#!/bin/bash # # Huawei Hilink API # ================= # - communication with Hilink devices via HTTP # - send a standard http request with a xml formatted string to the device (default IP # - Howto: # o "source" this script in your own script from the command line # o if host ip/name differs, set "host=" before calling any function # o if the device is locked by a password, set user="admin"; pw="1234secret" # _login is called automaticallcall # Password types 3 and 4 are supported # o if the SIM is requiring a PIN, set "pin=1234" # o connect device to network: _switchMobileData ON ( or 1 ) # o disconnect device: _switchMobileData OFF ( or 0 ) # o get informations about the device: _getDeviceInformation and _getStatus and _getNetProvider # all functions return XML formatted data in $response. # o Check if device is connected: "if _isConnected; then .... fi" # o $response can be parsed by calling _valueFromResponse # e.g "_valueFromResponse msisdn" to get the phone number after a call to _getDeviceInformation # # # Usage of functions # - call the function with parameters (if required) # - return code: 0 - success; 1 - failed # - $status: status information (OK, ERROR) # - $response: xml response to be parsed for the required information # # # required software: curl, base64, sha256sum, sed # # # zbchristian 2021 # # Initialization procedure # ======================== # # host=$host_default # ip address of device # user="admin" # user name if locked (default admin) # pw="1234Secret" # password if locked # pin="1234" # PIN of SIM # _initHilinkAPI # initialize the API # # Termination # =========== # cleanup the API before quitting the shell # _closeHilinkAPI (optional: add parameter "save" to save the session/token data for subsequent calls. Valid for a few minutes.) host_default="" save_file="/tmp/hilink_api_saved.dat" save_age=60 header_file="/tmp/hilink_login_hdr.txt" # initialize function _initHilinkAPI() { if [ -z "$host" ]; then host=$host_default; fi if ! _hostReachable; then return 1; fi if [ -f $save_file ]; then # found file with saved data _getSavedData age=$(( $(date +%s) - $(stat $save_file -c %Y) )) if [[ $age -gt $save_age ]]; then rm -f $save_file _logout _sessToken fi fi if [ -z "$sessID" ] || [ -z "$token" ]; then _sessToken; fi _login return $? } function _getSavedData() { if [ -f $save_file ]; then # restore saved session data dat=$(cat $save_file) sessID=$(echo "$dat" | sed -nr 's/sessionid: ([a-z0-9]*)/\1/ip') token=$(echo "$dat" | sed -nr 's/token: ([a-z0-9]*)/\1/ip') tokenlist=( $(echo "$dat" | sed -nr 's/tokenlist: ([a-z0-9 ]*)/\1/ip') ) fi } # Cleanup # parameter: "save" - will store sessionid and tokens in file function _closeHilinkAPI() { if [ -z "$host" ]; then host=$host_default; fi if ! _hostReachable; then return 1; fi rm -f $save_file [ ! -z "$1" ] && opt="${1,,}" if [ ! -z "$opt" ] && [ "$opt" = "save" ]; then echo "sessionid: $sessID" > $save_file echo "token: $token" >> $save_file echo "tokenlist: ${tokenlist[@]}" >> $save_file fi _logout tokenlist="" sessID="" token="" return 0 } # get status (connection status, DNS, ) # parameter: none function _getStatus() { if _login; then if _sendRequest "api/monitoring/status"; then if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then _valueFromResponse "$1"; fi fi return $? fi return 1 } function _isConnected() { conn=$(_getStatus "connectionstatus") status="NO" if [ ! -z "$conn" ] && [ $conn -eq 901 ]; then status="YES" return 0 fi return 1 } # get device information (device name, imei, imsi, msisdn-phone number, MAC, WAN IP ...) # parameter: name of parameter to return function _getDeviceInformation() { if _login; then if _sendRequest "api/device/information"; then if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then _valueFromResponse "$1"; fi fi return $? fi return 1 } # get net provider information # parameter: name of parameter to return function _getNetProvider() { if _login; then if _sendRequest "api/net/current-plmn"; then if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then _valueFromResponse "$1"; fi fi return $? fi return 1 } # get signal level # parameter: name of parameter to return function _getSignal() { if _login; then if _sendRequest "api/device/signal"; then if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then _valueFromResponse "$1"; fi fi return $? fi return 1 } function _getAllInformations() { if _getDeviceInformation; then _keyValuePairs; fi if _getSignal; then _keyValuePairs; fi if _getNetProvider; then _keyValuePairs; fi } # get status of mobile data connection # parameter: none function _getMobileDataStatus() { if _login; then if _sendRequest "api/dialup/mobile-dataswitch"; then status=$(_valueFromResponse "dataswitch") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$status" ]; then echo "$status"; fi fi return $? fi return 1 } # PIN of SIM can be passed either as $pin, or as parameter # parameter: PIN number of SIM card function _enableSIM() { #SimState: #255 - no SIM, #256 - error CPIN, #257 - ready, #258 - PIN disabled, #259 - check PIN, #260 - PIN required, #261 - PUK required if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then pin="$1"; fi if ! _login; then return 1; fi if _sendRequest "api/pin/status"; then simstate=`echo $response | sed -rn 's/.*([0-9]*)<\/simstate>.*/\1/pi'` if [[ $simstate -eq 257 ]]; then status="SIM ready"; return 0; fi if [[ $simstate -eq 260 ]]; then status="PIN required" if [ ! -z "$pin" ]; then _setPIN "$pin"; fi return $? fi if [[ $simstate -eq 255 ]]; then status="NO SIM"; return 1; fi fi return 1 } # obtain session and verification token - stored in vars $sessID and $token # parameter: none function _sessToken() { tokenlist="" token="" sessID="" response=$(curl -s http://$host/api/webserver/SesTokInfo -m 5 2> /dev/null) if [ -z "$response" ]; then echo "No access to device at $host"; return 1; fi status=$(echo "$response" | sed -nr 's/.*([0-9]*)<\/code>.*/\1/ip') if [ -z "$status" ]; then token=`echo $response | sed -r 's/.*(.*)<\/TokInfo>.*/\1/'` sessID=`echo $response | sed -r 's/.*(.*)<\/SesInfo>.*/\1/'` if [ ! -z "$sessID" ] && [ ! -z "$token" ]; then sessID="SessionID=$sessID" return 0 fi fi return 1 } # unlock device (if locked) with user name and password # requires stored user="admin"; pw="1234secret";host=$host_default # parameter: none function _login() { if _loginState; then return 0; fi # login not required, or already done _sessToken # get password type if ! _sendRequest "api/user/state-login"; then return 1; fi pwtype=$(echo "$response" | sed -rn 's/.*([0-9])<\/password_type>.*/\1/pi') if [ -z "$pwtype" ];then pwtype=4; fi # fallback is type 4 ret=1 if [[ ! -z "$user" ]] && [[ ! -z "$pw" ]]; then # password encoding # type 3 : base64(pw) encoded # type 4 : base64(sha256sum(user + base64(sha256sum(pw)) + token)) pwtype3=$(echo -n "$pw" | base64 --wrap=0) hashedpw=$(echo -n "$pw" | sha256sum -b | sed -nr 's/^([0-9a-z]*).*$/\1/ip' ) hashedpw=$(echo -n "$hashedpw" | base64 --wrap=0) pwtype4=$(echo -n "$user$hashedpw$token" | sha256sum -b | sed -nr 's/^([0-9a-z]*).*$/\1/ip' ) encpw=$(echo -n "$pwtype4" | base64 --wrap=0) if [ $pwtype -ne 4 ]; then encpw=$pwtype3; fi xmldata="$user$encpw$pwtype" xtraopts="--dump-header $header_file" rm -f $header_file _sendRequest "api/user/login" if [ ! -z "$status" ] && [ "$status" = "OK" ]; then # store the list of 30 tokens. Each token is valid for a single request tokenlist=( $(cat $header_file | sed -rn 's/^__RequestVerificationToken:\s*([0-9a-z#]*).*$/\1/pi' | sed 's/#/ /g') ) _getToken sessID=$(cat $header_file | grep -ioP 'SessionID=([a-z0-9]*)') if [ ! -z "$sessID" ] && [ ! -z "$token" ]; then ret=0; fi fi rm -f $header_file fi return $ret } # logout of hilink device # parameter: none function _logout() { if _loginState; then xmldata="1" if _sendRequest "api/user/logout"; then tokenlist="" sessID="" token="" login_enabled="" fi return $? fi return 1 } # parameter: none function _loginState() { status="OK" if [ -z "$login_enabled" ]; then _checkLoginEnabled; fi if [ $login_enabled -eq 1 ]; then return 0; fi # login is disabled _sendRequest "api/user/state-login" state=`echo "$response" | sed -rn 's/.*(.*)<\/state>.*/\1/pi'` if [ ! -z "$state" ] && [ $state -eq 0 ]; then # already logged in return 0 fi return 1 } function _checkLoginEnabled() { if _sendRequest "api/user/hilink_login"; then login_enabled=0 state=$(echo $response | sed -rn 's/.*(.*)<\/hilink_login>.