#!/bin/bash # # RaspAP installation functions # Author: @billz # Author URI: https://github.com/billz/ # License: GNU General Public License v3.0 # License URI: https://github.com/raspap/raspap-webgui/blob/master/LICENSE # You are not obligated to bundle the LICENSE file with your RaspAP projects as long # as you leave these references intact in the header comments of your source files. # Exit on error set -o errexit # Exit on error inside functions set -o errtrace # Turn on traces, disabled by default # set -o xtrace # Set defaults readonly raspap_dir="/etc/raspap" readonly raspap_user="www-data" readonly raspap_sudoers="/etc/sudoers.d/090_raspap" readonly raspap_default="/etc/dnsmasq.d/090_raspap.conf" readonly raspap_wlan0="/etc/dnsmasq.d/090_wlan0.conf" readonly raspap_adblock="/etc/dnsmasq.d/090_adblock.conf" readonly raspap_sysctl="/etc/sysctl.d/90_raspap.conf" readonly raspap_network="$raspap_dir/networking/" readonly raspap_router="/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/50-raspap-router.conf" readonly rulesv4="/etc/iptables/rules.v4" readonly blocklist_hosts="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts" readonly blocklist_domains="https://big.oisd.nl/dnsmasq" if [ "$insiders" == 1 ]; then repo="RaspAP/raspap-insiders" branch=${RASPAP_INSIDERS_LATEST} fi git_source_url="https://github.com/$repo" webroot_dir="/var/www/html" # NOTE: all the below functions are overloadable for system-specific installs function _install_raspap() { _display_welcome _config_installation _update_system_packages _manage_systemd_services _install_dependencies _enable_php_lighttpd _create_raspap_directories _check_for_old_configs _optimize_php _download_latest_files _change_file_ownership _create_hostapd_scripts _create_plugin_scripts _create_lighttpd_scripts _install_lighttpd_configs _default_configuration _configure_networking _prompt_configure_tcp_bbr _prompt_install_features _install_extra_features _patch_system_files _install_complete } # Performs a minimal update of an existing installation to the latest release version. # The user is not prompted to install new RaspAP components. # The -y, --yes and -p, --path switches may be used for an unattended update. function _update_raspap() { _display_welcome _config_installation _update_system_packages _install_dependencies _check_for_old_configs _download_latest_files _change_file_ownership _patch_system_files _create_plugin_scripts _install_complete } # Prompts user to set installation options function _config_installation() { if [ "$upgrade" == 1 ]; then opt=(Upgrade Upgrading upgrade) elif [ "$update" == 1 ]; then opt=(Update Updating update) else opt=(Install Installing installation) fi _install_log "Configure ${opt[2]}" _get_linux_distro echo "Detected OS: ${DESC} ${LONG_BIT}-bit" echo "Using GitHub repository: ${repo} ${branch} branch" echo "Configuration directory: ${raspap_dir}" if [ -n "$path" ]; then echo "Setting install path to ${path}" webroot_dir=$path fi echo -n "Installation directory: ${webroot_dir}? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then read -e -p < /dev/tty "Enter alternate install directory: " -i "/var/www/html" webroot_dir fi else echo -e fi echo "${opt[1]} lighttpd directory: ${webroot_dir}" if [ "$upgrade" == 1 ] || [ "$update" == 1 ]; then echo "This will ${opt[2]} your existing install to version ${RASPAP_RELEASE}" echo "Your configuration will NOT be changed" fi echo -n "Complete ${opt[2]} with these values? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo "Installation aborted." exit 0 fi else echo -e fi } # Determines host Linux distribution details function _get_linux_distro() { if type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) RELEASE=$(lsb_release -sr) CODENAME=$(lsb_release -sc) DESC=$(lsb_release -sd) LONG_BIT=$(getconf LONG_BIT) elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org . /etc/os-release OS=$ID RELEASE=$VERSION_ID CODENAME=$VERSION_CODENAME DESC=$PRETTY_NAME else _install_status 1 "Unsupported Linux distribution" exit 0 fi } # Sets php package option based on Linux version, abort if unsupported distro function _set_php_package() { case $RELEASE in 23.05|12*) # Debian 12 & Armbian 23.05 php_package="php8.2-cgi" phpcgiconf="/etc/php/8.2/cgi/php.ini" ;; 23.04) # Ubuntu Server 23.04 php_package="php8.1-cgi" phpcgiconf="/etc/php/8.1/cgi/php.ini" ;; 22.04|20.04|18.04|19.10|11*) # Previous Ubuntu Server, Debian & Armbian distros php_package="php7.4-cgi" phpcgiconf="/etc/php/7.4/cgi/php.ini" ;; 10*|11*) php_package="php7.3-cgi" phpcgiconf="/etc/php/7.3/cgi/php.ini" ;; 9*) php_package="php7.0-cgi" phpcgiconf="/etc/php/7.0/cgi/php.ini" ;; 8) _install_status 1 "${DESC} and php5 are not supported. Please upgrade." exit 1 ;; *) _install_status 1 "${DESC} is unsupported. Please install on a supported distro." exit 1 ;; esac } # Prompts the user to stop & disable Debian's systemd-networkd services. # It isn't possible to mix Debian networking with dhcpcd. # On Ubuntu 20.04 / Armbian 22, the systemd-resolved service uses port 53 # by default which prevents dnsmasq from starting. function _manage_systemd_services() { _install_log "Checking for systemd network services" _check_notify_ubuntu services=( "systemd-networkd" "systemd-resolved" ) for svc in "${services[@]}"; do # Prompt to disable systemd service if systemctl is-active --quiet "$svc".service; then echo -n "Stop and disable ${svc} service? