diff --git a/js/bandwidthcharts.js b/js/bandwidthcharts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bfede760..00000000
--- a/js/bandwidthcharts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-(function($, _t) {
- "use strict";
- /**
- * Create a Morris.js barchart.
- */
- function CreateBarChart(placeholder, datasizeunits) {
- var barchart = new Morris.Bar({
- element: placeholder,
- xkey: 'date',
- ykeys: ['rx', 'tx'],
- labels: [_t['receive']+' '+datasizeunits.toUpperCase(),
- _t['send']+' '+datasizeunits.toUpperCase()]
- });
- return barchart;
- }
- /**
- * Create a jquery bootstrap datatable.
- */
- function CreateDataTable(placeholder, timeunits) {
- $("#"+placeholder).append('
- }
- /**
- * Figure out which tab is selected and remove all existing charts and then
- * construct the proper barchart.
- */
- function ShowBandwidthChartHandler(e) {
- // Remove all morrisjs charts
- $('#divChartBandwidthhourly').empty();
- $('#divChartBandwidthdaily').empty();
- $('#divChartBandwidthmonthly').empty();
- // Remove all datatables
- $('#divTableBandwidthhourly').empty();
- $('#divTableBandwidthdaily').empty();
- $('#divTableBandwidthmonthly').empty();
- // Construct ajax uri for getting the proper data.
- var timeunit = $('ul#tabbarBandwidth li.active a').attr('href').substr(1);
- var uri = 'ajax/bandwidth/get_bandwidth.php?';
- uri += 'inet=';
- uri += encodeURIComponent($('#cbxInterface'+timeunit+' option:selected').text());
- uri += '&tu=';
- uri += encodeURIComponent(timeunit.substr(0, 1));
- var datasizeunits = 'mb';
- uri += '&dsu='+encodeURIComponent(datasizeunits);
- // Init. chart
- var barchart = CreateBarChart('divChartBandwidth'+timeunit, datasizeunits);
- // Init. datatable html
- var datatable = CreateDataTable('divTableBandwidth'+timeunit, timeunit);
- // Get data for chart
- $.ajax({
- url: uri,
- dataType: 'json',
- beforeSend: function() {
- $('#divLoaderBandwidth'+timeunit).removeClass('hidden');
- }
- }).done(function(jsondata) {
- $('#divLoaderBandwidth'+timeunit).addClass('hidden');
- barchart.setData(jsondata);
- $('#tableBandwidth'+timeunit).DataTable({
- 'searching': false,
- 'paging': false,
- 'data': jsondata,
- 'order': [[ 0, 'ASC' ]],
- 'columns': [
- { 'data': 'date' },
- { 'data': 'rx', "title": _t['receive']+' '+datasizeunits.toUpperCase() },
- { 'data': 'tx', "title": _t['send']+' '+datasizeunits.toUpperCase() }]
- });
- }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus) {
- if (window.console) {
- console.error('server error');
- } else {
- alert("server error");
- }
- });
- }
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('#tabbarBandwidth a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', ShowBandwidthChartHandler);
- $('#cbxInterfacehourly').on('change', ShowBandwidthChartHandler);
- $('#cbxInterfacedaily').on('change', ShowBandwidthChartHandler);
- $('#cbxInterfacemonthly').on('change', ShowBandwidthChartHandler);
- ShowBandwidthChartHandler();
- });
-})(jQuery, t);
diff --git a/js/custom.js b/js/custom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd77882..00000000
--- a/js/custom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-function msgShow(retcode,msg) {
- if(retcode == 0) {
- var alertType = 'success';
- } else if(retcode == 2 || retcode == 1) {
- var alertType = 'danger';
- }
- var htmlMsg = ''+msg+'
- return htmlMsg;
-function createNetmaskAddr(bitCount) {
- var mask=[];
- for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
- var n = Math.min(bitCount, 8);
- mask.push(256 - Math.pow(2, 8-n));
- bitCount -= n;
- }
- return mask.join('.');
-function loadSummary(strInterface) {
- $.post('/ajax/networking/get_ip_summary.php',{interface:strInterface},function(data){
- jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
- console.log(jsonData);
- if(jsonData['return'] == 0) {
- $('#'+strInterface+'-summary').html(jsonData['output'].join('
- } else if(jsonData['return'] == 2) {
- $('#'+strInterface+'-summary').append(''+jsonData['output'].join('
- }
- });
-function getAllInterfaces() {
- $.get('/ajax/networking/get_all_interfaces.php',function(data){
- jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
- $.each(jsonData,function(ind,value){
- loadSummary(value)
- });
- });
-function setupTabs() {
- $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab',function(e){
- var target = $(e.target).attr('href');
- if(!target.match('summary')) {
- var int = target.replace("#","");
- loadCurrentSettings(int);
- }
- });
-function loadCurrentSettings(strInterface) {
- $.post('/ajax/networking/get_int_config.php',{interface:strInterface},function(data){
- jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
- $.each(jsonData['output'],function(i,v) {
- var int = v['interface'];
- $.each(v,function(i2,v2) {
- switch(i2) {
- case "static":
- if(v2 == 'true') {
- $('#'+int+'-static').click();
- $('#'+int+'-nofailover').click();
- } else {
- $('#'+int+'-dhcp').click();
- }
- break;
- case "failover":
- if(v2 === 'true') {
- $('#'+int+'-failover').click();
- } else {
- $('#'+int+'-nofailover').click();
- }
- break;
- case "ip_address":
- var arrIPNetmask = v2.split('/');
- $('#'+int+'-ipaddress').val(arrIPNetmask[0]);
- $('#'+int+'-netmask').val(createNetmaskAddr(arrIPNetmask[1]));
- break;
- case "routers":
- $('#'+int+'-gateway').val(v2);
- break;
- case "domain_name_server":
- svrsDNS = v2.split(" ");
- $('#'+int+'-dnssvr').val(svrsDNS[0]);
- $('#'+int+'-dnssvralt').val(svrsDNS[1]);
