/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC * http://www.xbmc.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "kodi/libXBMC_addon.h" #include #include "p8-platform/os.h" #include "client.h" #include "Socket.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace ADDON; namespace OCTO { /* Master defines for client control */ #define RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 6 //sec Socket::Socket(const enum SocketFamily family, const enum SocketDomain domain, const enum SocketType type, const enum SocketProtocol protocol) { _sd = INVALID_SOCKET; _family = family; _domain = domain; _type = type; _protocol = protocol; _port = 0; memset (&_sockaddr, 0, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); } Socket::Socket() { // Default constructor, default settings _sd = INVALID_SOCKET; _family = af_inet; _domain = pf_inet; _type = sock_stream; _protocol = tcp; _port = 0; memset (&_sockaddr, 0, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); } Socket::~Socket() { close(); osCleanup(); } bool Socket::setHostname(const std::string& host) { _hostname = host; return true; } bool Socket::close() { if (is_valid()) { if (_sd != SOCKET_ERROR) closesocket(_sd); _sd = INVALID_SOCKET; return true; } return false; } bool Socket::create() { close(); if(!osInit()) { return false; } return true; } bool Socket::bind ( const unsigned short port ) { if (is_valid()) { close(); } _sd = socket(_family, _type, _protocol); _port = port; _sockaddr.sin_family = (sa_family_t) _family; _sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //listen to all _sockaddr.sin_port = htons( _port ); int bind_return = ::bind(_sd, (sockaddr*)(&_sockaddr), sizeof(_sockaddr)); if ( bind_return == -1 ) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::bind" ); return false; } return true; } bool Socket::listen() const { if (!is_valid()) { return false; } int listen_return = ::listen (_sd, SOMAXCONN); //This is defined as 5 in winsock.h, and 0x7FFFFFFF in winsock2.h. //linux 128//MAXCONNECTIONS =1 if (listen_return == -1) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::listen" ); return false; } return true; } bool Socket::accept ( Socket& new_socket ) const { if (!is_valid()) { return false; } socklen_t addr_length = sizeof( _sockaddr ); new_socket._sd = ::accept(_sd, const_cast( (const sockaddr*) &_sockaddr), &addr_length ); #ifdef TARGET_WINDOWS if (new_socket._sd == INVALID_SOCKET) #else if (new_socket._sd <= 0) #endif { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::accept" ); return false; } return true; } int Socket::send ( const std::string& data ) { return Socket::send( (const char*) data.c_str(), (const unsigned int) data.size()); } int Socket::send ( const char* data, const unsigned int len ) { fd_set set_w, set_e; struct timeval tv; int result; if (!is_valid()) { return 0; } // fill with new data tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&set_w); FD_ZERO(&set_e); FD_SET(_sd, &set_w); FD_SET(_sd, &set_e); result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_w, NULL, &set_e, &tv); if (result < 0) { libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - select failed"); close(); return 0; } if (FD_ISSET(_sd, &set_w)) { libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data"); close(); return 0; } int status = ::send(_sd, data, len, 0 ); if (status == -1) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::send"); libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data"); close(); return 0; } return status; } int Socket::sendto ( const char* data, unsigned int size, bool sendcompletebuffer) { int sentbytes = 0; int i; do { i = ::sendto(_sd, data, size, 0, (const struct sockaddr*) &_sockaddr, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); if (i <= 0) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::sendto"); osCleanup(); return i; } sentbytes += i; } while ( (sentbytes < (int) size) && (sendcompletebuffer == true)); return i; } int Socket::receive ( std::string& data, unsigned int minpacketsize ) const { char * buf = NULL; int status = 0; if (!is_valid()) { return 0; } buf = new char [ minpacketsize + 1 ]; memset ( buf, 0, minpacketsize + 1 ); status = receive( buf, minpacketsize, minpacketsize ); data = buf; delete[] buf; return status; } //Receive until error or \n bool Socket::ReadLine (string& line) { fd_set set_r, set_e; timeval timeout; int retries = 6; char buffer[2048]; if (!is_valid()) return false; while (true) { size_t pos1 = line.find("\r\n", 0); if (pos1 != std::string::npos) { line.erase(pos1, string::npos); return true; } timeout.tv_sec = RECEIVE_TIMEOUT; timeout.tv_usec = 0; // fill with new data FD_ZERO(&set_r); FD_ZERO(&set_e); FD_SET(_sd, &set_r); FD_SET(_sd, &set_e); int