<?php require_once 'includes/status_messages.php'; require_once 'config.php'; /** * Find the version of the Raspberry Pi * Currently only used for the system information page but may useful elsewhere */ function RPiVersion() { // Lookup table from http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2012/09/checking-your-raspberry-pi-board-version/ $revisions = array( '0002' => 'Model B Revision 1.0', '0003' => 'Model B Revision 1.0 + ECN0001', '0004' => 'Model B Revision 2.0 (256 MB)', '0005' => 'Model B Revision 2.0 (256 MB)', '0006' => 'Model B Revision 2.0 (256 MB)', '0007' => 'Model A', '0008' => 'Model A', '0009' => 'Model A', '000d' => 'Model B Revision 2.0 (512 MB)', '000e' => 'Model B Revision 2.0 (512 MB)', '000f' => 'Model B Revision 2.0 (512 MB)', '0010' => 'Model B+', '0013' => 'Model B+', '0011' => 'Compute Module', '0012' => 'Model A+', 'a01041' => 'a01041', 'a21041' => 'a21041', '900092' => 'PiZero 1.2', '900093' => 'PiZero 1.3', '9000c1' => 'PiZero W', 'a02082' => 'Pi 3 Model B', 'a22082' => 'Pi 3 Model B', 'a32082' => 'Pi 3 Model B', 'a52082' => 'Pi 3 Model B', 'a020d3' => 'Pi 3 Model B+', 'a220a0' => 'Compute Module 3', 'a020a0' => 'Compute Module 3', 'a02100' => 'Compute Module 3+', 'a03111' => 'Model 4B Revision 1.1 (1 GB)', 'b03111' => 'Model 4B Revision 1.1 (2 GB)', 'c03111' => 'Model 4B Revision 1.1 (4 GB)' ); $cpuinfo_array = ''; exec('cat /proc/cpuinfo', $cpuinfo_array); $rev = trim(array_pop(explode(':', array_pop(preg_grep("/^Revision/", $cpuinfo_array))))); if (array_key_exists($rev, $revisions)) { return $revisions[$rev]; } else { return 'Unknown Pi'; } } /** * * */ function DisplaySystem() { $status = new StatusMessages(); if (isset($_POST['SaveLanguage'])) { if (isset($_POST['locale'])) { $_SESSION['locale'] = $_POST['locale']; $status->addMessage('Language setting saved', 'success'); } } if (!RASPI_MONITOR_ENABLED) { if (isset($_POST['SaveServerPort'])) { if (isset($_POST['serverPort'])) { if (strlen($_POST['serverPort']) > 4 || !is_numeric($_POST['serverPort'])) { $status->addMessage('Invalid value for port number', 'danger'); } else { $serverPort = escapeshellarg($_POST['serverPort']); exec("sudo /etc/raspap/lighttpd/configport.sh $serverPort " .RASPI_LIGHTTPD_CONFIG. " ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $return); foreach ($return as $line) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } } } if (isset($_POST['system_reboot'])) { $status->addMessage("System Rebooting Now!", "warning", false); $result = shell_exec("sudo /sbin/reboot"); } if (isset($_POST['system_shutdown'])) { $status->addMessage("System Shutting Down Now!", "warning", false); $result = shell_exec("sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now"); } } if (isset($_POST['RestartLighttpd'])) { $status->addMessage('Restarting lighttpd in 3 seconds...', 'info'); exec('sudo /etc/raspap/lighttpd/configport.sh --restart'); } exec('cat '. RASPI_LIGHTTPD_CONFIG, $return); $conf = ParseConfig($return); $ServerPort = $conf['server.port']; // define locales $arrLocales = array( 'en_GB.UTF-8' => 'English', 'de_DE.UTF-8' => 'Deutsch', 'fr_FR.UTF-8' => 'Français', 'it_IT.UTF-8' => 'Italiano', 'pt_BR.UTF-8' => 'Português', 'sv_SE.UTF-8' => 'Svenska', 'nl_NL.UTF-8' => 'Nederlands', 'zh_CN.UTF-8' => '简体中文 (Chinese simplified)', 'id_ID.UTF-8' => 'Indonesian', 'ko_KR.UTF-8' => '한국어 (Korean)', 'ja_JP.UTF-8' => '日本語 (Japanese)', 'vi_VN.UTF-8' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'cs_CZ.UTF-8' => 'Čeština', 'ru_RU.UTF-8' => 'Русский', 'es_MX.UTF-8' => 'Español', 'fi_FI.UTF-8' => 'Finnish', 'si_LK.UTF-8' => 'Sinhala', 'tr_TR.UTF-8' => 'Türkçe', 'el_GR.UTF-8' => 'Ελληνικά' ); echo renderTemplate("system", compact("arrLocales", "status", "system", "ServerPort")); }