Disambiguate iface overrides for ap-sta & bridged modes, thx @mp035

This commit is contained in:
billz 2021-02-02 07:36:28 +00:00
parent 5ec25e56d9
commit 5c4b84f826

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@ -181,20 +181,28 @@ function SaveHostAPDConfig($wpa_array, $enc_types, $modes, $interfaces, $status)
// set AP interface default, override for ap-sta & bridged options
$ap_iface = $_POST['interface'];
if ($wifiAPEnable) { $ap_iface = 'uap0'; }
if ($bridgedEnable) { $ap_iface = 'br0'; }
$ap_iface = $_POST['interface']; // the hostap AP interface
$cli_iface = $_POST['interface']; // the wifi client interface
$session_iface = $_POST['interface']; // the interface that the UI needs to monitor for data usage etc.
if ($wifiAPEnable) { // for AP-STA we monitor the uap0 interface, which is always the ap interface.
$ap_iface = 'uap0';
$session_iface = 'uap0';
if ($bridgedEnable) { // for bridged mode we monitor the bridge, but keep the selected interface as AP.
$session_iface = 'br0';
$cli_iface = 'br0';
// persist user options to /etc/raspap
$cfg = [];
$cfg['WifiInterface'] = $_POST['interface'];
$cfg['WifiInterface'] = $ap_iface;
$cfg['LogEnable'] = $logEnable;
// Save previous Client mode status when Bridged
$cfg['WifiAPEnable'] = ($bridgedEnable == 1 ? $arrHostapdConf['WifiAPEnable'] : $wifiAPEnable);
$cfg['BridgedEnable'] = $bridgedEnable;
$cfg['WifiManaged'] = $_POST['interface'];
$cfg['WifiManaged'] = $cli_iface;
write_php_ini($cfg, RASPI_CONFIG.'/hostapd.ini');
$_SESSION['ap_interface'] = $ap_iface;
$_SESSION['ap_interface'] = $session_iface;
// Verify input
if (empty($_POST['ssid']) || strlen($_POST['ssid']) > 32) {
@ -248,7 +256,7 @@ function SaveHostAPDConfig($wpa_array, $enc_types, $modes, $interfaces, $status)
$_POST['max_num_sta'] = $_POST['max_num_sta'] < 1 ? null : $_POST['max_num_sta'];
if ($good_input) {
$return = updateHostapdConfig($ignore_broadcast_ssid,$wifiAPEnble,$bridgedEnable);
$return = updateHostapdConfig($ignore_broadcast_ssid,$wifiAPEnable,$bridgedEnable);
// Fetch dhcp-range, lease time from system config
$syscfg = parse_ini_file(RASPI_DNSMASQ_PREFIX.$ap_iface.'.conf', false, INI_SCANNER_RAW);