Refactor loadChannelSelect(), disambiguate ajax handler names

This commit is contained in:
billz 2023-11-05 13:44:45 +00:00
parent 1b155dbf58
commit 648465f6c6
4 changed files with 120 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -1,43 +1,20 @@
require '../../includes/csrf.php';
require_once '../../includes/config.php';
require_once '../../includes/locale.php';
require '../../src/RaspAP/Parsers/IwParser.php';
if (isset($_POST['interface'])) {
define( 'NL80211_BAND_24GHZ', 0x1 );
define( 'NL80211_BAND_5GHZ', 0x2 );
$iface = escapeshellcmd($_POST['interface']);
$flags = 0;
$parser = new \RaspAP\Parsers\IwParser($iface);
// get physical device for selected interface
exec("iw dev | awk -v iface=".$iface." '/^phy#/ { phy = $0 } $1 == \"Interface\" { interface = $2 } interface == iface { print phy }'", $return);
$phy = $return[0];
$supportedFrequencies = $parser->parseIwList($iface);
// get frequencies supported by device
exec('iw '.$phy.' info | sed -rn "s/^.*\*\s([0-9]{4})\sMHz.*/\1/p"', $frequencies);
if (count(preg_grep('/^24[0-9]{2}/i', $frequencies)) >0) {
$flags += NL80211_BAND_24GHZ;
if (count(preg_grep('/^5[0-9]{3}/i', $frequencies)) >0) {
$flags += NL80211_BAND_5GHZ;
# debug
#foreach ($supportedFrequencies as $frequency) {
# echo "<br>Frequency: {$frequency['MHz']} MHz, Channel: {$frequency['Channel']}, dBm: {$frequency['dBm']}\n";
switch ($flags) {
case NL80211_BAND_24GHZ:
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) has support for the 2.4 GHz wireless band only."), $iface);
case NL80211_BAND_5GHZ:
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) has support for the 5 GHz wireless band only."), $iface);
case NL80211_BAND_24GHZ | NL80211_BAND_5GHZ:
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) has support for both the 2.4 and 5 GHz wireless bands."), $iface);
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) does not support wireless mode operation."), $iface);
echo json_encode($msg);
echo json_encode($supportedFrequencies);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
require '../../includes/csrf.php';
require_once '../../includes/config.php';
require_once '../../includes/locale.php';
if (isset($_POST['interface'])) {
define( 'NL80211_BAND_24GHZ', 0x1 );
define( 'NL80211_BAND_5GHZ', 0x2 );
$iface = escapeshellcmd($_POST['interface']);
$flags = 0;
// get physical device for selected interface
exec("iw dev | awk -v iface=".$iface." '/^phy#/ { phy = $0 } $1 == \"Interface\" { interface = $2 } interface == iface { print phy }'", $return);
$phy = $return[0];
// get frequencies supported by device
exec('iw '.$phy.' info | sed -rn "s/^.*\*\s([0-9]{4})\sMHz.*/\1/p"', $frequencies);
if (count(preg_grep('/^24[0-9]{2}/i', $frequencies)) >0) {
$flags += NL80211_BAND_24GHZ;
if (count(preg_grep('/^5[0-9]{3}/i', $frequencies)) >0) {
$flags += NL80211_BAND_5GHZ;
switch ($flags) {
case NL80211_BAND_24GHZ:
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) has support for the 2.4 GHz wireless band only."), $iface);
case NL80211_BAND_5GHZ:
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) has support for the 5 GHz wireless band only."), $iface);
case NL80211_BAND_24GHZ | NL80211_BAND_5GHZ:
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) has support for both the 2.4 and 5 GHz wireless bands."), $iface);
$msg = sprintf(_("The selected interface (%s) does not support wireless mode operation."), $iface);
echo json_encode($msg);

