$val) { if(is_array($val)) { $res[] = "[$key]"; foreach($val as $skey => $sval) $res[] = "$skey = ".(is_numeric($sval) ? $sval : '"'.$sval.'"'); } else $res[] = "$key = ".(is_numeric($val) ? $val : '"'.$val.'"'); } if(safefilerewrite($file, implode("\r\n", $res))) { return true; } else { return false; } } function safefilerewrite($fileName, $dataToSave) { if ($fp = fopen($fileName, 'w')) { $startTime = microtime(TRUE); do { $canWrite = flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // If lock not obtained sleep for 0 - 100 milliseconds, to avoid collision and CPU load if(!$canWrite) usleep(round(rand(0, 100)*1000)); } while ((!$canWrite)and((microtime(TRUE)-$startTime) < 5)); //file was locked so now we can store information if ($canWrite) { fwrite($fp, $dataToSave); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fp); return true; } else { return false; } } session_start(); include_once('../../includes/config.php'); include_once('../../includes/functions.php'); if(isset($_POST['interface']) && isset($_POST['csrf_token']) && CSRFValidate()) { $int = $_POST['interface']; $cfg = []; $file = $int.".ini"; $ip = $_POST[$int.'-ipaddress']; $netmask = mask2cidr($_POST[$int.'-netmask']); $dns1 = $_POST[$int.'-dnssvr']; $dns2 = $_POST[$int.'-dnssvralt']; $cfg['interface'] = $int; $cfg['routers'] = $_POST[$int.'-gateway']; $cfg['ip_address'] = $ip."/".$netmask; $cfg['domain_name_server'] = $dns1." ".$dns2; $cfg['static'] = $_POST[$int.'-static']; $cfg['failover'] = $_POST[$int.'-failover']; if(write_php_ini($cfg,RASPI_CONFIG_NETWORKING.'/'.$file)) { $jsonData = ['return'=>0,'output'=>['Successfully Updated Network Configuration']]; } else { $jsonData = ['return'=>1,'output'=>['Error saving network configuration to file']]; } } else { $jsonData = ['return'=>2,'output'=>'Unable to detect interface']; } echo json_encode($jsonData); ?>