, PARAM_TMODE))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "plts=", pilot2str, p, PARAM_PLTS))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "sr=", 3)) { url += 3; p->param[PARAM_SR] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_SR); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "sr=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_SR]); #if 0 } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "bw=", bw2str, p, PARAM_BW))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; #else } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "bw=", 3)) { float f; url += 3; f = strtof(url, &end); p->param[PARAM_BW_HZ] = f * 1000000.0; if (f == 5.0) p->param[PARAM_BW] = BANDWIDTH_5_MHZ; else if (f == 6.0) p->param[PARAM_BW] = BANDWIDTH_6_MHZ; else if (f == 7.0) p->param[PARAM_BW] = BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ; else if (f == 8.0) p->param[PARAM_BW] = BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ; else if (f == 10.0) p->param[PARAM_BW] = BANDWIDTH_10_MHZ; else if (f == 1.712) p->param[PARAM_BW] = BANDWIDTH_1_712_MHZ; else return -1; p->param[PARAM_BW]++; if (url == end) return -1; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_BW); p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_BW_HZ); #endif } else if ((l = getsparam(url, "fec=", fec2str, p, PARAM_FEC))) { if (l < 0) return l; end = url + l; } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "pids=", 5)) { if (p->set & ((1UL << PARAM_APID) | (1UL << PARAM_DPID))) return -1; url += 5; memset(p->pid, 0, 0x400); do { pid = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end) { if (!strncasecmp(url, "all", 3)) { memset(p->pid, 0xff, 0x400); end = url + 3; } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "none", 4)) { memset(p->pid, 0x00, 0x400); end = url + 4; } else return -1; } else { if (pid > 8191) return -1; p->pid[pid >> 3] |= (1 << (pid & 7)); } url = end; } while (*(url++) == ','); p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_PID); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "addpids=", 8)) { if (p->set & (1UL << PARAM_PID)) return -1; url += 8; do { pid = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end) return -1; url = end; p->pid[pid >> 3] |= (1 << (pid & 7)); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "add PID=%d, ", pid); } while (*(url++) == ','); p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_APID); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "delpids=", 8)) { if (p->set & (1UL << PARAM_PID)) return -1; url += 8; do { pid = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end) return -1; url = end; p->dpid[pid >> 3] |= (1 << (pid & 7)); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "del PID=%d, ", pid); } while (*(url++) == ','); p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_DPID); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "x_pmt=", 6)) { uint32_t pmt, sid, num = 0; url += 6; do { pmt = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end || pmt >= 8192) return -1; if (*end == '.') { url = end + 1; sid = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end) return -1; pmt |= (sid << 16); } if (num < MAX_PMT) p->pmt[num++] = pmt; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "+PMT=%08x, ", pmt); url = end; } while (*(url++) == ','); p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_PMT); } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "x_ci=", 5)) { url += 5; p->param[PARAM_CI] = strtoul(url, &end, 10); if (url == end) return -1; p->set |= (1UL << PARAM_CI); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "ci=%d, ", p->param[PARAM_CI]); } else { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "unknown parameter %s\n", url); while (*url != '&' && *url && *url != ' ') url++; end = url; /* ignore unknown parameters: return -1; */ } url = end; } while (*url == '&'); } while (*url == '/') url++; if (*url != ' ') return -1; while (*url == ' ') url++; if (strncasecmp(url, "RTSP/1.0", 8)) return -1; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "\n"); return 0; } static int set_rtcp_msg(struct ossess *sess) { char rtcp[512 - 96 - 102]; int len; struct dvb_ns_rtcp rtcpm = { .msg = rtcp}; if (!sess->state) return -1; len = session_string(sess, rtcp, sizeof(rtcp)); if (len <= 0) return -1; rtcpm.len = len; dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "%s\n", rtcp); if (sess->nsfd < 0) return -1; return ioctl(sess->nsfd, NS_SET_RTCP_MSG, &rtcpm); } static int set_rtcp_msgs(struct osstrm *str) { char rtcp[512 - 96 - 102]; int len; struct dvb_ns_rtcp rtcpm = { .msg = rtcp}; int i; struct ossess *sess; if (!str->state) return -1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { sess = &str->os->session[i]; if (!sess->state) continue; len = session_string(sess, rtcp, sizeof(rtcp)); if (len <= 0) continue; rtcpm.len = len; dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "%s\n", rtcp); if (sess->stream && (sess->stream == str) && (sess->nsfd > 0)) ioctl(sess->nsfd, NS_SET_RTCP_MSG, &rtcpm); } return 0; } static int set_ns(struct ossess *sess, struct dvb_ns_params *nsp) { struct osstrm *str = sess->stream; int fd = sess->nsfd; uint8_t *pids = sess->p.pid; if (fd < 0) return 0; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__); ioctl(fd, NS_SET_NET, nsp); set_rtcp_msg(sess); ioctl(fd, NS_SET_PIDS, &pids); return 0; } static int get_ns(struct ossess *sess) { struct dvbfe *fe = sess->stream->fe; char fname[80]; sprintf(fname, "/dev/dvb/adapter%d/ns%d", fe->anum, fe->fnum); sess->nsfd = open(fname, O_RDWR); if (sess->nsfd < 0 && errno != 2) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "no ns free\n"); return -1; } dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "got fd %d, for %s\n", sess->nsfd, fname); return 0; } static int setup_nsp(struct ostrans *trans, struct dvb_ns_params *nsp) { void *adr; memset(nsp, 0, sizeof(struct dvb_ns_params)); memcpy(nsp->dmac, trans->cmac, 6); memcpy(nsp->smac, trans->smac, 6); nsp->smac[5] |= 1; nsp->sport = trans->sport; nsp->sport2 = trans->sport2; nsp->dport = trans->cport; nsp->dport2 = trans->cport2; if (trans->rtp) { nsp->flags = DVB_NS_RTP | DVB_NS_RTCP; if (!(trans->flags & TRANS_NO_RTP_TO)) nsp->flags |= DVB_NS_RTP_TO; } nsp->qos = 5; nsp->vlan = 0; nsp->ttl = 64; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "ports: %d-%d %d-%d\n", nsp->sport, nsp->sport2, nsp->dport, nsp->dport2); memcpy(nsp->sip, trans->sip, 16); memcpy(nsp->dip, trans->cip, 16); if (trans->mcast) { uint8_t *mac = adr; memcpy(nsp->dmac, trans->mcmac, 6); memcpy(nsp->dip, trans->mcip, 16); nsp->ttl = trans->ttl ? trans->ttl : 2; //dump(nsp->dmac, 6); //dump(nsp->dip, 16); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "MC STREAM\n"); } memcpy(nsp->ssrc, trans->ssrc, 4); return 0; } static int merge_pids(struct dvb_params *op, struct dvb_params *p) { int i, r = 0; if (p->set & (1UL << PARAM_PID)) for (i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; i++) if (op->pid[i] != p->pid[i]) { r |= 1; op->pid[i] = p->pid[i]; } if (p->set & (1UL << PARAM_APID)) for (i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; i++) if (!(op->pid[i] & p->pid[i])) { r |= 2; op->pid[i] |= p->pid[i]; } if (p->set & (1UL << PARAM_DPID)) for (i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; i++) if (op->pid[i] & p->dpid[i]) { r |= 4; op->pid[i] &= ~p->dpid[i]; } return r; } static int merge_params(struct dvb_params *op, struct dvb_params *p) { int i; if (p->set & 0xfff8) { for (i = PARAM_FE ; i < PARAM_PID ; i++) if (p->set & (1UL << i)) { op->param[i] = p->param[i]; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "para %d = %d\n", i, p->param[i]); op->set |= (1UL << i); } } } static void copy_params(struct ossess *s, struct ossess *t) { memcpy(&s->p, &t->p, sizeof(struct dvb_params)); } static int setup_session(struct oscon *con, int newtrans) { struct dvbfe *fe; struct dvb_ns_params nsp; struct ossess *sess = con->session; struct dvb_params *p = &con->p; struct dvb_params *sp = &sess->p; struct ostrans *trans = &con->trans; struct osstrm *str = sess->stream; struct ossess *ownsess = str->session; int pidchange; int owner = 0; if (sess == ownsess) owner = 1; if (!str) return -500; pidchange = merge_pids(sp, p); if (owner) { /* stream owner */ merge_params(sp, p); if (str->fe && (sp->set & (1UL << PARAM_FE)) && (sp->param[PARAM_FE] != str->fe->nr)) { release_fe(con->os, str->fe); if (sess->nsfd >= 0) close(sess->nsfd); } if (!str->fe) { if (!(sp->set & (1UL << PARAM_MSYS))) return 0; if (sp->set & (1UL << PARAM_FE)) fe = alloc_fe_num(sess->os, sp->param[PARAM_FE] - 1, sp->param[PARAM_MSYS] - 1); else fe = alloc_fe(sess->os, sp->param[PARAM_MSYS] - 1); if (!fe) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "no fe\n"); return -404; } str->fe = fe; dvb_tune(str->fe, sp); } else if (p->set & 0xffff8) { dvb_tune(str->fe, sp); } } else { if (pidchange && conform) { copy_params(sess, ownsess); return -455; } } if (sess->nsfd < 0) { if (conform && !owner && sess->trans.mcast) { if (!ownsess->trans.mcast) return -455; sess->nsfd = ownsess->nsfd; } else #ifndef IGNORE_NS if (get_ns(sess) < 0) return -455; #endif newtrans = 1; } if (newtrans) { if (str->session != sess && sess->trans.mcast && conform) { memcpy(&sess->trans, &str->session->trans, sizeof(struct ostrans)); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "non-owner tried to change transport parameters\n"); } if (setup_nsp(&sess->trans, &nsp) < 0) return -1; if (set_ns(sess, &nsp) < 0) return -1; } else if (pidchange) { uint8_t *pids = (sp->pid); if (sess->nsfd >= 0) ioctl(sess->nsfd, NS_SET_PIDS, &pids); } if (p->set & ((1UL << PARAM_CI))) { if (p->param[PARAM_CI] == 0 && str->ca) release_ca(str->ca); if (!str->ca) { if (sess->playing) return -455; str->ca = alloc_ca_num(str, p->param[PARAM_CI] - 1); } if (!str->ca) return -455; } if (p->set & ((1UL << PARAM_PMT))) { if (!str->ca) { if (sess->playing) return -455; str->ca = alloc_ca(str); } if (!str->ca) return -455; if (str->ca) set_pmt(str->ca, p->pmt); } if (con->session->trans.mcast) { if (con->os->has_switch) update_switch_vec(sess); } return 0; } static int stop_session(struct ossess *sess) { if (!sess->playing) return 0; sess->playing &= ~1; if (sess->playing) return 0; printf("stopping session %d\n", sess->nr); if (sess->nsfd >= 0) ioctl(sess->nsfd, NS_STOP); return 0; } static int start_session(struct ossess *sess) { if (sess->playing) return 0; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "start session %d\n", sess->nr); if (sess->stream->ca) { uint8_t canum = sess->stream->ca->nr - 1; if (sess->nsfd >= 0) ioctl(sess->nsfd, NS_SET_CI, &canum); } if (sess->nsfd >= 0) ioctl(sess->nsfd, NS_START); sess->playing |= 1; return 0; } static int play_session(struct oscon *con) { int res; struct ossess *sess = con->session; struct dvb_params *p = &con->p; struct ostrans *trans = &con->trans; struct octoserve *os = sess->os; if (p) { res = setup_session(con, 0); if (res < 0) return res; } #ifndef IGNORE_NS if (sess->nsfd < 0) return -455; #endif dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "%s fd %d\n", __FUNCTION__, sess->nsfd); pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); start_session(sess); sess->playing |= 2; pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); return 0; } static struct ossess *match_session(struct octoserve *os, uint8_t *group) { struct ossess *sess; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { sess = &os->session[i]; if (!sess->state || !sess->trans.mcast) continue; if (!memcmp(sess->trans.mcip, group, 4)) return sess; } return NULL; } void mc_check(struct ossess *sess, int update) { struct osmcc *mcc, *next; struct octoserve *os = sess->os; if (sess->mcc_state && (os->igmp_mode & 1)) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (mcc = sess->mccs.lh_first; mcc; mcc = next) { next = mcc->mcc.le_next; if (((sess->mcc_state == 0) && (sess->mcc_tag != mcc->tag)) || (((os->igmp_mode & 1) == 0) && (os->igmp_tag != mcc->gtag))) { printf("removed client at %u.%u.%u.%u\n", mcc->ip[0], mcc->ip[1], mcc->ip[2], mcc->ip[3]); printf("mcc_tags: %d %d\n", sess->mcc_tag, mcc->tag); printf("gtags: %d %d\n", os->igmp_tag, mcc->gtag); LIST_REMOVE(mcc, mcc); free(mcc); } } if (update) { if (os->has_switch) update_switch_vec(sess); if (!sess->mccs.lh_first) stop_session(sess); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); } void mc_del(struct ossess *sess) { struct osmcc *mcc, *next; struct octoserve *os = sess->os; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); for (mcc = sess->mccs.lh_first; mcc; mcc = next) { next = mcc->mcc.le_next; LIST_REMOVE(mcc, mcc); free(mcc); } if (os->has_switch) update_switch_vec(sess); pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); } static void killall_sessions(struct octoserve *os) { struct ossess *sess; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SESSION; i++) { sess = &os->session[i]; if (!sess->state) continue; release_session(sess); } } void mc_join(struct octoserve *os, uint8_t *ip, uint8_t *mac, uint8_t *group) { struct ossess *sess; struct osmcc *mcc, *newmcc; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); if ((sess = match_session(os, group)) == NULL) goto out; printf("matched session %d to join %u.%u.%u.%u\n", sess->nr, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); for (mcc = sess->mccs.lh_first; mcc; mcc = mcc->mcc.le_next) if (!memcmp(ip, mcc->ip, 4)) { mcc->tag = sess->mcc_tag; mcc->gtag = os->igmp_tag; printf("already in list, tag = %08x, gtag = %08x\n", mcc->tag, mcc->gtag); goto out; } newmcc = malloc(sizeof(struct osmcc)); if (!newmcc) { printf("Could not allocate new multicast client entry\n"); goto out; } memset(newmcc, 0, sizeof(struct osmcc)); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&sess->mccs, newmcc, mcc); memcpy(newmcc->ip, ip, 4); newmcc->tag = sess->mcc_tag; newmcc->gtag = os->igmp_tag; if (mac) { int port; memcpy(newmcc->mac, mac, 6); if (os->has_switch) port = switch_get_port(newmcc->mac); else port = 0; printf("New client at port %02x\n", port); if (port >= 0) { newmcc->port_vec = port; sess->mcc_port_vec |= port; } if (os->has_switch) update_switch_vec(sess); } if (!sess->playing) start_session(sess); out: pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); } void mc_query(struct ossess *sess) { /* query in group if anybody still there */ if (!sess->mcc_state) { mtime(&sess->mcc_time); sess->mcc_state = 1; } } void mc_leave(struct octoserve *os, uint8_t *ip, uint8_t *group) { struct ossess *sess; struct osmcc *mcc, *next; pthread_mutex_lock(&os->lock); if ((sess = match_session(os, group)) == NULL) goto out; printf("matched session %d to leave %u.