- break;
- }
- });
- });
- });
-function saveNetworkSettings(int) {
- var frmInt = $('#frm-'+int).find(':input');
- var arrFormData = {};
- $.each(frmInt,function(i3,v3){
- if($(v3).attr('type') == 'radio') {
- arrFormData[$(v3).attr('id')] = $(v3).prop('checked');
- } else {
- arrFormData[$(v3).attr('id')] = $(v3).val();
- }
- });
- arrFormData['interface'] = int;
- $.post('/ajax/networking/save_int_config.php',arrFormData,function(data){
- //console.log(data);
- var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
- $('#msgNetworking').html(msgShow(jsonData['return'],jsonData['output']));
- });
-function applyNetworkSettings() {
- var int = $(this).data('int');
- arrFormData = {};
- arrFormData['generate'] = '';
- $.post('/ajax/networking/gen_int_config.php',arrFormData,function(data){
- console.log(data);
- var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
- $('#msgNetworking').html(msgShow(jsonData['return'],jsonData['output']));
- });
-$(document).on("click", ".js-add-dhcp-static-lease", function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var container = $(".js-new-dhcp-static-lease");
- var mac = $("input[name=mac]", container).val().trim();
- var ip = $("input[name=ip]", container).val().trim();
- if (mac == "" || ip == "") {
- return;
- }
- var row = $("#js-dhcp-static-lease-row").html()
- .replace("{{ mac }}", mac)
- .replace("{{ ip }}", ip);
- $(".js-dhcp-static-lease-container").append(row);
- $("input[name=mac]", container).val("");
- $("input[name=ip]", container).val("");
-$(document).on("click", ".js-remove-dhcp-static-lease", function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $(this).parents(".js-dhcp-static-lease-row").remove();
-$(document).on("submit", ".js-dhcp-settings-form", function(e) {
- $(".js-add-dhcp-static-lease").trigger("click");
-function setupBtns() {
- $('#btnSummaryRefresh').click(function(){getAllInterfaces();});
- $('.intsave').click(function(){
- var int = $(this).data('int');
- saveNetworkSettings(int);
- });
- $('.intapply').click(function(){
- applyNetworkSettings();
- });
-function setCSRFTokenHeader(event, xhr, settings) {
- var csrfToken = $('meta[name=csrf_token]').attr('content');
- if (/^(POST|PATCH|PUT|DELETE)$/i.test(settings.type)) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", csrfToken);
- }
-function contentLoaded() {
- pageCurrent = window.location.href.split("?")[1].split("=")[1];
- pageCurrent = pageCurrent.replace("#","");
- $('#side-menu').metisMenu();
- switch(pageCurrent) {
- case "network_conf":
- getAllInterfaces();
- setupTabs();
- setupBtns();
- break;
- }
-function loadWifiStations(refresh) {
- return function() {
- var complete = function() { $(this).removeClass('loading-spinner'); }
- var qs = refresh === true ? '?refresh' : '';
- $('.js-wifi-stations')
- .addClass('loading-spinner')
- .empty()
- .load('/ajax/networking/wifi_stations.php'+qs, complete);
- };
-$(".js-reload-wifi-stations").on("click", loadWifiStations(true));
-$(document).on("click", ".js-toggle-password", function(e) {
- var button = $(e.target)
- var field = $(button.data("target"));
- if (field.is(":input")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (!button.data("__toggle-with-initial")) {
- button.data("__toggle-with-initial", button.text())
- }
- if (field.attr("type") === "password") {
- button.text(button.data("toggle-with"));
- field.attr("type", "text");
- } else {
- button.text(button.data("__toggle-with-initial"));
- field.attr("type", "password");
- }
- }
-$(document).on("keyup", ".js-validate-psk", function(e) {
- var field = $(e.target);
- var colors = field.data("colors").split(",");
- var target = $(field.data("target"));
- if (field.val().length < 8 || field.val().length > 63) {
- field.css("backgroundColor", colors[0]);
- target.attr("disabled", true);
- } else {
- field.css("backgroundColor", colors[1]);
- target.attr("disabled", false);
- }
- .ajaxSend(setCSRFTokenHeader)
- .ready(contentLoaded)
- .ready(loadWifiStations());
diff --git a/js/flot-data.js b/js/flot-data.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e92eb8b..00000000
--- a/js/flot-data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1242 +0,0 @@
-//Flot Line Chart
-$(document).ready(function() {
- console.log("document ready");
- var offset = 0;
- plot();
- function plot() {
- var sin = [],
- cos = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 12; i += 0.2) {
- sin.push([i, Math.sin(i + offset)]);
- cos.push([i, Math.cos(i + offset)]);
- }
- var options = {
- series: {
- lines: {
- show: true
- },
- points: {
- show: true
- }
- },
- grid: {
- hoverable: true //IMPORTANT! this is needed for tooltip to work
- },
- yaxis: {
- min: -1.2,
- max: 1.2
- },
- tooltip: true,
- tooltipOpts: {
- content: "'%s' of %x.1 is %y.4",
- shifts: {
- x: -60,
- y: 25
- }
- }
- };
- var plotObj = $.plot($("#flot-line-chart"), [{
- data: sin,
- label: "sin(x)"
- }, {
- data: cos,
- label: "cos(x)"
- }],
- options);
- }
-//Flot Pie Chart
-$(function() {
- var data = [{
- label: "Series 0",
- data: 1
- }, {
- label: "Series 1",
- data: 3
- }, {
- label: "Series 2",
- data: 9
- }, {
- label: "Series 3",
- data: 20
- }];
- var plotObj = $.plot($("#flot-pie-chart"), data, {
- series: {
- pie: {
- show: true
- }
- },
- grid: {
- hoverable: true
- },
- tooltip: true,
- tooltipOpts: {
- content: "%p.0%, %s", // show percentages, rounding to 2 decimal places
- shifts: {
- x: 20,
- y: 0
- },
- defaultTheme: false
- }
- });
