addMessage('Expected '.$providerName.' binary not found at: '.$binPath, 'warning'); $status->addMessage('Visit the installation instructions for '.$providerName.'\'s Linux CLI.', 'warning'); $ctlState = 'disabled'; $providerVersion = 'not found'; } else { // fetch provider status $serviceStatus = getProviderStatus($id, $binPath); $statusDisplay = $serviceStatus == "down" ? "inactive" : "active"; // fetch provider log $providerLog = getProviderLog($id, $binPath, $country); // fetch provider version $providerVersion = getProviderVersion($id, $binPath); // fetch account info $accountInfo = getAccountInfo($id, $binPath, $providerName); // fetch available countries $countries = getCountries($id, $binPath); } if (!RASPI_MONITOR_ENABLED) { if (isset($_POST['SaveProviderSettings'])) { if (isset($_POST['country'])) { $country = trim($_POST['country']); if (strlen($country) == 0) { $status->addMessage('Select a country from the server location list', 'danger'); } $return = saveProviderConfig($status, $binPath, $country, $id); } } elseif (isset($_POST['StartProviderVPN'])) { $status->addMessage('Attempting to connect VPN provider', 'info'); $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'connect'); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd", $return); sleep(3); // required for connect delay $return = stripArtifacts($return); foreach ($return as $line) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['StopProviderVPN'])) { $status->addMessage('Attempting to disconnect VPN provider', 'info'); $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'disconnect'); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd", $return); $return = stripArtifacts($return); foreach ($return as $line) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } } echo renderTemplate( "provider", compact( "status", "serviceStatus", "statusDisplay", "providerName", "providerVersion", "accountInfo", "countries", "country", "providerLog", "publicIP", "ctlState" ) ); } /** * Validates VPN provider settings * * @param object $status * @param string $binPath * @param string $country * @param integer $id (optional) */ function saveProviderConfig($status, $binPath, $country, $id = null) { $status->addMessage('Attempting to connect to '.$country, 'info'); $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'connect'); if ($id == 2) { // mullvad requires location set exec("sudo $binPath set location $country", $return); sleep(1); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd $country", $return); sleep(3); // required for connect delay } else { exec("sudo $binPath $cmd $country", $return); sleep(3); } $return = stripArtifacts($return); foreach ($return as $line) { if ( strlen(trim($line)) >0 ) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } } /** * Removes artifacts from shell_exec string values * * @param string $output * @param string $pattern * @return string $result */ function stripArtifacts($output, $pattern = null) { $result = preg_replace('/[-\/\n\t\\\\'.$pattern.'|]/', '', $output); return $result; } /** * Retrieves an override for provider CLI * * @param integer $id * @param string $group * @param string $item * @return string $override */ function getCliOverride($id, $group, $item) { $obj = json_decode(file_get_contents(RASPI_CONFIG_PROVIDERS), true); if ($obj === null) { return false; } else { $id--; if ($obj['providers'][$id][$group][$item] === null) { return $item; } else { return $obj['providers'][$id][$group][$item]; } } } /** * Retreives VPN provider status * * @param integer $id * @param string $binPath * @return string $status */ function getProviderStatus($id, $binPath) { $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'status'); $pattern = getCliOverride($id, 'regex', 'status'); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd", $cmd_raw); $cmd_raw = strtolower(stripArtifacts($cmd_raw[0])); if (preg_match($pattern, $cmd_raw, $match)) { $status = "down"; } else { $status = "up"; } return $status; } /** * Retrieves available countries * * @param integer $id * @param string $binPath * @return array $countries */ function getCountries($id, $binPath) { $countries = []; $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'countries'); $pattern = getCliOverride($id, 'regex', 'pattern'); $replace = getCliOverride($id, 'regex', 'replace'); $slice = getCliOverride($id, 'regex', 'slice'); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd", $output); // CLI country output differs considerably between different providers. // Ideally, custom parsing would be avoided in favor of a pure regex solution switch ($id) { case 1: // expressvpn $output = array_slice($output, $slice); foreach ($output as $item) { $item = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $item); $parts = explode(',', $item); $key = trim($parts[0]); $value = trim($parts[1]); $countries[$key] = $value; } break; case 2: // mullvad foreach ($output as $item) { $item = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $item); if (strlen(trim($item) >0)) { preg_match('/\s+([a-z0-9-]+)\s.*$/', $item, $match); if (count($match) > 1) { $key = $match[1]; $item = str_pad($item, strlen($item)+16,' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); $countries[$key] = $item; } else { preg_match('/\(([a-z]+)\)/', $item, $match); $key = $match[1]; if (strlen($match[1]) == 3) { $item = str_pad($item, strlen($item)+8,' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $countries[$key] = $item; } } } break; case 3: // nordvpn $output = stripArtifacts($output,'\s'); $arrTmp = explode(",", $output[0]); $countries = array_combine($arrTmp, $arrTmp); foreach ($countries as $key => $value) { $countries[$key] = str_replace("_", " ", $value); } break; default: break; } $select = array(' ' => 'Select a country...'); $countries = $select + $countries; return $countries; } /** * Retrieves provider log * * @param integer $id * @param string $binPath * @param string $country * @return string $log */ function getProviderLog($id, $binPath, &$country) { $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'log'); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd", $cmd_raw); $output = stripArtifacts($cmd_raw); foreach ($output as $item) { if (preg_match('/Country: (\w+)/', $item, $match)) { $country = $match[1]; } $providerLog.= ltrim($item) .PHP_EOL; } return $providerLog; } /** * Retrieves provider version information * * @param integer $id * @param string $binPath * @return string $version */ function getProviderVersion($id, $binPath) { $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'version'); $version = shell_exec("sudo $binPath $cmd"); return $version; } /** * Retrieves provider account info * * @param integer $id * @param string $binPath * @param string $providerName * @return array */ function getAccountInfo($id, $binPath, $providerName) { $cmd = getCliOverride($id, 'cmd_overrides', 'account'); exec("sudo $binPath $cmd", $acct); $accountInfo = stripArtifacts($acct); if (empty($accountInfo)) { $msg = sprintf(_("Account information not available from %s's Linux CLI."), $providerName); $accountInfo[] = $msg; } return $accountInfo; }