%u.%u.%u\n", sess->nr, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); mc_query(sess); for (mcc = sess->mccs.lh_first; mcc; mcc = next) { next = mcc->mcc.le_next; if (!memcmp(ip, mcc->ip, 4)) { LIST_REMOVE(mcc, mcc); free(mcc); #if 0 if (!sess->mccs.lh_first) stop_session(sess); mc_query(sess); #endif break; } } if (os->has_switch) update_switch_vec(sess); out: pthread_mutex_unlock(&os->lock); } static void send_play(struct oscon *con) { uint8_t buf[1024]; int len; len = sprintf(buf, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\n" "Session: %010d\r\n" "RTP-Info: url=%s\r\n" "\r\n", con->seq, con->session->id, con->url); sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send: %s\n", buf); } static void send_teardown(struct oscon *con) { uint8_t buf[256]; int len; len=sprintf(buf, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\n" "Session: %010d\r\n" "\r\n", con->seq, con->session->id); sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send: %s\n", buf); } static int parse_transport(struct oscon *con, char *line) { char *end, *arg; struct ostrans *t = &con->trans; int ttlset = 0; dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "parse: %s\n", line); for (arg = line; *arg == ' '; arg++); do { printf("arg:%s\n", arg); if (!strncasecmp(arg, "RTP/AVP/UDP", 11)) { t->rtp = 1; end = arg + 11; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "RTP/AVP", 7)) { t->rtp = 1; end = arg + 7; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "UDP", 3)) { t->rtp = 0; end = arg + 3; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "unicast", 7)) { t->mcast = 0; end = arg + 7; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "multicast", 9)) { t->mcast = 1; end = arg + 9; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "client_port=", 12)) { arg += 12; t->cport = strtoul(arg, &end, 10); if (*end == '-') t->cport2 = strtoul(end + 1, &end, 10); else t->cport2 = 0; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "port=", 5)) { arg += 5; t->cport = strtoul(arg, &end, 10); if (*end == '-') t->cport2 = strtoul(end + 1, &end, 10); else t->cport2 = 0; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "interleaved=", 12)) { return -461; arg += 12; strtoul(arg, &end, 10); strtoul(end + 1, &end, 10); } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "ttl=", 4)) { arg += 4; t->ttl = strtoul(arg, &end, 10); ttlset = 1; } else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "destination=", 12)) { char c; arg += 12; end = arg; while (*end && *end != ';' && *end != ' ') end++; c = *end; *end = 0; inet_pton(AF_INET, arg, &t->mcip); t->mcmac[0] = 0x01; t->mcmac[1] = 0x00; t->mcmac[2] = 0x5e; t->mcmac[3] = t->mcip[1] & 0x7f; t->mcmac[4] = t->mcip[2]; t->mcmac[5] = t->mcip[3]; *end = c; t->flags |= TRANS_ALT_DEST; } else return -461; arg = end; if (*arg != ';' && *arg != ' ' && *arg != 0) return -461; } while (*(arg++) == ';'); if (t->flags & TRANS_ALT_DEST && !t->mcast) { ip2mac(t->mcip, t->mcmac); } if (!t->ttl && !ttlset) t->ttl = 2; dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "parsed\n"); return 0; } static int parse_x_octonet(struct oscon *con, char *line) { char *end, *arg; dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "parse: %s\n", line); for (arg = line; *arg == ' '; arg++); do { if (!strncasecmp(arg, "switch=", 7)) { uint32_t port; arg += 7; do { port = strtoul(arg, &end, 10); if (arg == end) return -1; arg = end; if (port < 7) con->x_ports |= 1 << (port - 1); } while (*(arg++) == ','); printf("x_ports = %02x\n", con->x_ports); } else return -1; arg = end; } while (*(arg++) == ';'); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "parsed\n"); return 0; } void send_setup(struct oscon *con) { uint8_t buf[256]; int len; struct ostrans *t = &con->session->trans; if (t->mcast) len = sprintf(buf, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\nSession: %010d;timeout=%u\r\n" "Transport: %s;multicast;destination=%d.%d.%d.%d;" "port=%d-%d;ttl=%d;source=%s\r\n" "com.ses.streamID: %d\r\n\r\n", con->seq, con->session->id, con->session->timeout_len, t->rtp ? "RTP/AVP" : "UDP", t->mcip[0], t->mcip[1], t->mcip[2], t->mcip[3], t->cport, t->cport2, t->ttl, con->sadr_ip, con->session->stream->nr ); else len = sprintf(buf, "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "CSeq: %d\r\nSession: %010d;timeout=%u\r\n" "Transport: %s;unicast;client_port=%d-%d;server_port=%d-%d\r\n" "com.ses.streamID: %d\r\n\r\n", con->seq, con->session->id, con->session->timeout_len, t->rtp ? "RTP/AVP" : "UDP", t->cport, t->cport2, con->session->stream->sport, con->session->stream->sport2, con->session->stream->nr ); sendlen(con->sock, buf, len); dbgprintf(DEBUG_RTSP, "Send: %s\n", buf); } static void cpyarg(char *d, char *s) { while (*s == ' ') s++; strcpy(d, s); } static