-//Flot Multiple Axes Line Chart
-$(function() {
- var oilprices = [
- [1167692400000, 61.05],
- [1167778800000, 58.32],
- [1167865200000, 57.35],
- [1167951600000, 56.31],
- [1168210800000, 55.55],
- [1168297200000, 55.64],
- [1168383600000, 54.02],
- [1168470000000, 51.88],
- [1168556400000, 52.99],
- [1168815600000, 52.99],
- [1168902000000, 51.21],
- [1168988400000, 52.24],
- [1169074800000, 50.48],
- [1169161200000, 51.99],
- [1169420400000, 51.13],
- [1169506800000, 55.04],
- [1169593200000, 55.37],
- [1169679600000, 54.23],
- [1169766000000, 55.42],
- [1170025200000, 54.01],
- [1170111600000, 56.97],
- [1170198000000, 58.14],
- [1170284400000, 58.14],
- [1170370800000, 59.02],
- [1170630000000, 58.74],
- [1170716400000, 58.88],
- [1170802800000, 57.71],
- [1170889200000, 59.71],
- [1170975600000, 59.89],
- [1171234800000, 57.81],
- [1171321200000, 59.06],
- [1171407600000, 58.00],
- [1171494000000, 57.99],
- [1171580400000, 59.39],
- [1171839600000, 59.39],
- [1171926000000, 58.07],
- [1172012400000, 60.07],
- [1172098800000, 61.14],
- [1172444400000, 61.39],
- [1172530800000, 61.46],
- [1172617200000, 61.79],
- [1172703600000, 62.00],
- [1172790000000, 60.07],
- [1173135600000, 60.69],
- [1173222000000, 61.82],
- [1173308400000, 60.05],
- [1173654000000, 58.91],
- [1173740400000, 57.93],
- [1173826800000, 58.16],
- [1173913200000, 57.55],
- [1173999600000, 57.11],
- [1174258800000, 56.59],
- [1174345200000, 59.61],
- [1174518000000, 61.69],
- [1174604400000, 62.28],
- [1174860000000, 62.91],
- [1174946400000, 62.93],
- [1175032800000, 64.03],
- [1175119200000, 66.03],
- [1175205600000, 65.87],
- [1175464800000, 64.64],
- [1175637600000, 64.38],
- [1175724000000, 64.28],
- [1175810400000, 64.28],
- [1176069600000, 61.51],
- [1176156000000, 61.89],
- [1176242400000, 62.01],
- [1176328800000, 63.85],
- [1176415200000, 63.63],
- [1176674400000, 63.61],
- [1176760800000, 63.10],
- [1176847200000, 63.13],
- [1176933600000, 61.83],
- [1177020000000, 63.38],
- [1177279200000, 64.58],
- [1177452000000, 65.84],
- [1177538400000, 65.06],
- [1177624800000, 66.46],
- [1177884000000, 64.40],
- [1178056800000, 63.68],
- [1178143200000, 63.19],
- [1178229600000, 61.93],
- [1178488800000, 61.47],
- [1178575200000, 61.55],
- [1178748000000, 61.81],
- [1178834400000, 62.37],
- [1179093600000, 62.46],
- [1179180000000, 63.17],
- [1179266400000, 62.55],
- [1179352800000, 64.94],
- [1179698400000, 66.27],
- [1179784800000, 65.50],
- [1179871200000, 65.77],
- [1179957600000, 64.18],
- [1180044000000, 65.20],
- [1180389600000, 63.15],
- [1180476000000, 63.49],
- [1180562400000, 65.08],
- [1180908000000, 66.30],
- [1180994400000, 65.96],
- [1181167200000, 66.93],
- [1181253600000, 65.98],
- [1181599200000, 65.35],
- [1181685600000, 66.26],
- [1181858400000, 68.00],
- [1182117600000, 69.09],
- [1182204000000, 69.10],
- [1182290400000, 68.19],
- [1182376800000, 68.19],
- [1182463200000, 69.14],
- [1182722400000, 68.19],
- [1182808800000, 67.77],
- [1182895200000, 68.97],
- [1182981600000, 69.57],
- [1183068000000, 70.68],
- [1183327200000, 71.09],
- [1183413600000, 70.92],
- [1183586400000, 71.81],
- [1183672800000, 72.81],
- [1183932000000, 72.19],
- [1184018400000, 72.56],
- [1184191200000, 72.50],
- [1184277600000, 74.15],
- [1184623200000, 75.05],
- [1184796000000, 75.92],
- [1184882400000, 75.57],
- [1185141600000, 74.89],
- [1185228000000, 73.56],
- [1185314400000, 75.57],
- [1185400800000, 74.95],
- [1185487200000, 76.83],
- [1185832800000, 78.21],
- [1185919200000, 76.53],
- [1186005600000, 76.86],
- [1186092000000, 76.00],
- [1186437600000, 71.59],
- [1186696800000, 71.47],
- [1186956000000, 71.62],
- [1187042400000, 71.00],
- [1187301600000, 71.98],
- [1187560800000, 71.12],
- [1187647200000, 69.47],
- [1187733600000, 69.26],
- [1187820000000, 69.83],
- [1187906400000, 71.09],
- [1188165600000, 71.73],
- [1188338400000, 73.36],
- [1188511200000, 74.04],
- [1188856800000, 76.30],
- [1189116000000, 77.49],
- [1189461600000, 78.23],
- [1189548000000, 79.91],
- [1189634400000, 80.09],
- [1189720800000, 79.10],
- [1189980000000, 80.57],
- [1190066400000, 81.93],
- [1190239200000, 83.32],
- [1190325600000, 81.62],
- [1190584800000, 80.95],
- [1190671200000, 79.53],
- [1190757600000, 80.30],
- [1190844000000, 82.88],
- [1190930400000, 81.66],
- [1191189600000, 80.24],
- [1191276000000, 80.05],
- [1191362400000, 79.94],
- [1191448800000, 81.44],
- [1191535200000, 81.22],
- [1191794400000, 79.02],
- [1191880800000, 80.26],
- [1191967200000, 80.30],
- [1192053600000, 83.08],
- [1192140000000, 83.69],
- [1192399200000, 86.13],
- [1192485600000, 87.61],
- [1192572000000, 87.40],
- [1192658400000, 89.47],
- [1192744800000, 88.60],
- [1193004000000, 87.56],
- [1193090400000, 87.56],
- [1193176800000, 87.10],
- [1193263200000, 91.86],
- [1193612400000, 93.53],
- [1193698800000, 94.53],
- [1193871600000, 95.93],
- [1194217200000, 93.98],
- [1194303600000, 96.37],
- [1194476400000, 95.46],
- [1194562800000, 96.32],
- [1195081200000, 93.43],
- [1195167600000, 95.10],
- [1195426800000, 94.64],
- [1195513200000, 95.10],
- [1196031600000, 97.70],
- [1196118000000, 94.42],
- [1196204400000, 90.62],
- [1196290800000, 91.01],
- [1196377200000, 88.71],
- [1196636400000, 88.32],
- [1196809200000, 90.23],
- [1196982000000, 88.28],
- [1197241200000, 87.86],
- [1197327600000, 90.02],
- [1197414000000, 92.25],
- [1197586800000, 90.63],
- [1197846000000, 90.63],
- [1197932400000, 90.49],
- [1198018800000, 91.24],
