addMessage(_('Interface name invalid.'), 'danger'); $status->showMessages(); return; } if (!function_exists('exec')) { $status->addMessage(_('Required exec function is disabled. Check if exec is not added to php disable_functions.'), 'danger'); $status->showMessages(); return; } exec('ip a show '.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE, $stdoutIp); $stdoutIpAllLinesGlued = implode(" ", $stdoutIp); $stdoutIpWRepeatedSpaces = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $stdoutIpAllLinesGlued); preg_match('/link\/ether ([0-9a-f:]+)/i', $stdoutIpWRepeatedSpaces, $matchesMacAddr) || $matchesMacAddr[1] = _('No MAC Address Found'); $macAddr = $matchesMacAddr[1]; $ipv4Addrs = ''; $ipv4Netmasks = ''; if (!preg_match_all('/inet (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\/([0-3][0-9])/i', $stdoutIpWRepeatedSpaces, $matchesIpv4AddrAndSubnet)) { $ipv4Addrs = _('No IPv4 Address Found'); } else { $numMatchesIpv4AddrAndSubnet = count($matchesIpv4AddrAndSubnet); for ($i = 1; $i < $numMatchesIpv4AddrAndSubnet; $i += 2) { if ($i > 2) { $ipv4Netmasks .= ' '; $ipv4Addrs .= ' '; } $ipv4Addrs .= $matchesIpv4AddrAndSubnet[$i][0]; $ipv4Netmasks .= long2ip(-1 << (32 -(int)$matchesIpv4AddrAndSubnet[$i+1][0])); } } $ipv6Addrs = ''; if (!preg_match_all('/inet6 ([a-f0-9:]+)/i', $stdoutIpWRepeatedSpaces, $matchesIpv6Addr)) { $ipv6Addrs = _('No IPv6 Address Found'); } else { if (isset($matchesIpv6Addr[1])) { $ipv6Addrs = implode(' ', $matchesIpv6Addr[1]); } } preg_match('/state (UP|DOWN)/i', $stdoutIpWRepeatedSpaces, $matchesState) || $matchesState[1] = 'unknown'; $interfaceState = $matchesState[1]; // Because of table layout used in the ip output we get the interface statistics directly from // the system. One advantage of this is that it could work when interface is disable. exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.'/statistics/rx_packets ', $stdoutCatRxPackets); $strRxPackets = _('No data'); if (ctype_digit($stdoutCatRxPackets[0])) { $strRxPackets = $stdoutCatRxPackets[0]; } exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.'/statistics/tx_packets ', $stdoutCatTxPackets); $strTxPackets = _('No data'); if (ctype_digit($stdoutCatTxPackets[0])) { $strTxPackets = $stdoutCatTxPackets[0]; } exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.'/statistics/rx_bytes ', $stdoutCatRxBytes); $strRxBytes = _('No data'); if (ctype_digit($stdoutCatRxBytes[0])) { $strRxBytes = $stdoutCatRxBytes[0]; $strRxBytes .= getHumanReadableDatasize($strRxBytes); } exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.'/statistics/tx_bytes ', $stdoutCatTxBytes); $strTxBytes = _('No data'); if (ctype_digit($stdoutCatTxBytes[0])) { $strTxBytes = $stdoutCatTxBytes[0]; $strTxBytes .= getHumanReadableDatasize($strTxBytes); } define('SSIDMAXLEN', 32); // Warning iw comes with: "Do NOT screenscrape this tool, we don't consider its output stable." exec('iw dev '.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.' link ', $stdoutIw); $stdoutIwAllLinesGlued = implode(' ', $stdoutIw); $stdoutIwWRepSpaces = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $stdoutIwAllLinesGlued); preg_match('/Connected to (([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))/', $stdoutIwWRepSpaces, $matchesBSSID) || $matchesBSSID[1] = ''; $connectedBSSID = $matchesBSSID[1]; $wlanHasLink = false; if ($interfaceState === 'UP') { $wlanHasLink = true; } if (!preg_match('/SSID: ([^ ]{1,'.SSIDMAXLEN.'})/', $stdoutIwWRepSpaces, $matchesSSID)) { $wlanHasLink = false; $matchesSSID[1] = 'Not connected'; } $connectedSSID = $matchesSSID[1]; preg_match('/freq: (\d+)/i', $stdoutIwWRepSpaces, $matchesFrequency) || $matchesFrequency[1] = ''; $frequency = $matchesFrequency[1].' MHz'; preg_match('/signal: (-?