'WPA', 2 => 'WPA2', 3 => 'WPA+WPA2', 'none' => _("None")); $arrEncType = array('TKIP' => 'TKIP', 'CCMP' => 'CCMP', 'TKIP CCMP' => 'TKIP+CCMP'); exec("ip -o link show | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'", $interfaces); if( isset($_POST['SaveHostAPDSettings']) ) { if (CSRFValidate()) { SaveHostAPDConfig($arrSecurity, $arrEncType, $arr80211Standard, $interfaces, $status); } else { error_log('CSRF violation'); } } elseif( isset($_POST['StartHotspot']) ) { if (CSRFValidate()) { $status->addMessage('Attempting to start hotspot', 'info'); if ($arrHostapdConf['WifiAPEnable'] == 1) { exec('sudo /etc/raspap/hostapd/servicestart.sh --interface uap0 --seconds 5', $return ); } else { exec( 'sudo /etc/raspap/hostapd/servicestart.sh --seconds 5', $return ); } foreach( $return as $line ) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } else { error_log('CSRF violation'); } } elseif( isset($_POST['StopHotspot']) ) { if (CSRFValidate()) { $status->addMessage('Attempting to stop hotspot', 'info'); exec( 'sudo /etc/init.d/hostapd stop', $return ); foreach( $return as $line ) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } else { error_log('CSRF violation'); } } exec( 'cat '. RASPI_HOSTAPD_CONFIG, $hostapdconfig ); exec( 'pidof hostapd | wc -l', $hostapdstatus); if( $hostapdstatus[0] == 0 ) { $status->addMessage('HostAPD is not running', 'warning'); } else { $status->addMessage('HostAPD is running', 'success'); } foreach( $hostapdconfig as $hostapdconfigline ) { if (strlen($hostapdconfigline) === 0) { continue; } if ($hostapdconfigline[0] != "#" ) { $arrLine = explode("=", $hostapdconfigline) ; $arrConfig[$arrLine[0]]=$arrLine[1]; } }; ?>