- [1198105200000, 91.06],
- [1198191600000, 90.49],
- [1198710000000, 96.62],
- [1198796400000, 96.00],
- [1199142000000, 99.62],
- [1199314800000, 99.18],
- [1199401200000, 95.09],
- [1199660400000, 96.33],
- [1199833200000, 95.67],
- [1200351600000, 91.90],
- [1200438000000, 90.84],
- [1200524400000, 90.13],
- [1200610800000, 90.57],
- [1200956400000, 89.21],
- [1201042800000, 86.99],
- [1201129200000, 89.85],
- [1201474800000, 90.99],
- [1201561200000, 91.64],
- [1201647600000, 92.33],
- [1201734000000, 91.75],
- [1202079600000, 90.02],
- [1202166000000, 88.41],
- [1202252400000, 87.14],
- [1202338800000, 88.11],
- [1202425200000, 91.77],
- [1202770800000, 92.78],
- [1202857200000, 93.27],
- [1202943600000, 95.46],
- [1203030000000, 95.46],
- [1203289200000, 101.74],
- [1203462000000, 98.81],
- [1203894000000, 100.88],
- [1204066800000, 99.64],
- [1204153200000, 102.59],
- [1204239600000, 101.84],
- [1204498800000, 99.52],
- [1204585200000, 99.52],
- [1204671600000, 104.52],
- [1204758000000, 105.47],
- [1204844400000, 105.15],
- [1205103600000, 108.75],
- [1205276400000, 109.92],
- [1205362800000, 110.33],
- [1205449200000, 110.21],
- [1205708400000, 105.68],
- [1205967600000, 101.84],
- [1206313200000, 100.86],
- [1206399600000, 101.22],
- [1206486000000, 105.90],
- [1206572400000, 107.58],
- [1206658800000, 105.62],
- [1206914400000, 101.58],
- [1207000800000, 100.98],
- [1207173600000, 103.83],
- [1207260000000, 106.23],
- [1207605600000, 108.50],
- [1207778400000, 110.11],
- [1207864800000, 110.14],
- [1208210400000, 113.79],
- [1208296800000, 114.93],
- [1208383200000, 114.86],
- [1208728800000, 117.48],
- [1208815200000, 118.30],
- [1208988000000, 116.06],
- [1209074400000, 118.52],
- [1209333600000, 118.75],
- [1209420000000, 113.46],
- [1209592800000, 112.52],
- [1210024800000, 121.84],
- [1210111200000, 123.53],
- [1210197600000, 123.69],
- [1210543200000, 124.23],
- [1210629600000, 125.80],
- [1210716000000, 126.29],
- [1211148000000, 127.05],
- [1211320800000, 129.07],
- [1211493600000, 132.19],
- [1211839200000, 128.85],
- [1212357600000, 127.76],
- [1212703200000, 138.54],
- [1212962400000, 136.80],
- [1213135200000, 136.38],
- [1213308000000, 134.86],
- [1213653600000, 134.01],
- [1213740000000, 136.68],
- [1213912800000, 135.65],
- [1214172000000, 134.62],
- [1214258400000, 134.62],
- [1214344800000, 134.62],
- [1214431200000, 139.64],
- [1214517600000, 140.21],
- [1214776800000, 140.00],
- [1214863200000, 140.97],
- [1214949600000, 143.57],
- [1215036000000, 145.29],
- [1215381600000, 141.37],
- [1215468000000, 136.04],
- [1215727200000, 146.40],
- [1215986400000, 145.18],
- [1216072800000, 138.74],
- [1216159200000, 134.60],
- [1216245600000, 129.29],
- [1216332000000, 130.65],
- [1216677600000, 127.95],
- [1216850400000, 127.95],
- [1217282400000, 122.19],
- [1217455200000, 124.08],
- [1217541600000, 125.10],
- [1217800800000, 121.41],
- [1217887200000, 119.17],
- [1217973600000, 118.58],
- [1218060000000, 120.02],
- [1218405600000, 114.45],
- [1218492000000, 113.01],
- [1218578400000, 116.00],
- [1218751200000, 113.77],
- [1219010400000, 112.87],
- [1219096800000, 114.53],
- [1219269600000, 114.98],
- [1219356000000, 114.98],
- [1219701600000, 116.27],
- [1219788000000, 118.15],
- [1219874400000, 115.59],
- [1219960800000, 115.46],
- [1220306400000, 109.71],
- [1220392800000, 109.35],
- [1220565600000, 106.23],
- [1220824800000, 106.34]
- ];
- var exchangerates = [
- [1167606000000, 0.7580],
- [1167692400000, 0.7580],
- [1167778800000, 0.75470],
- [1167865200000, 0.75490],
- [1167951600000, 0.76130],
- [1168038000000, 0.76550],
- [1168124400000, 0.76930],
- [1168210800000, 0.76940],
- [1168297200000, 0.76880],
- [1168383600000, 0.76780],
- [1168470000000, 0.77080],
- [1168556400000, 0.77270],
- [1168642800000, 0.77490],
- [1168729200000, 0.77410],
- [1168815600000, 0.77410],
- [1168902000000, 0.77320],
- [1168988400000, 0.77270],
- [1169074800000, 0.77370],
- [1169161200000, 0.77240],
- [1169247600000, 0.77120],
- [1169334000000, 0.7720],
- [1169420400000, 0.77210],
- [1169506800000, 0.77170],
- [1169593200000, 0.77040],
- [1169679600000, 0.7690],
- [1169766000000, 0.77110],
- [1169852400000, 0.7740],
- [1169938800000, 0.77450],
- [1170025200000, 0.77450],
- [1170111600000, 0.7740],
- [1170198000000, 0.77160],
- [1170284400000, 0.77130],
- [1170370800000, 0.76780],
- [1170457200000, 0.76880],
- [1170543600000, 0.77180],
- [1170630000000, 0.77180],
- [1170716400000, 0.77280],
- [1170802800000, 0.77290],
- [1170889200000, 0.76980],
- [1170975600000, 0.76850],
- [1171062000000, 0.76810],
- [1171148400000, 0.7690],
- [1171234800000, 0.7690],
- [1171321200000, 0.76980],
- [1171407600000, 0.76990],
- [1171494000000, 0.76510],
- [1171580400000, 0.76130],
- [1171666800000, 0.76160],
- [1171753200000, 0.76140],
- [1171839600000, 0.76140],
- [1171926000000, 0.76070],
- [1172012400000, 0.76020],
- [1172098800000, 0.76110],
- [1172185200000, 0.76220],
- [1172271600000, 0.76150],
- [1172358000000, 0.75980],
- [1172444400000, 0.75980],
- [1172530800000, 0.75920],
- [1172617200000, 0.75730],
- [1172703600000, 0.75660],
- [1172790000000, 0.75670],
- [1172876400000, 0.75910],
- [1172962800000, 0.75820],
- [1173049200000, 0.75850],
- [1173135600000, 0.76130],
- [1173222000000, 0.76310],
- [1173308400000, 0.76150],
- [1173394800000, 0.760],
- [1173481200000, 0.76130],
- [1173567600000, 0.76270],
- [1173654000000, 0.76270],
- [1173740400000, 0.76080],