*/\1/pi') if [ ! -z "$state" ] && [ $state -eq 0 ]; then # no login enabled login_enabled=1 fi else login_enabled="" fi } # switch mobile data on/off 1/0 # if SIM is locked, $pin has to be set # parameter: state - ON/OFF or 1/0 function _switchMobileData() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 1; fi _login mode="${1,,}" [ "$mode" = "on" ] && mode=1 [ "$mode" = "off" ] && mode=0 if [[ $mode -ge 0 ]]; then if _enableSIM "$pin"; then xmldata="$mode" _sendRequest "api/dialup/mobile-dataswitch" return $? fi fi return 1 } # parameter: PIN of SIM card function _setPIN() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 1; fi pin="$1" xmldata="0$pin" _sendRequest "api/pin/operate" return $? } # Send request to host at http://$host/$apiurl # data in $xmldata and options in $xtraopts # parameter: apiurl (e.g. "api/user/login") function _sendRequest() { status="ERROR" if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 1; fi apiurl="$1" ret=1 if [ -z "$sessID" ] || [ -z "$token" ]; then _sessToken; fi if [ -z "$xmldata" ];then response=$(curl -s http://$host/$apiurl -m 10 \ -H "Cookie: $sessID") else response=$(curl -s -X POST http://$host/$apiurl -m 10 \ -H "Content-Type: text/xml" \ -H "Cookie: $sessID" \ -H "__RequestVerificationToken: $token" \ -d "$xmldata" $xtraopts 2> /dev/null) _getToken fi if [ ! -z "$response" ];then response=$(echo $response | tr -d '\012\015') # delete newline chars status=$(echo "$response" | sed -nr 's/.*([0-9]*)<\/code>.*/\1/ip') # check for error code if [ -z "$status" ]; then status="OK" response=$(echo "$response" | sed -nr 's/.*(.*)<\/response>.*/\1/ip') [ -z "$response" ] && response="none" ret=0 else status="ERROR $status" fi else status="ERROR" fi if [[ "$status" =~ ERROR ]]; then _handleError; fi xtraopts="" xmldata="" return $ret } # handle the list of tokens available after login # parameter: none function _getToken() { if [ ! -z "$tokenlist" ] && [ ${#tokenlist[@]} -gt 0 ]; then token=${tokenlist[0]} # get first token in list tokenlist=("${tokenlist[@]:1}") # remove used token from list if [ ${#tokenlist[@]} -eq 0 ]; then _logout # use the last token to logout fi else _sessToken # old token has been used - need new session fi } # Analyse $status for error code # return error text in $status function _handleError() { txt=$(_getErrorText) if [ -z "$code" ]; then return 1; fi ret=0 case "$code" in 101|108003|108007) ret=1 status="$txt" ;; 108001|108002|108006) ret=1 status="$txt" ;; 125001|125002|125003) _sessToken ret=0 ;; *) ;; esac return "$ret" } declare -A err_hilink_api err_hilink_api[101]="Unable to get session ID/token" err_hilink_api[108001]="Invalid username/password" err_hilink_api[108002]=${errors[108001]} err_hilink_api[108006]=${errors[108001]} err_hilink_api[108003]="User already logged in - need to wait a bit" err_hilink_api[108007]="Too many login attempts - need to wait a bit" err_hilink_api[125001]="Invalid session/request token" err_hilink_api[125002]=${errors[125001]} err_hilink_api[125003]=${errors[125001]} # check error and return error text # status passsed in $status, or $1 function _getErrorText() { err="$status" code="0" if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then err="$1"; fi if [ -z "$err" ]; then return 1; fi errortext="$err" if [[ "$err" =~ ERROR\ *([0-9]*) ]] && [ ! -z "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" ]; then code=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} if [ ! -z "$code" ] && [ ! -z "${err_hilink_api[$code]}" ]; then errortext="${err_hilink_api[$code]}" fi fi echo $errortext return 0 } function _hostReachable() { avail=`timeout 0.5 ping -c 1 $host | sed -rn 's/.*time=.*/1/p'` if [ -z "$avail" ]; then return 1; fi return 0; } # helper function to parse $response (xml format) for a value # call another function first! # parameter: tag-name function _valueFromResponse() { if [ -z "$response" ] || [ -z "$1" ]; then return 1; fi par="$1" value=$(echo $response | sed -rn 's/.*<'$par'>(.*)<\/'$par'>.*/\1/pi') if [ -z "$value" ]; then return 1; fi echo "$value" return 0 } # list all keys of the current xml response function _keysFromResponse() { if [ -z "$response" ]; then return 1; fi echo $response | grep -oiP "(?<=<)[a-z_-]*(?=>)" return 0 } # return all key=value pairs of the current xml response function _keyValuePairs() { if [ -z "$response" ]; then return 1; fi echo $response | sed -n 's/<\([^>]*\)>\(.*\)<\/\1>[^<]*/\1=\"\2\"\n/gpi' return 0 } host=$host_default user="admin" pw="" token="" tokenlist="" sessID="" xmldata="" xtraopts="" response="" status="" pwtype=-1