Changed the dashboard to use ip rather than ifconfig for Jessie/Stretch compatibility

This commit is contained in:
Lawrence 2017-10-04 00:09:50 +08:00
parent fa2dba4cf9
commit 47f6366bf9
1 changed files with 16 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -8,19 +8,28 @@ function DisplayDashboard(){
$status = new StatusMessages();
exec( 'ifconfig wlan0', $return );
exec( 'ip a s wlan0', $return );
exec( 'iwconfig wlan0', $return );
$strWlan0 = implode( " ", $return );
$strWlan0 = preg_replace( '/\s\s+/', ' ', $strWlan0 );
// Parse results from ifconfig/iwconfig
preg_match( '/HWaddr ([0-9a-f:]+)/i',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No MAC Address Found';
preg_match( '/link\/ether ([0-9a-f:]+)/i',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No MAC Address Found';
$strHWAddress = $result[1];
preg_match( '/inet addr:([0-9.]+)/i',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No IP Address Found';
$strIPAddress = $result[1];
preg_match( '/Mask:([0-9.]+)/i',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No Subnet Mask Found';
$strNetMask = $result[1];
preg_match_all( '/inet ([0-9.]+)/i',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No IP Address Found';
$strIPAddress = '';
foreach($result[1] as $ip) {
$strIPAddress .= $ip." ";
preg_match_all( '/[0-9.]+\/([0-3][0-9])/i',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No Subnet Mask Found';
$strNetMask = '';
foreach($result[1] as $netmask) {
$strNetMask .= long2ip(-1 << (32 -(int)$netmask))." ";
//$strNetMask = long2ip(-1 << (32 - (int)$result[1][0]));
preg_match( '/RX packets:(\d+)/',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No Data';
$strRxPackets = $result[1];
preg_match( '/TX packets:(\d+)/',$strWlan0,$result ) || $result[1] = 'No Data';
@ -44,7 +53,7 @@ function DisplayDashboard(){
preg_match('/Frequency:(\d+.\d+ GHz)/i',$strWlan0,$result) || $result[1] = '';
$strFrequency = $result[1];
if(strpos( $strWlan0, "UP" ) !== false && strpos( $strWlan0, "RUNNING" ) !== false ) {
if(strpos( $strWlan0, "UP" ) !== false) {
$status->addMessage('Interface is up', 'success');
$wlan0up = true;
} else {