showMessages(); ?>

'; } else { echo "
Logfile output not enabled"; } ?>

" /> ' , PHP_EOL; } else { echo '' , PHP_EOL; }; ?>
14) { error_log("Attempting to set channel to '".$_POST['channel']."'"); return false; } $good_input = true; // Check for WiFi client AP mode checkbox $wifiAPEnable = 0; if($arrHostapdConf['WifiAPEnable'] == 0) { if(isset($_POST['wifiAPEnable'])) { $wifiAPEnable = 1; } } else { if(isset($_POST['wifiAPEnable'])) { $wifiAPEnable = 1; } } // Check for Logfile output checkbox $logEnable = 0; if($arrHostapdConf['LogEnable'] == 0) { if(isset($_POST['logEnable'])) { $logEnable = 1; exec('sudo /etc/raspap/hostapd/enablelog.sh'); } else { exec('sudo /etc/raspap/hostapd/disablelog.sh'); } } else { if(isset($_POST['logEnable'])) { $logEnable = 1; exec('sudo /etc/raspap/hostapd/enablelog.sh'); } else { exec('sudo /etc/raspap/hostapd/disablelog.sh'); } } $cfg = []; $cfg['LogEnable'] = $logEnable; $cfg['WifiAPEnable'] = $wifiAPEnable; write_php_ini($cfg,'/etc/raspap/hostapd.ini'); // Verify input if (empty($_POST['ssid']) || strlen($_POST['ssid']) > 32) { // Not sure of all the restrictions of SSID $status->addMessage('SSID must be between 1 and 32 characters', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } if ($_POST['wpa'] !== 'none' && (strlen($_POST['wpa_passphrase']) < 8 || strlen($_POST['wpa_passphrase']) > 63)) { $status->addMessage('WPA passphrase must be between 8 and 63 characters', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } if (isset($_POST['hiddenSSID'])) { if (!is_int((int)$_POST['hiddenSSID'])) { $status->addMessage('Parameter hiddenSSID not a number.', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } elseif ((int)$_POST['hiddenSSID'] < 0 || (int)$_POST['hiddenSSID'] >= 3) { $status->addMessage('Parameter hiddenSSID contains invalid configuratie value.', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } else { $ignore_broadcast_ssid = $_POST['hiddenSSID']; } } else { $ignore_broadcast_ssid = '0'; } if (! in_array($_POST['interface'], $interfaces)) { // The user is probably up to something here but it may also be a // genuine error. $status->addMessage('Unknown interface '.htmlspecialchars($_POST['interface'], ENT_QUOTES), 'danger'); $good_input = false; } if (strlen($_POST['country_code']) !== 0 && strlen($_POST['country_code']) != 2) { $status->addMessage('Country code must be blank or two characters', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } if ($good_input) { // Fixed values $config = 'driver=nl80211'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'ctrl_interface='.RASPI_HOSTAPD_CTRL_INTERFACE.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'ctrl_interface_group=0'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'auth_algs=1'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'beacon_int=100'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'ssid='.$_POST['ssid'].PHP_EOL; $config.= 'channel='.$_POST['channel'].PHP_EOL; if ($_POST['hw_mode'] === 'n') { $config.= 'hw_mode=g'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'ieee80211n=1'.PHP_EOL; // Enable basic Quality of service $config.= 'wme_enabled=1'.PHP_EOL; } else { $config.= 'hw_mode='.$_POST['hw_mode'].PHP_EOL; $config.= 'ieee80211n=0'.PHP_EOL; } $config.= 'wpa_passphrase='.$_POST['wpa_passphrase'].PHP_EOL; if ($wifiAPEnable == 1) { $config.= 'interface=uap0'.PHP_EOL; } else { $config.= 'interface='.$_POST['interface'].PHP_EOL; } $config.= 'wpa='.$_POST['wpa'].PHP_EOL; $config.= 'wpa_pairwise='.$_POST['wpa_pairwise'].PHP_EOL; $config.= 'country_code='.$_POST['country_code'].PHP_EOL; $config.= 'ignore_broadcast_ssid='.$ignore_broadcast_ssid.PHP_EOL; exec('echo "'.$config.'" > /tmp/hostapddata', $temp); system( "sudo cp /tmp/hostapddata " . RASPI_HOSTAPD_CONFIG, $return ); if ($wifiAPEnable == 1) { // Enable uap0 configuration in dnsmasq for Wifi client AP mode $config = 'interface=lo,uap0 # Enable uap0 interface for wireless client AP mode'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'bind-interfaces # Bind to the interfaces'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'server= # Forward DNS requests to Google DNS'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'domain-needed # Don\'t forward short names'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'bogus-priv # Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'dhcp-range=,,12h'.PHP_EOL; } else { // Fallback to default config $config = 'domain-needed'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'interface='.$_POST['interface'].PHP_EOL; $config.= 'dhcp-range=,,,12h'.PHP_EOL; } exec('echo "'.$config.'" > /tmp/dhcpddata', $temp); system('sudo cp /tmp/dhcpddata '.RASPI_DNSMASQ_CONFIG, $return); if ($wifiAPEnable == 1) { // Enable uap0 configuration in dhcpcd for Wifi client AP mode $config.= PHP_EOL.'# RaspAP uap0 configuration'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'interface=uap0'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'static ip_address='.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'nohook wpa_supplicant'.PHP_EOL; } else { // Default config $config.= '# RaspAP wlan0 configuration'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'hostname'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'clientid'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'persistent'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'option rapid_commit'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'option classless_static_routes'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'option ntp_servers'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'require dhcp_server_identifier'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'slaac private'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'nohook lookup-hostname'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'interface wlan0'.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'static ip_address='.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'static routers='.PHP_EOL; $config.= 'static domain_name_server='.PHP_EOL; } exec('echo "'.$config.'" > /tmp/dhcpddata', $temp); system('sudo cp /tmp/dhcpddata '.RASPI_DHCPCD_CONFIG, $return); if( $return == 0 ) { $status->addMessage('Wifi Hotspot settings saved', 'success'); } else { $status->addMessage('Unable to save wifi hotspot settings', 'danger'); } } else { $status->addMessage('Unable to save wifi hotspot settings', 'danger'); return false; } return true; }