int cmp_trans(struct ostrans *t, struct ostrans *u) { if (t->mcast != u->mcast) return 1; if (t->cport != u->cport) return 2; if (t->cport2 != u->cport2) return 3; if (t->flags != u->flags) return 4; if (t->ttl != u->ttl) return 5; return 0; } static int proc_setup(struct oscon *con) { struct osstrm *str = 0; int newtrans = 0; int res; if (!con->transport_parsed) { /* no proper transport params given */ send_error(con, 400); return -1; } if (con->session_parsed && !con->session) { /* no session with given ID found */ send_error(con, 454); return -1; } if (parse_url(con, 0) < 0) { /* invalid params in URL */ send_error(con, 400); return -1; } if (con->p.set & (1UL << PARAM_STREAMID)) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "existing stream %d\n", con->p.param[PARAM_STREAMID]); str = get_stream(con->os, con->p.param[PARAM_STREAMID]); if (!str) { /* no stream with given ID */ send_error(con, 400); return -1; } #if 0 if (con->session && con->session != str->session) { /* if we already have a session ID we have to be stream owner */ send_error(con, 400); return -1; } #endif } if (!con->session) { /* alloc new session */ con->session = alloc_session(con->os); if (!con->session) { send_error(con, 400); return -1; } con->state = 2; if (!con->session->stream) { if (str) { /* use existing stream and stream params*/ con->session->stream = str; if (con->session->stream->session) { memcpy(&con->session->p, &con->session->stream->session->p, sizeof(struct dvb_params)); } } else { con->session->stream = alloc_stream(con->os); if (!con->session->stream) { send_error(con, 400); return -1; } con->session->stream->session = con->session; } } newtrans = 1; } if (newtrans || cmp_trans(&con->session->trans, &con->trans)) { con->trans.sport = con->session->stream->sport; con->trans.sport2 = con->session->stream->sport2; /* set transport struct according to session and transport parameters */ if (con->trans.mcast && con->trans.cport == 0) { con->trans.cport = con->trans.sport; con->trans.cport2 = con->trans.sport2; } if (con->trans.mcast && !(con->trans.flags & TRANS_ALT_DEST)) { uint8_t mac[6] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, con->os->ssdp.devid & 0x7f, 1, con->session->stream->nr }; uint8_t ip[4] = { 239, con->os->ssdp.devid, 1, con->session->stream->nr }; memcpy(con->trans.mcmac, mac, 6); memcpy(con->trans.mcip, ip, 4); } con->session->trans = con->trans; newtrans = 1; } res = setup_session(con, newtrans); if (res < 0) { release_session(con->session); send_error(con, -res); } else send_setup(con); return 0; } static int proc_line(struct oscon *con) { char *line = con->buf; int res; if (con->ln == 0) { if (!strncasecmp(line, "OPTIONS", 7)) { cpyarg(con->url, line + 7); con->cmd = M_OPTIONS; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "DESCRIBE", 8)) { cpyarg(con->url, line + 8); con->cmd = M_DESCRIBE; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "SETUP", 5)) { cpyarg(con->url, line + 5); con->cmd = M_SETUP; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "PLAY", 4)) { cpyarg(con->url, line + 4); con->cmd = M_PLAY; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "TEARDOWN", 8)) { cpyarg(con->url, line + 8); con->cmd = M_TEARDOWN; } else { con->cmd = M_UNKNOWN; return -1; } return 0; } if (line[0] == '\0') { /* last line */ if (con->error) { send_error(con, con->error); } else { switch (con->cmd) { case M_OPTIONS: if (con->session_parsed && !con->session) send_error(con, 404); else send_option(con); break; case M_DESCRIBE: { int only = -1; if (parse_url(con, 0) < 0) { send_error(con, 400); break; } if (con->p.set & ~(1UL << PARAM_STREAMID)) { send_describe2(con, con->url); break; } if (con->p.set & (1UL << PARAM_STREAMID)) only = con->p.param[PARAM_STREAMID]; res = send_describe(con, only); if (res < 0) send_error(con, -res); break; } case M_SETUP: proc_setup(con); break; case M_PLAY: if (!con->session || !con->session->stream) { send_error(con, 400); break; } if (parse_url(con, 0) < 0) { send_error(con, 400); break; } if (con->x_octonet_parsed) { con->session->port_vec = con->x_ports; printf("port_vec = %02x\n", con->session->port_vec); } res = play_session(con); if (res < 0) send_error(con, -res); else send_play(con); break; case M_TEARDOWN: if (parse_url(con, 0) < 0) { send_error(con, 400); break; } if (!con->session) { send_error(con, 404); break; } send_teardown(con); release_session(con->session); break; default: send_error(con, 501); break; } } con->cmd = M_NONE; con->transport_parsed = 0; con->session_parsed = 0; con->error = 0; con->ln = -1; return 0; } if (!strncasecmp(line, "CSeq:", 5)) { con->seq = strtoul(line + 5, NULL, 10); //printf("CSeq = %d\n", con->seq); } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "Transport:", 10)) { res = parse_transport(con, line + 10); if (res < 0) { con->error = -res; } else