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo -e else sudo systemctl stop "$svc".service || _install_status 1 "Unable to stop ${svc}.service" sudo systemctl disable "$svc".service || _install_status 1 "Unable to disable ${svc}.service" fi else sudo systemctl stop "$svc".service || _install_status 1 "Unable to stop ${svc}.service" sudo systemctl disable "$svc".service || _install_status 1 "Unable to disable ${svc}.service" fi else echo "${svc}.service is not running (ok)" fi done _install_status 0 } # Notifies Ubuntu users of pre-install requirements function _check_notify_ubuntu() { if [ ${OS,,} = "ubuntu" ]; then _install_status 2 "Ubuntu Server requires manual pre- and post-install steps. See https://docs.raspap.com/manual/" echo -n "Proceed with installation? [Y/n]: " read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo "Installation aborted." exit 0 else _install_status 0 fi fi } # Runs a system software update to make sure we're using all fresh packages function _install_dependencies() { _install_log "Installing required packages" _set_php_package # OS-specific packages if [ "$php_package" = "php7.4-cgi" ] && [ ${OS,,} = "ubuntu" ] && [[ ${RELEASE} =~ ^(22.04|20.04|18.04|19.10|11) ]]; then echo "Adding apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php" sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common || _install_status 1 "Unable to install dependency" sudo add-apt-repository $apt_option ppa:ondrej/php || _install_status 1 "Unable to add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php" else echo "${php_package} will be installed from the main deb sources list" fi if [ ${OS,,} = "debian" ] || [ ${OS,,} = "ubuntu" ]; then dhcpcd_package="dhcpcd5" iw_package="iw" rsync_package="rsync" echo "${dhcpcd_package}, ${iw_package} and ${rsync_package} will be installed from the main deb sources list" fi if [ ${OS,,} = "raspbian" ] && [[ ${RELEASE} =~ ^(12) ]]; then dhcpcd_package="dhcpcd dhcpcd-base" echo "${dhcpcd_package} will be installed from the main deb sources list" fi if [ ${OS,,} = "armbian" ]; then ifconfig_package="net-tools" echo "${ifconfig_package} will be installed from the main deb sources list" # Manually install isoquery _install_log "Installing isoquery from the Debian package repository" isoquery_deb="https://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/i/isoquery" if [ "$LONG_BIT" = "64" ]; then isoquery_pkg="isoquery_3.3.4-1+b1_arm64.deb" else isoquery_pkg="isoquery_3.3.4-1_armhf.deb" fi echo "isoquery ARM ${LONG_BIT}-bit package selected" wget $isoquery_deb/$isoquery_pkg -q --show-progress --progress=bar:force -P /tmp || _install_status 1 "Failed to download isoquery" sudo dpkg -x /tmp/$isoquery_pkg /tmp/isoquery/ || _install_status 1 "Failed to extract isoquery" sudo cp /tmp/isoquery/usr/bin/isoquery /usr/local/bin/ || _install_status 1 "Failed to copy isoquery binary" sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/isoquery || _install_status 1 "Failed to set executable permissions on isoquery" fi if [ "$insiders" == 1 ]; then network_tools="curl dnsutils nmap" echo "${network_tools} will be installed from the main deb sources list" fi # Set dconf-set-selections echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo apt-get install -y lighttpd git hostapd dnsmasq iptables-persistent $php_package $dhcpcd_package $iw_package $rsync_package $network_tools $ifconfig_package vnstat qrencode jq isoquery || _install_status 1 "Unable to install dependencies" _install_status 0 } # Enables PHP for lighttpd and restarts service for settings to take effect function _enable_php_lighttpd() { _install_log "Enabling PHP for lighttpd" sudo lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php sudo service lighttpd force-reload sudo systemctl restart lighttpd.service || _install_status 1 "Unable to restart lighttpd" } # Verifies existence and permissions of RaspAP directory function _create_raspap_directories() { _install_log "Creating RaspAP directories" if [ -d "$raspap_dir" ]; then sudo mv $raspap_dir "$raspap_dir.