#!/bin/bash # When wireless client AP mode is enabled, this script handles starting up network services in a specific order and timing to avoid race conditions. # Todo: update /etc/rc.local script with /bin/bash /etc/raspap/hostapd/servicesstart.sh to enable at system startup echo "Stopping network services..." systemctl stop hostapd.service systemctl stop dnsmasq.service systemctl stop dhcpcd.service echo "Removing uap0 interface..." iw dev uap0 del echo "Adding uap0 interface..." iw dev wlan0 interface add uap0 type __ap # Add iptables rules (todo: persist to /etc/rc.local as with default rules) echo "IPV4 forwarding: setting..." sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 echo "Editing IP tables..." iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE # Bring up uap0 interface ifconfig uap0 up # Start services, mitigating race conditions echo "Starting hostapd service..." systemctl start hostapd.service sleep 5 echo "Starting dhcpcd service..." systemctl start dhcpcd.service sleep 5 echo "Starting dnsmasq service..." systemctl start dnsmasq.service echo "servicesstart DONE"