/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Scheel * Copyright (C) 2015 jusst technologies GmbH * Copyright (C) 2015 Digital Devices GmbH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * */ #include "client.h" #include #include #include #include #include "OctonetData.h" #include "rtsp_client.hpp" using namespace ADDON; /* setting variables with defaults */ std::string octonetAddress = ""; /* internal state variables */ ADDON_STATUS addonStatus = ADDON_STATUS_UNKNOWN; CHelper_libXBMC_addon *kodi = NULL; CHelper_libXBMC_pvr *pvr = NULL; OctonetData *data = NULL; /* KODI Core Addon functions * see xbmc_addon_dll.h */ extern "C" { void ADDON_ReadSettings(void) { char buffer[2048]; if (kodi->GetSetting("octonetAddress", &buffer)) octonetAddress = buffer; } ADDON_STATUS ADDON_Create(void *callbacks, void* props) { if (callbacks == NULL || props == NULL) return ADDON_STATUS_UNKNOWN; PVR_PROPERTIES *pvrprops = (PVR_PROPERTIES*)props; kodi = new CHelper_libXBMC_addon; if (!kodi->RegisterMe(callbacks)) { kodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to register octonet addon", __func__); SAFE_DELETE(kodi); return ADDON_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } pvr = new CHelper_libXBMC_pvr; if (!pvr->RegisterMe(callbacks)) { kodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to register octonet pvr addon", __func__); SAFE_DELETE(pvr); SAFE_DELETE(kodi); return ADDON_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE; } kodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Creating octonet pvr addon", __func__); ADDON_ReadSettings(); data = new OctonetData; addonStatus = ADDON_STATUS_OK; return addonStatus; } void ADDON_Stop() {} /* no-op */ void ADDON_Destroy() { delete pvr; delete kodi; addonStatus = ADDON_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } ADDON_STATUS ADDON_GetStatus() { return addonStatus; } bool ADDON_HasSettings() { return true; } unsigned int ADDON_GetSettings(ADDON_StructSetting ***sSet) { return 0; } ADDON_STATUS ADDON_SetSetting(const char *settingName, const void *settingValue) { /* For simplicity do a full addon restart whenever settings are * changed */ return ADDON_STATUS_NEED_RESTART; } void ADDON_FreeSettings() {} /* no-op */ void ADDON_Announce(const char *flag, const char *sender, const char *message, const void *data) {} /* no-op */ } /* KODI PVR Addon functions * see xbmc_pvr_dll.h */ extern "C" { const char* GetPVRAPIVersion(void) { return XBMC_PVR_API_VERSION; } const char* GetMininumPVRAPIVersion(void) { return XBMC_PVR_MIN_API_VERSION; } const char* GetGUIAPIVersion(void) { return KODI_GUILIB_API_VERSION; } const char* GetMininumGUIAPIVersion(void) { return KODI_GUILIB_MIN_API_VERSION; } PVR_ERROR GetAddonCapabilities(PVR_ADDON_CAPABILITIES *pCapabilities) { pCapabilities->bSupportsTV = true; pCapabilities->bSupportsRadio = true; pCapabilities->bSupportsChannelGroups = true; pCapabilities->bSupportsEPG = true; return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } const char* GetBackendName(void) { return "DigitalDevices Octopus NET Client"; } const char* GetBackendVersion(void) { return XBMC_PVR_API_VERSION; } const char* GetConnectionString(void) { return "connected"; // FIXME: translate? } PVR_ERROR GetDriveSpace(long long* iTotal, long long* iUsed) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR CallMenuHook(const PVR_MENUHOOK& menuhook, const PVR_MENUHOOK_DATA &item) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } void OnSystemSleep() { kodi->Log(LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __FUNCTION__); // FIXME: Disconnect? } void OnSystemWake() { kodi->Log(LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __FUNCTION__); // FIXME:Reconnect? } void OnPowerSavingActivated() {} void OnPowerSavingDeactivated() {} /* EPG */ PVR_ERROR GetEPGForChannel(ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL& channel, time_t iStart, time_t iEnd) { return data->getEPG(handle, channel, iStart, iEnd); } /* Channel groups */ int GetChannelGroupsAmount(void) { return data->getGroupCount(); } PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroups(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio) { return data->getGroups(handle, bRadio); } PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroupMembers(ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP& group) { return data->getGroupMembers(handle, group); } /* Channels */ PVR_ERROR OpenDialogChannelScan(void) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int