/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Scheel * Copyright (C) 2015 jusst technologies GmbH * Copyright (C) 2015 Digital Devices GmbH * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSE.md for more information. * */ #include "OctonetData.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #define timegm _mkgmtime #endif OctonetData::OctonetData(const std::string& octonetAddress, bool enableTimeshift, const kodi::addon::IInstanceInfo& instance) : kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient(instance) { m_serverAddress = octonetAddress; m_enableTimeshift = enableTimeshift; m_channels.clear(); m_groups.clear(); m_lastEpgLoad = 0; if (!LoadChannelList()) kodi::QueueFormattedNotification(QUEUE_ERROR, kodi::addon::GetLocalizedString(30001).c_str(), m_channels.size()); } OctonetData::~OctonetData(void) { } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetCapabilities(kodi::addon::PVRCapabilities& capabilities) { capabilities.SetSupportsTV(true); capabilities.SetSupportsRadio(true); capabilities.SetSupportsChannelGroups(true); capabilities.SetSupportsEPG(true); capabilities.SetSupportsRecordings(false); capabilities.SetSupportsRecordingsRename(false); capabilities.SetSupportsRecordingsLifetimeChange(false); capabilities.SetSupportsDescrambleInfo(false); return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetBackendName(std::string& name) { name = "Digital Devices Octopus NET Client"; return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetBackendVersion(std::string& version) { version = STR(OCTONET_VERSION); return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetConnectionString(std::string& connection) { connection = "connected"; // FIXME: translate? return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetBackendHostname(std::string& hostname) { hostname = m_serverAddress; return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::OnSystemSleep() { kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __func__); // FIXME: Disconnect? return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::OnSystemWake() { kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __func__); // FIXME:Reconnect? return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } int64_t OctonetData::ParseID(std::string id) { std::hash hash_fn; int64_t nativeId = hash_fn(id); return nativeId; } bool OctonetData::LoadChannelList() { std::string jsonContent; kodi::vfs::CFile f; if (!f.OpenFile("http://" + m_serverAddress + "/channellist.lua?select=json", 0)) return false; char buf[1024]; while (int read = f.Read(buf, 1024)) jsonContent.append(buf, read); f.Close(); Json::Value root; JSONCPP_STRING err; Json::CharReaderBuilder builder; const std::unique_ptr reader(builder.newCharReader()); if (!reader->parse(jsonContent.c_str(), jsonContent.c_str() + jsonContent.length(), &root, &err)) return false; const Json::Value groupList = root["GroupList"]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupList.size(); i++) { const Json::Value channelList = groupList[i]["ChannelList"]; OctonetGroup group; group.name = groupList[i]["Title"].asString(); group.radio = group.name.compare(0, 5, "Radio") ? false : true; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < channelList.size(); j++) { const Json::Value channel = channelList[j]; OctonetChannel chan; chan.name = channel["Title"].asString(); chan.url = "rtsp://" + m_serverAddress + "/" + channel["Request"].asString(); chan.radio = group.radio; chan.nativeId = ParseID(channel["ID"].asString()); chan.id = 1000 + m_channels.size(); group.members.push_back(m_channels.size()); m_channels.push_back(chan); } m_groups.push_back(group); } return true; } OctonetChannel* OctonetData::FindChannel(int64_t nativeId) { for (auto& channel : m_channels) { if (channel.nativeId == nativeId) return &channel; } return nullptr; } time_t OctonetData::ParseDateTime(std::string date) { struct tm timeinfo; memset(&timeinfo, 0, sizeof(timeinfo)); if (date.length() > 8) { sscanf(date.c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", &timeinfo.tm_year, &timeinfo.tm_mon, &timeinfo.tm_mday, &timeinfo.tm_hour, &timeinfo.tm_min, &timeinfo.tm_sec); timeinfo.tm_mon -= 1; timeinfo.tm_year -= 1900; } else { sscanf(date.c_str(), "%02d:%02d:%02d", &timeinfo.tm_hour, &timeinfo.tm_min, &timeinfo.tm_sec); timeinfo.tm_year = 70; // unix timestamps start 1970 timeinfo.tm_mday = 1; } timeinfo.tm_isdst = -1; return timegm(&timeinfo); } bool OctonetData::LoadEPG(void) { /* Reload at most every 30 seconds */ if (m_lastEpgLoad + 30 > time(nullptr)) return false; std::string jsonContent; kodi::vfs::CFile f; if (!f.OpenFile("http://" + m_serverAddress + "/epg.lua?;#|encoding=gzip", 0)) return false; char buf[1024]; while (int read = f.Read(buf, 1024)) jsonContent.append(buf, read); f.Close(); Json::Value root; JSONCPP_STRING err; Json::CharReaderBuilder builder; const std::unique_ptr reader(builder.newCharReader()); if (!reader->parse(jsonContent.c_str(), jsonContent.c_str() + jsonContent.length(), &root, &err)) return false; const Json::Value eventList = root["EventList"]; OctonetChannel* channel = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eventList.size(); i++) { const Json::Value event = eventList[i]; OctonetEpgEntry entry; entry.start = ParseDateTime(event["Time"].asString()); entry.end = entry.start + ParseDateTime(event["Duration"].asString()); entry.title = event["Name"].asString(); entry.subtitle = event["Text"].asString(); std::string channelId = event["ID"].asString(); std::string epgId = channelId.substr(channelId.rfind(":") + 1); channelId = channelId.substr(0, channelId.rfind(":")); entry.channelId = ParseID(channelId); entry.id = std::stoi(epgId); if (channel == nullptr || channel->nativeId != entry.channelId) channel = FindChannel(entry.channelId); if (channel == nullptr) { kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "EPG for unknown channel."); continue; } channel->epg.push_back(entry); } m_lastEpgLoad = time(nullptr); return true; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelsAmount(int& amount) { amount = m_channels.size(); return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannels(bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelsResultSet& results) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_channels.size(); i++) { OctonetChannel& channel = m_channels.at(i); if (channel.radio == radio) { kodi::addon::PVRChannel chan; chan.SetUniqueId(channel.id); chan.SetIsRadio(channel.radio); chan.SetChannelNumber(i); chan.SetChannelName(channel.name); chan.SetMimeType("video/x-mpegts"); chan.SetIsHidden(false); results.Add(chan); } } return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelStreamProperties(const kodi::addon::PVRChannel& channelinfo, PVR_SOURCE source, std::vector& properties) { properties.emplace_back(PVR_STREAM_PROPERTY_INPUTSTREAM, "inputstream.ffmpegdirect"); properties.emplace_back("inputstream.ffmpegdirect.is_realtime_stream", "true"); properties.emplace_back("inputstream.ffmpegdirect.open_mode", "ffmpeg"); if (m_enableTimeshift) { // This property is required to support timeshifting for Radio channels properties.emplace_back("inputstream-player", "videodefaultplayer"); properties.emplace_back("inputstream.ffmpegdirect.stream_mode", "timeshift"); } properties.emplace_back(PVR_STREAM_PROPERTY_MIMETYPE, "video/x-mpegts"); properties.emplace_back(PVR_STREAM_PROPERTY_STREAMURL, GetUrl(channelinfo.GetUniqueId())); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_INFO, "Playing channel - name: %s, url: %s, and using inputstream.ffmpegdirect", GetName(channelinfo.GetUniqueId()).c_str(), GetUrl(channelinfo.GetUniqueId()).c_str()); return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetEPGForChannel(int channelUid, time_t start, time_t end, kodi::addon::PVREPGTagsResultSet& results) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_channels.size(); i++) { OctonetChannel& chan = m_channels.at(i); if (channelUid != chan.id) continue; if (chan.epg.empty()) { LoadEPG(); } // FIXME: Check if reload is needed!? time_t last_end = 0; for (const auto& epg : chan.epg) { if (epg.end > last_end) last_end = epg.end; if (epg.end < start || epg.start > end) { continue; } kodi::addon::PVREPGTag entry; entry.SetUniqueChannelId(chan.id); entry.SetUniqueBroadcastId(epg.id); entry.SetTitle(epg.title); entry.SetPlotOutline(epg.subtitle); entry.SetStartTime(epg.start); entry.SetEndTime(epg.end); results.Add(entry); } if (last_end < end) LoadEPG(); for (const auto& epg : chan.epg) { if (epg.end < start || epg.start > end) { continue; } kodi::addon::PVREPGTag entry; entry.SetUniqueChannelId(chan.id); entry.SetUniqueBroadcastId(epg.id); entry.SetTitle(epg.title); entry.SetPlotOutline(epg.subtitle); entry.SetStartTime(epg.start); entry.SetEndTime(epg.end); results.Add(entry); } } return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } const std::string& OctonetData::GetUrl(int id) const { for (const auto& channel : m_channels) { if (channel.id == id) { return channel.url; } } return m_channels[0].url; } const std::string& OctonetData::GetName(int id) const { for (const auto& channel : m_channels) { if (channel.id == id) { return channel.name; } } return m_channels[0].name; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelGroupsAmount(int& amount) { amount = m_groups.size(); return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelGroups(bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupsResultSet& results) { for (const auto& group : m_groups) { if (group.radio == radio) { kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroup g; g.SetPosition(0); g.SetIsRadio(group.radio); g.SetGroupName(group.name); results.Add(g); } } return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelGroupMembers(const kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroup& group, kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupMembersResultSet& results) { const OctonetGroup* g = FindGroup(group.GetGroupName()); if (g == nullptr) return PVR_ERROR_UNKNOWN; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g->members.size(); i++) { OctonetChannel& channel = m_channels.at(g->members[i]); kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupMember m; m.SetGroupName(group.GetGroupName()); m.SetChannelUniqueId(channel.id); m.SetChannelNumber(channel.id); results.Add(m); } return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } OctonetGroup* OctonetData::FindGroup(const std::string& name) { for (auto& group : m_groups) { if (group.name == name) return &group; } kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find group: %s, in available groups from the server"); return nullptr; }