<?php require_once 'includes/status_messages.php'; require_once 'includes/wifi_functions.php'; /** * * */ function DisplayWPAConfig() { $status = new StatusMessages(); $networks = []; getWifiInterface(); knownWifiStations($networks); if (isset($_POST['connect'])) { $result = 0; exec('sudo wpa_cli -i ' . $_SESSION['wifi_client_interface'] . ' select_network '.strval($_POST['connect'])); $status->addMessage('New network selected', 'success'); } elseif (isset($_POST['client_settings'])) { $tmp_networks = $networks; if ($wpa_file = fopen('/tmp/wifidata', 'w')) { fwrite($wpa_file, 'ctrl_interface=DIR=' . RASPI_WPA_CTRL_INTERFACE . ' GROUP=netdev' . PHP_EOL); fwrite($wpa_file, 'update_config=1' . PHP_EOL); foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $post) { if (preg_match('/delete(\d+)/', $post, $post_match)) { unset($tmp_networks[$_POST['ssid' . $post_match[1]]]); } elseif (preg_match('/update(\d+)/', $post, $post_match)) { // NB, multiple protocols are separated with a forward slash ('/') $tmp_networks[$_POST['ssid' . $post_match[1]]] = array( 'protocol' => ( $_POST['protocol' . $post_match[1]] === 'Open' ? 'Open' : 'WPA' ), 'passphrase' => $_POST['passphrase' . $post_match[1]], 'configured' => true ); if (array_key_exists('priority' . $post_match[1], $_POST)) { $tmp_networks[$_POST['ssid' . $post_match[1]]]['priority'] = $_POST['priority' . $post_match[1]]; } } } $ok = true; foreach ($tmp_networks as $ssid => $network) { if ($network['protocol'] === 'Open') { fwrite($wpa_file, "network={".PHP_EOL); fwrite($wpa_file, "\tssid=\"".$ssid."\"".PHP_EOL); fwrite($wpa_file, "\tkey_mgmt=NONE".PHP_EOL); fwrite($wpa_file, "\tscan_ssid=1".PHP_EOL); if (array_key_exists('priority', $network)) { fwrite($wpa_file, "\tpriority=".$network['priority'].PHP_EOL); } fwrite($wpa_file, "}".PHP_EOL); } else { if (strlen($network['passphrase']) >=8 && strlen($network['passphrase']) <= 63) { unset($wpa_passphrase); unset($line); exec('wpa_passphrase '.escapeshellarg($ssid). ' ' . escapeshellarg($network['passphrase']), $wpa_passphrase); foreach ($wpa_passphrase as $line) { if (preg_match('/^\s*}\s*$/', $line)) { if (array_key_exists('priority', $network)) { fwrite($wpa_file, "\tpriority=".$network['priority'].PHP_EOL); } fwrite($wpa_file, $line.PHP_EOL); } else { fwrite($wpa_file, $line.PHP_EOL); } } } else { $status->addMessage('WPA passphrase must be between 8 and 63 characters', 'danger'); $ok = false; } } } if ($ok) { system('sudo cp /tmp/wifidata ' . RASPI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_CONFIG, $returnval); if ($returnval == 0) { exec('sudo wpa_cli -i ' . $_SESSION['wifi_client_interface'] . ' reconfigure', $reconfigure_out, $reconfigure_return); if ($reconfigure_return == 0) { $status->addMessage('Wifi settings updated successfully', 'success'); $networks = $tmp_networks; } else { $status->addMessage('Wifi settings updated but cannot restart (cannot execute "wpa_cli reconfigure")', 'danger'); } } else { $status->addMessage('Wifi settings failed to be updated', 'danger'); } } } else { $status->addMessage('Failed to update wifi settings', 'danger'); } } nearbyWifiStations($networks); connectedWifiStations($networks); sortNetworksByRSSI($networks); echo renderTemplate("configure_client", compact("status")); }