Use sed regular expressions to deal with changing php configuration.

Don't try turn on not existing Zend Opcache under php 5<=
Turn on session.use_strict_mode if off.
Don't change decreated expose_php.

Signed-off-by: D9ping <>
This commit is contained in:
D9ping 2018-08-23 00:44:12 +02:00
parent 19f123b0c4
commit 8355c1cbfe

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ function patch_system_files() {
# Change configuration of php cgi.
# Change configuration of php-cgi.
function configure_php() {
if [ "$php_package" = "php7.0-cgi" ]; then
@ -281,27 +281,25 @@ function configure_php() {
if [ -f "$phpcgiconf" ]; then
# Set the httpOnly flag on session cookies.
# So they cannot be read by javascript, if cookie flag supported by useragent.
sudo sed -i 's/^session.cookie_httponly\s*=\s*([O|o]ff|0)\s*$/session.cookie_httponly = 1/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Enable PHP Zend Opcache if off.
sudo sed -i 's/;opcache.enable\s*=\s*([O|o]ff|0)\s*$/opcache.enable=1/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Turn off unused assert function for unit test support.
#sudo sed -i 's/;\s*=\s*([O|o]n|1)\s*$/ = 0/' "$phpcgiconf"
sudo sed -i -E 's/^session\.cookie_httponly\s*=\s*(0|([O|o]ff)|([F|f]alse)|([N|n]o))\s*$/session.cookie_httponly = 1/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Don't accept uninitialized session ID's.
sudo sed -i -E 's/^session\.use_strict_mode\s*=\s*(0|([O|o]ff)|([F|f]alse)|([N|n]o))\s*$/session.use_strict_mode = 1/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Turn off file upload support if on.
#sudo sed -i 's/file_uploads\s*=\s*([O|o]n|1)\s*$/file_uploads = 0/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Use sha1 instead of md5 for sessionid.
sudo sed -i 's/^session.hash_function\s*=\s*0\s*$/session.hash_function = 1/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Disable the X-Powered-By header and magic logo uri(if enabled php5).
sudo sed -i 's/^expose_php\s*=\s*([O|o]n|1)\s*$/expose_php = 0/' "$phpcgiconf"
sudo sed -i -E 's/^file_uploads\s*=\s*(1|([O|o]n)|([T|t]rue)|([Y|y]es))\s*$/file_uploads = 0/' "$phpcgiconf"
if [ "$php_package" = "php7.0-cgi" ]; then
# Enable PHP Zend Opcache.
sudo sed -i -E 's/^;?opcache\.enable\s*=\s*(0|([O|o]ff)|([F|f]alse)|([N|n]o))\s*$/opcache.enable = 1/' "$phpcgiconf"
# Make sure opcache extension is turned on.
if [ -f "/usr/sbin/phpenmod" ]; then
sudo phpenmod opcache
install_warning "phpenmod not found."
install_warning "Php configuration could not be found."
install_warning "PHP configuration could not be found."
# Make sure opcache extension is turned on.
if [ -f "/usr/sbin/phpenmod" ]; then
sudo phpenmod opcache
install_warning "phpenmod not installed."
# Disable unused php extensions to safe memory use and for hardening.
if [ -f "/usr/sbin/phpdismod" ]; then
@ -314,8 +312,11 @@ function configure_php() {
sudo phpdismod sysvshm
sudo phpdismod tokenizer
install_warning "phpdismmod not installed or not in path."
install_warning "phpdismmod not found."
# Apply new php configuration.
sudo service lighttpd reload
function install_complete() {
@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ function install_complete() {
echo -n "The system needs to be rebooted as a final step. Reboot now? [y/N]: "
read answer
if [[ $answer != "y" ]]; then
echo "Reboot aborted."
echo "Installation reboot aborted."
exit 0
sudo shutdown -r now || install_error "Unable to execute shutdown"