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ function contentLoaded() {
case "hostapd_conf":
case "dhcpd_conf":
@ -264,13 +264,6 @@ function setDHCPToggles(state) {
$('#dhcp-iface').prop('disabled', !state);
function loadChannel() {
jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
$('#debugModal').on('', function (e) {
var csrfToken = $('meta[name=csrf_token]').attr('content');
$.post('ajax/system/sys_debug.php',{'csrf_token': csrfToken},function(data){
@ -391,53 +384,76 @@ $(".custom-file-input").on("change", function() {
Sets the wirelss channel select options based on hw_mode and country_code.
Methodology: In North America up to channel 11 is the maximum allowed WiFi 2.4Ghz channel,
except for the US that allows channel 12 & 13 in low power mode with additional restrictions.
Canada allows channel 12 in low power mode. Because it's unsure if low powered mode can be
supported the channels are not selectable for those countries. Also Uzbekistan and Colombia
allow up to channel 11 as maximum channel on the 2.4Ghz WiFi band.
function loadChannelSelect(selected) {
// Fetch wireless regulatory data
$.getJSON("config/wireless.json", function(json) {
var hw_mode = $('#cbxhwmode').val();
var country_code = $('#cbxcountries').val();
var channel_select = $('#cbxchannel');
var data = json["wireless_regdb"];
var selectablechannels = Array.range(1,14);
// Assign array of countries to valid frequencies (channels)
var countries_2_4Ghz_max11ch = data["2_4GHz_max11ch"].countries;
var countries_2_4Ghz_max14ch = data["2_4GHz_max14ch"].countries;
var countries_5Ghz_max48ch = data["5Ghz_max48ch"].countries;
// Map selected hw_mode and country to determine channel list
if (hw_mode === 'a') {
selectablechannels = data["5Ghz_max48ch"].channels;
} else if (($.inArray(country_code, countries_2_4Ghz_max11ch) !== -1) && (hw_mode !== 'ac') ) {
selectablechannels = data["2_4GHz_max11ch"].channels;
} else if (($.inArray(country_code, countries_2_4Ghz_max14ch) !== -1) && (hw_mode === 'b')) {
selectablechannels = data["2_4GHz_max14ch"].channels;
} else if (($.inArray(country_code, countries_5Ghz_max48ch) !== -1) && (hw_mode === 'ac')) {
selectablechannels = data["5Ghz_max48ch"].channels;
// Set channel select with available values
selected = (typeof selected === 'undefined') ? selectablechannels[0] : selected;
$.each(selectablechannels, function(key,value) {
channel_select.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", value).text(value));
// Retrieves the 'channel' value specified in hostapd.conf
function getChannel() {
jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
/* Sets hardware mode tooltip text for selected interface.
Sets the wirelss channel select options based on frequencies reported by iw.
function loadChannelSelect(selected) {
var iface = $('#cbxinterface').val();
var hwmodeText = '';
var csrfToken = $('meta[name=csrf_token]').attr('content');
// update hardware mode tooltip
$.post('ajax/networking/get_frequencies.php',{'interface': iface, 'csrf_token': csrfToken, 'selected': selected},function(response){
var hw_mode = $('#cbxhwmode').val();
var country_code = $('#cbxcountries').val();
var channel_select = $('#cbxchannel');
var btn_save = $('#btnSaveHostapd');
var data = JSON.parse(response);
var selectableChannels = [];
// Map selected hw_mode to available channels
if (hw_mode === 'a') {
selectableChannels = data.filter(item => item.MHz.toString().startsWith('5'));
} else if (hw_mode !== 'ac') {
selectableChannels = data.filter(item => item.MHz.toString().startsWith('24'));
} else if (hw_mode === 'b') {
selectableChannels = data.filter(item => item.MHz.toString().startsWith('24'));
} else if (hw_mode === 'ac') {
selectableChannels = data.filter(item => item.MHz.toString().startsWith('5'));
// If selected channel doeesn't exist in allowed channels, set default or null (unsupported)
if (!selectableChannels.find(item => item.Channel === selected)) {
if (selectableChannels.length === 0) {
selectableChannels[0] = { Channel: null };
} else {
defaultChannel = selectableChannels[0].Channel;
selected = defaultChannel
// Set channel select with available values
if (selectableChannels[0].Channel === null) {
channel_select.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", "").text("---"));
channel_select.prop("disabled", true);
btn_save.prop("disabled", true);
} else {
channel_select.prop("disabled", false);
btn_save.prop("disabled", false);
$.each(selectableChannels, function(key,value) {
channel_select.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", value.Channel).text(value.Channel));
/* Sets hardware mode tooltip text for selected interface
* and calls loadChannelSelect()
function setHardwareModeTooltip() {
var iface = $('#cbxinterface').val();
@ -447,7 +463,7 @@ function setHardwareModeTooltip() {
if ($('#cbxhwmode').find('option[value="ac"]').prop('disabled') == true ) {
var hwmodeText = $('#hwmode').attr('data-tooltip');
$.post('ajax/networking/get_frequencies.php?',{'interface': iface, 'csrf_token': csrfToken},function(data){
$.post('ajax/networking/get_nl80211_band.php?',{'interface': iface, 'csrf_token': csrfToken},function(data){
var responseText = JSON.parse(data);
$('#tiphwmode').attr('data-original-title', responseText + '\n' + hwmodeText );

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ class IwParser {
public function parseIwList() {
* (no IR): the AP won't Initiate Radiation until a DFS scan (or similar) is complete on these bands.
* (radar detection): the specified channels are shared with radar equipment.