fix: uninstall script default option #1140

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Flavio Capitao 2022-03-14 11:23:54 +01:00
parent 6f0d97858a
commit fc2637be6b

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@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ function _remove_installed_packages() {
echo -n "Remove the following installed packages? lighttpd hostapd iptables-persistent $php_package $dhcpcd_package vnstat qrencode [y/N]: "
read answer
if [ "$answer" != 'n' ] && [ "$answer" != 'N' ]; then
if [ "$answer" == 'y' ] || [ "$answer" == 'Y' ]; then
echo "Removing packages."
sudo apt-get remove lighttpd hostapd iptables-persistent $php_package $dhcpcd_package vnstat qrencode || _install_error "Unable to remove installed packages"
sudo apt-get autoremove || _install_error "Unable to run apt autoremove"