- [1173826800000, 0.75830],
- [1173913200000, 0.75750],
- [1173999600000, 0.75620],
- [1174086000000, 0.7520],
- [1174172400000, 0.75120],
- [1174258800000, 0.75120],
- [1174345200000, 0.75170],
- [1174431600000, 0.7520],
- [1174518000000, 0.75110],
- [1174604400000, 0.7480],
- [1174690800000, 0.75090],
- [1174777200000, 0.75310],
- [1174860000000, 0.75310],
- [1174946400000, 0.75270],
- [1175032800000, 0.74980],
- [1175119200000, 0.74930],
- [1175205600000, 0.75040],
- [1175292000000, 0.750],
- [1175378400000, 0.74910],
- [1175464800000, 0.74910],
- [1175551200000, 0.74850],
- [1175637600000, 0.74840],
- [1175724000000, 0.74920],
- [1175810400000, 0.74710],
- [1175896800000, 0.74590],
- [1175983200000, 0.74770],
- [1176069600000, 0.74770],
- [1176156000000, 0.74830],
- [1176242400000, 0.74580],
- [1176328800000, 0.74480],
- [1176415200000, 0.7430],
- [1176501600000, 0.73990],
- [1176588000000, 0.73950],
- [1176674400000, 0.73950],
- [1176760800000, 0.73780],
- [1176847200000, 0.73820],
- [1176933600000, 0.73620],
- [1177020000000, 0.73550],
- [1177106400000, 0.73480],
- [1177192800000, 0.73610],
- [1177279200000, 0.73610],
- [1177365600000, 0.73650],
- [1177452000000, 0.73620],
- [1177538400000, 0.73310],
- [1177624800000, 0.73390],
- [1177711200000, 0.73440],
- [1177797600000, 0.73270],
- [1177884000000, 0.73270],
- [1177970400000, 0.73360],
- [1178056800000, 0.73330],
- [1178143200000, 0.73590],
- [1178229600000, 0.73590],
- [1178316000000, 0.73720],
- [1178402400000, 0.7360],
- [1178488800000, 0.7360],
- [1178575200000, 0.7350],
- [1178661600000, 0.73650],
- [1178748000000, 0.73840],
- [1178834400000, 0.73950],
- [1178920800000, 0.74130],
- [1179007200000, 0.73970],
- [1179093600000, 0.73960],
- [1179180000000, 0.73850],
- [1179266400000, 0.73780],
- [1179352800000, 0.73660],
- [1179439200000, 0.740],
- [1179525600000, 0.74110],
- [1179612000000, 0.74060],
- [1179698400000, 0.74050],
- [1179784800000, 0.74140],
- [1179871200000, 0.74310],
- [1179957600000, 0.74310],
- [1180044000000, 0.74380],
- [1180130400000, 0.74430],
- [1180216800000, 0.74430],
- [1180303200000, 0.74430],
- [1180389600000, 0.74340],
- [1180476000000, 0.74290],
- [1180562400000, 0.74420],
- [1180648800000, 0.7440],
- [1180735200000, 0.74390],
- [1180821600000, 0.74370],
- [1180908000000, 0.74370],
- [1180994400000, 0.74290],
- [1181080800000, 0.74030],
- [1181167200000, 0.73990],
- [1181253600000, 0.74180],
- [1181340000000, 0.74680],
- [1181426400000, 0.7480],
- [1181512800000, 0.7480],
- [1181599200000, 0.7490],
- [1181685600000, 0.74940],
- [1181772000000, 0.75220],
- [1181858400000, 0.75150],
- [1181944800000, 0.75020],
- [1182031200000, 0.74720],
- [1182117600000, 0.74720],
- [1182204000000, 0.74620],
- [1182290400000, 0.74550],
- [1182376800000, 0.74490],
- [1182463200000, 0.74670],
- [1182549600000, 0.74580],
- [1182636000000, 0.74270],
- [1182722400000, 0.74270],
- [1182808800000, 0.7430],
- [1182895200000, 0.74290],
- [1182981600000, 0.7440],
- [1183068000000, 0.7430],
- [1183154400000, 0.74220],
- [1183240800000, 0.73880],
- [1183327200000, 0.73880],
- [1183413600000, 0.73690],
- [1183500000000, 0.73450],
- [1183586400000, 0.73450],
- [1183672800000, 0.73450],
- [1183759200000, 0.73520],
- [1183845600000, 0.73410],
- [1183932000000, 0.73410],
- [1184018400000, 0.7340],
- [1184104800000, 0.73240],
- [1184191200000, 0.72720],
- [1184277600000, 0.72640],
- [1184364000000, 0.72550],
- [1184450400000, 0.72580],
- [1184536800000, 0.72580],
- [1184623200000, 0.72560],
- [1184709600000, 0.72570],
- [1184796000000, 0.72470],
- [1184882400000, 0.72430],
- [1184968800000, 0.72440],
- [1185055200000, 0.72350],
- [1185141600000, 0.72350],
- [1185228000000, 0.72350],
- [1185314400000, 0.72350],
- [1185400800000, 0.72620],
- [1185487200000, 0.72880],
- [1185573600000, 0.73010],
- [1185660000000, 0.73370],
- [1185746400000, 0.73370],
- [1185832800000, 0.73240],
- [1185919200000, 0.72970],
- [1186005600000, 0.73170],
- [1186092000000, 0.73150],
- [1186178400000, 0.72880],
- [1186264800000, 0.72630],
- [1186351200000, 0.72630],
- [1186437600000, 0.72420],
- [1186524000000, 0.72530],
- [1186610400000, 0.72640],
- [1186696800000, 0.7270],
- [1186783200000, 0.73120],
- [1186869600000, 0.73050],
- [1186956000000, 0.73050],
- [1187042400000, 0.73180],
- [1187128800000, 0.73580],
- [1187215200000, 0.74090],
- [1187301600000, 0.74540],
- [1187388000000, 0.74370],
- [1187474400000, 0.74240],
- [1187560800000, 0.74240],
- [1187647200000, 0.74150],
- [1187733600000, 0.74190],
- [1187820000000, 0.74140],
- [1187906400000, 0.73770],
- [1187992800000, 0.73550],
- [1188079200000, 0.73150],
- [1188165600000, 0.73150],
- [1188252000000, 0.7320],
- [1188338400000, 0.73320],
- [1188424800000, 0.73460],
- [1188511200000, 0.73280],
- [1188597600000, 0.73230],
- [1188684000000, 0.7340],
- [1188770400000, 0.7340],
- [1188856800000, 0.73360],
- [1188943200000, 0.73510],
- [1189029600000, 0.73460],
- [1189116000000, 0.73210],
- [1189202400000, 0.72940],
- [1189288800000, 0.72660],
- [1189375200000, 0.72660],
- [1189461600000, 0.72540],
- [1189548000000, 0.72420],
- [1189634400000, 0.72130],
- [1189720800000, 0.71970],
- [1189807200000, 0.72090],
- [1189893600000, 0.7210],
- [1189980000000, 0.7210],
- [1190066400000, 0.7210],
- [1190152800000, 0.72090],
- [1190239200000, 0.71590],
- [1190325600000, 0.71330],
- [1190412000000, 0.71050],
- [1190498400000, 0.70990],
- [1190584800000, 0.70990],
- [1190671200000, 0.70930],
