diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 9212d1e6..7885b54c 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -1,18 +1,22 @@ ## How to contribute -Everyone is invited and welcome to contribute to RaspAP. There's a lot to do — if you're not a developer perhaps you'd like to help with the documentation on [docs.raspap.com](https://docs.raspap.com)? If you're a devloper, the process of contributing code is straightforward. +Everyone is invited and welcome to contribute to RaspAP. There's a lot to do — if you're not a developer we can always use help with the official [project documentation](https://docs.raspap.com). If you have experience in Linux networking, you can share your knowledge by answering questions from RaspAP users in our [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui/discussions) and/or the [/r/RaspAP](https://reddit.com/r/RaspAP) subreddit. -1. Fork the project in your account and create a new branch: `your-great-feature`. -2. Open an issue in the repository describing the feature contribution you'd like to make. This will help us get you started on the right foot. -3. Commit changes in your feature branch. -4. Open a pull request and reference the initial issue in the pull request message. +If you're a devloper, the process of contributing code is straightforward: + +1. Fork the project in your account and create a new branch: `feat/your-feature` or `fix/your-bugfix`. +2. Open [an issue](https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui/issues) describing the feature or bug fix contribution you'd like to make. +3. Commit changes in your branch. +4. Open a pull request and reference the initial issue in the pull request message, or by linking it in GitHub. ### Coding standards This project follows the [PSR-2](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) coding style guidelines. There are many ways to check your code for PSR-2. An excellent tool is [PHP_CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer). The command line tool phpcs can be run against any single file. [Phing](https://www.phing.info/), a PHP build tool, integrates nicely with `phpcs` to automate PSR-2 checks across all source files in a project. ### RaspAP community -RaspAP is made possible by a strong [community of developers](https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui/graphs/contributors). If you have any questions or would like to get involved in RaspAP's community, check out these resources: +RaspAP is made possible by a strong [community of developers](https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui/graphs/contributors). If you have any questions or would like to get involved in RaspAP, dive into any of these channels: -* [Github issues](https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui/issues) +* [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-webgui/discussions) * [Gitter chat](https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#RaspAP:gitter.im) * [Twitter](https://twitter.com/rasp_ap) * [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/RaspAP/) + +If you enjoy using RaspAP and would like to support our work financially, consider becoming an [Insider](https://github.com/sponsors/RaspAP).