GetChannelsAmount(void) { return data->getChannelCount(); } PVR_ERROR GetChannels(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio) { return data->getChannels(handle, bRadio); } PVR_ERROR DeleteChannel(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR RenameChannel(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR MoveChannel(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR OpenDialogChannelSettings(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR OpenDialogChannelAdd(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Recordings */ int GetRecordingsAmount(bool deleted) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR GetRecordings(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool deleted) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR DeleteRecording(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR UndeleteRecording(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR DeleteAllRecordingsFromTrash() { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR RenameRecording(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR SetRecordingPlayCount(const PVR_RECORDING& recording, int count) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR SetRecordingLastPlayedPosition(const PVR_RECORDING& recording, int lastplayedposition) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int GetRecordingLastPlayedPosition(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR GetRecordingEdl(const PVR_RECORDING&, PVR_EDL_ENTRY edl[], int *size) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR GetTimerTypes(PVR_TIMER_TYPE types[], int *size) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int GetTimersAmount(void) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR GetTimers(ADDON_HANDLE handle) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR AddTimer(const PVR_TIMER& timer) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR DeleteTimer(const PVR_TIMER& timer, bool bForceDelete) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PVR_ERROR UpdateTimer(const PVR_TIMER& timer) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* PVR stream handling */ /* entirely unused, as we use standard RTSP+TS mux, which can be handlded by * Kodi core */ bool OpenLiveStream(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return rtsp_open(data->getUrl(channel.iUniqueId)); } int ReadLiveStream(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int iBufferSize) { return rtsp_read(pBuffer, iBufferSize); } void CloseLiveStream(void) { rtsp_close(); } long long SeekLiveStream(long long iPosition, int iWhence) { return -1; } long long PositionLiveStream(void) { return -1; } long long LengthLiveStream(void) { return -1; } bool IsRealTimeStream(void) { return true; } bool SwitchChannel(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { CloseLiveStream(); return OpenLiveStream(channel); } PVR_ERROR SignalStatus(PVR_SIGNAL_STATUS& signalStatus) { rtsp_fill_signal_status(signalStatus); return PVR_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } const char* GetLiveStreamURL(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return NULL; } PVR_ERROR GetStreamProperties(PVR_STREAM_PROPERTIES* pProperties) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Recording stream handling */ bool OpenRecordedStream(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return false; } void CloseRecordedStream(void) {} int ReadRecordedStream(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int iBufferSize) { return -1; } long long SeekRecordedStream(long long iPosition, int iWhence) { return -1; } long long PositionRecordedStream(void) { return -1; } long long LengthRecordedStream(void) { return -1; } /* PVR demuxer */ /* entirey unused, as we use TS */ void DemuxReset(void) {} void DemuxAbort(void) {} void DemuxFlush(void) {} DemuxPacket* DemuxRead(void) { return NULL; } /* Various helper functions */ unsigned int GetChannelSwitchDelay(void) { return 0; } bool IsTimeshifting(void) { return false; } bool CanPauseStream() { return false; } bool CanSeekStream() { return false; } /* Callbacks */ void PauseStream(bool bPaused) {} bool SeekTime(int time, bool backwards, double *startpts) { return false; } void SetSpeed(int speed) {} PVR_ERROR SetEPGTimeFrame(int) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } time_t GetPlayingTime() { return 0; } time_t GetBufferTimeStart() { return 0; } time_t GetBufferTimeEnd() { return 0; } const char* GetBackendHostname() { return octonetAddress.c_str(); } }