`date +%F-%R`" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move old '$raspap_dir' out of the way" fi sudo mkdir -p "$raspap_dir" || _install_status 1 "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir'" # Create a directory for existing file backups. sudo mkdir -p "$raspap_dir/backups" # Create a directory to store networking configs echo "Creating $raspap_dir/networking" sudo mkdir -p "$raspap_dir/networking" echo "Changing file ownership of $raspap_dir" sudo chown -R $raspap_user:$raspap_user "$raspap_dir" || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file ownership for '$raspap_dir'" } # Generate hostapd logging and service control scripts function _create_hostapd_scripts() { _install_log "Creating hostapd logging & control scripts" sudo mkdir $raspap_dir/hostapd || _install_status 1 "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir/hostapd'" # Copy logging shell scripts sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"enablelog.sh "$raspap_dir/hostapd" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move logging scripts" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"disablelog.sh "$raspap_dir/hostapd" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move logging scripts" # Copy service control shell scripts sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"servicestart.sh "$raspap_dir/hostapd" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move service control scripts" # Change ownership and permissions of hostapd control scripts sudo chown -c root:root "$raspap_dir/hostapd/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable change owner and/or group" sudo chmod 750 "$raspap_dir/hostapd/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file permissions" _install_status 0 } # Generate plugin helper scripts function _create_plugin_scripts() { _install_log "Creating plugin helper scripts" sudo mkdir $raspap_dir/plugins || _install_status 1 "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir/plugins'" # Copy plugin helper script sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"plugin_helper.sh "$raspap_dir/plugins" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move plugin script" # Change ownership and permissions of plugin script sudo chown -c root:root "$raspap_dir/plugins/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable change owner and/or group" sudo chmod 750 "$raspap_dir/plugins/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file permissions" _install_status 0 } # Generate lighttpd service control scripts function _create_lighttpd_scripts() { _install_log "Creating lighttpd control scripts" sudo mkdir $raspap_dir/lighttpd || _install_status 1 "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir/lighttpd" # Copy service control shell scripts echo "Copying configport.sh to $raspap_dir/lighttpd" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"configport.sh "$raspap_dir/lighttpd" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move service control scripts" # Change ownership and permissions of lighttpd scripts echo "Changing file ownership" sudo chown -c root:root "$raspap_dir/lighttpd/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable change owner and/or group" sudo chmod 750 "$raspap_dir/lighttpd/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file permissions" _install_status 0 } # Copy extra config files required to configure lighttpd function _install_lighttpd_configs() { _install_log "Copying lighttpd extra config files" # Copy config files echo "Copying 50-raspap-router.conf to /etc/lighttpd/conf-available" CONFSRC="$webroot_dir/config/50-raspap-router.conf" LTROOT=$(grep "server.document-root" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | tr -d " \"") # Compare values and get difference HTROOT=${webroot_dir/$LTROOT} # Remove trailing slash if present HTROOT=$(echo "$HTROOT" | sed -e 's/\/$//') # Substitute values awk "{gsub(\"/REPLACE_ME\",\"$HTROOT\")}1" $CONFSRC > /tmp/50-raspap-router.conf # Copy into place sudo cp /tmp/50-raspap-router.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/ || _install_status 1 "Unable to copy lighttpd config file into place." # Link into conf-enabled echo "Creating link to /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled" if ! [ -L $raspap_router ]; then echo "Existing 50-raspap-router.conf found. Unlinking." sudo unlink "/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/50-raspap-router.conf" fi echo "Linking 50-raspap-router.conf to /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/" sudo ln -s "/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/50-raspap-router.conf" "/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/50-raspap-router.conf" || _install_status 1 "Unable to symlink lighttpd config file (this is normal if the link already exists)." sudo systemctl restart lighttpd.service || _install_status 1 "Unable to restart lighttpd" _install_status 0 } function _prompt_install_features() { readonly features=( "Ad blocking:Install Ad blocking and enable list management:adblock_option:_install_adblock" "OpenVPN:Install OpenVPN and enable client configuration:ovpn_option:_install_openvpn" "RestAPI:Install and enable RestAPI:restapi_option:_install_restapi" "WireGuard:Install WireGuard and enable VPN tunnel configuration:wg_option:_install_wireguard" "VPN provider:Enable VPN provider client configuration:pv_option:_install_provider" ) for feature in "${features[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -r -a feature_details <<< "$feature" _prompt_install_feature "${feature_details[@]}" done } # Prompt to install optional feature function _prompt_install_feature() { local feature="$1" local prompt="$2" local opt="$3" local function="$4" _install_log "Configure $feature support" echo -n "$prompt? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else $function fi elif [ "${!opt}" == 1 ]; then $function else echo "(Skipped)" fi } # Download adblock lists and enable option function _install_adblock() { _install_log "Creating ad blocking base configuration (Beta)" if [ ! -d "$raspap_dir/adblock" ]; then echo "Creating $raspap_dir/adblock" sudo mkdir -p "$raspap_dir/adblock" fi if [ ! -f /tmp/hostnames.txt ]; then echo "Fetching latest hostnames list" wget ${blocklist_hosts} -q --show-progress --progress=bar:force -O /tmp/hostnames.txt 2>&1 \ || _install_status 1 "Unable to download notracking hostnames" fi if [ ! -f /tmp/domains.txt ]; then echo "Fetching latest domains list" wget ${blocklist_domains} -q --show-progress --progress=bar:force -O /tmp/domains.txt 2>&1 \ || _install_status 1 "Unable to download notracking domains" fi echo "Adding blocklists to $raspap_dir/adblock" sudo cp /tmp/hostnames.txt $raspap_dir/adblock || _install_status 1 "Unable to move notracking hostnames" sudo cp /tmp/domains.txt $raspap_dir/adblock || _install_status 1 "Unable to move notracking domains" echo "Moving and setting permissions for blocklist update script" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"update_blocklist.sh "$raspap_dir/adblock" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move blocklist update script" # Make blocklists writable by www-data group, restrict update scripts to root sudo chown -c root:"$raspap_user" "$raspap_dir/adblock/"*.txt || _install_status 1 "Unable to change owner/group" sudo chown -c root:root "$raspap_dir/adblock/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to change owner/group" sudo chmod 750 "$raspap_dir/adblock/"*.sh || install_error "Unable to change file permissions" # Create 090_adblock.conf and write values to /etc/dnsmasq.d if [ ! -f "$raspap_adblock" ]; then echo "Adding 090_addblock.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.d" sudo touch "$raspap_adblock" echo "conf-file=$raspap_dir/adblock/domains.txt" | sudo tee -a "$raspap_adblock" > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to write to $raspap_adblock" echo "addn-hosts=$raspap_dir/adblock/hostnames.txt" | sudo tee -a "$raspap_adblock" > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to write to $raspap_adblock" fi # Remove dhcp-option=6 in dnsmasq.d/090_wlan0.conf to force local DNS resolution for DHCP clients echo "Enabling local DNS name resolution for DHCP clients" sudo sed -i '/dhcp-option=6/d' $raspap_wlan0 || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify $raspap_dnsmasq" echo "Enabling ad blocking management option" sudo sed -i "s/\('RASPI_ADBLOCK_ENABLED', \)false/\1true/g" "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify config.php" _install_status 0 } # Install VPN provider client configuration function _install_provider() { _install_log "Installing VPN provider support" json="$webroot_dir/config/"vpn-providers.json while IFS='|' read -r key value; do options["$key"]="$value" done< <(jq -r '.providers[] | "\(.id)|\(.name)|\(.bin_path)"' "$json") if [ -n "$pv_option" ]; then if [[ -n ${options[$pv_option]+abc} ]]; then answer="$pv_option" else echo "Invalid choice. The specified option does not exist." return 1 fi else echo -e "Select an option from the list:" while true; do # display provider options for key in "${!options[@]}"; do echo " $key) ${options[$key]%%|*}" done echo " 0) None" echo -n "Choose an option: " read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[0]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" break elif [[ "$answer" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ -n ${options[$answer]+abc} ]]; then break else echo "Invalid choice. Select a valid option:" fi done fi selected="${options[$answer]}" echo "Configuring support for ${selected%%|*}" bin_path=${selected#*|} if ! grep -q "$bin_path" "$webroot_dir/installers/raspap.sudoers"; then echo "Adding $bin_path to raspap.sudoers" echo "www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:$bin_path *" | sudo tee -a "$webroot_dir/installers/raspap.sudoers" > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify raspap.sudoers" fi echo "Enabling administration option for ${selected%%|*}" sudo sed -i "s/\('RASPI_VPN_PROVIDER_ENABLED', \)false/\1true/g" "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify config.php" echo "Adding VPN provider to $raspap_dir/provider.ini" if [ ! -f "$raspap_dir/provider.ini" ]; then sudo touch "$raspap_dir/provider.ini" echo "providerID = $answer" | sudo tee "$raspap_dir/provider.ini" > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to create $raspap_dir/provider.ini" elif ! grep -q "providerID = $answer" "$raspap_dir/provider.ini"; then echo "providerID = $answer" | sudo tee "$raspap_dir/provider.ini" > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to write to $raspap_dir/provider.ini" fi _install_status 0 } # Install Wireguard from the Debian unstable distro function _install_wireguard() { _install_log "Configuring WireGuard support" if { [ "$OS" == "Debian" ] && [ "$RELEASE" == 12 ]; } || { [ "$OS" == "Ubuntu" ] && [ "$RELEASE" == "22.04" ]; }; then wg_dep="resolvconf" fi echo "Installing wireguard from apt" sudo apt-get install -y wireguard $wg_dep || _install_status 1 "Unable to install wireguard" echo "Enabling wg-quick@wg0" sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0 || _install_status 1 "Failed to enable wg-quick service" echo "Enabling WireGuard management option" sudo sed -i "s/\('RASPI_WIREGUARD_ENABLED', \)false/\1true/g" "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify config.php" _install_status 0 } # Install openvpn and enable client configuration option function _install_openvpn() { _install_log "Installing OpenVPN and enabling client configuration" echo "Adding packages via apt-get" sudo apt-get install -y openvpn || _install_status 1 "Unable to install openvpn" sudo sed -i "s/\('RASPI_OPENVPN_ENABLED', \)false/\1true/g" "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify config.php" echo "Enabling openvpn-client service on boot" sudo systemctl enable openvpn-client@client || _install_status 1 "Unable to enable openvpn-client daemon" _create_openvpn_scripts || _install_status 1 "Unable to create openvpn control scripts" } # Generate openvpn logging and auth control scripts function _create_openvpn_scripts() { _install_log "Creating OpenVPN control scripts" sudo mkdir $raspap_dir/openvpn || _install_status 1 "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir/openvpn'" # Copy service auth control and logging scripts sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"configauth.sh "$raspap_dir/openvpn" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move auth control script" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"openvpnlog.sh "$raspap_dir/openvpn" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move logging script" # Restrict script execution to root user sudo chown -c root:root "$raspap_dir/openvpn/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable change owner and/or group" sudo chmod 750 "$raspap_dir/openvpn/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file permissions" _install_status 0 } # Install and enable RestAPI configuration option function _install_restapi() { _install_log "Installing and enabling RestAPI" sudo mv "$webroot_dir/api" "$raspap_dir/api" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move api folder" if ! command -v python3 &> /dev/null; then echo "Python is not installed. Installing Python..." sudo apt update sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip echo "Python installed successfully." else echo "Python is already installed." sudo apt install python3-pip -y fi python3 -m pip install -r "$raspap_dir/api/requirements.txt" --break-system-packages || _install_status 1 " Unable to install pip modules" echo "Setting permissions on restapi systemd unit control file" sudo chown -c root:root $webroot_dir/installers/restapi.service || _install_status 1 "Unable change owner and/or group" echo "Moving restapi systemd unit control file to /lib/systemd/system/" sudo mv $webroot_dir/installers/restapi.service /lib/systemd/system/ || _install_status 1 "Unable to move restapi.service file" sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable restapi.service || _install_status 1 "Failed to enable restapi.service" echo "Enabling RestAPI management option" sudo sed -i "s/\('RASPI_RESTAPI_ENABLED', \)false/\1true/g" "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify config.php" _install_status 0 } # Fetches latest files from github to webroot function _download_latest_files() { _install_log "Cloning latest files from GitHub" source_dir="/tmp/raspap-webgui" if [ -d "$source_dir" ]; then echo "Temporary download destination $source_dir exists. Removing..." rm -r "$source_dir" fi if [ "$repo" == "RaspAP/raspap-insiders" ]; then if [ -n "$username" ] && [ -n "$acctoken" ]; then insiders_source_url="https://${username}:${acctoken}@github.com/$repo" git clone --branch $branch --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -c advice.detachedHead=false $insiders_source_url $source_dir || clone=false else _install_status 3 echo "Insiders please read this: https://docs.raspap.com/insiders/#authentication" fi fi if [ -z "$insiders_source_url" ]; then git clone --branch $branch --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -c advice.detachedHead=false $git_source_url $source_dir || clone=false fi if [ "$clone" = false ]; then _install_status 1 "Unable to download files from GitHub" echo "The installer cannot continue." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -d "$webroot_dir" ] && [ "$update" == 0 ]; then sudo mv $webroot_dir "$webroot_dir.