con->transport_parsed = 1; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "Session:", 8)) { uint32_t sid = strtoul(line + 8, NULL, 10); con->session = get_session(con->os, sid); if (con->session) session_timeout(con->session); con->state = 2; con->session_parsed = 1; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "User-Agent:", 11)) { char *p = line + 11; while (*p == ' ') p++; if (!strncasecmp(p, "libvlc", 6)) con->trans.flags |= TRANS_NO_RTP_TO; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "x_octonet:", 10)) { char *p = line + 10; while (*p == ' ') p++; parse_x_octonet(con, p); con->x_octonet_parsed = 1; } else ;//con->error = 551; return 0; } static const char *intop(int af, struct sockaddr *sa, char *dst, socklen_t size, uint8_t *ip) { void *adr; if (af == AF_INET) adr = &((struct sockaddr_in *) sa)->sin_addr; else if (af == AF_INET6) adr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa)->sin6_addr; else return NULL; memcpy(ip, adr, af == AF_INET ? 4 : 16); return inet_ntop(af, adr, dst, size); } static void get_ips(struct oscon *con) { con->slen = sizeof(con->sadr); con->clen = sizeof(con->cadr); getsockname(con->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &con->sadr, &con->slen); intop(con->trans.family, &con->sadr, con->sadr_ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, con->trans.sip); getpeername(con->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &con->cadr, &con->clen); intop(con->trans.family, &con->cadr, con->cadr_ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, con->trans.cip); } static int same_ip(struct sockaddr *sa, struct sockaddr *sa2) { unsigned short af = sa->sa_family; if (af != sa2->sa_family) return -1; if (af == AF_INET) return memcmp(&((struct sockaddr_in *) sa)->sin_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in *) sa2)->sin_addr, 4); else if (af == AF_INET6) return memcmp(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa)->sin6_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa2)->sin6_addr, 16); else return -1; } static void init_con(struct oscon *con) { int one = 1, idle = 20, intvl = 20, cnt = 3; get_ips(con); if (!same_ip(&con->sadr, &con->cadr)) memcpy(con->trans.cmac, con->os->mac, 6); else get_mac(con->os->ifname, &con->cadr, con->trans.cmac); memcpy(con->trans.smac, con->os->mac, 6); con->bufp = 0; con->ln = 0; con->session = 0; setsockopt(con->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &one, sizeof(one)); #if 1 setsockopt(con->sock, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, &idle, sizeof(idle)); setsockopt(con->sock, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, &intvl, sizeof(intvl)); setsockopt(con->sock, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, &cnt, sizeof(cnt)); #else setsockopt(con->sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, &idle, sizeof(idle)); setsockopt(con->sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, &intvl, sizeof(intvl)); setsockopt(con->sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, &cnt, sizeof(cnt)); #endif } static void con_check(struct octoserve *os) { int i; time_t t = mtime(NULL); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++) { if (os->con[i].state == 3 && t > os->con[i].timeout) release_con(&os->con[i]); } } int con_loop(struct oscon *con) { uint8_t buf[1024]; int len, i, res; len = recv(con->sock, buf, 1024, 0); if (len == 0) goto release; if (len < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) goto release; return 0; } if (debug & DEBUG_RTSP) dump(buf, len); //printf("received %d bytes\n", len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // FIXME send URI too long if (con->bufp >= 8192) { goto release; } con->buf[con->bufp++] = buf[i]; if (buf[i] == '\n') { if (con->bufp < 2 || con->buf[con->bufp - 2] != '\r') { goto release; } con->buf[con->bufp - 2] = 0; if (con->buf[0]) dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "%d:%d:%d: %s\n", con->nr, con->ln, con->bufp, con->buf); res = proc_line(con); con->ln++; con->bufp = 0; } } return 0; release: dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "release\n"); release_con(con); return -1; } void handle_con(struct oscon *con) { while (con_loop(con) >= 0); } int set_nonblock(int fd) { int fl = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); if (fl < 0) return fl; return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fl | O_NONBLOCK); } int set_block(int fd) { int fl = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); if (fl < 0) return fl; return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fl & ~O_NONBLOCK); } void check_frontends(struct octoserve *os) { int i; struct dvbfe *fe; uint16_t sig, snr; fe_status_t stat; for (i = 0; i < os->dvbfe_num; i++) { fe = &os->dvbfe[i]; if (fe->state != 1) continue; if (ioctl(fe->fd, FE_READ_STATUS, &stat) < 0) continue; if (ioctl(fe->fd, FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, &sig) < 0) continue; if (ioctl(fe->fd, FE_READ_SNR, &snr) < 0) continue; fe->stat = stat; fe->lock = (stat == 0x1f) ? 