#!/bin/bash # get info about device and signal of Huawei mobile USB devices # parm: # $1 : requested information (manufacturer, device, imei, imsi, telnumber, ipaddress, mode, signal, operator) # $2 : (optional) type - hilink or modem (default: hilink) # $3 : (optional) for hilink: ip address of the device (default: # for modem: tty interface for communication (default: /dev/ttypUSB2) # $4 : more options can be added for Hilink devices ('-u user -P password -p pin'). These are passed to the corresponding script # # requires: bc # calls the scripts info_huawei_hilink.sh and info_huawei_modem.sh (same path as this script) # # zbchristian 2020 # path=$(dirname "$0") opt="device" if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then opt=${1,,}; fi type="hilink" if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then type=${2,,}; fi parms="" if [ "$type" = "hilink" ]; then connect="-h" if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then connect="-h $3"; fi if [ ! -z "$4" ]; then parms="$4"; fi script="$path/info_huawei_hilink.sh" else connect="/dev/ttyUSB2" if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then connect=$3; fi script="$path/info_huawei_modem.sh" fi res=$($script $opt $connect $parms) # some results require special treatment case $opt in # manufacturer) # if [ "$res" = "none" ]; then res="Huawei"; fi # ;; # device) # if [ ! "$res" = "none" ]; then res="Huawei $res"; # else res="Huawei"; fi # ;; mode) if [ ! "$res" = "none" ]; then if [ "$type" = "hilink" ]; then if [ "$res" = "LTE" ]; then res="4G" elif [ "$res" = "WCDMA" ]]; then res="3G"; else res="2G"; fi else if [ $res -eq 7 ]; then res="4G" elif [ $res -lt 7 ] && [ $res -gt 2 ] ; then res="3G"; else res="2G"; fi fi fi ;; signal) # return signal strength/quality in % if [ "$type" = "hilink" ]; then # signal request tries to get RSRQ value # try to get RSRQ (4G), EC/IO (3G) or RSSI (2G) value if [ "$res" = "none" ]; then res=$($script "ecio"); fi if [ ! "$res" = "none" ]; then # for rsrq and ecio assume: -3dB (100%) downto -20dB (0%) qual=${res//dB/} if [[ ! "$qual" =~ [-0-9\.]* ]]; then qual=-100; fi qual=$(bc <<< "scale=0;res=$qual-0.5;res/1") # just round to next integer if [ $qual -le -20 ]; then qual=0; elif [ $qual -ge -3 ]; then qual=100; else qual=$(bc <<< "scale=0;res=100.0/17.0*$qual+2000.0/17.0;res/1"); fi else # try rssi: >-70dBm (100%) downto -100dBm (0%) res=$($script "rssi"); if [ ! "$res" = "none" ]; then if [[ ! $res =~ [-0-9\.]* ]]; then res="-120 dBm"; fi qual=${res//dBm/} qual=$(bc <<< "scale=0;res=$qual+0.5;res/1") # just round to next integer if [ $qual -le -110 ]; then qual=0; elif [ $qual -ge -70 ]; then qual=100; else qual=$(bc <<< "scale=0;res=2.5*$qual+275;res/1"); fi fi fi else # modem returns RSSI as number 0-31 - 0 = -113dB (0%), 1 = -111dB, 31 = >=51dB (100%) qual=$(bc <<< "scale=0;res=$res*3.5+0.5;res/1") if [ $qual -gt 100 ]; then res=100; fi fi if [ ! "$res" = "none" ]; then res="$res (${qual}%)"; fi ;; operator) # check if operator/network is just a 5 digit number -> extract network name from table if [[ $res =~ ^[0-9]{5}$ ]]; then mcc=${res:0:3} mnc=${res:3:2} op=$(cat $path/mcc-mnc-table.csv | sed -rn 's/^'$mcc'\,[0-9]*\,'$mnc'\,(.*\,){4}(.*)$/\2/p') if [ ! -z "$op" ]; then res="$op ($res)"; fi fi ;; *) ;; esac echo $res