`date +%F-%R`" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move existing webroot directory" elif [ "$upgrade" == 1 ] || [ "$update" == 1 ]; then exclude='--exclude=ajax/system/sys_read_logfile.php' shopt -s extglob sudo find "$webroot_dir" ! -path "${webroot_dir}/ajax/system/sys_read_logfile.php" -delete 2>/dev/null fi _install_log "Installing application to $webroot_dir" sudo rsync -av $exclude "$source_dir"/ "$webroot_dir"/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || _install_status 1 "Unable to install files to $webroot_dir" if [ "$update" == 1 ]; then _install_log "Applying existing configuration to ${webroot_dir}/includes" sudo mv /tmp/config.php $webroot_dir/includes || _install_status 1 "Unable to move config.php to ${webroot_dir}/includes" if [ -f /tmp/raspap.auth ]; then _install_log "Applying existing authentication file to ${raspap_dir}" sudo mv /tmp/raspap.auth $raspap_dir || _install_status 1 "Unable to restore authentification credentials file to ${raspap_dir}" fi else echo "Copying primary RaspAP config to ${webroot_dir}/includes/config.php" if [ ! -f "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" ]; then sudo cp "$webroot_dir/config/config.php" "$webroot_dir/includes/config.php" fi fi echo "Removing source files at ${source_dir}" sudo rm -rf $source_dir _install_status 0 } # Sets files ownership in web root directory function _change_file_ownership() { if [ ! -d "$webroot_dir" ]; then _install_status 1 "Web root directory doesn't exist" fi _install_log "Changing file ownership in web root directory" sudo chown -R $raspap_user:$raspap_user "$webroot_dir" || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file ownership for '$webroot_dir'" } # Check for existing configuration files function _check_for_old_configs() { if [ "$update" == 1 ]; then _install_log "Moving existing configuration to /tmp" sudo mv $webroot_dir/includes/config.php /tmp || _install_status 1 "Unable to move config.php to /tmp" if [ -f $raspap_dir/raspap.auth ]; then _install_log "Moving existing raspap.auth file to /tmp" sudo mv $raspap_dir/raspap.auth /tmp || _install_status 1 "Unable to backup raspap.auth to /tmp" fi else _install_log "Checking for existing configs" if [ -f /etc/network/interfaces ]; then sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces "$raspap_dir/backups/interfaces.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/interfaces.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/interfaces" fi if [ -f /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf ]; then sudo cp /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf "$raspap_dir/backups/hostapd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/hostapd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/hostapd.conf" fi if [ -f $raspap_default ]; then sudo cp $raspap_default "$raspap_dir/backups/090_raspap.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/090_raspap.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/090_raspap.conf" fi if [ -f $raspap_wlan0 ]; then sudo cp $raspap_wlan0 "$raspap_dir/backups/090_wlan0.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/090_wlan0.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/090_wlan0.conf" fi if [ -f /etc/dhcpcd.conf ]; then sudo cp /etc/dhcpcd.conf "$raspap_dir/backups/dhcpcd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/dhcpcd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/dhcpcd.conf" fi for file in /etc/systemd/network/raspap-*.net*; do if [ -f "${file}" ]; then filename=$(basename $file) sudo cp "$file" "${raspap_dir}/backups/${filename}.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "${raspap_dir}/backups/${filename}.`date +%F-%R`" "${raspap_dir}/backups/${filename}" fi done fi _install_status 0 } # Set up default configuration function _default_configuration() { if [ "$upgrade" == 0 ]; then _install_log "Applying default configuration to installed services" echo "Checking for existence of /etc/dnsmasq.d" [ -d /etc/dnsmasq.d ] || sudo mkdir /etc/dnsmasq.d echo "Copying config/hostapd.conf to /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/hostapd.conf /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf || _install_status 1 "Unable to move hostapd configuration file" echo "Copying config/090_raspap.conf to $raspap_default" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/090_raspap.conf $raspap_default || _install_status 1 "Unable to move dnsmasq default configuration file" echo "Copying config/090_wlan0.conf to $raspap_wlan0" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/090_wlan0.conf $raspap_wlan0 || _install_status 1 "Unable to move dnsmasq wlan0 configuration file" echo "Copying config/dhcpcd.conf to /etc/dhcpcd.conf" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/dhcpcd.conf /etc/dhcpcd.conf || _install_status 1 "Unable to move dhcpcd configuration file" echo "Copying config/defaults.json to $raspap_network" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/defaults.json $raspap_network || _install_status 1 "Unable to move defaults.json settings" echo "Changing file ownership of ${raspap_network}defaults.json" sudo chown $raspap_user:$raspap_user "$raspap_network"defaults.json || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file ownership for defaults.json" # Copy OS-specific bridge default config if [ ${OS,,} = "ubuntu" ] && [[ ${RELEASE} =~ ^(22.04|20.04|19.10|18.04) ]]; then echo "Copying bridged AP config to /etc/netplan" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/raspap-bridge-br0.netplan /etc/netplan/raspap-bridge-br0.netplan || _install_status 1 "Unable to move br0 netplan file" else echo "Copying bridged AP config to /etc/systemd/network" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/raspap-bridge-br0.netdev /etc/systemd/network/raspap-bridge-br0.netdev || _install_status 1 "Unable to move br0 netdev file" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/raspap-br0-member-eth0.network /etc/systemd/network/raspap-br0-member-eth0.network || _install_status 1 "Unable to move br0 member file" fi if [ ${OS,,} = "raspbian" ] && [[ ${RELEASE} =~ ^(12) ]]; then echo "Moving dhcpcd systemd unit control file to /lib/systemd/system/" sudo mv $webroot_dir/installers/dhcpcd.service /lib/systemd/system/ || _install_status 1 "Unable to move dhcpcd.service file" sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable dhcpcd.service || _install_status 1 "Failed to enable dhcpcd.service" fi # Set correct DAEMON_CONF path for hostapd (Ubuntu20 + Armbian22) if [ ${OS,,} = "ubuntu" ] && [[ ${RELEASE} =~ ^(22.04|20.04|19.10|18.04) ]]; then conf="/etc/default/hostapd" key="DAEMON_CONF" value="/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf" echo "Setting default ${key} path to ${value}" sudo sed -i -E "/^#?$key/ { s/^#//; s%=.*%=\"$value\"%; }" "$conf" || _install_status 1 "Unable to set value in ${conf}" fi _install_log "Unmasking and enabling hostapd service" sudo systemctl unmask hostapd.service sudo systemctl enable hostapd.service _install_status 0 else _install_log "Copying defaults.json to $raspap_network" sudo cp $webroot_dir/config/defaults.json $raspap_network || _install_status 1 "Unable to move defaults.json settings" fi } # Install and enable RaspAP daemon function _enable_raspap_daemon() { _install_log "Enabling RaspAP daemon" echo "Disable with: sudo systemctl disable raspapd.service" sudo cp $webroot_dir/installers/raspapd.service /lib/systemd/system/ || _install_status 1 "Unable to move raspap.service file" sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable raspapd.service || _install_status 1 "Failed to enable raspap.service" } # Configure IP forwarding, set IP tables rules, prompt to install RaspAP daemon function _configure_networking() { _install_log "Configuring networking" echo "Enabling IP forwarding" echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" | sudo tee $raspap_sysctl > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to set IP forwarding" sudo sysctl -p $raspap_sysctl || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute sysctl" sudo /etc/init.d/procps restart || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute procps" echo "Checking iptables rules" rules=( "-A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE" "-A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE" ) for rule in "${rules[@]}"; do if grep -- "$rule" $rulesv4 > /dev/null; then echo "Rule already exits: ${rule}" else rule=$(sed -e 's/^\(-A POSTROUTING\)/-t nat \1/' <<< $rule) echo "Adding rule: ${rule}" sudo iptables $rule || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute iptables" added=true fi done # Persist rules if added if [ "$added" = true ]; then echo "Persisting IP tables rules" sudo iptables-save | sudo tee $rulesv4 > /dev/null || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute iptables-save" fi # Prompt to install RaspAP daemon echo -n "Enable RaspAP control service (Recommended)? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else _enable_raspap_daemon fi else echo -e _enable_raspap_daemon fi _install_status 0 } # Prompt to configure TCP BBR option function _prompt_configure_tcp_bbr() { _install_log "Configure TCP BBR congestion control" echo "Network performance can be improved by changing TCP congestion control to BBR (Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT)" echo -n "Enable TCP BBR congestion control algorithm (Recommended)? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else _configure_tcp_bbr fi elif [ "${bbr_option}" == 1 ]; then _configure_tcp_bbr else echo "(Skipped)" fi } function _configure_tcp_bbr() { echo "Checking kernel support for the TCP BBR algorithm..." _check_tcp_bbr_available if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "TCP BBR option found. Enabling configuration" # Load the BBR module echo "Loading BBR kernel module" sudo modprobe tcp_bbr || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute modprobe tcp_bbr" # Add BBR configuration to sysctl.conf if not present echo "Adding BBR configuration to /etc/sysctl.conf if not present" if ! grep -q "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" /etc/sysctl.conf; then echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify /etc/sysctl.conf" fi if ! grep -q "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr" /etc/sysctl.conf; then echo "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf || _install_status 1 "Unable to modify /etc/sysctl.conf" fi # Apply the sysctl changes echo "Applying changes" sudo sysctl -p || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute sysctl" # Verify if BBR is enabled cc=$(sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control | awk '{print $3}') if [ "$cc" == "bbr" ]; then echo "TCP BBR successfully enabled" else _install_status 1 "Failed to enable TCP BBR" fi else _install_status 2 "TCP BBR option is not available (Skipped)" fi _install_status 0 } function _check_tcp_bbr_available() { if [[ "$(modinfo -F intree tcp_bbr)" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Add sudoers file to /etc/sudoers.d/ and set file permissions function _patch_system_files() { # Create sudoers _install_log "Adding raspap.sudoers to ${raspap_sudoers}" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/raspap.sudoers" $raspap_sudoers || _install_status 1 "Unable to apply raspap.sudoers to $raspap_sudoers" sudo chmod 0440 $raspap_sudoers || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file permissions for $raspap_sudoers" if [ ! -d "$raspap_dir/system" ]; then sudo mkdir $raspap_dir/system || _install_status 1 "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir/system'" fi _install_log "Copying RaspAP debug log control script" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"debuglog.sh "$raspap_dir/system" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move debug logging script" _install_log "Copying RaspAP install loader" sudo cp "$webroot_dir/installers/"raspbian.sh "$raspap_dir/system" || _install_status 1 "Unable to move application update script" # Set ownership and permissions sudo chown -c root:root "$raspap_dir/system/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable change owner and/or group" sudo chmod 750 "$raspap_dir/system/"*.sh || _install_status 1 "Unable to change file permissions" # Add symlink to prevent wpa_cli cmds from breaking with multiple wlan interfaces _install_log "Symlinked wpa_supplicant hooks for multiple wlan interfaces" if [ ! -f /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks/10-wpa_supplicant ]; then sudo ln -s /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks/10-wpa_supplicant /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ fi _install_status 0 } # Optimize configuration of php-cgi. function _optimize_php() { if [ "$upgrade" == 0 ]; then _install_log "Optimize PHP configuration" if [ ! -f "$phpcgiconf" ]; then _install_status 2 "PHP configuration could not be found." return fi # Backup php.ini and create symlink for restoring. datetimephpconf=$(date +%F-%R) sudo cp "$phpcgiconf" "$raspap_dir/backups/php.ini.$datetimephpconf" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/php.ini.$datetimephpconf" "$raspap_dir/backups/php.ini" echo -n "Enable HttpOnly for session cookies (Recommended)? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo -e else php_session_cookie=1; fi fi if [ "$assume_yes" == 1 ] || [ "$php_session_cookie" == 1 ]; then echo "Php-cgi enabling session.cookie_httponly." sudo sed -i -E 's/^session\.cookie_httponly\s*=\s*(0|([O|o]ff)|([F|f]alse)|([N|n]o))\s*$/session.cookie_httponly = 1/' "$phpcgiconf" fi if [ "$php_package" = "php7.1-cgi" ]; then echo -n "Enable PHP OPCache (Recommended)? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo -e else php_opcache=1; fi fi if [ "$assume_yes" == 1 ] || [ "$phpopcache" == 1 ]; then echo -e "Php-cgi enabling opcache.enable." sudo sed -i -E 's/^;?opcache\.enable\s*=\s*(0|([O|o]ff)|([F|f]alse)|([N|n]o))\s*$/opcache.enable = 1/' "$phpcgiconf" # Make sure opcache extension is turned on. if [ -f "/usr/sbin/phpenmod" ]; then sudo phpenmod opcache else _install_status 2 "phpenmod not found." fi fi fi fi } # search for optional installation files names install_feature_*.sh function _install_extra_features() { if [ "$insiders" == 1 ]; then _install_log "Installing additional features (Insiders)" for feature in $(ls $webroot_dir/installers/install_feature_*.sh) ; do source $feature f=$(basename $feature) func="_${f%.*}" if declare -f -F $func > /dev/null; then $func || _install_status 1 "Unable to install feature ($func)" else _install_status 1 "Install file $f is missing install function $func" fi done fi } function _install_complete() { _install_log "Installation completed" if [ "$repo" == "RaspAP/raspap-insiders" ]; then echo -e "${ANSI_RASPBERRY}" echo "Thank you for supporting this project as an Insider!" echo -e "${ANSI_RESET}" else echo "Join RaspAP Insiders for early access to exclusive features!" echo -e "${ANSI_RASPBERRY}" echo "> https://docs.raspap.com/insiders/" echo "> https://github.com/sponsors/RaspAP/" echo -e "${ANSI_RESET}" fi if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then # Prompt to reboot if wired ethernet (eth0) is connected. # With default_configuration this will create an active AP on restart. if ip a | grep -q ': eth0:.*state UP'; then echo -n "The system needs to be rebooted as a final step. Reboot now? [Y/n]: " read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo "Installation reboot aborted." exit 0 fi sudo shutdown -r now || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute shutdown" fi fi }