Add/update save server.bind option

This commit is contained in:
billz 2020-08-05 18:58:29 +01:00
parent b0ebd7bf00
commit 08011100cd

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@ -33,11 +33,20 @@ if [ "$restart_service" = 1 ]; then
echo "Restarting lighttpd in 3 seconds..."
sleep 3
systemctl restart lighttpd.service
echo "Changing lighttpd server.port to $server_port..."
if [ -n "$server_port" ]; then
echo "Changing lighttpd server.port to $server_port ..."
sed -i "s/^\(server\.port *= *\)[0-9]*/\1$server_port/g" "$lighttpd_conf"
echo "RaspAP will now be available at $host:$server_port"
echo "Restart lighttpd for new setting to take effect"
if [ -n "$server_bind" ]; then
echo "Changing lighttpd server.bind to $server_bind ..."
grep -q 'server.bind' "$lighttpd_conf" && \
sed -i "s/^\(server\.bind.*= \)\".*\"*/\1\"$server_bind\"/g" "$lighttpd_conf" || \
printf "server.bind \t\t\t\t = \"$server_bind\"" >> "$lighttpd_conf"
echo "RaspAP will now be available at $server_bind"
echo "Restart lighttpd for new setting to take effect"