1 : 0; fe->level = sig >> 8; fe->quality = snr >> 12; dbgprintf(DEBUG_DVB, "fe%d: stat=%02x str=%04x snr=%04x\n", fe->nr, stat, sig, snr); } } static int check_streams(struct octoserve *os) { int i; struct osstrm *str; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STREAM; i++) { str = &os->stream[i]; if (!str->state) continue; set_rtcp_msgs(str); } return 0; } static int alloc_igmp_socket(struct octoserve *os) { struct ip_mreq imr; struct sockaddr_in sadr; uint8_t one = 1; os->igmp_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IGMP); set_nonblock(os->igmp_sock); get_ifa(os->ifname, AF_INET, (struct sockaddr *) &sadr); imr.imr_interface.s_addr = sadr.sin_addr.s_addr; imr.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); setsockopt(os->igmp_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &imr, sizeof(imr)); setsockopt(os->igmp_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &one, sizeof(one)); setsockopt(os->igmp_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ROUTER_ALERT, &one, sizeof(one)); mtime(&os->igmp_time); /* first query after 125-94=31 seconds */ os->igmp_mode = 0; os->igmp_time -= 94; os->igmp_robust = 1; return 0; } static int alloc_igmp_raw_socket(struct octoserve *os) { struct ifreq ifr; int s, n, i; struct sockaddr cadr; socklen_t len = sizeof(cadr); uint8_t buf[4096]; struct sock_filter bpf_igmp[] = { { 0x28, 0, 0, 0x0000000c }, { 0x15, 0, 3, 0x00000800 }, { 0x30, 0, 0, 0x00000017 }, { 0x15, 0, 1, 0x00000002 }, { 0x6, 0, 0, 0x0000ffff }, { 0x6, 0, 0, 0x00000000 }, }; struct sock_fprog sfprog; sfprog.len = ARRAY_SIZE(bpf_igmp); sfprog.filter = bpf_igmp; s = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_IP)); set_nonblock(s); memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, os->ifname, IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr); ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; ioctl(s, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr); n = setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, &sfprog, sizeof(sfprog)); if (n < 0) { printf("could not set filter\n"); } #if 0 printf("raw = %d\n", s); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { n = recvfrom(s, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, NULL, NULL); printf("raw = %d, n = %d, errno = %d\n", s, n, errno); dump(buf, n); } close (s); #endif os->igmp_rsock = s; return 0; } static void os_serve(struct octoserve *os) { struct sigaction sa; fd_set fds; int mfd, i; struct timeval timeout; time_t t, u; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); sa.sa_handler = sigchld_handler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) == -1) die("Error in sigaction"); os->rtsp_sock = streamsock("554", AF_INET, &os->rtsp_sadr); sockname(&os->rtsp_sadr, os->rtsp_ip); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "rtsp_ip: %s, %d\n", os->rtsp_ip, os->rtsp_sock); if (listen(os->rtsp_sock, 20) < 0) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "listen error"); return; } set_nonblock(os->rtsp_sock); alloc_igmp_raw_socket(os); alloc_igmp_socket(os); #if 0 { struct ipv6_mreq imr; memset(&imr, 0, sizeof(imr)); imr.ipv6mr_interface = if_nametoindex(os->ifname); inet_pton(AF_INET6, "FF02::16", &imr.ipv6mr_multiaddr); setsockopt(os->mld_sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, &imr, sizeof(imr)); } #endif mtime(&t); while (!os->exit) { int csock, ncon; struct sockaddr cadr; socklen_t clen = sizeof(cadr); uint8_t buf[2048]; int num, n; mtime(&u); if (u > t) { t = u; check_session_timeouts(os); //check_frontends(os); check_streams(os); check_igmp(os); } timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500000; FD_ZERO(&fds); mfd = 0; add_fd(os->rtsp_sock, &mfd, &fds); //add_fd(os->igmp_sock, &mfd, &fds); add_fd(os->igmp_rsock, &mfd, &fds); //add_fd(os->mld_sock, &mfd, &fds); for (i = 0, ncon = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++) { if (os->con[i].state) { ncon++; add_fd(os->con[i].sock, &mfd, &fds); } } //printf("serve_loop: %d cons, mfd=%d\n", ncon, mfd); num = select(mfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (num < 0) break; if (FD_ISSET(os->igmp_sock, &fds)) { n = recvfrom(os->igmp_sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, &cadr, &clen); if (n > 0) proc_igmp(os, buf, n, NULL); } if (FD_ISSET(os->igmp_rsock, &fds)) { n = recvfrom(os->igmp_rsock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, &cadr, &clen); if (n > 14) proc_igmp(os, buf + 14, n - 14, buf); } if (FD_ISSET(os->mld_sock, &fds)) { n = recvfrom(os->mld_sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, &cadr, &clen); printf("n = %d\n", n); if (n > 0) ;//dump(buf, n); } #ifndef MULTI_THREADED