[0-9]+ dBm)/i', $stdoutIwWRepSpaces, $matchesSignal) || $matchesSignal[1] = ''; $signalLevel = $matchesSignal[1]; preg_match('/tx bitrate: ([0-9\.]+ [KMGT]?Bit\/s)/', $stdoutIwWRepSpaces, $matchesBitrate) || $matchesBitrate[1] = ''; $bitrate = $matchesBitrate[1]; // txpower is now displayed on iw dev(..) info command, not on link command. exec('iw dev '.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.' info ', $stdoutIwInfo); $stdoutIwInfoAllLinesGlued = implode(' ', $stdoutIwInfo); $stdoutIpInfoWRepSpaces = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $stdoutIwInfoAllLinesGlued); preg_match('/txpower ([0-9\.]+ dBm)/i', $stdoutIpInfoWRepSpaces, $matchesTxPower) || $matchesTxPower[1] = ''; $txPower = $matchesTxPower[1]; // iw does not have the "Link Quality". This is a is an aggregate value, // and depends on the driver and hardware. // Display link quality as signal quality for now. $strLinkQuality = 0; if ($signalLevel > -100 && $wlanHasLink) { if ($signalLevel >= 0) { $strLinkQuality = 100; } else { $strLinkQuality = 100 + $signalLevel; } } $wlan0up = false; $classMsgDevicestatus = 'warning'; if ($interfaceState === 'UP') { $wlan0up = true; $classMsgDevicestatus = 'success'; } if (isset($_POST['ifdown_wlan0'])) { // Pressed stop button if ($interfaceState === 'UP') { $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface is going %s.'), _('down')), 'warning'); exec('sudo ip link set '.RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE.' down'); $wlan0up = false; $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface is now %s.'), _('down')), 'success'); } elseif ($interfaceState === 'unknown') { $status->addMessage(_('Interface state unknown.'), 'danger'); } else { $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface already %s.'), _('down')), 'warning'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['ifup_wlan0'])) { // Pressed start button if ($interfaceState === 'DOWN') { $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface is going %s.'), _('up')), 'warning'); exec('sudo ip link set ' . RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE . ' up'); exec('sudo ip -s a f label ' . RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE); $wlan0up = true; $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface is now %s.'), _('up')), 'success'); } elseif ($interfaceState === 'unknown') { $status->addMessage(_('Interface state unknown.'), 'danger'); } else { $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface already %s.'), _('up')), 'warning'); } } else { $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Interface is %s.'), strtolower($interfaceState)), $classMsgDevicestatus); } ?>

showMessages(); ?>


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'.htmlspecialchars($client_items[3], ENT_QUOTES).''.htmlspecialchars($client_items[2], ENT_QUOTES).''.htmlspecialchars($client_items[1], ENT_QUOTES).'
'; } else { echo ''; } ?> " onclick="document.location.reload(true)" />
= $pib) { $humanDatasize = ' ('.round($numbytes / $pib, $precision).' PB)'; } elseif ($numbytes >= $tib) { $humanDatasize = ' ('.round($numbytes / $tib, $precision).' TB)'; } elseif ($numbytes >= $gib) { $humanDatasize = ' ('.round($numbytes / $gib, $precision).' GB)'; } elseif ($numbytes >= $mib) { $humanDatasize = ' ('.round($numbytes / $mib, $precision).' MB)'; } elseif ($numbytes >= $kib) { $humanDatasize = ' ('.round($numbytes / $kib, $precision).' KB)'; } return $humanDatasize; }