<?php require_once 'includes/status_messages.php'; require_once 'config.php'; /** * Manages ad blocking (dnsmasq) configuration * */ function DisplayAdBlockConfig() { $status = new StatusMessages(); $enabled = false; $custom_enabled = false; if (!RASPI_MONITOR_ENABLED) { if (isset($_POST['saveadblocksettings'])) { if ($_POST['adblock-enable'] == "1") { $config = 'conf-file=' .RASPI_ADBLOCK_LISTPATH .'domains.txt'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'addn-hosts=' .RASPI_ADBLOCK_LISTPATH .'hostnames.txt'.PHP_EOL; } elseif ($_POST['adblock-enable'] == "0") { $config = null; } if ($_POST['adblock-custom-enable'] == "1") { // validate custom hosts input $lines = preg_split('/\r\n|\n|\r/', trim($_POST['adblock-custom-hosts'])); if (!in_array("", $lines, true)) { foreach ($lines as $line) { $ip_host = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); $index++; if (!filter_var($ip_host[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $errors .= _('Invalid custom IP address found on line '.$index); break; } if (!validate_host($ip_host[1])) { $errors .= _('Invalid custom host found on line '.$index); break; } } } file_put_contents("/tmp/dnsmasq_custom", $_POST['adblock-custom-hosts'].PHP_EOL); system("sudo cp /tmp/dnsmasq_custom " .RASPI_ADBLOCK_LISTPATH .'custom.txt', $return); $config.= 'addn-hosts=' .RASPI_ADBLOCK_LISTPATH .'custom.txt'.PHP_EOL; $custom_enabled = true; } if (empty($errors)) { file_put_contents("/tmp/dnsmasqdata", $config); system('sudo cp /tmp/dnsmasqdata '.RASPI_ADBLOCK_CONFIG, $return); if ($return == 0) { $status->addMessage('Adblock configuration updated successfully', 'success'); } else { $status->addMessage('Adblock configuration failed to be updated.', 'danger'); } } else { $status->addMessage($errors, 'danger'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['restartadblock']) || isset($_POST['startadblock'])) { exec('sudo /bin/systemctl restart dnsmasq.service', $dnsmasq, $return); if ($return == 0) { $status->addMessage('Adblock restart successful', 'success'); } else { $status->addMessage('Adblock failed to restart.', 'danger'); } } } exec('cat '. RASPI_ADBLOCK_CONFIG, $return); $arrConf = ParseConfig($return); if (sizeof($arrConf) > 0) { $enabled = true; } exec('pidof dnsmasq | wc -l', $dnsmasq); $dnsmasq_state = ($dnsmasq[0] > 0); $serviceStatus = $dnsmasq_state && $enabled ? "up" : "down"; $adblock_custom_content = file_get_contents(RASPI_ADBLOCK_LISTPATH .'custom.txt'); $adblock_log = ''; exec('sudo chmod o+r '.RASPI_DHCPCD_LOG); $handle = fopen(RASPI_DHCPCD_LOG, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { if (preg_match('/(', $line)) { $adblock_log .= $line; } } fclose($handle); } else { $adblock_log = "Unable to open log file"; } echo renderTemplate( "adblock", compact( "status", "serviceStatus", "dnsmasq_state", "enabled", "custom_enabled", "adblock_custom_content", "adblock_log" ) ); }