- [1190757600000, 0.70930],
- [1190844000000, 0.70760],
- [1190930400000, 0.7070],
- [1191016800000, 0.70490],
- [1191103200000, 0.70120],
- [1191189600000, 0.70110],
- [1191276000000, 0.70190],
- [1191362400000, 0.70460],
- [1191448800000, 0.70630],
- [1191535200000, 0.70890],
- [1191621600000, 0.70770],
- [1191708000000, 0.70770],
- [1191794400000, 0.70770],
- [1191880800000, 0.70910],
- [1191967200000, 0.71180],
- [1192053600000, 0.70790],
- [1192140000000, 0.70530],
- [1192226400000, 0.7050],
- [1192312800000, 0.70550],
- [1192399200000, 0.70550],
- [1192485600000, 0.70450],
- [1192572000000, 0.70510],
- [1192658400000, 0.70510],
- [1192744800000, 0.70170],
- [1192831200000, 0.70],
- [1192917600000, 0.69950],
- [1193004000000, 0.69940],
- [1193090400000, 0.70140],
- [1193176800000, 0.70360],
- [1193263200000, 0.70210],
- [1193349600000, 0.70020],
- [1193436000000, 0.69670],
- [1193522400000, 0.6950],
- [1193612400000, 0.6950],
- [1193698800000, 0.69390],
- [1193785200000, 0.6940],
- [1193871600000, 0.69220],
- [1193958000000, 0.69190],
- [1194044400000, 0.69140],
- [1194130800000, 0.68940],
- [1194217200000, 0.68910],
- [1194303600000, 0.69040],
- [1194390000000, 0.6890],
- [1194476400000, 0.68340],
- [1194562800000, 0.68230],
- [1194649200000, 0.68070],
- [1194735600000, 0.68150],
- [1194822000000, 0.68150],
- [1194908400000, 0.68470],
- [1194994800000, 0.68590],
- [1195081200000, 0.68220],
- [1195167600000, 0.68270],
- [1195254000000, 0.68370],
- [1195340400000, 0.68230],
- [1195426800000, 0.68220],
- [1195513200000, 0.68220],
- [1195599600000, 0.67920],
- [1195686000000, 0.67460],
- [1195772400000, 0.67350],
- [1195858800000, 0.67310],
- [1195945200000, 0.67420],
- [1196031600000, 0.67440],
- [1196118000000, 0.67390],
- [1196204400000, 0.67310],
- [1196290800000, 0.67610],
- [1196377200000, 0.67610],
- [1196463600000, 0.67850],
- [1196550000000, 0.68180],
- [1196636400000, 0.68360],
- [1196722800000, 0.68230],
- [1196809200000, 0.68050],
- [1196895600000, 0.67930],
- [1196982000000, 0.68490],
- [1197068400000, 0.68330],
- [1197154800000, 0.68250],
- [1197241200000, 0.68250],
- [1197327600000, 0.68160],
- [1197414000000, 0.67990],
- [1197500400000, 0.68130],
- [1197586800000, 0.68090],
- [1197673200000, 0.68680],
- [1197759600000, 0.69330],
- [1197846000000, 0.69330],
- [1197932400000, 0.69450],
- [1198018800000, 0.69440],
- [1198105200000, 0.69460],
- [1198191600000, 0.69640],
- [1198278000000, 0.69650],
- [1198364400000, 0.69560],
- [1198450800000, 0.69560],
- [1198537200000, 0.6950],
- [1198623600000, 0.69480],
- [1198710000000, 0.69280],
- [1198796400000, 0.68870],
- [1198882800000, 0.68240],
- [1198969200000, 0.67940],
- [1199055600000, 0.67940],
- [1199142000000, 0.68030],
- [1199228400000, 0.68550],
- [1199314800000, 0.68240],
- [1199401200000, 0.67910],
- [1199487600000, 0.67830],
- [1199574000000, 0.67850],
- [1199660400000, 0.67850],
- [1199746800000, 0.67970],
- [1199833200000, 0.680],
- [1199919600000, 0.68030],
- [1200006000000, 0.68050],
- [1200092400000, 0.6760],
- [1200178800000, 0.6770],
- [1200265200000, 0.6770],
- [1200351600000, 0.67360],
- [1200438000000, 0.67260],
- [1200524400000, 0.67640],
- [1200610800000, 0.68210],
- [1200697200000, 0.68310],
- [1200783600000, 0.68420],
- [1200870000000, 0.68420],
- [1200956400000, 0.68870],
- [1201042800000, 0.69030],
- [1201129200000, 0.68480],
- [1201215600000, 0.68240],
- [1201302000000, 0.67880],
- [1201388400000, 0.68140],
- [1201474800000, 0.68140],
- [1201561200000, 0.67970],
- [1201647600000, 0.67690],
- [1201734000000, 0.67650],
- [1201820400000, 0.67330],
- [1201906800000, 0.67290],
- [1201993200000, 0.67580],
- [1202079600000, 0.67580],
- [1202166000000, 0.6750],
- [1202252400000, 0.6780],
- [1202338800000, 0.68330],
- [1202425200000, 0.68560],
- [1202511600000, 0.69030],
- [1202598000000, 0.68960],
- [1202684400000, 0.68960],
- [1202770800000, 0.68820],
- [1202857200000, 0.68790],
- [1202943600000, 0.68620],
- [1203030000000, 0.68520],
- [1203116400000, 0.68230],
- [1203202800000, 0.68130],
- [1203289200000, 0.68130],
- [1203375600000, 0.68220],
- [1203462000000, 0.68020],
- [1203548400000, 0.68020],
- [1203634800000, 0.67840],
- [1203721200000, 0.67480],
- [1203807600000, 0.67470],
- [1203894000000, 0.67470],
- [1203980400000, 0.67480],
- [1204066800000, 0.67330],
- [1204153200000, 0.6650],
- [1204239600000, 0.66110],
- [1204326000000, 0.65830],
- [1204412400000, 0.6590],
- [1204498800000, 0.6590],
- [1204585200000, 0.65810],
- [1204671600000, 0.65780],
- [1204758000000, 0.65740],
- [1204844400000, 0.65320],
- [1204930800000, 0.65020],
- [1205017200000, 0.65140],
- [1205103600000, 0.65140],
- [1205190000000, 0.65070],
- [1205276400000, 0.6510],
- [1205362800000, 0.64890],
- [1205449200000, 0.64240],
- [1205535600000, 0.64060],
- [1205622000000, 0.63820],
- [1205708400000, 0.63820],
- [1205794800000, 0.63410],
- [1205881200000, 0.63440],
- [1205967600000, 0.63780],
- [1206054000000, 0.64390],
- [1206140400000, 0.64780],
- [1206226800000, 0.64810],
- [1206313200000, 0.64810],
- [1206399600000, 0.64940],
- [1206486000000, 0.64380],
- [1206572400000, 0.63770],
- [1206658800000, 0.63290],
- [1206745200000, 0.63360],
- [1206831600000, 0.63330],
- [1206914400000, 0.63330],
- [1207000800000, 0.6330],
- [1207087200000, 0.63710],
- [1207173600000, 0.64030],
- [1207260000000, 0.63960],
- [1207346400000, 0.63640],
- [1207432800000, 0.63560],
- [1207519200000, 0.63560],
- [1207605600000, 0.63680],