result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_r, NULL, &set_e, &timeout); if (result < 0) { libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: select failed", __FUNCTION__); errormessage(getLastError(), __FUNCTION__); close(); return false; } if (result == 0) { if (retries != 0) { libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: timeout waiting for response, retrying... (%i)", __FUNCTION__, retries); retries--; continue; } else { libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: timeout waiting for response. Aborting after 10 retries.", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } result = recv(_sd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, 0); if (result < 0) { libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: recv failed", __FUNCTION__); errormessage(getLastError(), __FUNCTION__); close(); return false; } buffer[result] = 0; line.append(buffer); } return true; } int Socket::receive ( std::string& data) const { char buf[MAXRECV + 1]; int status = 0; if ( !is_valid() ) { return 0; } memset ( buf, 0, MAXRECV + 1 ); status = receive( buf, MAXRECV, 0 ); data = buf; return status; } int Socket::receive ( char* data, const unsigned int buffersize, const unsigned int minpacketsize ) const { unsigned int receivedsize = 0; if ( !is_valid() ) { return 0; } while ( (receivedsize <= minpacketsize) && (receivedsize < buffersize) ) { int status = ::recv(_sd, data+receivedsize, (buffersize - receivedsize), 0 ); if ( status == SOCKET_ERROR ) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::receive" ); return status; } receivedsize += status; } return receivedsize; } int Socket::recvfrom ( char* data, const int buffersize, struct sockaddr* from, socklen_t* fromlen) const { int status = ::recvfrom(_sd, data, buffersize, 0, from, fromlen); return status; } bool Socket::connect ( const std::string& host, const unsigned short port ) { close(); if ( !setHostname( host ) ) { libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::setHostname(%s) failed.\n", host.c_str()); return false; } _port = port; char strPort[15]; snprintf(strPort, 15, "%hu", port); struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* result = NULL; struct addrinfo *address = NULL; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = _family; hints.ai_socktype = _type; hints.ai_protocol = _protocol; int retval = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), strPort, &hints, &result); if (retval != 0) { errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::connect"); return false; } for (address = result; address != NULL; address = address->ai_next) { // Create the socket _sd = socket(address->ai_family, address->ai_socktype, address->ai_protocol); if (_sd == INVALID_SOCKET) { errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::create"); continue; } int status = ::connect(_sd, address->ai_addr, address->ai_addrlen); if (status == SOCKET_ERROR) { close(); continue; } // We have a conection break; } freeaddrinfo(result); if (address == NULL) { libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::connect %s:%u\n", host.c_str(), port); errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::connect"); close(); return false; } return true; } bool Socket::reconnect() { if ( is_valid() ) { return true; } return connect(_hostname, _port); } bool Socket::is_valid() const { return (_sd != INVALID_SOCKET); } #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS) bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b ) { u_long iMode; if ( b ) iMode = 1; // enable non_blocking else iMode = 0; // disable non_blocking if (ioctlsocket(_sd, FIONBIO, &iMode) == -1) { libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::set_non_blocking - Can't set socket condition to: %i", iMode); return false; } return true; } void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const { const char* errmsg = NULL; switch (errnum) { case WSANOTINITIALISED: errmsg = "A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."; break; case WSAENETDOWN: errmsg = "The network subsystem or the associated service provider has failed"; break; case WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: errmsg = "Insufficient memory available"; break; case WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER: errmsg = "One or more parameters are invalid"; break; case WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED: errmsg = "Overlapped operation aborted"; break; case WSAEINTR: errmsg = "Interrupted function call"; break; case WSAEBADF: errmsg = "File handle is not valid"; break; case WSAEACCES: errmsg = "Permission denied"; break; case WSAEFAULT: errmsg = "Bad address"; break; case WSAEINVAL: errmsg = "Invalid argument"; break; case WSAENOTSOCK: errmsg = "Socket operation on