for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++) if (os->con[i].state && FD_ISSET(os->con[i].sock, &fds)) con_loop(&os->con[i]); #endif con_check(os); if (FD_ISSET(os->rtsp_sock, &fds)) { struct oscon *con; csock = accept(os->rtsp_sock, &cadr, &clen); if (csock < 0) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "Could not accept\n"); continue; } con = alloc_con(os); if (!con) { dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "Could not alloc new connection\n"); continue; } con->sock = csock; con->trans.family = AF_INET; init_con(con); dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "sock %d con %d on %s\n", con->sock, con->nr, con->cadr_ip); #ifdef MULTI_THREADED pthread_create(&con->pt, NULL, (void *) handle_con, con); set_block(csock); #else set_nonblock(csock); #endif } } killall_sessions(os); } static struct octoserve *os_init(char *ifname, int nossdp, int nodms, int nodvbt, int noswitch) { struct octoserve *os; struct os_ssdp *ss; struct ifreq ifr; int s; pthread_mutexattr_t mta; os = malloc(sizeof(*os)); if (!os) return NULL; dbgprintf(DEBUG_SYS, "allocated octoserve struct, %d bytes\n", sizeof(*os)); memset(os, 0, sizeof(struct octoserve)); pthread_mutexattr_init(&mta); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mta, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(&os->lock, &mta); os->ifname = ifname; os->sessionid = random(); if (get_ifa(ifname, AF_INET, &os->ssdp.sadr) < 0) { perror("no such interface:"); free(os); return NULL; } get_ifa(ifname, AF_INET6, &os->ssdp.sadr6); sockname(&os->ssdp.sadr, os->ssdp.ip); sockname(&os->ssdp.sadr6, os->ssdp.ip6); strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, os->ifname); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(s); memcpy(os->mac, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6); dbgprintf(DEBUG_NET, "MAC %s=%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", os->ifname, os->mac[0], os->mac[1], os->mac[2], os->mac[3], os->mac[4], os->mac[5]); if (os->has_switch) switch_get_port(os->mac); init_dvb(os, nodvbt, noswitch); ss = &os->ssdp; if (init_ssdp(os, &os->ssdp, debug, nossdp, nodms) < 0) { release_dvb(os); free(os); return NULL; } #if 0 if (init_httpos, debug) < 0) { release_dvb(os); free(os); return NULL; } #endif return os; } struct octoserve *os; void term_action(int sig) { printf("EXIT\n"); os->exit = 1; } static int set_termaction(void) { struct sigaction term; memset(&term, 0, sizeof(term)); term.sa_handler = term_action; sigemptyset(&term.sa_mask); term.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &term, NULL); memset(&term, 0, sizeof(term)); term.sa_handler = term_action; sigemptyset(&term.sa_mask); term.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGTERM, &term, NULL); } static int fexists(char *fn) { struct stat b; return (!stat(fn, &b)); } static void awrite(char *fn, char *txt) { FILE *f = fopen(fn, "w"); if (f) fprintf(f, "%s", txt); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nodms = 0, nossdp = 0, nodvbt = 0, vlan = 0, noswitch = 0; printf("Octoserve " OCTOSERVE_VERSION ", Copyright (C) 2012-15 Digital Devices GmbH\n"); debug = 0; flags = 0; while (1) { int option_index = 0; int c; static struct option long_options[] = { {"debug", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"flags", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"nossdp", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"nodms", no_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"nodvbt", no_argument, 0, 't'}, {"noswitch", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"conform", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"help", no_argument , 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:f:nmtsch", long_options, &option_index); if (c==-1) break; switch (c) { case 'd': debug = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16); break; case 'f': flags = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16); break; case 'n': nossdp = 1; break; case 'm': nodms = 1; break; case 't': nodvbt = 1; break; case 's': noswitch = 1; break; case 'c': conform = 1; break; case 'h': default: break; } } if (optind < argc) { printf("Warning: unused arguments\n"); } if (fexists("/config/nodms.enabled")) nodms = 1; if (fexists("/config/noswitch.enabled")) noswitch = 1; if (fexists("/config/nodvbt.enabled")) nodvbt = 1; if (fexists("/config/vlan.enabled")) { awrite("/sys/class/ddbridge/ddbridge0/vlan", "1"); vlan = 1; } else awrite("/sys/class/ddbridge/ddbridge0/vlan", "0"); printf("nodms = %d, nodvbt = %d, vlan = %d\n", nodms, nodvbt, vlan); os = os_init("eth0", nossdp, nodms, nodvbt, noswitch); if (!os) return -1; set_termaction(); os->has_switch = switch_test(); if (os->has_switch) printf("Switch detected\n"); else printf("No switch detected\n"); os_serve(os); if (!nossdp) pthread_join(os->ssdp.pt, NULL); release_dvb(os); free(os); }