- [1207692000000, 0.63570],
- [1207778400000, 0.63540],
- [1207864800000, 0.6320],
- [1207951200000, 0.63320],
- [1208037600000, 0.63280],
- [1208124000000, 0.63310],
- [1208210400000, 0.63420],
- [1208296800000, 0.63210],
- [1208383200000, 0.63020],
- [1208469600000, 0.62780],
- [1208556000000, 0.63080],
- [1208642400000, 0.63240],
- [1208728800000, 0.63240],
- [1208815200000, 0.63070],
- [1208901600000, 0.62770],
- [1208988000000, 0.62690],
- [1209074400000, 0.63350],
- [1209160800000, 0.63920],
- [1209247200000, 0.640],
- [1209333600000, 0.64010],
- [1209420000000, 0.63960],
- [1209506400000, 0.64070],
- [1209592800000, 0.64230],
- [1209679200000, 0.64290],
- [1209765600000, 0.64720],
- [1209852000000, 0.64850],
- [1209938400000, 0.64860],
- [1210024800000, 0.64670],
- [1210111200000, 0.64440],
- [1210197600000, 0.64670],
- [1210284000000, 0.65090],
- [1210370400000, 0.64780],
- [1210456800000, 0.64610],
- [1210543200000, 0.64610],
- [1210629600000, 0.64680],
- [1210716000000, 0.64490],
- [1210802400000, 0.6470],
- [1210888800000, 0.64610],
- [1210975200000, 0.64520],
- [1211061600000, 0.64220],
- [1211148000000, 0.64220],
- [1211234400000, 0.64250],
- [1211320800000, 0.64140],
- [1211407200000, 0.63660],
- [1211493600000, 0.63460],
- [1211580000000, 0.6350],
- [1211666400000, 0.63460],
- [1211752800000, 0.63460],
- [1211839200000, 0.63430],
- [1211925600000, 0.63460],
- [1212012000000, 0.63790],
- [1212098400000, 0.64160],
- [1212184800000, 0.64420],
- [1212271200000, 0.64310],
- [1212357600000, 0.64310],
- [1212444000000, 0.64350],
- [1212530400000, 0.6440],
- [1212616800000, 0.64730],
- [1212703200000, 0.64690],
- [1212789600000, 0.63860],
- [1212876000000, 0.63560],
- [1212962400000, 0.6340],
- [1213048800000, 0.63460],
- [1213135200000, 0.6430],
- [1213221600000, 0.64520],
- [1213308000000, 0.64670],
- [1213394400000, 0.65060],
- [1213480800000, 0.65040],
- [1213567200000, 0.65030],
- [1213653600000, 0.64810],
- [1213740000000, 0.64510],
- [1213826400000, 0.6450],
- [1213912800000, 0.64410],
- [1213999200000, 0.64140],
- [1214085600000, 0.64090],
- [1214172000000, 0.64090],
- [1214258400000, 0.64280],
- [1214344800000, 0.64310],
- [1214431200000, 0.64180],
- [1214517600000, 0.63710],
- [1214604000000, 0.63490],
- [1214690400000, 0.63330],
- [1214776800000, 0.63340],
- [1214863200000, 0.63380],
- [1214949600000, 0.63420],
- [1215036000000, 0.6320],
- [1215122400000, 0.63180],
- [1215208800000, 0.6370],
- [1215295200000, 0.63680],
- [1215381600000, 0.63680],
- [1215468000000, 0.63830],
- [1215554400000, 0.63710],
- [1215640800000, 0.63710],
- [1215727200000, 0.63550],
- [1215813600000, 0.6320],
- [1215900000000, 0.62770],
- [1215986400000, 0.62760],
- [1216072800000, 0.62910],
- [1216159200000, 0.62740],
- [1216245600000, 0.62930],
- [1216332000000, 0.63110],
- [1216418400000, 0.6310],
- [1216504800000, 0.63120],
- [1216591200000, 0.63120],
- [1216677600000, 0.63040],
- [1216764000000, 0.62940],
- [1216850400000, 0.63480],
- [1216936800000, 0.63780],
- [1217023200000, 0.63680],
- [1217109600000, 0.63680],
- [1217196000000, 0.63680],
- [1217282400000, 0.6360],
- [1217368800000, 0.6370],
- [1217455200000, 0.64180],
- [1217541600000, 0.64110],
- [1217628000000, 0.64350],
- [1217714400000, 0.64270],
- [1217800800000, 0.64270],
- [1217887200000, 0.64190],
- [1217973600000, 0.64460],
- [1218060000000, 0.64680],
- [1218146400000, 0.64870],
- [1218232800000, 0.65940],
- [1218319200000, 0.66660],
- [1218405600000, 0.66660],
- [1218492000000, 0.66780],
- [1218578400000, 0.67120],
- [1218664800000, 0.67050],
- [1218751200000, 0.67180],
- [1218837600000, 0.67840],
- [1218924000000, 0.68110],
- [1219010400000, 0.68110],
- [1219096800000, 0.67940],
- [1219183200000, 0.68040],
- [1219269600000, 0.67810],
- [1219356000000, 0.67560],
- [1219442400000, 0.67350],
- [1219528800000, 0.67630],
- [1219615200000, 0.67620],
- [1219701600000, 0.67770],
- [1219788000000, 0.68150],
- [1219874400000, 0.68020],
- [1219960800000, 0.6780],
- [1220047200000, 0.67960],
- [1220133600000, 0.68170],
- [1220220000000, 0.68170],
- [1220306400000, 0.68320],
- [1220392800000, 0.68770],
- [1220479200000, 0.69120],
- [1220565600000, 0.69140],
- [1220652000000, 0.70090],
- [1220738400000, 0.70120],
- [1220824800000, 0.7010],
- [1220911200000, 0.70050]
- ];
- function euroFormatter(v, axis) {
- return v.toFixed(axis.tickDecimals) + "€";
- }
- function doPlot(position) {
- $.plot($("#flot-line-chart-multi"), [{
- data: oilprices,
- label: "Oil price ($)"
- }, {
- data: exchangerates,
- label: "USD/EUR exchange rate",
- yaxis: 2
- }], {
- xaxes: [{
- mode: 'time'
- }],
- yaxes: [{
- min: 0
- }, {
- // align if we are to the right
- alignTicksWithAxis: position == "right" ? 1 : null,
- position: position,
- tickFormatter: euroFormatter
- }],
- legend: {
- position: 'sw'
- },
- grid: {
- hoverable: true //IMPORTANT! this is needed for tooltip to work
- },
- tooltip: true,
- tooltipOpts: {
- content: "%s for %x was %y",
- xDateFormat: "%y-%0m-%0d",
- onHover: function(flotItem, $tooltipEl) {
- // console.log(flotItem, $tooltipEl);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- doPlot("right");
- $("button").click(function() {
- doPlot($(this).text());
- });
-//Flot Moving Line Chart
-$(function() {
- var container = $("#flot-line-chart-moving");
- // Determine how many data points to keep based on the placeholder's initial size;
- // this gives us a nice high-res plot while avoiding more than one point per pixel.