nonsocket"; break; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: errmsg = "Destination address required"; break; case WSAEMSGSIZE: errmsg = "Message too long"; break; case WSAEPROTOTYPE: errmsg = "Protocol wrong type for socket"; break; case WSAENOPROTOOPT: errmsg = "Bad protocol option"; break; case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: errmsg = "Protocol family not supported"; break; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: errmsg = "Address family not supported by protocol family"; break; case WSAEADDRINUSE: errmsg = "Address already in use"; break; case WSAECONNRESET: errmsg = "Connection reset by peer"; break; case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: errmsg = "Authoritative answer host not found"; break; case WSATRY_AGAIN: errmsg = "Nonauthoritative host not found, or server failure"; break; case WSAEISCONN: errmsg = "Socket is already connected"; break; case WSAETIMEDOUT: errmsg = "Connection timed out"; break; case WSAECONNREFUSED: errmsg = "Connection refused"; break; case WSANO_DATA: errmsg = "Valid name, no data record of requested type"; break; default: errmsg = "WSA Error"; } libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: (Winsock error=%i) %s\n", functionname, errnum, errmsg); } int Socket::getLastError() const { return WSAGetLastError(); } int Socket::win_usage_count = 0; //Declared static in Socket class bool Socket::osInit() { win_usage_count++; // initialize winsock: if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&_wsaData) != 0) { return false; } WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2,2); // check version if (_wsaData.wVersion != wVersionRequested) { return false; } return true; } void Socket::osCleanup() { win_usage_count--; if(win_usage_count == 0) { WSACleanup(); } } #elif defined TARGET_LINUX || defined TARGET_DARWIN || defined TARGET_FREEBSD bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b ) { int opts; opts = fcntl(_sd, F_GETFL); if ( opts < 0 ) { return false; } if ( b ) opts = ( opts | O_NONBLOCK ); else opts = ( opts & ~O_NONBLOCK ); if(fcntl (_sd , F_SETFL, opts) == -1) { libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::set_non_blocking - Can't set socket flags to: %i", opts); return false; } return true; } void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const { const char* errmsg = NULL; switch ( errnum ) { case EAGAIN: //same as EWOULDBLOCK errmsg = "EAGAIN: The socket is marked non-blocking and the requested operation would block"; break; case EBADF: errmsg = "EBADF: An invalid descriptor was specified"; break; case ECONNRESET: errmsg = "ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer"; break; case EDESTADDRREQ: errmsg = "EDESTADDRREQ: The socket is not in connection mode and no peer address is set"; break; case EFAULT: errmsg = "EFAULT: An invalid userspace address was specified for a parameter"; break; case EINTR: errmsg = "EINTR: A signal occurred before data was transmitted"; break; case EINVAL: errmsg = "EINVAL: Invalid argument passed"; break; case ENOTSOCK: errmsg = "ENOTSOCK: The argument is not a valid socket"; break; case EMSGSIZE: errmsg = "EMSGSIZE: The socket requires that message be sent atomically, and the size of the message to be sent made this impossible"; break; case ENOBUFS: errmsg = "ENOBUFS: The output queue for a network interface was full"; break; case ENOMEM: errmsg = "ENOMEM: No memory available"; break; case EPIPE: errmsg = "EPIPE: The local end has been shut down on a connection oriented socket"; break; case EPROTONOSUPPORT: errmsg = "EPROTONOSUPPORT: The protocol type or the specified protocol is not supported within this domain"; break; case EAFNOSUPPORT: errmsg = "EAFNOSUPPORT: The implementation does not support the specified address family"; break; case ENFILE: errmsg = "ENFILE: Not enough kernel memory to allocate a new socket structure"; break; case EMFILE: errmsg = "EMFILE: Process file table overflow"; break; case EACCES: errmsg = "EACCES: Permission to create a socket of the specified type and/or protocol is denied"; break; case ECONNREFUSED: errmsg = "ECONNREFUSED: A remote host refused to allow the network connection (typically because it is not running the requested service)"; break; case ENOTCONN: errmsg = "ENOTCONN: The socket is associated with a connection-oriented protocol and has not been connected"; break; //case E: // errmsg = ""; // break; default: break; } libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: (errno=%i) %s\n", functionname, errnum, errmsg); } int Socket::getLastError() const { return errno; } bool Socket::osInit() { // Not needed for Linux return true; } void Socket::osCleanup() { // Not needed for Linux } #endif //TARGET_WINDOWS || TARGET_LINUX || TARGET_DARWIN || TARGET_FREEBSD } //namespace OCTO