#!/bin/bash # # RaspAP minimal microSD card write operation # Original author: @zbchristian # Original source URI: https://github.com/RaspAP/raspap-tools # Modified by: @billz # License: GNU General Public License v3.0 # License URI: https://github.com/raspap/raspap-webgui/blob/master/LICENSE # # Limits the microSD card write operation to a minimum by moving temporary and log files to RAM. # Several packages are removed and the default logging service is replaced. # The file system is still in read/write mode, so RaspAP settings can be saved. # Write access can be checked with "iotop -aoP". # Remaining access originates mainly from the ext4 journal update (process jbd2). # Exit on error set -o errexit # Exit on error inside functions set -o errtrace # Set defaults readonly bootcmd="/boot/cmdline.txt" function _install_minwrite() { _display_welcome _begin_install _remove_packages _disable_services _install_logger _disable_swap _move_directories _install_complete } function _dirs2tmpfs() { for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do echo "Moving $dir to RAM" if ! grep -q " $dir " /etc/fstab; then echo "tmpfs $dir tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab fi done } # Determines host Linux distribution details function _get_linux_distro() { if type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) RELEASE=$(lsb_release -sr) CODENAME=$(lsb_release -sc) DESC=$(lsb_release -sd) elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org . /etc/os-release OS=$ID RELEASE=$VERSION_ID CODENAME=$VERSION_CODENAME DESC=$PRETTY_NAME else _install_status 1 "Unsupported Linux distribution" fi } function _begin_install() { _install_log "Modify the OS to minimize microSD card write operation" _get_linux_distro echo "Detected OS: ${DESC}" } function _remove_packages() { _install_log "Removing packages" echo -e "The following packages will be removed: ${ANSI_YELLOW}triggerhappy dphys-swapfile logrotate${ANSI_RESET}" echo -n "Proceed? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else sudo apt -y remove --purge triggerhappy dphys-swapfile logrotate || _install_status 1 "Unable to remove packages" sudo apt -y autoremove --purge || _install_status 1 "Unable to autoremove packages" _install_status 0 fi else echo "(Skipped)" fi } function _disable_services() { _install_log "Disabling services" echo -e "The following services will be disabled: ${ANSI_YELLOW}bootlogd.service bootlogs console-setup apt-daily${ANSI_RESET}" echo -n "Proceed? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else sudo systemctl unmask bootlogd.service || _install_status 1 "Unable to disable bootlogd.service" sudo systemctl disable bootlogs || _install_status 1 "Unable to disable bootlogs" sudo systemctl disable console-setup || _install_status 1 "Unable to disable console-setup" sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.service apt-daily.timer apt-daily-upgrade.timer apt-daily-upgrade.service || _install_status 1 "Unable to disable apt-daily" _install_status 0 fi else echo "(Skipped)" fi } function _install_logger() { _install_log "Installing new logger" echo -e "The new logger will be installed: ${ANSI_YELLOW}busybox-syslogd${ANSI_RESET}" sudo apt-get -y install busybox-syslogd || _install_status 1 "Unable to install busybox-syslogd" sudo dpkg --purge rsyslog || _install_status 1 "Unable to purge rsyslog" _install_status 0 } function _disable_swap() { _install_log "Modifying boot options to disable swap and filesystem check" echo "The noswap option will be written to ${bootcmd}" echo -n "Proceed? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else # disable swap if ! grep -q "noswap" $bootcmd; then echo "Modified ${bootcmd} with noswap option" sudo sed -i '1 s/$/ fsck.mode=skip noswap/' /boot/cmdline.txt || _install_status 1 "Unable to write to ${bootcmd}" _install_status 0 fi fi else echo "(Skipped)" fi } function _move_directories() { _install_log "Add tmpfs entries to /etc/fstab" # move directories to RAM dirs=( "/tmp" "/var/log" "/var/tmp" "/var/lib/misc" "/var/cache") # special dirs used by vnstat and php dirs+=( "/var/lib/vnstat" "/var/php/sessions" ) echo "The following directories will be moved to RAM:" echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}${dirs[*]}${ANSI_RESET}" echo -n "Proceed? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then _install_status 0 "(Skipped)" else _dirs2tmpfs || _install_status 1 "Unable to call dirs2tmpfs" _install_status 0 fi else echo "(Skipped)" fi } function _install_complete() { _install_log "Installation completed" echo -e "${ANSI_RED}A system reboot should be performed now${ANSI_RESET}" echo -n "Reboot now? [Y/n]: " if [ "$assume_yes" == 0 ]; then read answer < /dev/tty if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Nn]}" ]; then echo "Installation reboot aborted." exit 0 fi echo "Rebooting..." sudo shutdown -r now || _install_status 1 "Unable to execute shutdown" fi }