- var maximum = container.outerWidth() / 2 || 300;
- //
- var data = [];
- function getRandomData() {
- if (data.length) {
- data = data.slice(1);
- }
- while (data.length < maximum) {
- var previous = data.length ? data[data.length - 1] : 50;
- var y = previous + Math.random() * 10 - 5;
- data.push(y < 0 ? 0 : y > 100 ? 100 : y);
- }
- // zip the generated y values with the x values
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- res.push([i, data[i]])
- }
- return res;
- }
- //
- series = [{
- data: getRandomData(),
- lines: {
- fill: true
- }
- }];
- //
- var plot = $.plot(container, series, {
- grid: {
- borderWidth: 1,
- minBorderMargin: 20,
- labelMargin: 10,
- backgroundColor: {
- colors: ["#fff", "#e4f4f4"]
- },
- margin: {
- top: 8,
- bottom: 20,
- left: 20
- },
- markings: function(axes) {
- var markings = [];
- var xaxis = axes.xaxis;
- for (var x = Math.floor(xaxis.min); x < xaxis.max; x += xaxis.tickSize * 2) {
- markings.push({
- xaxis: {
- from: x,
- to: x + xaxis.tickSize
- },
- color: "rgba(232, 232, 255, 0.2)"
- });
- }
- return markings;
- }
- },
- xaxis: {
- tickFormatter: function() {
- return "";
- }
- },
- yaxis: {
- min: 0,
- max: 110
- },
- legend: {
- show: true
- }
- });
- // Update the random dataset at 25FPS for a smoothly-animating chart
- setInterval(function updateRandom() {
- series[0].data = getRandomData();
- plot.setData(series);
- plot.draw();
- }, 40);
-//Flot Bar Chart
-$(function() {
- var barOptions = {
- series: {
- bars: {
- show: true,
- barWidth: 43200000
- }
- },
- xaxis: {
- mode: "time",
- timeformat: "%m/%d",
- minTickSize: [1, "day"]
- },
- grid: {
- hoverable: true
- },
- legend: {
- show: false
- },
- tooltip: true,
- tooltipOpts: {
- content: "x: %x, y: %y"
- }
- };
- var barData = {
- label: "bar",
- data: [
- [1354521600000, 1000],
- [1355040000000, 2000],
- [1355223600000, 3000],
- [1355306400000, 4000],
- [1355487300000, 5000],
- [1355571900000, 6000]
- ]
- };
- $.plot($("#flot-bar-chart"), [barData], barOptions);
diff --git a/js/morris-data.js b/js/morris-data.js
deleted file mode 100755
index e5e23f60..00000000
--- a/js/morris-data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-$(function() {
- Morris.Area({
- element: 'morris-area-chart',
- data: [{
- period: '2010 Q1',
- iphone: 2666,
- ipad: null,
- itouch: 2647
- }, {
- period: '2010 Q2',
- iphone: 2778,
- ipad: 2294,
- itouch: 2441
- }, {
- period: '2010 Q3',
- iphone: 4912,
- ipad: 1969,
- itouch: 2501
- }, {
- period: '2010 Q4',
- iphone: 3767,
- ipad: 3597,
- itouch: 5689
- }, {
- period: '2011 Q1',
- iphone: 6810,
- ipad: 1914,
- itouch: 2293
- }, {
- period: '2011 Q2',
- iphone: 5670,
- ipad: 4293,
- itouch: 1881
- }, {
- period: '2011 Q3',
- iphone: 4820,
- ipad: 3795,
- itouch: 1588
- }, {
- period: '2011 Q4',
- iphone: 15073,
- ipad: 5967,
- itouch: 5175
- }, {
- period: '2012 Q1',
- iphone: 10687,
- ipad: 4460,
- itouch: 2028
- }, {
- period: '2012 Q2',
- iphone: 8432,
- ipad: 5713,
- itouch: 1791
- }],
- xkey: 'period',
- ykeys: ['iphone', 'ipad', 'itouch'],
- labels: ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod Touch'],
- pointSize: 2,
- hideHover: 'auto',
- resize: true
- });
- Morris.Donut({
- element: 'morris-donut-chart',
- data: [{
- label: "Download Sales",
- value: 12
- }, {
- label: "In-Store Sales",
- value: 30
- }, {
- label: "Mail-Order Sales",
- value: 20
- }],
- resize: true
- });
- Morris.Bar({
- element: 'morris-bar-chart',
- data: [{
- y: '2006',
- a: 100,
- b: 90
- }, {
- y: '2007',
- a: 75,
- b: 65
- }, {
- y: '2008',
- a: 50,
- b: 40
- }, {
- y: '2009',
- a: 75,
- b: 65
- }, {
- y: '2010',
- a: 50,
- b: 40
- }, {
- y: '2011',
- a: 75,
- b: 65
- }, {
- y: '2012',
- a: 100,
- b: 90
- }],
- xkey: 'y',
- ykeys: ['a', 'b'],
- labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'],
- hideHover: 'auto',
- resize: true
- });